Back to 1990

Chapter 975: board meeting

69 net 69, the fastest update back to 1990! Zhu Lidong's original resentment was almost vented at this moment. He originally wanted to question Lu Feng, but now he feels that it is not easy for him.

"So we need to speed up research and development. As for the market, you are responsible for maintaining it. Now we have enough funds, and after the new year, I will go to open up overseas markets. Growth." Lu Feng patted Zhu Lidong's shoulder and sighed: "It's just like this in China. They are all poor ghosts. How much money can they make from poor ghosts? What's more, the salary of our company's marketing department is not low!"

Zhu Lidong nodded and said: "But everything is afraid of a comparison. When a comparison is made, some people below will feel uncomfortable."

"This requires you to mediate. Starting from next year, the personnel department and the finance department will hide the salary, and no one will be allowed to inquire about the salary situation. This year we have been very difficult, and the next two years will be even more difficult." Lu Feng Looking at Zhu Lidong with a sigh, he said, "Those who travel a hundred miles are half and ninety. The last route is often the most difficult, so I have to resist. I don't plan to develop the domestic market, including the electrical city."

"If you do, you're also making wedding dresses for others, right?" Zhu Lidong raised his head and looked at Lu Feng.

"Until the last moment, no one knows who is wearing this wedding dress. What we need to do now is to make the wedding dress at ease, don't think too much, and don't slack off."

"I see!" Zhu Lidong stood up and said, "Then you are busy first, I will have a meeting with them when the time comes."

After Zhu Lidong left, Lu Feng leaned on the desk without saying a word. It took a long time before he returned to his seat. He wanted to sort out the speeches for the board meeting, but after a pause, he picked up a stack of letters and wrote Next: Compared with the development advantages of core integrated circuit semiconductors in developed countries, the 'nuclear weapons' of the 21st century should be paid attention to.

Lu Feng’s words are more than 10,000 words. In the letter, Lu Feng expounded on the major technological advantages and irreplaceability of integrated circuits. He hoped that the state would pay attention to it and provide investment subsidies in this area, so that the state would attach importance to talent training and industry support.

After I finished writing it, I read it again, I was sure there was no problem, I made a few more copies and mailed it to Jin Tingting's father, the Science and Technology Committee (the predecessor of the Ministry of Science and Technology), the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Academy of Sciences and other important units.

In the evening, John had already gone to the restaurant for dinner. He had been here for a day, and the jet lag had also reversed. He thought that Lu Feng would have to treat the guests to dinner, but so far he has not seen a single person.

They were all arranged at the Carlton Hotel, and the arrangement was very good in all aspects. Wei Yandan had also been here a few times, but she just couldn't see Lu Feng.

"Ask Mr. Wei when Mr. Lu will meet us." John told his assistant to start eating. It's a good thing to invest 1.5 billion. After spending so much money, Lu Feng didn't come to receive it. It's a bit overwhelming. .

After receiving the call, Wei Yandan was also quite embarrassed. After talking to Lu Feng, Lu Feng still said that he didn't have time to go, so he pushed it down.

The letter has been mailed out. Lu Feng ate a casual sip of dinner and smoked a cigarette while sitting in his seat. meeting.

Lu Feng thought about it, if no one pushed his letters, he probably wouldn't receive much attention. Now he can get in touch with the highest person, Huang Youwei.

After thinking about it, give him a call.

After the phone call, Huang Youwei hadn't gotten off work, so he picked up the phone and said, "Who is it?"

"Mr. Huang, it's me. Happy Chinese New Year. Happy New Year to you in advance." Lu Feng said with a smile.

Huang Youwei was all too familiar with Lu Feng's voice, so he didn't need to report his family.

"I wrote a few letters to some units today. The current domestic integrated circuit market is really too weak, and the state does not subsidize it. It will not work like this. In the future, the competition between big powers must be based on technology. I think it must be taken seriously." Lu Feng said to the phone.

"Didn't you just raise money, why? Do you still want to set up subsidies?" Huang Youwei said angrily: "Every industry, which one doesn't want subsidies?"

"No, I'll just tell you something. At present, we produce 90% of the TV chips in China. If nothing else, the remote control, the preview of the screen displayed on the high-end TV, the size of the window, these things are very Simple? Why not a few years ago? It's because TVs at that time didn't have integrated circuits or algorithms, so whatever signals were received, they were compiled."

"We have made a lot of money from these integrated circuits alone. If we want to develop high-end manufacturing, the future core processors, storage, algorithms, these are all inseparable. If we don't have them, think about it. , how expensive is this thing." Lu Feng said to the phone: "It's like a car, what's the price of a foreign car, and what's the domestic price?"

