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Chapter 1061: 1 answer

The woman's words were a bit extreme, but Zhang Fengxia's heart was in a mess at the moment, she just nodded in response, and picked up the glass in front of her one cup after another.

The woman on the opposite side spoke more and more intensely.

"You gave so much, what did you get? There is nothing, we women have to cherish ourselves, youth is the most precious, they just want our youth and body, only to step on all the stinky men in this world. You can live your life under your feet.”

"You are so good-looking, they really don't deserve you. If you change your way of life, what else can those stinky men give you besides treating you as a fertility machine and a nanny?"

Perhaps the deepest love is pain. The tug at the bottom of her heart made Zhang Fengxia not know how to choose. She drank this wine until the evening. Under the stimulation of alcohol, Zhang Fengxia decided that long pain is worse than short pain, and she will never see this again. people.

After the bill was settled, the woman helped Zhang Fengxia to her residence, took a taxi to the hotel, and Zhang Fengxia was stumbled upstairs and entered the door, paralyzed on the bed.

Zhang Fengxia felt a little hot, her mind was full of thoughts, which was far more torturous than the tumult in her stomach. I don't know how long it took, she felt a touch of warmth on her body, her whole body began to regain consciousness, and she felt that her clothes were inadequate. Lu, suddenly opened his eyes, saw a person pressing on his body, and instantly the whole person woke up.

"what are you doing?"

The woman raised her head and looked at Zhang Fengxia, with a bit of excitement on her face: "What good is a man? Let you feel the goodness of a woman today."

"Good Nima! Get out!"

Zhang Fengxia was in a hurry, and without saying a word, she raised her foot and kicked. You deserve to be fooled by men! You are just playing for men, bah!"

As the door was slammed shut, Zhang Fengxia woke up completely from the wine. Looking at the mess on her body and the pitch-black window, she couldn't hold back and burst into tears in the darkness.

Lu Feng went back to the hotel to have dinner and called the company to make sure that the employee had returned, and inquired about the funds. This time, the total return funds reached 1.8 billion US dollars. It is well-off, and the domestic market revenue has further improved this year. After accounting for the financial aspects, if the R&D investment is slightly reduced, the current funds are enough to last until 2000.

"Okay, I understand. As for next year's budget, we will discuss it after the meeting of the board of directors. Don't discuss it within the group." Lu Feng instructed on the phone.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, when will the board meeting be held? A shareholder proposed to hold a mid-year meeting." The other end of the phone asked.

"Let's talk about it when we go back, let's not discuss this for now." Lu Feng said a few more words and hung up the phone.

Lu Feng does not currently hold any actual positions within the group, but the entire company needs to listen to his scheduling. This situation will not last long. Lu Feng knows very well that with the control of semiconductor research and development, the company wants to firmly grasp the situation. In my own hands, it is definitely more difficult.

Lu Feng has taken a lot of precautions in the ownership structure. As long as Zhu Lidong, Wei Yandan and other executives, plus the Feng family of Xiangjiang, United Capital is on his side, Lu Feng can completely overwhelm Schroeder on the board of directors. group.

The lights in the room were a little dim, Lu Feng was lighting a cigarette, thinking in his heart, if something really happened, these people, these capitals would be on their side?

The Feng family will definitely be on his side, but he will definitely have to pay something. As for Su Yourong? That's just a woman who sees the wind.

Lu Feng felt that in the face of the temptation of capital, these people might not be reliable at critical times. After returning, he still had to attract some powerful people to the board of directors to help them at critical times.

The day after tomorrow is when the expo will open. For this expo that is not developed for ordinary people, Lu Feng has very little hope. enterprise.

When Lu Feng was leaning back on his chair and thinking about what else to do, he suddenly remembered that Zhang Fengxia was still here, and hurriedly stood up and went to his clothes pocket to find the phone number he had written down. The number above was called.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening, and when Zhang Fengxia heard the phone ring, she was stunned for a moment, and looked at the phone on the table. She had been here for so long and had been waiting for the phone to ring, but at this moment there was A bit in a trance.

After five or six beeps, Zhang Fengxia hurriedly ran over to pick up the phone, and asked with a slightly trembling voice, "Is that you?"

Lu Feng felt that her state was not quite right, and said, "I'm Lu Feng, what's the matter? I've been busy these past two days, so I just remembered, I'm sorry, are you alright?"

