Back to 1990

Chapter 964: back carbine

69 net 69, the fastest update back to 1990! Jiang Quan had no vision anymore, and felt something was wrong at the moment, he was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "This car is mainly used for business reception, our branch has just opened, and we still have to deal with it, to save face. Well."

Lu Feng nodded slightly, leaned on the seat and closed his eyes and didn't say anything more. Jiang Quan glanced quietly, his heart was pounding, he didn't know what kind of character this boss was or what he liked. No good fruit to eat.

What's more, this time he came alone. This situation is almost impossible in other companies. The bosses of any company come down to inspect not all of them. The companies below all start preparations a month in advance. .

Last night, the entire new factory was cleaned overnight, and it was busy until two o'clock in the middle of the night. Jiang Quan could only do his best.

The car drove into the factory area and stopped directly at the entrance of the cafeteria. Jiang Quan said in a low voice, "Mr. Lu, here we are."

Lu Feng opened his eyes. Someone had already opened the car door next to him. He got out of the car and looked around. The entire factory area was brand new, and the air was cold, attacking the exposed skin.

"Mr. Lu, the canteen is ready." Jiang Quan said to Lu Feng, "Let's eat first."

There were twenty people standing next to the car. They were the top management of the entire Tianjin branch. Seeing that Lu Feng did not dare to speak, standing in the cold wind was indeed unbearable.

"Where is the factory area?" Lu Feng turned around and asked.

"This is the living area. Our first phase of the project is mainly the living area and part of the factory area. The staff building over there is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. There are six canteens in total, one large and one small, and an employee entertainment area has also been built. , that building is the core of Jiafeng Hua, and there are dance halls, table tennis, singing areas, etc., production areas, warehouses, etc. are there, and the second phase of the project is mainly the factory area.”

"Okay, let's go take a look." Lu Feng said and walked towards the factory.

The boss wants to see it, and the others can only accompany them. These people haven't eaten yet. They walked forward with Lu Feng, and when they arrived in the area, they would be introduced by the person in charge.

Whether it is from the assembly line or the staff accommodation, Lu Feng has gone through it all. Overall, it is still very good. Lu Feng also knows that even if there is a problem, he will not expose it to himself. Some things need to be done by himself. Excavate alone.

If you can hide it, you will never let the above know.

In the blink of an eye, it was already after five o'clock in the afternoon. Lu Feng looked at everyone's hungry faces and said, "Then let's eat first."

The cook in the cafeteria scolded the street for an afternoon, and finally it was time to serve food. The cups were exchanged at the dinner table. The atmosphere was very harmonious. Jiang Quan was quite articulate at the dinner table. good.

After drinking and inspecting the dishes and five flavors, Jiang Quan's face turned red when he drank it, and he said to the crowd, "Everyone, stop for a while, and let President Lu say a few words to everyone, and applaud!"

There was applause at the scene, Lu Feng cleared his throat and said: "The new factory has a new mission, Jiafeng Electronics has traveled a long way, but it has enough twists and turns. As the senior management of the branch, you should have new responsibilities. After that, the new factory will be put into use, I hope the new factory can become the pillar of production, and I wish everyone success in advance.”

As soon as the words fell, there was applause from the scene.

This meal was eaten until after nine o'clock in the evening, and many people were drinking with red faces and red ears. Lu Feng said to Jiang Quan: "The group headquarters is going to hold a board meeting soon. As for me, I will come down temporarily to have a look. The time is relatively tight, and it will be almost tomorrow. gone back."

"This year has really changed dramatically this year. If you stay for one more day, I will give you a good introduction to our side." Jiang Quan advised.

"No, no, I've already booked a ticket for tomorrow." Lu Feng said towards Jiang Quan, "I've had a good time drinking today, and I mainly rely on you here."

"Should be!"

"As long as you do a good job, Jiafeng Electronics will not treat any brother badly. I believe everyone can feel it from all aspects." Lu Feng said to Jiang Quan: "It's not too early, everyone eat and drink first, I will Go back to rest first."

"I'll see you off!" Jiang Quan and several senior officials put Lu Feng into the car and watched the car go away.

The smiles on the faces of the people around Jiang Quan quickly disappeared, and a bloated young man asked, "Mr. Jiang, what do you mean by this? I just heard from him that he will be leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll be leaving tomorrow. I guess I'll come to see it temporarily. I heard that the board of directors is going to hold a meeting, and he has to give them an explanation." Jiang Quan looked a lot more relaxed and said, "This kind of boss ran down to see it alone. , what can you see?"

"Hahahaha!" The person next to him couldn't help laughing.

"It's still too young. As long as you are a leader for more than two years, you will have some experience in inspections, but that's fine, let's relax!"