Huang Youwei doesn't understand these things, he doesn't even understand what an integrated circuit is, but Huang Youwei knows that Lu Feng understands that industrial upgrading, and finally upgrading must be closer to developed countries.

"Then what do you mean? If you want some subsidy, I can't do it for you. You communicate with the local municipality. I remember giving you subsidies, right?" Huang Youwei suddenly remembered that he had read newspapers before and had electronic corporate subsidies.

"We have received subsidies, but I hope you can push my letter and let the people above pay attention. It's not about whether I get subsidies or not. I want the country to take it seriously. I'm not alone. Woolen cloth?"

Huang Youwei was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect such a selfless dedication.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page to go. He was moved by the fact that he was able to say it from Lu Feng's mouth.

"I didn't expect that you actually have such a side. I don't know you for nothing. As long as I can help, I will definitely help!" Huang Youwei agreed.

"Thank you, Zhen Xinghua, it's everyone's responsibility!" Lu Feng hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Two days passed in a flash, and the first board meeting of Jiafeng Electronics was officially opened. John didn't see Lu Feng until the day the meeting opened.

The headquarters building was cleaned up meticulously. The red carpet at the entrance was laid on the road, surrounded by flowers, and the hostess, doorman, and security guards were all available.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a car stopped at the door one after another, and several newspapers and media kept taking pictures. Lu Feng stood at the door in new clothes and a group of executives greeted the guests.

The car door opened, John stepped down, the reporter snapped photos, walked to Lu Feng and shook his hand, "Mr. Lu has been very busy recently, so it's time to see you."

"There are a lot of things. When I first came back, I thought about having a meal with you. Later, I thought, you gave me so much money, I shouldn't waste my time on eating." Lu Feng said with a smile.

John wanted to say something, but he could only hold back his words.

"Please come in!"

John walked in with a group of people led by Miss Manners.

"Mr. Lu, long time no see!" Zhuang Yuntian got out of the car and walked towards Lu Feng with a smile on his face, stepped forward and shook his hand, saying, "You're getting more and more handsome."

"Where is it? It's better for you to live smartly, please."

"By the way, let me tell you, the companies on Wall Street don't have any ill will towards you. Lambert recently meant that you can play as much as you can, and there is no need to be so stiff. You have seen it in the past half a year. , it's not good for anyone, just be kind and make money!"

"I see." Lu Feng didn't say anything.


Feng Zhiyao's car just stopped, and before the doorman opened the door, he opened the door and ran over, and the entourage behind him couldn't keep up.

"I've been very busy these days? I wanted to have a meal with you." Feng Zhiyao asked energetically. Although he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, the young man's frivolity was still engraved on his face.

"Yeah, I'm a little busy, you go up first, there will be a meeting later."

In 20 minutes, Lu Feng finally received the people, turned his head and walked upstairs. The meeting will officially start at 9:30.

The interior of the huge conference room was covered with carpets, and decorated flowers were placed on each table. Everyone found their seats and took their seats. Representatives of shareholders such as Wei Yandan, Zhu Lidong, and Liu Cheng sat in the back. Microphones were already arranged on the stage.

After everyone was seated, Lu Feng waved and motioned to the host to start the show quickly, because it was too late.

"Good morning, distinguished shareholders and shareholder representatives, UUkanshu is honored to preside over the first board meeting of Jiafeng Electronics Group. We are here to imagine the future with passion. In the new year, On a new journey, Schroders joins our family."

The host talked for five minutes, and finally said: "First of all, let us give a warm applause to welcome Mr. Lu Feng, founder and chairman of Jiafeng Electronics, to speak on the stage!"

There was applause at the scene, Lu Feng stood up and walked onto the stage, looking down and said, "The title of chairman seems to be inappropriate from this moment. Since we are going international, we must change. This year Schroders Investment The joining of the group is a recognition of our future, and I believe that it will not disappoint the expectations of all shareholders."

"This year, we have mainly developed overseas markets, which have strong vitality in the Thai market, the African market, including the under-developed markets such as Singapore and Malaysia, and the domestic market has basically stabilized. At present, Wipoda TV is the top eleven Monthly sales ranked second in the country, only less than 100,000 units worse than Changhong TV."

"vcd occupies 60% of the market share, and paging has also ushered in a big market explosion. At the same time, we are also unswerving in research and development. In the field of technology research and development, it is currently the first in China!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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