Sun Chengwu's temples were throbbing, his blood pressure was soaring, and he was dizzy and dizzy. His high blood pressure almost broke his brain blood vessels.

How could this happen?

A young doctor dared to push a patient to perform surgery alone. Are there any rules?

"This Wang Jingang is really a jerk. He allowed the young doctors in the department to do whatever they want. What if something goes wrong?"

Looking at Gong Liang's aggrieved look, Sun Chengwu appeared calm, but in fact he was racking his brains to make up for what he had just said.

"Director, I heard from the nurse that it was Wang Jingang who agreed to the surgery, and they are going to perform an emergency laparoscopic exploration tonight."


Sun Chengwu was stunned, and his blood pressure almost didn't stabilize.

"Wang Jingang dared to perform laparoscopic surgery. Isn't he afraid that the patient will have problems again?"

Sun Chengwu frowned, and couldn't help but recall the scene after the accident in his mind.

The incident was a big deal at the time. Wang Jingang was forced to stop many surgeries under pressure, which led to the stagnation of the development of the department.

Because of this, these new departments have the opportunity to develop.

Otherwise, if this incident had not happened, the radical resection of gallbladder cancer performed by the hepatobiliary surgery department tonight would have been overcome by the general surgery department led by Wang Jingang.

Sun Chengwu was filled with emotion, but he didn't know that a familiar figure appeared quietly.

"Director, that's Wang Jin... Director Wang."

Gong Liang saw a man in a white coat in the corridor not far away.

Although he was over fifty years old and his temples were gray, he was energetic, strong, and not tall, but the sharpness in his eyes made people feel afraid and instinctively dared not look him in the face.

At this time, he was pushing a person-high instrument and walking quickly towards the operating room.

The tall and precise instrument instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"What kind of instrument is this? The display is so big, like a supercomputer. It seems very expensive."

Precision equipment was rare in 1999. Even the newly released desktop computers had large display heads.

The device pushed by Wang Jingang had dense interfaces under the screen, and countless wires.

As for the buttons and switches marked in English on the instrument, it was dazzling just to look at them, not to mention how to use them.

"Isn't this the laparoscopic imaging system locked in the equipment department?"

Some of the hospital staff present suddenly recognized the instrument and immediately showed incredible expressions.

Wasn't this equipment banned by the hospital leaders? Why did it appear here tonight?

"Laparoscope? What is that?"

Reporter Liao asked curiously.

"Nothing... nothing, just a device for developing new technologies." The staff looked embarrassed and didn't want to talk in detail.

But the more he hesitated, the more he aroused reporter Liao's curiosity.

"In other words, the patient who was just pushed in by the young doctor will also undergo a new type of surgery?"

Faced with the inquiry, the staff member looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer. After all, this was an emergency surgery, and he didn't report it in advance, and he didn't receive any notice. How could he dare to speak nonsense?

Seeing this, reporter Liao just smiled and didn't ask any more questions, but the cunning in his eyes made him instinctively look at the cameraman next to him.

The latter nodded tacitly, turned on the camera on his shoulder calmly, turned the lens, and began to focus and record.

"Director Wang, please, you must save my father."

The family members saw Wang Jingang striding over, regardless of the pain in his knees, and hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"Don't worry, we will do our best to save your father."

Wang Jingang spoke loudly, giving people a strong belief.

"Thank you, thank you!"

The family members burst into tears and cried.

At this moment, someone is willing and able to treat, so that my father can no longer endure the pain and prolong his life. What can be more convincing than this?

"Don't worry, just wait for our news here."

After that, Wang Jingang strode into the operating room.


"It's really strange, why does he feel different from before."

Sun Chengwu, who was standing in the crowd, looked suspicious. He didn't know what changed Wang Jingang, but at this moment, the latter gave him the feeling that the once vigorous surgical Jingang had returned.

"Director, the patient is about to have surgery, what should we do?"

Gong Liang didn't care about the surgical Jingang now. What he was most concerned about at this time was how to explain it clearly to the family.

After all, he recommended the patient to go to the general surgery department. According to the hospital's first diagnosis and responsibility regulations, if the patient had an accident on the same day, he would also be punished.

These guys in the general surgery department can't wait a few days before the operation. If they really can't get off the operating table tonight, wouldn't it drag me down as well?

Gong Liang was anxious,With a nervous look, just as he was considering whether to go forward and explain to the family members, Sun Chengwu's voice came to his ears.

"Gong Liang, I advise you not to explain to the family members at this time, so as not to be beaten."

"Uh..." Gong Liang paused.

"Pray with the family members, pray that this operation can be completed smoothly, otherwise, the next thing may be difficult to end."

The matter has been settled, and it will only be counterproductive to stop it. If the operation fails, even if the family members have no objection, the hospital leaders will probably be furious.

As for the consequences, Sun Chengwu sighed secretly, I am afraid that this time it will not be as simple as accountability.

"But Director, will it work?" Gong Liang was worried.

According to his clinical experience, this operation may not even have a 1% success rate.

For such an operation, he really didn't know how to pray.

"Wait and see, maybe it will work."

Sun Chengwu was not sure at this moment, but one thing was certain, this operation had connected them together.

Although they were not on the same boat, the problem was related to the doctors under him. If something went wrong, he would be held responsible for the failure of management.

After the director's reminder, Gong Liang understood the stakes.

His face was ashen, and regret and remorse surged in his heart.

He should never have provoked the general surgery department.

This time he shot himself in the foot, which was really not worth the loss.

"God bless, Amitabha, Guanyin Bodhisattva is alive, there must be no accidents during the operation, as long as the operation is successful, I can do anything."

Gong Liang put his hands together and prayed secretly.


Operating room, operating room No. 2.

When Xiao Chenguang arrived with the patient, the anesthesiologist Brother Liu and the instrument nurse were already in place.

In front of the anesthesia machine, Brother Liu was performing the self-inspection of the machine and installing the breathing tube according to the standard process.

The instrument nurse was skillfully opening the machine, packing the dressing, laying the sheets, and preparing the surgical instruments.

When Xiao Chenguang walked into the operating room, they were obviously stunned, wondering why they had never seen this person before.

The key is that they have worked in the operating room for many years and deal with surgeons every day. Now they see a stranger, so they naturally want to ask clearly.

After all, the director personally called to notify this operation, which shows how much he values ​​it.

"Who are you?"

Brother Liu stopped his work and wanted to ask him if he was an intern who helped to send the patient, after all, Xiao Chenguang looked too young.

But the professionalism that Xiao Chenguang showed next made Brother Liu shut up.

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