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Chapter 1044: I can't be quiet anymore

Lu Feng looked at the folder in front of him, flipped through it for a long time and didn't bother to read it. The company's affairs are not important at all now, and how to handle the top-level relationship is the most important thing.

Liu Cheng mentioned several times the global technology patent registration of the R&D company. This matter has been under pressure from Lu Feng. If he does not register, he is afraid of leaking secrets from insiders. After it is announced to the public, it will definitely suffer a double blow from the United States and Fusang.

Don't think it's just Lambert's attention now, Jiafeng really wants to make a name for himself, and things will be completely different. Don't say that the money earned in Europe may not be taken away, and maybe people won't be able to go back.

Not to mention the transfer of justice to the United States, Jiafeng was completely abolished after being detained in Europe for a few years. Lu Feng must beware of these things. Compared with many years later, the United States now has less scruples in doing things.

Herman couldn't get in touch, so Lu Feng called John first. John also said that it was more difficult to do. The last time he used Harry and Briss as an excuse to call them out. People obviously looked down on Lu Feng and John.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Feng called Sean again, but Sean didn't do anything. As the largest comprehensive group in Europe, Siemens is so huge, it's as huge as Nokia before it was dismantled, and even more so when it comes to electrical matters. In the world alone, not to mention some companies, many small countries need to look up to others.

"Then what should I do now? Do I call him every day to make an appointment?" Lu Feng said a little unhappily: "It was set up for me, but without communicating and solving it, it was just to join the Wall Street and see me as a joke. It's a good thing that it is also a European company. How can companies face the outside world?"

"Mr. Lu, you're not a three-year-old either. How can capital talk about a country? Let me tell you, Siemens had some grudges with the Schroders Group before. It just ended World War II, so I don't have that much face." Xiao En helplessly said: "You are facing this situation now, and the immortals can't help you."

"No help?" Lu Feng lit a cigarette, and he didn't believe what he said.

Sean helped him analyze the current situation. Siemens, a behemoth, was standing in front of him. Some of the industry standard initiatives it proposed would be carefully considered by all European countries. Jiafeng is making money now. Is it still a piece of cake to transfer some assets out?

Why are you stuck now and won't let you go?

"I still want to eat and wipe it up. You have to understand that there is no lower limit for businessmen, and there is no bottom line for entrepreneurs. People like Harry and Bris are inhuman!" Sean simply said.

Jiafeng is too fat, and some of the fat bosses are jealous. If you don't spit it out, you won't let him go. What's more, there are a lot of lawsuits now, and Siemens is standing in the front. What a good excuse.

"Hehehe!" Lu Feng sneered a few times, but it was true that no one in the family supported him and was bullied.

Lu Feng suddenly thought of something and said, "You said that I am a piece of fat. If there is a fatter piece of meat, would they not target me like that?"

"Heavier than you?" Sean was stunned for a moment. He couldn't find anyone in Europe that was fatter than him. Even if there were, the industry was regular and would not be in a gray area.


"Which company?"

"I won't tell you this first, that's all, you can do it first!" Lu Feng hung up the phone and sat there thinking.

According to Sean's analysis, there must be a bigger fish now, and these people will let them go. If you go for it on purpose, this fish will not be easy to find. You can only say that your life is good. Elmi is here. It's a big fish delivered to your door.

Lu Feng's previous idea was to find a way to bring the two sides together, save face in the middle, let Siemens let go, and transfer the money back to China first, but now he doesn't think so, since he wants to play, he can play If it is big, if it is small, both parties feel that they are at a loss.

Doesn't Nokia want sales channels? Lu Feng made a cake for her and shared Siemens' global sales channels with Nokia. Siemens didn't want the technology and brand of the communications industry, so he would help it acquire Nokia. In the short period of time, the two sides can balance the pie, and the rest is not important. As for what happens after Lu Feng leaves, he can't control that much.

Thinking about this, Lu Feng's thinking is basically smooth, and he is relatively experienced in being a middleman to draw cakes for the two parties.

Lu Feng stood up and left the office, went straight to Manager Li's office, pushed open the door and walked in.

Manager Li was stunned when he saw Lu Feng walking in, and hurriedly stood up and asked, "Mr. Lu, is there something wrong?"

