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Chapter 911: Overwhelming

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If the budget of 30 million U.S. dollars were placed in a country as large as China, it would naturally not cover the entire population, but placed in a place as small as Thailand, it would be enough to achieve a bombing effect.

In the evening, several important TV stations in Thailand broadcasted an interview with Thong Pala. A man who was dedicated to the people and wanted to build a national brand could no longer help crying aggrieved on TV.

Countless people in front of the TV were infected by this emotion, and felt that it was not easy for a while. During the interview, Tumpala also told reporters that because he was a research and development background, now the company is just starting, and he really understands technology. , But in terms of marketing, I don’t understand at all.

It's such an unpretentious and honest person, who doesn't want money or names, just wants to do something, why is it so difficult?

After reading the interviews, the heads of the branch companies such as Zhatai and Weila, the first thing that came to mind was that he still didn't understand marketing?

Lu Feng is about to play identity marketing and emotional marketing to the extreme, he still doesn't understand?

"It doesn't matter. Even if he has a thousand tactics, he can only meet destruction from tomorrow." Zhatai turned off the TV casually, and the night has come, what to do at home, go out and have some fun.

After Lu Feng had dinner, he held a conference call with Wei Yandan and Zhu Lidong. At present, the domestic market is stable. This year's planned plan should be completed. The rest will depend on the overseas market.

At the same time, Lu Feng also learned about the ideas of Toshiba and Motorola this time. They will never let up unless Jiafeng is driven back to China.

Lu Feng was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette, the phone was on and the speakerphone was on. The atmosphere was a bit solemn, and he felt pressure on the other side of the phone. He was terrified when facing a giant, not to mention two tigers coming. Back in shock.

"Mr. Lu, if the other party wants to smash with us, we have no chance of winning, and we really can't. Let's go back and make plans next year." Wei Yandan suggested.

There must be pressure on both sides of the phone, Lu Feng must be under pressure at the moment. So many senior executives mean that, and he also knows that many shareholders mean the same.

"I don't believe that they will kill us, but someone in the U.S. told us that these two dogs are not tigers, but two dogs. These two dogs are still dogs with ghosts. We are different. We have no retreat. They have money. More, but less gas, because in this commercial battle in Thailand, they didn't think about why they stood. We are different. We have less money, but we are more angry!"

Lu Feng said solemnly: "They are not 30 million U.S. dollars, okay, within three days, they will be transferred to Guangming Electronics to pay 30 million yuan. Since the international business community does not recognize us and feels that we are untenable, then Do it, just have a solid one here!"

Wei Yandan and the crowd on the other end of the phone had already heard that it was difficult to change what Lu Feng had decided, and they could only agree to it.

"Let's hurry up and send money!"

"That's it. At the same time, keep an eye on the progress of the Tianjin plant. The Electric City will also come up with a plan at the end of the year." Lu Feng ordered the phone to hang up.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and Lu Feng twisted the cigarette **** out in the ashtray and said to Kevin, "Let’s rest first, remember to get in touch with some media tomorrow, and increase marketing at the same time. His identity does not allow anyone to question, and anyone’s slander is a resistance of capital."

"Grab this and you will be invincible."

After Lu Feng gave his instructions, Kevin nodded and yawned. He was too old and couldn't stand it anymore.

The next day, at 8 o’clock in the morning, as various morning papers began to be placed on the newsstands, and the morning news broadcasts began, news about Thong Pala was overwhelming. There were not a few local TV stations in total. Change to another station to broadcast related news. News, another one.

Whether it’s local, national, or paid commercial TV, all are talking about Tongpara, all talking about Lu Feng!

The news of waking up in the morning is not over. Toshiba and Motorola have announced extended promotions, especially for TV sets. As long as you buy a pager or a mobile phone, you can buy a TV set on the same day for a 30% discount.

At 8:30, the deputy general managers of the two companies publicly reported the false propaganda of Guangming Electronics Co., Ltd., manufacturing and selling fake and inferior products.

After wave after wave of things, everyone in the Thai business community that bombed was confused. It was almost full of firepower. They would plow the ground directly with artillery shells and have to take them away in one wave.

When Sompa woke up, she was shocked when she saw the news that came to her face early in the morning. Sitting at the dining table, Sompa said with a solemn expression: "Lu Feng is afraid that it will be over. Will you continue to cooperate with him? What's bad for me?"

Sasha was wearing a **** outfit with a ribbon, leaning against Sompa, and whispered: "Why did he offend these two companies? So against him!"

"This person jumped up and down. Something happened. If it doesn't work, I will find a way to contact Sirami and leave him alone!" Songpa said solemnly.

