Wang Jingang's mood at this moment has changed from whether the operation can be completed to how long it will take to complete.

As for the three-hole method and five-hole method they just discussed, as the name suggests, it is the number of holes made in the patient's abdominal cavity.

Then by establishing a channel, provide conditions for laparoscopic scissors, suction devices, separation forceps and other instruments to enter the abdominal cavity for operation.

The advantage of this is that it can replace the traditional large-scale surgery of more than ten centimeters, thereby reducing trauma and reducing patient pain.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the operation requirements for the surgeon are extremely high.

Some surgeons often fail at this point.

Xiao Chenguang remembered that when he was in the operating room before, there was a chief surgeon who was not sensitive enough during the operation and lacked spatial imagination, so that the laparoscopic surgery could not be performed, and the large-scale laparotomy was switched in the middle, causing the patient to suffer twice.

Of course, this thing does not seem to be difficult for Xiao Chenguang.

Reach out.


A scalpel from the instrument nurse's hand hit the center of Xiao Chenguang's palm.

Then, he used a pen-holding method to make a 1cm small incision on each side of the patient's abdomen, and bluntly separated it to expose the peritoneum.

He was skilled and moved very quickly.

He manually lifted the abdominal wall below the umbilicus, inserted the trocar into the abdominal cavity along the incision, pulled out the trocar core, and a stream of air was ejected from the abdominal cavity.

Poke the card, fix it, and suture it with needle and thread.

"Director, the observation hole and operation hole have been established, and the mirror can be put down."

After the dazzling operation, it was calm and relaxed, as if Xiao Chenguang had done something insignificant.

Others in the operating room looked at each other, and suddenly they had an inexplicable feeling in their hearts, as if... laparoscopic surgery was not that difficult.

But, is it really not difficult?

Wang Jingang looked solemn, holding the long-handled separation forceps and scissors in his hands, and carefully reached into the patient's abdominal cavity through the poke card.

On Xiao Chenguang's side, as the laparoscopic imaging system was turned on, the lens in his hand began to glow white.

In a moment, the image was transmitted back to the screen along the signal line, and the situation in the patient's abdominal cavity was transmitted to everyone present in real time through the monitor.

Exclamations suddenly sounded in the operating room.

Looking at their astonished eyes, Xiao Chenguang shook his head helplessly.

1999 was indeed still in the era of development.

Xiao Chenguang looked at the shredded picture quality on the screen and suddenly missed the 8K ultra-high-definition video images that were common in the operating room 20 years later.

The 8K120Hz ultra-high refresh rate can stably transmit 120 frames per second and tens of millions of pixels of pictures. I am afraid that even a few tenths of a millimeter of polyps can be seen clearly.

"Director, the patient's intestinal wall adhesion is more serious, but the intestinal tube is ruddy and the blood flow is normal. There is no need to remove it. Only intestinal adhesion decomposition is needed." Xiao Chenguang reminded lightly.


Wang Jingang held the separation forceps and operated carefully in the patient's body.

"Director, pay attention to the inflammatory exudation on the mesentery. Be careful with the arteries and veins when freeing them, and don't hurt them by mistake."


"Director, when loosening the adhesions of the small intestine, pay attention to the control of force, don't tie knots, and be careful not to cut the intestinal wall with forceps when separating, causing perforation."

"Oh oh oh."

The anesthesiologist, the instrument nurse, and the circulating nurse were all dumbfounded at this moment.

Who is the operator?

As the director of the department, why did Wang Jingang obey the young doctors under his command so much?

The most important thing is that even they think this is natural, as if it should be so.

Xiao Chenguang controlled the abdominal camera and explored the patient's abdominal cavity unimpeded in the maze-like abdomen.

The images in the monitor were like movie clips, switching perspectives quickly.

Even before everyone could see what was going on, Xiao Chenguang had finished the exploration and moved to the next observation point, without looking back.

This confidence also encouraged everyone, allowing the entire operation to proceed at a very fast speed.

Wang Jingang held the separation forceps and began to operate step by step under the guidance of Xiao Chenguang.

Sometimes, he didn't even need to think about it, because the picture on the monitor had been adjusted to the best angle.

The operation was done thoroughly, which made Wang Jingang's confidence soar. He no longer looked ahead and behind, but gradually let go.

The inflammatory secretions around the free intestines were released, the adhesions of the small intestines were loosened, and the structure of the mesentery was kept intact.

Every step was very smooth, and even made Wang Jingang feel unreal.

It was like doing a tutorial for novices, and there were always official bosses to guide him.

He only needed to follow the instructions and complete the simplest separation and resection. All the risks that needed to be paid attention to and avoided had been predicted in advance, so he didn't have to worry about it at all.

At this moment, he seemed to have entered a super god state. Everything around him had nothing to do with him. There was only this operation in front of him.

HoweverThis feeling of being in the water became dull as the monitor screen shook.

"Director, the operation is over."

Xiao Chenguang's voice sounded.

"Ah? It's over?" Wang Jingang was stunned, and then he came to his senses. Looking at the intestines that had been restored to their original state, he actually felt a little disappointed.

It was as if he hadn't had enough fun and wanted to do it again.

Is it over?

Wang Jingang felt empty in his heart, as if he was still savoring the pain just now.

"Director, there is one more thing."

Xiao Chenguang's words immediately caught Wang Jingang's mind, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao Xiao, is the operation not over yet?"

When these words came out, even Wang Jingang himself was stunned.

He looked up at the intact intestines on the screen, and his mood was somewhat complicated.

The laparoscopic exploration, which he originally regarded as the difficulty of climbing to the sky, was completed in this way.

Now the patient's intestinal obstruction problem has been resolved and his life has been saved. Logically, he should be happy, but why does he feel like there is something unfinished now?

At this time, Xiao Chenguang's words rang again.

"Director, the patient's vital signs are stable now, and the problem of acute intestinal obstruction has been solved. While the anesthetic effect has not worn off yet, let's repair his incisional hernia together."

After all, the patient is already on the operating table. One operation is done, and two operations are done. Just take this opportunity to solve the patient's most fundamental problem.

In this way, the primary disease is resolved, and the probability of the patient's intestinal obstruction will be greatly reduced.

The patient will no longer need to live in fear every day in the future.

"Before, I only considered the patient's emergency and almost forgot about this matter."

With the platform with Xiao Chenguang, Wang Jingang's pattern has also opened up.

Now the operation not only solves the emergency and relieves the patient's pain, but also helps the patient get out of the haze of the disease from the root. This is his original intention of becoming a doctor.


Wang Jingang looked at the hideous scar on the patient's abdomen, feeling a little unsure.

In the current state, the repair of a huge incisional hernia is more difficult than laparoscopic exploration + intestinal adhesion lysis.

This kind of surgery, even if he was asked to do it by laparotomy, would face huge challenges.

If he was not careful, all his efforts would be wasted.

Now, using abdominal instruments instead of hands to operate, even with the assistance of a genius like Xiao Chenguang, Wang Jingang was afraid that he would be unable to do it.

Just when he looked embarrassed and hesitant, a light reminder came over.

"Director Wang, hernia repair is a second-level surgery."

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