At this time, Wang Jingang was convinced.

Xiao Chenguang could avoid risks and predict the future by holding the mirror.

He could even enter a super god state with his operation.

But now.

In addition to being a drag, he did not seem to help Xiao Chenguang to play any substantial role.

Xiao Chenguang even slowed down the operation to take care of himself.

If it were in the past, it would be a great shame for Wang Jingang.

But now, he is more relieved.

That's great.

Now there is a successor to the general surgery department.

Even in the future, the status of the general surgery department in the entire surgical system and even the entire hospital will be greatly improved.

"Director Wang, is the operation almost done now?"

Liu Tie, who was guarding the patient's bed, asked in a low voice.

As an anesthesiologist, although he could not understand the progress of the operation on the screen, he could roughly calculate the operation time by observing the state of the operator.

Unlike Wang Jingang's previous nervous state, he now looks much more relaxed.

This made Liu Tie feel that the operation was almost over.

"Yes, the operation is almost over." Wang Jingang nodded.

As the scope holder, he had been observing the screen.

Now Xiao Chenguang had basically freed the hyperplastic tissue in front of the peritoneal space, and only the patch was placed in the patient's body, and the operation could be declared over.

"It was so fast."

After hearing this, Liu Tie couldn't help but sigh.

He was not a scope holder, so he couldn't understand Wang Jingang's feeling of living a year.

In his opinion, there was only a pair of metal instruments constantly searching and freeing on the screen.

In just a moment, the hernia sac, like a hill of boulders, was easily sent back to the abdominal cavity by Xiao Chenguang.

The whole process was easy and carefree, and the patient seemed to have undergone a trivial operation.

This was far from the scene of disembowelment and bloodshed that Liu Tie had expected before the operation.

The patient was really lucky.

Liu Tie looked at Xiao Chenguang who looked calm on the stage, and thought to himself.

"Please prepare the e-PTFE patch. Brother Liu, please reduce the amount of anesthetic. The operation will be over in about five minutes."

Xiao Chenguang twisted his stiff neck, took out the separation forceps from the patient's abdominal cavity, and stretched out his right hand, waiting for the grasping forceps with the patch to be handed over.

However, his palm was empty, and the familiar sense of transmission did not appear, which made him frown slightly and turn his head to look at the nurse on the instrument table.

At this time, the nurse on the stage was confused, while the circulating nurse under the stage seemed at a loss.

Seeing Xiao Chenguang's inquiring eyes passing by, the nurse stuttered and asked: "Doctor Xiao, what is the PTFE patch you are talking about?"

Xiao Chenguang was startled and blurted out: "Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene patch, don't we have it in our hospital?"

The response he got was the nurse's helpless shake of her head.

"Xiao Xiao, our hospital now only has one kind of patch, which is made of polypropylene."

"The new type of patch you mentioned is probably only available abroad."

As the director of general surgery, Wang Jingang has performed too many such repairs, so he is very familiar with the patch materials used.

Although he didn't know why Xiao Chenguang mentioned this kind of patch, he was also amazed at Xiao Chenguang's extensive knowledge.

This is solid medical material knowledge. For a surgeon, the content of diagnosis and anesthesia is already admirable.

But the type of patch Xiao Chenguang blurted out can be said to be beyond the scope of the profession of doctor.

What else does he not know?

Wang Jingang felt more and more that he could not see through the young man in front of him.

Xiao Chenguang on the stage was a little speechless at this moment.

"If PTFE is still a new type of patch, then what is a biological patch?"

Xiao Chenguang thought that in 20 years, many hernia repairs would choose biological patches that can be fused.

Like bovine pericardial tissue and porcine decellularized matrix, they are all very good materials.

As for why he knows so much.

It is because when Dr. Xiao Chenguang just graduated, many of his peers could not stand the torture of clinical practice and switched to large-scale medical material companies with higher cost-effectiveness.

Therefore, he has some knowledge in this area.

However, what makes him feel helpless now is that PTFE materials commonly used for incisional hernias are still in the hands of foreign countries.

If you want to use it in China, you may have to pay high patent fees.

This undoubtedly increases the cost burden of hospitals and patients.

The most important thing is that foreign countries do not give you the opportunity to introduce it.

Xiao Chenguang sighed. In 1999, the field of medical materials in China was still in its infancy.

