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Chapter 1187: ?Go to Xiangjiang again

The office seemed a bit dull, Lu Feng and Zhu Lidong smoked in silence, after a long time Lu Feng said: "Go and get in touch, don't make this matter public, so as not to cause some unnecessary troubles trouble."

"Okay!" Zhu Lidong nodded in agreement.

Schroeder Group, in John's office, several high-level executives sat across from the office, and one of them, a white man in his fifties, said: "We just got the news that Wall Street may be going to attack Thailand."

"Do it?" John was startled, and hurriedly asked: "What level? The next Vietnam?"

"No, it's about finance. This matter has something to do with Lu Feng." The other party simply said it again, and John was secretly relieved.

The current world situation is too tense, like a pile of dry weeds, if there is a little spark, war will break out, especially in the Asian region.

It's just a financial confrontation, they can still accept it.

"This Lu Feng has caused too many things, and now he is making threats again. I never imagined that such a fragile guy could do so many things." John said about Lu Feng's plan to sell his equity over again.

At the beginning, John thought that it was more than a matter of grasping the Jiafeng Group. However, today, Lu Feng's tenacity has far exceeded their expectations.

"Do you think he dares to sell it? Or, is he willing to sell it?" John looked at several people.

This is nothing more than a gamble, whether Lu Feng dares to sell it to a state-owned enterprise, the money he can get will be very small, if he negotiates with them, he can still get a lot of money and leave decently.

"If you want me to see it, why not give it a try."

In China, the executives of Changhong Group were also surprised when they received Zhu Lidong's call. At first they thought it was a harassing call from some boring person. It wasn't until Zhu Lidong flew to Sichuan to tell the story that it was true.

In the meeting room of Changhong headquarters, seven or eight executives were sitting on the sofa. Mr. Ni looked at Zhu Lidong, smoking a cigarette, and asked cautiously, "Isn't Jiafeng developing well? What happened?"

"Nothing happened. The current market is stable. There will be new breakthroughs in the semiconductor field this year. It is expected that the headquarters building will be opened in September." Zhu Lidong replied.

"Is that a problem with the billions of dollars in overseas financing?" Another person asked.

"No, and the contract has been completed long ago, otherwise Jiafeng would not have developed so fast." Zhu Lidong could feel their doubts, and said: "There is nothing wrong with the company, and the sale is also Mr. Lu's personal equity, mainly because Something inside."

The man at the end said subconsciously: "I've heard that they fight very fiercely."

Several people looked at the man one after another, and the other party immediately understood that he had told the truth, and coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment. Jiafeng's 10% equity is worth a lot. If you want to invest in Jiafeng, then in the home appliance industry, it will definitely exist sideways.

Mr. Ni smoked a cigarette in silence. After thinking for a while, he almost understood that it is impossible to lose the pie in the world. Why did he find Changhong instead of other companies? There is only one possibility. .

"In any case, the two companies are old friends. If a friend has something to do, he must help." Mr. Ni threw the cigarette **** in the ashtray, and said to Zhu Lidong: "Well, we can sign a copy." There is a contract, but this contract is not enforceable, and we will pay us two million a month, so we can cooperate with each other if there is really something to do."

Zhu Lidong was happy when he heard this, and he still had a good time chatting with the smart man. The two companies are at the same level. Zhu Lidong really couldn't say anything about wanting to borrow the identity of other military companies.

Now everyone understands what it means, the only fly in the ointment is that two million is too much.

"You understand, but two million a month is too expensive, right?" Zhu Lidong smiled awkwardly; "Because the equity is Mr. Lu's personal equity, this money cannot be paid by the company. For Mr. Lu, it's too high."

Sign a contract with each other, two hundred a month?

Everyone present felt that it was expensive, and it was outrageously expensive. Let alone a month, even a year would be more than a hundred thousand on average, and no one could afford it.

Someone next to him thought the deal was good and wanted to persuade him, but Mr. Ni hurriedly waved his hand to stop him, and said, "Mr. Urgent, less and less urgent, that can’t be bought by tons of gold.”

Now that the matter was over, Zhu Lidong knew in his heart that he had already fallen into a passive position when he rushed to the door to look for him, and it was not a loss to suffer this knife.

The two sides changed the subject, drank tea for a long time, and had lunch together, but they still refused to let go, so Zhu Lidong had no choice but to agree. In the past few days, the lawyers of both parties will contact each other to draw up an agreement as soon as possible.

In mid-July 1996, Tiger Fund and Quantum Fund signed a loan agreement with the Federal Reserve. Based on the two funds’ capital of hundreds of billions of dollars, they leveraged hundreds of billions of dollars, and then began to sign loans around the world. Thai baht, borrowed dollars as collateral.

