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Chapter 1036: land breeze

Manager Li is not very good at some provocative words. Before coming, he prepared a draft and said some words. The main event was Lu Feng from the stadium.

Everyone got in the car and drove directly to the stadium!

At about five o'clock in the sunset, the stadium for ten thousand people was full. In the reception room of the stadium, hundreds of guests had come, and many of them knew each other and treated each other politely.

Sean glanced at the time, and then looked at the crowds of people outside. The host had already come out and held a microphone to do some hot field activities. However, these guests were still here, and he had a bad premonition.

"Ask the person in charge, when will we be in the guest seat!" Sean asked towards the translator he brought.

The translator went over and asked, and came back: "Let's wait for the arrangement. Today's event is relatively large and there are many people. If there is anything inconsiderate, take care of it."

Sean didn't feel that it was a matter of not being taken care of. According to what he knew about Lu Feng, he was afraid that he would make the best use of these characters tonight.

The dance in the center of the stadium had already started. Hundreds of white girls showed their long legs. The scene was very hot. As the girls dispersed, the host came up and said, "Everyone, my respects. Bosses, I stand here tonight to pay high tribute to the top ten thousand Jiafeng agent bosses. This 10,000-strong event is to hope that everyone understands Jiafeng, walks into Jiafeng, integrates into Jiafeng, and can stand It is my honor to meet you all here.”

"Jiafeng has experienced a lot of things recently. Only in adversity can you see the truth. If you can sit here, I believe that it won't take long for you to become the next billionaire. When we meet Jiafeng, we support each other, achieve each other, overcome all difficulties, and we are today."

"There are not only the help of brothers and sisters on the way, but also many supporters who are unknown behind the scenes. Then we will thank the friends who have always supported Jiafeng. Let us ask them to go in a song of thanks. to the guest seat."

As a thank-you music sounded, the first one came out was a congressman, and the host said to the microphone: "Senate, Mr. David!"

"Executive President of Schroders Investment Group, Mr. John."

"Famous European business investment advisor, Mr. Sean."

Many agents present heard the names of these bosses and stared at them one by one. These are not ordinary people, but top-notch knowledge from all walks of life. For them, they can't see it on weekdays. Big people, these big people, are also supporting Jiafeng Group.

Everyone who came out didn't look very good-looking. I originally thought that they would sit in the guest seat and watch the fun, but I didn't expect to be pulled out by Lu Feng to endorse the Jiafeng Group.

What's even more embarrassing is that the girls who danced just now stood in two rows and danced a thank-you dance to the people who came by. Sean felt so embarrassed that he was almost out of breath.

John hurriedly walked over to find his place, cursing in his mouth: "I **** know this is the case, he can't wait for me to express my willingness to go to **** for Jiafeng in front of everyone at the scene."

Sean glanced at the translator standing behind him, and after listening, he said, "He is such a person, I have seen it through."

On the tarmac in the suburbs dozens of kilometers away from the stadium, a medium-sized helicopter was ready to take off at any time. A staff member came over to the well-dressed Lu Feng and said, "Mr. Lu, we have received an order to take off now!"


Lu Feng stood up and straightened his suit, walked out, boarded the helicopter, and flew towards the stadium. He sat on the plane and watched the last golden yellow of the sunset being swallowed up by the hill, and the whole city of London was sinking. in the bright lights.

The stadium was brightly lit, and hundreds of guests came out like a catwalk. Most of the people on the scene were shocked by the 'power' behind Jiafeng, from government agencies, banks, commercial predators, insurance predators to regulators The system, the president of the association, and all kinds of so-called artists have everything.

It seems that the senior management of the whole society has a very close relationship with Jiafeng. Some people dislike it and some people like it. Some members even took the initiative to say hello to the agent, expressing their willingness to support Jiafeng, and hope that everyone will support themselves.

Hundreds of guest seats were full, and Lu Feng's helicopter was hanging two kilometers away from the stadium. The host heard the instructions in the earphone and said into the microphone, "All the guests are already seated, I believe tonight. Everyone knows that there is a man who will come, he has changed the fate of countless poor people, and made the dream of wealth no longer a dream, I heard someone calling his name, come! Let us have called his name, believe me, as long as If you believe in Jiafeng's power, then he will definitely come before you!"