"Let me tell you something, in a while, contact a few media and announce some news, saying that our monthly profit exceeded 5 billion pounds, and by the end of the year, we will be expected to become the most profitable company in the UK, and we will expand our business within three years. When I go to the world, I just brag." Lu Feng said to Manager Li, "Remember, you have to learn to be arrogant when interviewing with your face. Apart from this, there are a lot of dinner parties recently, so choose a social concern for me. I'll go to the higher dinner party."

After hearing these two things, Manager Li was dumbfounded. Lu Feng has always kept a low profile. He was talking about becoming a deep-sea giant at various meetings before, but now he has become a high-profile person.

"Didn't you hear?" Seeing that he didn't respond, Lu Feng asked.

"I heard, that... Mr. Lu, didn't you say try not to be too high-profile before, aren't we suitable for high-profile?" Manager Li wondered.

"That was before, but now it's different. When you make money, you have to let the world know, you have to pretend, you just do as you are told, and at the same time, let the lecturers start to brag about me and give it to our agents. Cheer up." Lu Feng turned his head and went out.

When he got back to the office, Lu Feng didn't want to stay, so he went straight back to his room to sleep.

After the news broke out in the afternoon, the entire London business community was instantly detonated. The tens of billions of pounds of profits were simply exploding. There is no second company in Europe with this level of income. There have been rumors of Jiafeng's single-day profit. Various speculations of hundreds of millions have been announced now, but many people do not believe it.

All kinds of people called, some questioned the data, some wanted to talk about cooperation, and all kinds of crooked people came running.

When Manager Li was interviewed by reporters, his words were full of arrogance. Not only did he belittle the previous Beko, but he also commented on large European companies. The reporters frowned.

The news spread like wildfire, and even Elmi, who had not yet integrated into the London business world, heard some rumors and asked people to inquire about the truth of the matter.

No one can explain Jiafeng's business clearly. They say that it is not profitable. The neighbors are full of Jiafeng's agents. Those agents are buzzing like bees in their ears. They say the most. It is to make a friend. In the past month, many people have avoided the word 'make a friend'.

But Jiafeng's profit and cost have always been a mystery. Some people have dismantled Jiafeng's products and estimated a 18% profit margin, while others have estimated a 400% profit.

No one can guess what is true or false, which makes Ermi unable to see for a while whether Lu Feng is bluffing or bluffing, not to mention that Ermi still has a little understanding of Lu Feng. , The words in this person's mouth, sometimes ten sentences can only be believed in three or five sentences.

The news spread very quickly, and I went to Wall Street in the evening. It was nine o'clock in the evening in the United States. Lambert had just finished dancing at the dinner party. He seemed to be in a good mood. Soros, Buffett, and Bill Gates are basically there.

Just sitting down before taking a breath, the assistant quietly walked up and whispered: "There is news, it is not urgent, it is related to Jiafeng Group."


"A few hours ago, the UK branch of Jiafeng Group announced that the net profit so far has reached 10 billion pounds!" The assistant whispered.

"What?" Lambert turned his face to the assistant in surprise, and asked, "How much?"

"Ten billion pounds!"

"Oh man! Pfft, hahaha!" Lambert couldn't help laughing, and briefly explained the matter, and the people on the opposite side laughed.

"This is a really good I thought he had no choice and started talking nonsense." Lambert said with a smile.

"Are you still following this company? It can be seen that you really like it!" Soros couldn't help but said.

"This company will not work if I don't pay attention. Mr. Lu is an interesting boss. I don't care about the others. I have to keep an eye on it. Speed ​​rises." Lambert briefly recounted what Lu Feng had done in Europe recently.

"Is this kind of business model illegal?" said an investor on the opposite side.

"It's not illegal, but it's definitely not a clean way, so he's very uncomfortable now. He should have made a lot of money, but he can't take it away." Lambert's smile was a bit mocking, and he was stunned and said seriously: " But in terms of making money in a single round, he is definitely the most powerful person I have ever met."

This evaluation is really high, and some people who don't know Lu Feng are surprised, wondering what the background of this young man is, so powerful.

"It's just to make some money. Didn't he invest a lot of money in communications and integrated circuits, and now there is no news. With the temperament of the Schroeder Group, I'm afraid there will be no follow-up." Soros is obviously for the Schroder Group. Knowing it well, he said, "Those people are a group of tigers with false teeth. They look scary, but they don't dare to move."

The audience burst into laughter as soon as this remark appeared. In their eyes, the financial confrontation in Europe is indeed the same. The guy was talking at an international conference, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to do anything.

"It's defense! Defense!" Soros teased.


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