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Chapter 1081: drop fire

Mayor Zhou's tossed head not only hurts his skin but also his brain in the past two days. Now Lu Feng yelled in front of him, and he suddenly became angry.

It is not easy to attract these foreign capital. The entire municipal administration has been busy for more than ten years. If there is an economic problem in his own hands, he cannot bear the crime.

"Do you think your Jiafeng Group is very powerful? You can't change without this city? This city is supported by thousands of enterprises and needs to have a reputation overseas. If those enterprises appear distrustful , tell me, what should I do?" Mayor Zhou slapped the table and scolded, "It is an irreversible loss to shoot you!"

"Shoot me? Come on, come on, I'm all for this, what's the point of a shot?" Lu Feng also stepped up, shouting at a few people, "Why don't you think about it, why are those foreign investors? Dare to move away, do you plan to let the people here do assembly line work for the rest of your life? Let me tell you, I understand your difficulties, but I am also doing things. Everything I do today is for the sake of those foreign investors tomorrow. If he dares to leave, we dare to let him go!"

"You are plagiarizing when you open your mouth. Do you understand technology? Did you know what Jiafeng does? How did those technologies come from? They were all dug from their companies at a high cost. I spent European money to chase after Fusang. If you smuggled and robbed me outside, you are now putting such a hat on me. Those spiritual foreigners and Fusang people outside, I don’t care. If you say that, I will not agree to 10,000 mothers, and I will go to the capital to sue you! !"

The scene was uncontrollable. The large cafeteria outside the private room had become silent. Everyone was suffocating to eat. Those who could eat in this cafeteria were all cadres at or above the department level. They had never heard of this scene today.

"Why doesn't it sound like Mayor Zhou's voice?"

Others look at me, I look at you, but don't speak. This voice is obviously Lu Feng's, and there is only such a person in the whole country who is yelling here.

The atmosphere in the private room had dropped to the freezing point, and the scene was a little unbearable. Lu Feng made Mayor Zhou very difficult to come to the stage. He was worried about economic problems. Now that the hollowing out of Asian industries has shown signs, a new round of economic crisis is coming to the naked eye. Now, how can he not worry about Shenzhen being hit.

Seeing this, Deputy Mayor Liu hurriedly stood up to smooth things out and said to Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, you don't need to get excited, it's inappropriate to yell, Mayor Zhou is also considering the overall situation, there are so many things in these two days, It is not easy for foreign investment to come in. There are thousands of families behind each enterprise. Letting foreign investment go is a light-hearted thing. If it really leaves, there will be a lot of unemployment.

"Unemployment tide, it's time to come, it can't be stopped." Lu Feng muttered, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit one.

No one else dared to speak at the scene. Mayor Zhou sat there with a grim face, and Deputy Mayor Liu persuaded: "You sit down, you can't just consider your own position in doing things, and Mayor Zhou won't bother with you. , The question now is what to do with the European extradition request, we are just waiting for the news, Jiafeng's investigation will continue."

Lu Feng sat down and had no intention of eating at all. Opposite Mayor Zhou, who still had gauze on his head, he was even more depressed and almost let go. Son.

"Let's eat, you should stay here until the news arrives." Mayor Zhou sighed slowly, and continued: "I think you apologize in the media and reduce fire to those foreign investors."

Hearing this, Lu Feng was instantly angry. He looked at Mayor Zhou just as he was about to speak, and Vice Mayor Liu was frowning like a mangy dog. He waved his hands and motioned him to stop talking.

Lu Feng opened his mouth and finally only took a puff.

"Let's eat, all departments will handle their own affairs, appease foreign capital, and pay more attention to some media." Mayor Zhou picked up his chopsticks and said, "It's a matter of time before there is a financial problem in Asia. At the meeting, when analyzing the industries of various countries and the anchoring of exchange rates, he said that the next key work will be on optimizing the industrial structure and upgrading high-end manufacturing, expanding employment positions, and attracting foreign-funded enterprises, and we will discuss at that time."

"By the way, let the Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce hold a meeting, and let Lu Feng be interviewed at the meeting. Let's talk about it through this outlet."

Mayor Zhou is still afraid that Jiafeng will suffer too many attacks. Lu Feng is not important, Jiafeng is very important. Financial problems in Asian countries are particularly prominent. Several rounds of international financial risk warnings have been issued, and domestic state-owned enterprises are also a big problem. Heap, Shenzhen is particularly important at this time.

Some abscesses need to be punctured sooner or later. How can the industry go smoothly without going through some labor pains?