"Mr. Jiang, are the New Year's bonuses still distributed?" asked the vice president next to him.

"Definitely, don't let too many people know about this. After the new year, it is said that the second phase of the project will start, and the headquarters will ask for a budget, and then half of the wages of the migrant workers will be filled." Jiang Quan moved towards his side. The vice president instructed: "Do you know?"

"Don't worry!"

Lu Feng was sent back to the hotel, went back to the room to take a bath, and lay in the bathtub. Lu Feng knew in his heart that if he just came to have a look, he wouldn't be able to see anything. He didn't know whether Li Zhiqi had beaten his wife or not. , one thing is for sure, that this person does make money.

The current construction site situation, compared with many years

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page ^0^ It will be messy in the future. After many years, at least the country has begun to pay attention to this aspect. Now it is completely dark under the lights.

"Kill the carbine and take a look again!" Lu Feng muttered, lying in the bathtub with his eyes closed.

The next morning, Jiang Quan and others saw Lu Feng off. The words were especially sincere. They must work hard. The Tianjin factory should set an example for the Suzhou factory and the Dongguan factory and become the core initiative of the group.

After everyone took a group photo together, Lu Feng got into the car politely and went straight to the arena.

As the car went away, President Jiang and his group completely relaxed. The mountain was high and the emperor was far away, not to mention that after the board meeting, Lu Feng was not alone in the business. With so many subordinate companies and overseas companies, he was busy running around. Who cares about what's going on here.

Not far from the factory, the construction site of the second phase project has been stopped. The site is extremely messy. Only a few rows of dark blue simple rooms are left. The simple rooms exude a stench, and there are rows of shelves. The bed and the quilt were extremely dark, and eighteen men were crammed into this room, which was less than fifteen square meters.

"Hao Liu, tell me what's going on with the introduction? It's been more than half a month, and I still haven't paid my salary. I didn't say that when I came here. I just said that I will settle with him every month. For nothing!" a man with a Tianjin accent complained.

"Okay, don't say a few words, didn't Hao Liu say it? I'll send it today. Besides, can such a big company owe you that little money?" A lean man with messy hair sat down and said. : "Foreman, if you don't want to ask, those leaders are hard to wait, buy a pack of cigarettes for others, and talk about it."

Everyone was talking loudly, and people from several other rooms also came out. There were dozens of people outside, and they had been waiting for half a month.

Not only these people, more than half of the workers for the entire construction period did not settle their wages, and the remaining half settled half and were sent away first.

The total amount owed is tens of millions, and the number of people is as high as 2,000. Just because they have no money to go home, there are 200 workers who live on the construction site and live on noodles.

All the foremen were staring at the time. It was already 10:30 in the morning. The boss promised them earlier that the boss above would come to inspect. As long as they didn't make trouble, the boss would settle the salary and go home for the Chinese New Year.

"Go, go to the finance department to collect your salary!" Hao Liu stood up and walked outside.

Lu Feng arrived and sat in the VIP room, looking at the tickets.

"Sir, your flight is about to take off, please board." The stewardess said with a smile standing next to her.

Lu Feng glanced at the ticket inside, shredded it, and threw it aside, saying, "I won't leave."

After leaving the scene, Lu Feng stopped a taxi and headed straight to the hotel in the city. From the Mercedes-Benz, Lu Feng's intuition told him that the people in the Tianjin factory were not that simple.

The whole world knows about the company's financing of 1.5 billion US dollars. Some people in the group began to think that the company was rich, and they would not care about some small money, and their feet began to grow.

Especially since October of this year, various reimbursement expenses have increased significantly. All these money Lufeng are waiting to spend on research and development, let these people eat and drink, and then don't do anything else.

"Sir, may I ask you." The receptionist at the hotel saw Lu Feng stunned for a moment and asked, "Have you left something?"

"No, it's still that room, help me open it!"

After opening the Lu Feng put his things down and went straight to the factory. He had only walked for a few hours when the welcome banner at the door had been removed.

The security guard sat lazily at the guard, drinking tea. Compared to when Lu Feng came, standing upright was a world of difference.

The weather was a bit cold, so Lu Feng put on his hat and wandered around with his two pockets in his pockets. The factory area is really big, and it would take an hour or two to go around. Walking west from the gate, Lu Feng saw a lot of people. When they got up, hundreds of people gathered, swearing in accents from all over the world, as if they were fighting a group.

"What's the matter?" Lu Feng stepped forward and asked.

"Grass mud horse! Send money!"

"Why don't you give us money? All the work is done, no money, so many excuses!"

"Let you lead the way, where can there be such a thing, we starve to death and count the ball?"

"If we don't pay wages today, we won't leave. I tell you, we will die at the gate of your Jiafeng Electronics!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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