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Chapter 982: Are you from the future?

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After thinking about it carefully, it is estimated that he can only pay attention to the Internet now.

There were a few experts on the stage, all of them looked like they were in their 50s or 60s, and they were quite erect when they sat there, but Lu Feng could see that these people probably didn't even know what the Internet was.

"Next, let us give you a warm welcome with a grand applause, Mr. Chang Longji, President of the Global Internet Society."

There was applause at the scene, and many took the lead in applauding.

The chairman Chang picked up the microphone and said, "Uh... this Internet, I believe everyone here knows that it is the Internet, which was invented by the United States and is high-tech. Our country, in high-tech In the field, although it lags behind, it is necessary to catch up, and people like President Lu can support the Internet, which is enough to show that the Internet will play a pivotal role in the future development."

The following is a frantic applause. Some of these people want to use the Internet to make money, while others want to get a concept to go public. As for the person who really understands what the Internet is, I am afraid that only Mr. Zhang is alone.

Several experts at the scene spoke in succession, and what they said was very vague. In short, the Internet is awesome. As for what the Internet is, what role can it play, and what future does it have? Their spring and autumn brushwork on these three issues is that is a must.

"Wow! That's a great answer. I believe that everyone has a good understanding of the Internet now. Indeed, the future is the world of the Internet, so now is the best time to invest in the Internet, especially the industries that Mr. Lu is optimistic about. The future will certainly have unlimited prospects. ." The host looked at Lu Feng and said, "Mr. Lu, please say a few words."

Many people in the audience heard that it has investment attributes, and their eyes have begun to glow, and some of them who have a little understanding of the Internet are a little impatient.

Zhang Chaoyang frowned slightly when he saw the frenzy of the people around him. The people next to him saw his expression and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"From the analysis of the Internet just now, how do you feel?" Zhang Chaoyang asked rhetorically.

"Paradoxically, it's a bit cloudy and foggy, but what level can this kind of conference be? Just join in the fun."

"The key is that there is a person like Lu Feng. I thought he was so rich, and he must have a different understanding of the world's trends. Now it seems that he is also a straw bag." Zhang Chaoyang muttered.

"Do you really think that rich people are smart? Look at him like that. Besides, brother, you graduated with a Ph.D. from MIT. What about him? How many streets did you dump him after graduating from elementary school!"

"Forget it, stop listening, go."

"Wait a minute, let's go together."

When Lu Feng heard that they were going to pull in the investment, he understood in his heart that his feelings were taking himself as an endorsement, and holding such a fool would deceive him.

Lu Feng used to play this trick before, but he still got the trick. Lu Feng picked up the microphone and said with a rather unpleasant expression, "I'm here to participate in this meeting, it has nothing to do with investment, the domestic Internet does not have the ability to invest. The properties of the Internet are not even speculative. The domestic Internet is still in its infancy. Even the foreign Internet is mostly concepts. Now it is mainly e-mail, BBS, the so-called bulletin board, and ICQ. , chat online!"

"These things are only Internet applications, not commercial use. I don't think the Internet will be profitable in China within five years. From offline to online, it is a huge span and requires a big change. In the past few years, everyone must be vigilant. 100% of those who use the Internet to attract investment are liars!!!”

When Lu Feng said this, there was an uproar at the scene, and the organizer was dumbfounded. He was asked to come here because he hoped that Lu Feng would talk about the investment properties of the Internet, but he did not expect Lu Feng to say so.

"Boss, what should I do?" A woman in her thirties ran over and asked the fat person in charge, "Let's tell people that the Internet is low-risk and high-reward."

The fat person in charge was sweating on his forehead in a hurry, and hurriedly said, "Go and tell President Lu, and tell him not to."

The hostess came over and whispered to Lu Feng, "Mr. Lu, we hope you can say more, if the Internet can be invested, thank you!"

"Thank you for what? Why can the Internet be invested in now?" Lu Feng asked, staring at the hostess with the microphone in his hand.

Everyone at the scene was staring at the stage, and it was silent.

"Everyone is still... Hey, hey!" Lu Feng found that his microphone was pinched, and looked at the backstage, the fat person in charge came out with a smile on his face, smiled and greeted everyone, and said something A small question, he hurried to Lu Feng's side and said, "Mr. Lu, let's talk later."

"What are you talking about? How to deceive people? The thing I hate most in my life is a liar. You turn on my microphone now." Lu Feng shouted.

"Let's go down and talk!"

