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Chapter 1053: Herman's conjecture

In the evening, a convoy of three cars stopped in front of the gate of an ancient castle, the gate opened, the vehicles passed through the lush tree-lined path, the scent of wine wafted throughout the manor, and Elmi in the back seat lowered the window and took a deep breath. Taking a breath, he turned his head and said to Lu Feng, "The red wine produced by this winery is definitely high-end."

"I didn't expect you to understand this." Lu Feng said in surprise.

"I was taught at home when I was a child, and I am familiar with it. What kind of guest is this time?" Elmi asked very curiously.

"As introduced by Sean, you need to pay more attention to what you say. The other party will definitely ask some things about the headquarters. Just don't reveal the secret. It is said that several senior management of the board of directors have entrusted me to handle this matter. If the other party does not believe it, they can give Your father called to verify." Lu Feng ordered.

"After signing the contract, nothing will go wrong, right?" Elmi asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, the other party will definitely not notice anything in a short period of time. After you discover something later, you can push all the problems to me. You and your dad can completely say that you don't know each other. As long as you pass the hands of a third party, this is the It's a stupid account, as for when the incident happens, they will seize your products and bring a lawsuit to the court. They can't produce any evidence, so they can only return the goods." Lu Feng laid out a way for her.

"In a big company, it can't be reviewed by the risk control department. It's not easy to find such a big head." Elmi worried.

"You can rest assured about this. As long as there are enough benefits, they will jump even if it is a fire pit." Lu Feng knows the ways of these entrepreneurs too. With enough benefits, they dare to take any risks.

While talking, the car had stopped at the door of the villa, and several doormen in suits opened the door and said to Lu Feng, "Dear Mr. Lu, welcome."

Lu Feng got out of the car and waited until Elmi came over and walked towards the inside. This slightly quaint villa looked like it was not too long ago, but inside it was carved with beams and painted buildings, and various reliefs from the last century seemed a bit overwhelming. , on the contrary, it seems to have a feeling of a nouveau riche.

Before reaching the stairs, Sean walked downstairs, looking very energetic in a suit, he walked towards Lu Feng with a smile and said, "Mr. , This vineyard is the supplier of Lafite, if you can drink the puree today, you must be drunk."

"It's the first time I've been to a place like this. I don't know much about red wine." Lu Feng said casually.

"Miss Elmy, welcome, it's getting more and more beautiful, let's invite you upstairs, the guests from afar are already waiting." Sean walked upstairs with a few polite words.

"Can you say who the distinguished guest is now? It's so secretive." Lu Feng asked as he climbed the stairs.

"It's not too late, you'll know when you go in." Sean was still selling off, the topic changed, and he started talking about red wine.

On the second floor, the waiter pushed open the door. There was a man sitting on the sofa inside with his back to Lu Feng. He couldn't see his face clearly, but he felt that the man's back was quite imposing.

Seeing this figure, Lu Feng already knew in his heart that Herman was here, and deliberately said, "This friend is quite mysterious, isn't it?"

Herman stood up and turned around, seeing Lu Feng with a smile, and said, "Mr. Lu, long time no see."

Lu Feng watched his face stiffen and put away his smile. Sean clearly felt Lu Feng's displeasure, and hurriedly pulled Lu Feng's hand and said, "It's not a big deal, Herman is a good person. , You may not have had much contact with him, and there is a bit of a misunderstanding, and today he also flew to London to meet you."

"Misunderstanding?" Lu Feng shook off Sean's hand, stared at Herman and said, "I called you but I couldn't even see you for an appointment. The last time I wanted to use Harry/Brice's help I chatted with you a few words in front of me, but you didn't give me any face, and you **** me to death, now you say you're a good person?"

"Mr. Lu, there is really a misunderstanding between us. After all, I am the CEO of Siemens. I have to do things according to the interests of the company. I still admire you very much. I have heard your story, a young man like you. You can't find another talented person in the world." Herman lowered his posture and said, "Since I'm here today, why don't you sit down and talk? What do you think? Miss Elmy."

When Elmi came in, Lu Feng quietly instructed her that if he lost his temper, he would persuade him and give himself a step down.

"Don't follow me. If you're useful, you'll be a friend. If you don't use it, you can't find anyone on the phone." Lu Feng said irritably.

Seeing that Lu Feng was so disrespectful, Herman couldn't hold his face. Sean hurriedly stepped forward to help, and Elmi said, "I'm here, anyway, Siemens is also a big company, so For big things, you should put your personal emotions aside first, what do you think?"