Domestic pharmaceutical companies are crossing the river by feeling the stones, and many attempts are taking detours. The foreign technology blockade and neck-choking behavior have undoubtedly made the domestic pharmaceutical industry worse.Cream.

If there is an opportunity, Xiao Chenguang is willing to contact domestic medical companies and invest the technology that can be used at this stage in the actual treatment of patients.

Or, when the time is right, Xiao Chenguang can also invest in a company to specialize in the research and development of medical materials to help him carry out new surgical procedures in the future.

Of course, these are all later.

At present, what Xiao Chenguang has to do is to repair the patient's incisional hernia first.

A white mesh-shaped plastic patch was hit on the instrument table by the circulating nurse.

This patch made of polypropylene is harder than the PTFE patch and has poor ductility.

Because it is non-degradable, it will make the patient feel like a foreign body when inserted into the body, and may even increase the inflammatory scar reaction of the local skin.

And the most critical thing is that it will affect the function of some men, resulting in reduced activity and insufficient ability of tadpoles.

Therefore, most young people will choose the biological patch or PTFE patch mentioned earlier.

But for now,

Xiao Chenguang glanced at the patient on the stage, thinking that at this age, the old man might be powerless and basically unable to fight, and that aspect seemed unnecessary.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chenguang's pressure was much less.

He clamped the patch, followed the card, and reached into the patient's body, and laid the patch flat on the defective membrane along the previously freed peritoneal space.

In fact, the principle of hernia repair is the same as patching a hole in clothes in the past.

At first, it relied on open abdominal suture technology to forcibly sew the defective membrane, but because the tension of this repair was too high, it was easy to rupture again, so far, it was rarely used.

Later, this tension-free patch repair was developed.

Just like suturing a hole in a piece of clothing with a new cloth, directly covering the hole, to achieve the effect of repair.

Soon, Xiao Chenguang had sutured the patch neatly on the patient's peritoneum with needle and thread, and fixed it twice.

"Rinse the abdominal cavity with warm saline, suction with negative pressure, and check again for any omissions."

Xiao Chenguang continued his steady style after the operation. Even if the operation was done well, he would check it again in person.

As the laparoscopic camera turned again, the instrument nurse looked at the intact peritoneum on the screen and couldn't help but sighed: "Doctor Xiao, your operation was so beautiful, as if the patient had never had an incisional hernia."

"This is a laparoscopic operation, which is a milestone in the hospital's surgical field and can be recorded in the hospital's history!" Anesthesiologist Liu Tie was also excited at this moment.

The operating room was filled with laughter and joy, as if they were celebrating the birth of a very remarkable operation.

However, unlike their joyful mood, Wang Jingang looked at Xiao Chenguang who was finishing on the stage at this moment, and his heart was mixed.

What happened tonight was like a roller coaster.

Originally thought that the department would be disbanded, and Xiao Chenguang would be excluded by other departments because he could not perform a major operation.

As a result, he is not only good at performing large incisions, but also has solid theoretical knowledge, rich experience, and amazing skills in operation.

If this is put in the novels of Jin Yong and Gu Long, it would be a martial arts master who is proficient in all kinds of martial arts.

Now he has completed the first laparoscopic exploration + hernia sac reduction + incisional hernia repair + intestinal adhesion lysis in the entire hospital and even the entire region.

This was even completed when the patient was rejected by other departments and was about to face shock.

"After this operation, I'm afraid that the names of the general surgery department and Xiao Chenguang will be listed in the regular meeting of the dean tomorrow."

Wang Jingang looked at the young and energetic handsome face, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

With this strength and this mentality, I'm afraid there is no second person in the surgical system of the entire Shengli Hospital.


In the No. 1 operating room, the hepatobiliary surgery department had been doing the radical operation of gallbladder cancer that was supposed to be completed in the afternoon for more than ten hours.

The space of dozens of square meters was now crowded with people.

They wore dark green isolation caps, scrubs, and thick white cotton masks.

Their eyes were exposed, their movements were in unison, and they were staring at the operation on the stage.

In addition to the heavy breathing, the only sound in the entire operating room was the clanging of metal instruments.

A solemn and solemn atmosphere permeated the surroundings, making people hold their breath.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came from the next room, breaking the tranquility of the operating room.

"What's going on over there? Are you going to let people perform the operation?"

The director of the hepatobiliary department, who was in the main operating position, threw the hemostatic forceps in his hand to the ground with a snap, and his hawk-like eyes were full of anger and dissatisfaction.

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