This lunch was very dull. Not only Lu Feng, but the entire Jiafeng Group could not eat well. The attacks from the outside world became more and more turbulent. At this moment, Jiafeng seemed to have become a disgrace to the country.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the face of such a huge attack, Wei Yandan discussed with Zhu Lidong and Liu Cheng over the phone, and decided to release the rumor in the name of the company.

At the same time, the Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce announced a meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to strengthen corporate exchanges and promote business prosperity. The meeting was an expansion meeting, and only Lu Feng was expanded.

As soon as the news came out, countless reporters rushed towards the hotel where the meeting was held.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Feng took the car to the downstairs of the hotel, followed by a few staff in suits. Before he could get to the door, a large group of reporters gathered around, the microphones were stacked, and various questions hit like raindrops. There were even insults in the middle.

"Whether the core semiconductor technology of Jiafeng Group infringes the patent rights of other companies, please respond!"

"What do you think of the reprimands from Motorola, Sony and other companies?"

"You **** disgraced the face of the people of the country, grass!"

"Trash, liar, you are a liar!"

Lu Feng stood there and looked at the expressionless faces in front of him. After a while, he said, "First of all, I am not currently in the management position of Jiafeng Group. As the founder, I would like to say here that Jiafeng Group has a lot of technology patents. There is no infringement of the patent rights of other companies, and it does not mean that when the masters outside make a noise, the dogs in China will take it seriously."

"So how did Jiafeng achieve technological breakthroughs in such a short period of time, after more than ten years of foreign technology accumulation." The reporter asked again.

"Simple, let's spend money, how much did we invest? It's almost two billion US dollars. We are building R&D centers with Nokia overseas. In Sweden, Fuso, and many European countries, we are cooperating with R&D institutions, universities, and I know. A lot of people are scolding, and I don’t understand technology either. Do those who scold understand technology? So if you understand technology and don’t engage in R&D, you can just scold with your mouth?”

"The biggest controversy this time is that overseas companies believe that Jiafeng constitutes infringement. Many people think that so many well-known companies are crusade against Jiafeng Group, the image in the international community is very bad, and many companies are responsible for In an interview, people said that you have always been deceived to walk the rivers and lakes." A female reporter behind asked.

"Famous? Not necessarily, it's nothing more than an interest group. Anyone can do core high-tech, but we can't do it. Now we are still a long way from mass production of chips. If it is mass produced, don't call me? In that sentence, Jiafeng is doing his own thing, being open and aboveboard, stepping on the tails of outside companies and letting them bark casually. As for saying that I lied, who did I lie to?" Lu Feng said righteously to the camera: " I have done so many good things internationally, why is no one publicized? My character can stand the test, and people who have dealt with me will give me thumbs up and praise, no matter what country I am from. "

"It is reported today that many foreign-funded enterprises are uneasy, and even claim that they plan to withdraw in the future. Do you feel sorry for the bad influence caused?"

"Why should I apologize? If it wants to get out, it will get out. Those companies are here to invite them in? To do charity? Isn't it all for money..."

Before Lu Feng could finish speaking, he was pulled back by someone behind him, and he hurriedly whispered to him, "It's for you to reduce the fire, not for you to help the fire."

The crowd grew more and more, and some people were even scolding A tall man shouted at Lu Feng: "You **** steal other people's things, what are you so awesome?"

"Grandson, come over here to see if I can take care of you?" Lu Feng jumped high and scolded, with a few people behind him pulling him, and he couldn't continue the interview.

The other party shouted: "You are a business owner, do you have the quality?"

"What qualities do I need for a primary school graduate? If you have the skills, don't pull me. Damn it, you are so angry that you say I have no quality? I have no quality and you have no mother, can you?" He touched the head next to him, grabbed a hat and smashed it out.

A few plainclothes policemen saw that the situation was wrong and dragged him inside.

An unprecedented interview was over, and many reporters on the scene shook their heads. They had never seen anything like this before. Today is an eye-opener.

Entering the hotel, Lu Feng tidied up his clothes. He seemed to be in a very bad mood. The person next to him said to him, "Mayor Zhou wants you to reduce the fire!"

"It's not about firefighting, it's about bullying people. They dare to leave? Let's not talk about them. I always shout to leave. Do you know how much it will cost to relocate?" Lu Feng said angrily: " I bet they wouldn't dare leave."

Several other people were speechless when they heard this. You can afford to block it, but Mayor Zhou can't afford to gamble!

Sixty-seven people have already come to the banquet hall of the hotel, and half of the people here are familiar. Seeing Lu Feng coming, they muttered, they knew that this person could cause trouble, since they handed over the TV business to Zhu Lidong After that, no one heard anything from him.

Some people outside have always said that he let foreigners squeeze away, and some people said that he took the money to be cool, but I didn't expect such a big move!


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