"I'll give you one last chance, otherwise you might be inseparable from this place in Shanghai. Although I don't know anyone here, I'll tell you that it's okay to make a phone call to you." Lu Feng said in a deep voice. road.

Many people in the audience had already stood up and looked on the stage. Zhang Chaoyang and the others were about to leave, but suddenly they felt that Lu Feng seemed to be okay, and that he still had a little level.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter with the organizer?"

The fat person in charge looked at Lu Feng, but his arm could not twist his thigh. The key was that he attracted Lu Feng, hoping to force the other party to submit. Isn't this self-indulgent?

The fat person in charge apologized again and again, so he had to turn on the microphone.

"I went on to say that as the domestic Internet is connected to the world Internet, it will be a huge market for the world. I also heard that many overseas elites have come back to do this. My view on the Internet is that there are many concepts. Anything new, the first wave is a concept, a group of people frantically rubbing against the concept, pulling in investment, and finally going bankrupt.”

"In the Internet industry in the United States, I believe that everyone has seen this happen. For the future Internet, I still hold a watching attitude in the short term. In the long run, it will definitely change the world. People, I propose several directions, first, search engine, second, public communication platform, third, online individual communication platform, fourth, online shopping.”

"Search engines are information sharing. The biggest advantage of the Internet is zero-cost dissemination. As long as your website can monopolize information resources, then you are the overlord of search engines, and the public communication platform is BBS. Re-publish information to form a closed-loop platform, and the platform for online communication alone is ICQ, and the public platform has the nature of exposure, so one-to-one communication or small circle communication is required.”

"It is estimated that online shopping cannot be formed in the short term, and requires a strong infrastructure. However, some people overseas are trying to do this on the Internet. These directions are all difficult, but as long as you do it, the richest man in the future will become the richest man in the future. There is definitely a place for you."

Everyone in the audience was numb. Most people didn't know what he was talking about, but Zhang Chaoyang knew that he said that as the head of ISI Huaxia, he wanted to put academic things on the Internet and achieve global academic sharing. The goal.

It can be said that doing a search engine later is his specialty.

The people next to him had already started to get excited, Zhang Chaoyang asked in confusion, "What are you excited about?"

"Didn't you hear, Mr. Lu said that as long as he does it well, he will definitely be the richest man in the future. I won't do anything in the next ten years, I'll do the Internet!" The man said excitedly.

Zhang Chaoyang was a little shocked when he looked at the man who was talking endlessly on the stage. Many people wanted to explain the Internet, but they couldn't explain it, but the man on the stage made it clear with ease.

Today's people don't have the slightest concept of the Internet. What does it look like, how does it work, and how does it search? How to search? Where to search?

Totally don't know what it is.

But he felt that Lu Feng on the stage seemed to have a concept in his heart, as if he had seen it before!

It is also a kang. The northerners who have seen it are completely different from the southerners who have never seen it, because the northerners have really seen the kang!

Lu Feng's description of the development of the Internet shocked him, especially the inadvertently revealed things in the search engine, which made him feel incredible.

For almost two hours, Lu Feng was talking non-stop, and sometimes when he said bald mouth, some things would indeed pop up, such as express delivery, take-out, online payment, etc., all passing by.

It is these inadvertently revealed things that make Zhang Chaoyang begin to doubt, this guy must have come back from time and space, right?

After all, the film "Terminator" is too deeply rooted in people's hearts.

After Lu Feng finished speaking, he put down the microphone, stood up and walked away. It is not suitable for him to stay for too long on this occasion. Lu Feng stood up and glanced at the stage, then looked at him.

Seeing that he was staring straight at him, he was stunned for a while, but Lu Feng didn't dare to look at him a bit, smiled at him and walked down the stage.

Zhang Chaoyang stood up and hurriedly walked out. He had to ask. When he was at MIT, he argued with many people about the topic of time travel, to discuss whether the Terminator was really possible in the future.

Backstage, Lu Feng took a rest and took a sip of water. A thin man broke in. When he saw Lu Feng, he called out, "Mr. Lu, can I talk to you?"

"Who let you in? Get out!" The security hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, and he was about to shoot him out.

When Lu Feng saw it was him, he hurriedly said, "Let people come in. I just have a few minutes. Do you have any questions?"

Zhang Chaoyang walked in, stared at Lu Feng for a few seconds, and asked, "Can you answer me truthfully?"

Lu Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "But it doesn't matter."

"Are you from the future?"

Lu Feng's heart trembled violently, as if he was hit by a hammer.

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