"Yeah, when it comes to doing business, people come here to show sincerity." Sean whispered from the side: "You're a big deal, slaughter him hard, it's useless to talk about it here."

After being persuaded by the two of them, Lu Feng looked a lot better. He stared at Herman and walked towards it.

Afraid that Herman would be angry, Sean hurried forward and said, "Don't care about young people, it's normal to be a little emotional."

"Don't care, this is a good thing. I like to talk business with emotional people." Herman walked indifferently.

The service staff inside was ready and the meal was ordered ahead of time. After everyone was seated, the food was served. A beautifully dressed lady walked in and introduced the history of the winery and some knowledge of wine. Lu Feng was not in the mood at all. listen.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the atmosphere at the dinner table began to liven up. Herman is obviously an old hand, and he is very accurate in some topics at the dinner table. Became the protagonist, Sean and Herman touted a few words from time to time.

Lu Feng was also quite proud, lit a cigarette and talked about his past.

"Come on, I'll give you a toast. If we are at the same age and on the same starting line, then you're definitely someone I look up to." Herman raised the glass and touched Lu Feng, saying, "Actually, Everyone has a personality, and all kinds of people make the world more exciting, which is a good thing, it doesn't prevent us from being friends, not to mention we had a good conversation tonight, what do you think?"

"I found out that I really misunderstood you before. You not only know a lot, but you are also very loyal. I like people who are loyal enough, let's do it!" Lu Feng took the wine glass in his hand and drank it. A look of mud legs.

Herman drank the wine, put down his glass and said: "The cooperation between enterprises, or further acquisitions, is a kind of helping behavior, like a person, he has some problems, he can't stand still, We need some reliance, and we Siemens have been providing these reliances to many companies. When doing business, no matter how big a company has a turnaround time, this is normal. I heard that Nokia needs to rely on it recently?”

He said this and looked at Elmy.

Elmi drank a lot tonight, her cheeks were slightly red, she raised her head to look at Herman and said, "It's not a problem of funds, it's a problem of sales channels. Recently, Ericsson has put too much pressure on us."

"Nokia and Jiafeng are partners, not to mention the relationship between me and Ermi. They handed them over to me because they believed in my ability. Now Jiafeng has no sales channels, but since I want to build a business here It's a lot faster, and it's not a big problem to find a few more companies to cooperate with." Lu Feng was quite self-assured: "It's just an Ericsson, it's a matter of time to get rid of it, isn't it?"

"That's right, what Mr. Lu wants to do can definitely be done." Sean accosted him, picked up the red wine in front of him, poured it on Lu Feng himself, and said, "But after all, it takes time, it still depends on Nokia's actual situation. For the sake of interests, what’s more, the problems Jiafeng is facing now are more complicated, because of industry problems, all kinds of supervision/litigation/cards are required, it is better to move the funds out first.”

"I want to move too. Who makes money and doesn't want to put it in his pocket?" Lu Feng's voice increased, and his words were full of displeasure: "Who is tossing me?"

"Mr. Lu, it's not me who is tossing It's Goldman Sachs Group who is tossing you, you and I are just a few sides, and the home appliance market is not Siemens' core industry, so it's not so exciting. , I might as well make it clear today, that is Lambert." Herman said very directly: "Our appeal is also a further exploration of the field of communication and mobile phone terminals, we are not afraid of anyone, we are just To get what we want."

"Lambert? Then the grandson isn't dead yet?" Lu Feng looked like he had been drinking too much, put one hand on the table, and said to Sean next to him: "Back then, he **** the next door and **** me. , he wants to invest in me, but the money is not in place, and he wants me to accept it. If I don't accept it, he will **** me. Where can there be such a person? Isn't this a **** robber? What do you think?"

Sean always felt that something was wrong with Lu Feng today, but he blamed it all on drinking. Listening to the translator behind him, he quickly said yes.

Seeing that Lu Feng was drinking too much, Herman looked directly at Elmi and said, "Mr. Lu seems to be a little drunk, why don't we go over there and talk."

"This can't be done. My dad handed it over to him, and it was also a decision made by several senior management of the board of directors, because he helped a lot in the Huaxia market, and it is indeed difficult to find satisfactory cooperation with sales channels. , so, if the high-level managers want to mortgage some funds, it is also a way to build their own sales channels." Elmi said with a smile.

Hearman heard this, and finally understood the twists and turns inside. Nokia executives took a fancy to the funds in Lu Feng's hands. His funds could not be moved out, and they were devoured by various forces. It was not the right move. They came to Lu Feng. Now that Lu Feng is so anxious, he obviously doesn't want to make this deal.


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