"Regardless of him, let's eat first!"

After Lu Feng woke up, he was also taken aback by the overwhelming news. Kevin was already a little confused and said, "Mr. Lu, now the media have been bought out by them, and many media do not accept our purchase of manuscripts, and the locals Some of the departments have started to act."

"We are legally compliant, let them investigate!" Lu Feng stood up and said, "How is the response from the outside world?"

“Toshiba and Motorola’s two stores have lined up in long queues. Today is the day when our third batch of stores will open. The impact is estimated to be great.” Kevin worries: “We can’t control the media, so we lose the promotional window. This is a headache."

"Simple, engage in offline promotion!" Lu Feng promptly said: "Today we contacted the local municipal government, we rented all the telephone poles, trees, and billboards in the city, and printed the photos of Thongpara, just one sentence. Capital cannibalize people and help me is to help Thailand’s future."

"It will take some time."

"Don’t be afraid, tell all the stores today, put a TV set in front of the store, record Tongpara’s interview yesterday into a CD, play it repeatedly, make uniform short sleeves for the clerk, write on the front and back, Guangming Electronics, The light of tomorrow in Thailand, it says, international capital never sleeps." Lu Feng issued a series of orders.


His current state, from Kevin's point of view, is an order, no doubts are allowed.

"Find me a tricycle, make a banner, stick it on the body, install a horn on the car, and then publicize how they are embarrassing Guangming Electronics. I want to read the copywriting. I will write about international companies and suppress patriotic companies. I'm playing a public opinion war? I'm playing you to death!" Lu Feng turned his head and stared at Kevin and said solemnly, "Since you are going to deal with him, you can deal with him to death!!"

After listening to this series of instructions, Kevin's mind is a bit overwhelmed. If he loses the mass media, Kevin really can't think of so many propaganda methods for a while.

This person's brain is definitely not an ordinary person's brain!

Kevin hurried to do these things, whether it's billboards, promotional CDs, or hiring a car, it takes time.

After Kevin left, Lu Feng went to Sirami’s room. The local municipal government’s investigation and prosecution still had to be ensured through some relationships. Otherwise, it was okay and someone could find out something for you. Lu Feng knew this well.

"Who?" Silami opened the door and saw Lu Feng standing at the door with an interpreter, his hands clasped together: "Savadika."

"Savadika, can we go in and have a chat? If it's inconvenient, you can change the place!" Lu Feng said towards her.

"come in!"

Entering the room, Lu Feng also said straightforwardly: "I have encountered some difficulties now, and I need you to make a call for me!"

"As long as I can help you, I have nothing to say, but I'm afraid I won't be able to help you." Sirami said with some worry.

"It's okay, you can just call Maha." Lu Feng turned to the translator beside him and said, "Call Maha and say Sirami misses him."

This phone number is Maha’s private number. If Lu Feng is asking him for something, the other party will never answer the call. After the call is connected, Maha on the other end looks a little excited.

" Do you miss me? Where do you think?"

Lu Feng lowered his voice and taught her: "Guess!"

"you guess!"

"Hahahaha! I know, don't worry, at most a week, I will take care of the things around me, and then I will go to you, how about the businessman taking care of you?" Maha asked.

"He's very busy. I'm staying in a hotel now, and everything is fine, just miss you." Sirami's voice was somewhat gentle.

My heart on the other end of the phone was already itching, and I started to say something that made people blushing. After all, Sirami was a little girl, blushing to the root of her ears, but fortunately, Lu Feng was there and saw you and me with Maha.

The translator sat aside and admired him a little, Mr. Lu is really good at everything!

"Say things!" Lu Feng reminded him with his lips.

"By the way, he seems to be very angry these two days, saying that he can't stay here anymore. If he leaves, he wants to take me away." Silami complained a little bit.

"Take you away? Why do you want to take you away?" Maha was provoked, and now he said to take away? What a joke!

"His company is besieged by many companies here. Someone wants to frame him and report some local departments, saying that he is going to seize his company. Those people are so powerful that he can't afford it." Sirami sighed. : "Business is not easy to do."

"That's it? Don't worry, tell him, don't say that his company is okay, there is a problem, who dares to investigate? If he dares to take you away, I will never end with him, a small businessman, dare Turned the sky?" Maha's voice was full of upset.

"You are so kind to me, I'll tell him in a moment, let him stay calm, there is nothing to do with you." Sirami smiled.

After a lot of boredom, he hung up the phone, and Lu Feng looked at Sirami and smiled and said, "Did you see it? It's not that difficult to say something like this."

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