Zhao Quanshun broke free from Chen Hu's restraints, his expression firm.

He was Wang Jingang's apprentice, and he was also the one who had followed his master the longest.

Although his skills were not good, his feelings were the deepest. At this moment, the general surgery department had not been disbanded, and other departments were eager to poach people, which made Zhao Quanshun feel very uncomfortable.

"I haven't said anything yet." Chen Hu didn't care about Zhao Quanshun's resistance, as if this matter was already a done deal.

He even pretended to be mysterious and said, "Old Zhao, our department director just performed a super operation today. Are you interested in going to see it?"

Chen Hu's behavior and demeanor made him feel like the prince of hepatobiliary surgery.

Looking at this high-spirited colleague beside him, and thinking about his own situation, Zhao Quanshun smiled bitterly.

Of course, he knew what the super operation Chen Hu was talking about was.

Radical resection of gallbladder cancer.

That was gallbladder cancer, which was called the king of cancer in this era.

Because of its high secrecy, once it is detected, it is in the middle and late stages, and it is extremely insensitive to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It is highly diffusive, and usually has to be abandoned after laparotomy due to severe adhesions. It is really frightening.

Even pancreaticoduodenectomy, which is known as the ceiling of general surgery, is only half a level higher than it.

However, after the laparoscopic incident, everyone in the general surgery department was in danger, so how could they have the courage to overcome difficulties.

On the other hand, this operation was actually conquered by the hepatobiliary surgery department, which was established not long ago.

Especially at this juncture, being able to complete a breakthrough from scratch is already very telling.

It has to be said that Zhao Quanshun was moved.

After all, this is an extremely difficult level 4 major operation. Zhao Quanshun has only talked about it in the lectures of the big guys in the external hospital, but has never seen it with his own eyes.

This is a temptation that every surgeon cannot refuse.

Perhaps seeing the hesitation in Zhao Quanshun's expression, Chen Hu hugged his shoulders again.

"Go and have a look. It's a rare opportunity. Maybe you will have a chance to be on stage in the hepatobiliary surgery department in the future. This is a lifetime honor for us surgeons."

Chen Hu had a smile on his face and dragged Zhao Quanshun away without hesitation.

"This man is a bit scary."

Xiao Chenguang, who was pushing a cart on the side, witnessed all this and was muttering in his heart.

Although Chen Hu looked familiar just now, from beginning to end, he only had Zhao Quanshun in his eyes.

He even poached people openly in front of other people.

If it wasn't intentional, it means that he didn't take Zhao Quanshun seriously at all.

Xiao Chenguang has lived two lives, so he can naturally see whether Chen Hu is sincerely inviting or has other intentions.

As expected, the moment Chen Hu turned around, his eyes showed a little more disgust.

He is both a hypocrite and a hypocrite. It's really disgusting.

If the hepatobiliary surgery department had not just been established and was seriously short of staff, he would not have taken the initiative to invite Zhao Quanshun.

What use is a useless person who has been doing surgery for so many years but still can't complete a level 4 surgery independently?

Even Chen Hu has already thought about it. When he recruits new people and teaches them well for two years, he will directly kick Zhao Quanshun to the outpatient clinic.

After all, people you bring up are always more obedient and useful than outsiders.

"Old Zhao, this way, I'll open the door for you."

After Chen Hu enthusiastically led Zhao Quanshun into the operating room, he saw the envious expression on his face, and Chen Hu's smiling expression gradually became indifferent.

Surgeons like Zhao Quanshun who can't open their minds deserve to be hooked in general surgery for the rest of their lives.

Oh, no, there is no such thing as a lifetime, after all, the general surgery department will be disbanded soon.

When Chen Hu thought of the laparoscopic surgery that the general surgery department had previously carried out, he couldn't help laughing.

What a bullshit new technology, it's just a sensationalism and eye-catching.

It's not as good as the radical resection of gallbladder cancer that he carried out here.

Not only can it really solve the problem of the disease.

It can also attract enough attention and gain reputation for the department. Most importantly, when I master this technology in the future, the position of deputy director of hepatobiliary surgery will be within my reach.

Looking at the patient on the stage, Chen Hu was eager to kick the surgeon away and do it himself.

As for the surgical complications of the patient during the practice, Chen Hu had already thought of a solution.

The preoperative conversation must be made clear, and they must sign a waiver.

After all, the disease that could only wait for death before now has the opportunity for surgery. This is to give them hope of life, so don't be ungrateful.

The family waiting area outside the operating room is now surrounded by people.

They are standing or sitting, some are nervous, and some are looking forward to it. As the door of the operating room opens, everyone looks over at the same time.

Xiao Chenguang pushed the patient and was startled by the crowd in front of him as soon as he opened the door.


Before Xiao Chenguang could reactThe crowd rushed forward, but when they saw that the patient lying on the bed was not the one they were waiting for, they retreated in disappointment.

"God bless, the operation must be successful."

"Don't worry, after all, the director who was poached from the Central Hospital must be sure to do this operation."

"Yes, the people from the TV station and the hospital publicity are following, there must be no problem."

The whispers in the crowd and the cameras placed in front of the door all indicate that they are waiting for a very important operation to be completed.

"The hepatobiliary surgery department is really going all out this time. With such a big commotion, it seems that they are determined to succeed."

Xiao Chenguang naturally knew what the operation they were waiting for was.

When he rushed to the operating room before, he happened to pass by the No. 1 operating room and saw that it was full of people in surgical gowns, so he curiously asked the circulating nurse.

Only then did he know that the operation was for gallbladder cancer. I heard that the operation was very difficult. It started early in the morning, and even the instrument nurses were replaced, and they have not left the stage yet.

But is radical resection of gallbladder cancer difficult?

It depends on the situation. If there are too many organs adhered to the tumor, it is indeed difficult.

Not only do we need to clean up the cancerous tissue and remove the lesion, but also the nearby organs such as the liver, stomach, pancreas, and duodenum need to be treated.

But even so, it should be done from morning to night.

Xiao Chenguang previously performed a radical resection of gallbladder cancer under laparoscopy. When the camera went in, the tumor inside was as big as a fist. The gallbladder was wrapped in a thick layer of connective tissue, and even the blood vessels and tissues were entangled together, like a ball of wool, which was extremely difficult to separate.

But even so, Xiao Chenguang only took more than three hours to complete the operation.

But now, after a day, the operation seems to have not even removed the cancerous tissue, not to mention the anastomosis of the incision afterwards.

The technology in 1999 is really hard to describe.

Xiao Chenguang sighed. As a person who has experienced it, he knows very well that the success and promotion of a new technology depends on the selection of patients.

It is best to have a young patient without cancer cell metastasis.

That's right, a typical case of wanting both.

But there's nothing you can do, who asked you to promote it.

After all, laymen don't understand, they only know that this new department can do radical resection of gallbladder cancer, as for what stages can be done and what can't be done, they don't know.

Anyway, practice.

Learn from failure.

But even so, this carefully selected patient still worked until the evening.

"It's okay if it takes a little longer, I hope it will be successful."

From the patient's perspective, Xiao Chenguang thought truthfully.

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