Xiao Chenguang walked out of the emergency room, and the medical staff outside were busy.

The emergency bed was full of seriously injured patients, who were receiving emergency hemostatic bandages.

The emergency hall was still wailing.

Some people were still in shock, huddled in the corner, shivering like they had post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Some people had dull eyes and wooden expressions, leaning against the wall motionless, as if they were trapped in a terrifying memory and had lost their souls all of a sudden.

Some people were covered in blood, covering their heads and crying bitterly.

At this moment, there was a steady stream of wounded people pouring into the emergency department.

The purgatory-like human tragedy made all the medical staff present breathless.

"If this continues, the operation of the hospital's emergency department may be paralyzed."

"We must find a way."

The scene in front of him made Xiao Chenguang frown.

So far, more than 20 wounded people have been treated, but this is just the beginning.

It is understood that there were two long-distance buses involved in the accident, which overturned after hitting the guardrail after rear-ending.

Some of them broke the glass and were thrown out of the window due to huge inertia.

Some were pierced into the guardrail of the carriage and cut in half, and died on the spot.

Most of the remaining people were in serious condition and were being sent here continuously.

This made the medical staff who were treating the injured start to panic.

Originally, they thought that after getting through this period of time and all the patients were properly settled, everything would be fine.

Unexpectedly, the scene in front of them was just the tip of the iceberg.

Faced with several times more seriously injured people than them, the medical staff knew that everyone should receive effective treatment.

However, due to insufficient manpower and limited capacity, who to save, who not to save, who to save first, and who to save later became a difficult problem before them.

It also became a shackle that tortured their hearts.

The unbearable psychological pressure almost made people collapse.

Some nurses were so busy that their eyes turned red in anxiety when faced with the patients' pleas.

Crying while working, working while crying...

Just then, Xiao Chenguang's voice rang out in the hall.

"Everyone, listen to my instructions and immediately treat the patients according to the triage process."

"Whether it is the wounded on the scene or the wounded sent later, all will be triaged according to the five-level triage standard."

Xiao Chenguang's words made everyone present look stunned.

They didn't know what the five-level classification method was, and they had never heard of it.

Seeing this, Xiao Chenguang immediately set an example and asked someone to find a ball of thread for mending buttons from the nurses' station.

Facing the colorful wool, Xiao Chenguang picked out five different colors and held them high above his head for everyone to see.

"Level 1 seriously injured patients need immediate treatment. According to the doctor's instructions, establish a dual access channel and routinely infuse 500ml of normal saline intravenously to maintain vital signs."

"Level 2 injured patients, critically ill patients, ensure that they are sent to the emergency room within five minutes, assess consciousness and pupils, and draw blood for testing."

"Level 3 injured patients, Level 4 injured patients..."

Xiao Chenguang took the lead in explaining in concise words while demonstrating among the injured and making judgments.

In a moment, the five different colors of simple wristbands, red, green, blue, yellow, and white, representing the injury level identification, distinguished the severity of the patients present one by one, and took corresponding treatment measures.

This simple and fast method immediately improved the efficiency of emergency treatment by several levels.

The effect was obvious, and everyone was stunned.

Everyone was shocked by the five-level injury classification method proposed by Xiao Chenguang.

In the face of injured patients with different conditions, it turned out that there is such an effective method.

For a moment, the decadence and anxiety in everyone's heart were swept away.

"Five-level classification method, do you understand it?"

"I understand!"

Everyone said in unison.

Xiao Chenguang nodded. The five-level classification method he just proposed was a common method in emergency first aid later.

It is mainly used for emergencies to reasonably allocate existing medical resources and optimize diagnostic processes.

To ensure the treatment of critically ill patients.

At this time, another group of people poured into the emergency department.

A closer look showed that they were all medical staff who were off duty or off work in the emergency department.

They were panting and sweating profusely. Obviously, they rushed over as soon as they received the notice.

"Good to come!"

Persistence finally paid off, and the emergency support arrived!

The good news one after another also encouraged all the medical staff present.

Xiao Chenguang saw Lin Gaoyang standing out from the crowd at a glance.

"Lin Gaoyang, take a group of people you are familiar with and set up a temporary emergency team to deal with the seriously injured with red marks to ensure their safety!"

For Lin Gaoyang who just arrived and didn't know the specific situation.

Xiao Chenguang was stunnedMake a quick decision, divide the levels by ability, and organize the core forces of the emergency department into a group to specifically connect with the most critically injured.

"Understood, I will complete the task!"

Lin Gaoyang's tall figure stood there, giving people a strong sense of security.

The team members he selected immediately nodded in response, with firm eyes.

"Gong Liang, you lead a group of people as the second emergency group, responsible for the wounded with yellow marks, help the wounded to clean and suture, prevent infection, and wait for the next treatment."

"Yes, I understand!"

Being suddenly named, Gong Liang was a little uneasy, but he quickly strengthened his confidence.

He understood that Dr. Xiao was giving him a chance to perform, and he must seize it...

Then Xiao Chenguang gave orders again.

"Group three is responsible for patient monitoring, group four is responsible for patient transfer..."

Facing the assigned responsibilities and obligations, everyone's expression was firm and there was no objection.

With the clear division of labor, the wounded who were sent one after another finally did not have to gather in the emergency hall.

Medical staff began to distribute wristbands of corresponding colors according to the five-level classification method provided by Xiao Chenguang.

The injured were divided into several groups at once, and with the help of the corresponding emergency teams, all received timely treatment.

"This method works!"

The haze that had just shrouded their hearts was instantly replaced by joy.

The rekindled hope was burning, igniting the fire of the medical staff on the scene to treat and save people.

But at this moment, a hurried shout suddenly came.

"Doctor Xiao, the beds in the emergency room are full and the patients cannot be admitted. What should I do?"

"Doctor Xiao, the debridement room is not enough, and there are still many patients waiting for debridement and suture!"

Even the observation room with the largest space was overcrowded and could not accommodate any more patients.

This car accident injury can be said to be unprecedented.

There are too many injured and too serious. With the hardware capabilities of the emergency department of Shengli Hospital, all beds are full.

"Doctor Xiao, what should we do now?"

"There are no beds. We can't let the wounded lie on the floor of the corridor to receive treatment."

Seeing the continuous influx of wounded, the nurses in charge of triage were so anxious that tears were about to fall.

They can overcome difficulties, even if they are so busy that they vomit, as long as the wounded are fine, all their efforts are worth it.

But without beds, it is like a soldier on the battlefield without a gun in his hand.

They can't even fight the war, what can they do?

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