"Lu Feng!!!"

The sound of the scene is deafening!

"Clap your hands and let him hear our yearning for a better life!"

There was an explosive DJ at the scene, and tens of thousands of people in the audience clapped their hands in unison and called out Lu Feng's name. The people sitting in the guest seat had never seen such a scene before, and they were overwhelmed with fright.

Sean looked at the crowd of people in the distance, and the applause like a wave made him feel scared. What kind of appeal is this? At this moment, it is absolutely comparable to magic!

This is not a meeting room with hundreds of people. Tens of thousands of people have the ability to drive the organization. The frenetic atmosphere at the scene is very terrifying. Some members who don't know Jiafeng very well are also taken aback by this scene.

If they appeared just now to show agents the backers behind Jiafeng, then at this moment they are showing Jiafeng's ability to these guests, so that they can see how much organization and mobilization ability they have, and the two can be traded. , Jiafeng just mastered the key in the middle.

Amidst the applause, a helicopter galloped toward the scene. The huge headlights on the helicopter illuminated the scene. Lu Feng stretched out his hand to open the plane door, but was grabbed by the security personnel next to him and said, "Dangerous!"

"Open the plane door, I have a seat belt, don't worry!"

"It's dangerous!"

"I need to show myself! Open!" Lu Feng shouted at him.

The door of the plane was opened, and the strong wind driven by the propeller blew in. Lu Feng stood up and waved to everyone on the scene.

There is no difference between humans and animals. For opponents who are taller than themselves, they will choose to surrender in their inner world. As long as the other party needs to raise their heads to look at you, there will be inner hints, and long-term psychological hints will bring obedience. , which is why leaders speak at a high place.

As the helicopter landed and fireworks were set off, Lu Feng jumped out of the hatch, straightened his hair and his suit and waved to the surroundings. There were endless cheers from the scene.

The host handed the microphone to Lu Feng and said, "Then leave it to President Lu!"

"Dear brothers and sisters, how are you?" Lu Feng asked everyone while holding the microphone.

Various replies rang out at the scene, and Lu Feng looked around with emotion, and continued: "It's great to see you guys, I believe that everyone felt that the previous period of time was not easy, and I was actually more tormented. Seeing your smiles at this moment, I think it's all worth it."

"In fact, I have wanted to do this event for 10,000 people for a long time. For nothing but honesty, I am open to my brothers and sisters. I believe that when you promote and introduce us to customers, you will definitely encounter I have experienced the incomprehension of others, even the incomprehension of relatives.”

"This time, I just want everyone to see what kind of company Jiafeng is. I am a kind person, and I have always believed that kindness can be exchanged for kindness, but capital is bloody. I climbed up from the bottom and defeated With countless capital, my biggest is to make life better for my friends who have many similarities with me.”

"We are developing very fast. Today, only 10,000 people came. If all of them came, even ten such stadiums would not be able to hold them. There are many people in the outside world who slander us, say we are liars, and falsely accuse me of **** and my character. Very bad, if I have a bad character and there are so many of my friends in the guest room, will they believe me?"

"If Jiafeng is a liar, it can deceive a few people, even hundreds of people, but how can tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands deceive? Only sincerity is the reason why so many people believe in Jiafeng, brothers and sisters, you guys Do you want to believe me?"


"I love you!!"

"I am willing to die for you!!"


Various voices rang out at the scene, and Lu Feng's eyes were red, and he bowed to the scene four times. Unfortunately, the scene was too big and there was no big screen, so many people couldn't see the details of his face.

Lu Feng picked up the microphone and choked: "I don't have any grievances at this moment, really, these days I feel that I have been insulted by the whole world. My family called me and told me to go back and do it here. What are they doing, they don’t make money, and I’m not short of money, and now I’m being slandered by these people, and I even risk going to jail, threatening me with calls one after another, and someone spending money to kill me.”

"I can't back down, I can walk away, how about you? I'm here for you, I'm not afraid of death, it doesn't matter what others say, I'm most afraid that you believe those words, and your distrust is my greatest fear Sad thing, thank you all!"

At the scene, some people with low tears were already moved, and even the young man's eyes were red at the moment.


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