Hearing Lu Feng's voice, Zhang Fengxia cried out loudly. All the grievances in her heart could no longer be held back at this moment. She sat on the ground with her mobile phone in her hand, crying and talking about herself.


This month's life has been her nightmare. She seems to have fallen into a swamp. No matter how hard she tries, she can't get rid of that depressed mood. She feels that her life is gloomy.

Listening to the crying on the phone, Lu Feng could feel the pressure she was under. After listening to her for a while, he asked, "Where are you now? I'll go pick you up."

Half an hour later, Zhang Fengxia dragged two suitcases onto Lu Feng's taxi and headed straight for the hotel. When she arrived at the hotel, Zhang Fengxia's eyes were red and she looked rather haggard. , I couldn't hold it any longer, so I jumped up and fell directly into my arms.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Lu Feng patted her on the back and comforted: "You don't speak French, so you need to find an interpreter. If you're in a bad mood, just go shopping or something."

"I don't want to move, I don't want to do anything, I just miss you, my parents don't want me anymore, I have no home, I don't know where to go." Zhang Fengxia said sobbing.

Lu Feng didn't know how to comfort her, but after listening to her, he called the front desk of the hotel and asked for some coffee and cakes. After they were delivered, Zhang Fengxia's mood finally stabilized.

"Why didn't you find me the first time you landed?" Zhang Fengxia sat there and sniffed.

"There is a semiconductor expo here recently. I'm going to confirm the venue today, and it will start the day after tomorrow." Lu Feng said to her.

Zhang Fengxia was full of grievances in her heart before, and she also hid countless cruel words, but facing this man at the moment, she did not know how many times she had rehearsed the scene in her heart. look.

After a long time, he said, "I'm not that important in your heart. You still care about the development of the company."

Lu Feng didn't know how to answer these words. The situation between the two of them had always been vague. She was a good girl, but it was a pity that it was not the right time.

"Anyway, there are so many people in the company pointing at me to eat, I hope you can understand." Lu Feng took a sip of the coffee in front of him, looking for a topic and said, "It's okay to come out, you are very capable, think about other aspects. If you start a business, I can support you, Jiafeng’s current international environment is not good, if you can establish a company abroad in a different way, that would be great.”

Zhang Fengxia didn't speak, just sat silently. The atmosphere in the room was a little quiet. She took a sip of the coffee in front of her and said, "I almost put a woman to sleep, just now."

"What?" Lu Feng couldn't believe it.

"I always thought I was very open and accepted foreign ideas, but at that moment, the subconscious thought in my mind was, will you not want me anymore." Zhang Fengxia raised her head and stared at Lu Feng, she didn't want to be so vague He asked, "Do you want me?"

Lu Feng looked at her and didn't speak. This was a difficult question to answer, no matter how high his emotional intelligence seemed pale at this moment.

Zhang Fengxia seemed to sense his embarrassment and continued to ask, "If I don't know Jiang Xiaoyan, or if Jiang Xiaoyan never shows up, do you want me? I can't even compare to Su Yourong, right?"

"I want you!" Lu Feng stared at her and replied.

"Why, why did you meet her?" Zhang Fengxia stood up and walked back and forth like a sloppy child, looking very anxious, choked up: "Without her, if there is no her......"

"Without her, there would be no me!" Lu Feng said helplessly.

"She's not your mother!"

Lu Feng didn't know how she should explain But if there was no Jiang Xiaoyan, he really would not have himself.

"I've been wanting to make a clean break with you these past few days, I even wanted to kneel down on your knees, please let me go, but when I saw you, I didn't say anything anymore, I was like a mute, did I owe me in my last life? Yours." Zhang Fengxia grabbed her hair in pain.

Lu Feng took a sip of his coffee, not knowing how to answer her.

"Do you like me?" Zhang Fengxia felt that she was in too much pain, she didn't want to go on like this, took a deep breath and said, "I will ask you one last time, are you willing to marry me? If you say no, I will leave now. , I will never see you again in this life, and I will never meet again in eternity."

Lu Feng looked at her current appearance and what she said, and knew in his heart that she said these things just in the hope that she wanted to marry her, but she really lost hope, afraid that she couldn't bear it at all.

The most painful love in the world is the love imagined by a person.

"Say it! I want an answer!"

Lu Feng looked at her and nodded. The next second, Zhang Fengxia showed ecstasy and threw herself into Lu Feng's arms.

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