In late July, in the scorching summer, a piece of news spread like wildfire that Lu Feng, the founder of Jiafeng Group, signed an agreement with Changhong Group. The two parties intend to sell 10% of Jiafeng's equity at a price of one yuan.

Domestic business circles were shocked when they heard the news. They didn’t know what happened. In private, some people rumored that Jiafeng’s business was too big, and there were foreign capital behind it, so the state put pressure on Jiafeng to be nationalized.

All kinds of rumors in the business world also spread to the top management. Lu Feng answered several phone calls, hoping that he would stand up and explain that the current domestic economic situation is relatively fragile, so as not to cause capital panic, so as to avoid problems such as foreign capital fleeing.

Lu Feng took out pages in several newspapers and explained in a few simple words: extraordinary times require extraordinary perseverance to achieve extraordinary people, if not successful, he would rather be with his "family" than foreign bandits!

In just ten days or so, various phone calls continued, whether it was a former opponent or a friend, they all wanted to ask what happened.

Lu Feng didn't say anything, he just told everyone to overcome the difficulties together and lay off as few employees as possible in the next few years.

This year's China's economy is really difficult. Everyone seems to have a dark cloud above their heads. Everyone feels very depressed. Domestic production has reached its peak, foreign trade can't go out, and various voices from overseas are clamoring. The words of collapse are even worse. endlessly.

The development of Jiafeng has also encountered a bottleneck. The domestic consumption power has peaked, and the overseas market cannot be opened. Some people in the management still have illusions about the annual target of 2 billion. Lu Feng knows that this is the best year in the next few years. , It wasn't until the person who came up and began to issue national debt in a big way, and started the development of the western region, that a new economic cycle started.

Overseas newspapers reposted the matter of Lu Feng's transfer of equity, so the evaluation would naturally not be very pleasant. Lu Feng didn't take it seriously after reading it. He doesn't wait for anything now, but waits for John to bet.

In a blink of an eye, it was August 1st, Feng Zhiyao couldn't wait any longer, so he called Lu Feng. During this time, Feng Zhicheng was slandering him in all major media, almost saying that he was a villain who killed his father and made money. He was a little helpless. endured.

"Then don't wait. Since they don't respond, I will go there myself. Tomorrow I will announce in the media that I am going to Xiangjiang, and I will go there the day after tomorrow." Lu Feng said solemnly.

The two discussed for a while and hung up the phone. Jiang Xiaoyan sighed and said, "Do you really want to go now? You have already reached your position today. You should be clear about one thing, and that is to know how to advance and retreat."

"I can hide, but Jiafeng can't hide. After so many years of hard work, I am not reconciled to being taken away. The most important thing is that there is only one private semiconductor company in China." Lu Feng lit a cigarette and sighed He took a breath and said, "You can't be bullied like this!"

Seeing that he refused to give in, Jiang Xiaoyan said, "As the old saying goes, those who know the current affairs are the best......"

"What is current affairs? Are strong ships and sharp guns current affairs or are they called current affairs by robbers?" Lu Feng was suddenly emotional, stood up and said, "I have worked hard for so many years, and the communication chip has finally caught up. Now they give you a sum of money. Send me away?"

"What are you yelling about?" Seeing that he was agitated, Jiang Xiaoyan didn't want to say anything more, stood up and walked upstairs, went up the stairs and turned around and said: "What do you do if you let people be detained in a small dark room to die? Life is important !"

It's not impossible for Lu Feng to sit there and not speak.

Early the next morning, Lu Feng contacted the newspaper and bought a few headlines to announce that he was going to Xiangjiang on August 3rd, mainly to visit the investor Mr. Feng.

It was also on this day, UU Reading www. Lu Feng's private jet brought over a dozen people from Thailand that day, as security for his trip tomorrow.

Lu Feng is coming, and he is coming with great fanfare.

This was a naked provocation to the UK. On the same day, the British media published a report classifying Lu Feng as a criminal. As long as he entered Xiangjiang, he would be arrested immediately.

On the morning of August 3rd, an official article was published about Lu Feng. The wording was not strong, but it stated that as a citizen of Huaxia, if Lu Feng was arrested in Xiangjiang, he should produce strong enough evidence. Rather than something out of nothing.

This can be regarded as an official vaccination for Lu Feng's appearance this time.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Feng and his party of 20 people boarded the cruise ship and headed for Xiangjiang. During half an hour on board, Lu Feng called John, and the content was very simple.

"I don't know what will happen at the end of the year, but if something happens to me this time, then I assure you, there will be nothing at the end of the year." Lu Feng said solemnly into the phone.

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