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Chapter 1032: John's confusion

Manager Li originally thought that even if Lu Feng was hypocritical, he would keep everyone, but he did not expect to do it so straightforwardly, and was stunned on the spot for a while.

"What's wrong? Without a hundred or so people, you can't turn around?" Lu Feng asked him.

"Mr. Lu, why don't you stay for a while? There are more than a dozen lecturers here, otherwise we won't be able to carry out activities in a short time." Manager Li still said.

"Are there any backup lecturers?" Lu Feng asked.

"Yes, we are training hundreds of people now, and these dozen are the most elite!"

Lu Feng sat up straight, looked at Manager Li, and asked, "What do you think is the most important thing about our model? What about the dozen lecturers?"

"But many agents are recruited by them, and there will definitely be a driving effect!" Manager Li worried.

"No, if I can achieve them, I can take back what I gave them overnight. The most important person in this company is me!" Lu Feng said to Manager Li: "Everyone's resignation will be approved. It's a good place, and I support it too."

When Manager Li heard this, he hurriedly didn't say much, and hurriedly stood up and said, "I'm going to approve it now!"

The resignation of personnel was approved very quickly. Hundreds of people packed up their belongings and prepared to leave. The scene was a bit big. Others in the office watched the people around them leave, and they all felt a little scared. It's like it's going to close in seconds.

"Why did you leave?" a white woman in her thirties asked.

"Because there is a better place to go, let me tell you that it is always the Chinese who oppress the Chinese abroad. There is a listed company that poached me over here, and the salary is three times that of the one here. If you want to go, I can help you contact me. By the way, I'm going there to be the business director."

"How can such a high salary be possible? The salary of this company is normal?" The white woman was a little puzzled.

An hour later, hundreds of people went downstairs with their suitcases in their arms. This Jiafeng branch has grown from a domestic start-up team of hundreds of people to now, and there are less than 20 people left in the original team.

Manager Li walked to the office, clapped his hands, and said to everyone; "Some colleagues will have new choices, but I believe that a group of like-minded people will join us soon. I hope everyone will not listen to some rumors and work with peace of mind."

After a while, Lu Feng issued an article about some people betrayed us and rushed into the arms of capital, and sent this copy of less than a thousand words to all the agents.

The copywriting is very simple, it is the people who suppressed our company and some people in the joint company. Their methods are despicable and their concealment is excellent. They not only deceived the company, but even deceived all the agents. In half of the content, Lu Feng said that these people have financial The problem is, as a bridge between Lu Feng and his many brothers and sisters, they are like ancient eunuchs, deceiving them.

This copy spread very fast, and it was discussed in some regional teams. In less than half a day, Lu Feng basically disintegrated the trust of the agent in the lecturer. In addition, the 10,000-person event hit, the last two days of new brothers and sisters Joining in, the sales situation of many people inside has improved significantly.

Any squeeze and oppression by George will make Jiafeng's agents closer and monolithic!

Turning internal problems into external problems, allowing agents to find a vent and the so-called problem, is something Lu Feng is more able to handle.

London's commercial market is very mature, and I haven't seen this kind of close-to-hand combat for many years. The signal is released on an hourly basis. Many people watch it with relish, and some even hold a party to talk about this matter.

People who looked down on George before, just now realized that he didn't seem to be as good as he imagined. With a set of conventional methods, most people can't do better than him.

What surprised everyone even more was that Lu Feng, a foreigner, was extremely skilled in coping with such short-term, unconventional business methods. You must know that the resignation of hundreds of people in the core team will definitely result in the hollowing out of the company, and in serious cases, it will even be paralyzed. , but Jiafeng has not changed much.

In Sean's office, there was a white piece of paper on the table with some timelines and words written on it, and there were seven or eight executives of consulting companies sitting across from them drinking coffee.

"I think there should be a live broadcast of this business battle, plus two commentaries, it's definitely interesting." A man in his fifties sat there smoking a cigar and said, "I heard that the company that George and Stephen cooperated with have already Established? This is too fast."

"It's an extraordinary period. Until now, neither of them have lost. George proved to everyone that he is not mentally retarded. Lu Feng showed everyone how profitable Jiafeng's direct sales are. We all enjoyed it."


"Don't you think this rhythm is scary? If it were you, would you be able to cope with such a fast-paced change?" Sean pondered: "Last time I faced this kind of situation that changed three times a day, I needed a few It was more than 30 years ago that a decision was made in hours, or even within tens of minutes."

Everyone present was silent. The bigger the company, the slower the action. The competition between the two huge companies may last for several years. When everyone manages some large companies, it will take ten and a half days to hold a meeting if there is a problem. months, it's a big business disease.

"It's terrifying to think about it. It would drive me crazy if I had to make a life-or-death decision in two hours, and make several of those decisions in a day."

After saying this, there was a brief vacuum in the office. George's attacker and Lu Feng's company had just arrived. It can be said that all aspects are full of loopholes. However, this is the case. It can be seen how ruthless it is in terms of corporate control.

Sean was silent for a while, and suddenly remembered what Lu Feng said to him in the car last time, and said, "He is really a jerk, he is very skilled in this game, look at it, there is more excitement in the future. Yes, Siemens will be here in less than ten days."

"Siemens coming? What?"

"Of course he killed Jiafeng. I got news that Wal-Mart and Carrefour's UK headquarters are also having a meeting. For him, Beko is just an appetizer."

An executive next to him was a little afraid to believe: "Who is this kid offending? Isn't this a dead end?"

"If he can offend international companies so completely, he is probably the only one in the world, and I can't figure it out." Sean's news in Europe is definitely well-informed, but he still doesn't know why Fusang is not dealing with him. It was obvious that the company did not dare to help him, even the Schroders Group that invested in him.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, George's company was officially established with a registration fee of 10 million pounds and 270 employees. The top management was directly transferred from Beko. The management model was completely copied from Jiafeng, and the department names were exactly the same.

After the establishment of the company, George and Stephen began to call friends and call people everywhere. They didn't ask for anything else, they just wanted everyone to criticize Jiafeng. They wanted Jiafeng to come out of the shadows, let the British people see him, and ask him. The whole world knows what he is doing, using public opinion to turn Jiafeng into a company that harms people.

A war of public opinion is about to break out.

In the evening, the entire City of London was discussing Jiafeng, and the rumors became more and more fierce. Some people even said that it was a company that cheated people to apply for jobs and then brought it abroad. More people said that it was a pyramid selling company. .

Lu Feng didn't know the local company, and no one called him to talk about it, but the local employees in the company had already started talking about it.

At six o'clock in the evening, in the restaurant, Lu Feng was eating, and the manager Li opposite was not very good-looking, and he couldn't eat, and said, "Mr. Lu, today we have three events, and the shipment volume has slowed down a bit. A new batch of The goods will arrive in Hong Kong in three days, and now we have a bad reputation in the outside world, why don't we avoid the limelight?"

"What are you panicking about? Where are you going? In business, as long as someone doesn't point a gun to their head, it's a trivial matter." Lu Feng raised his head and glanced at him, "Be patient and eat!"

"Ah?" Manager Li was a little dumbfounded. Did he follow him out to develop his business, or did he come to the arena? When I came out, my parents' expectations for themselves were to be in suits and leather shoes, and to chat and laugh with foreigners with red wine glasses, rather than **** streets.

After dinner, Lu Feng lit a cigarette and sat there motionless. After a while, he said, "Tomorrow you go to some local law firms and ask the top law firms to provide us with legal services. At the same time, Show them the information about Beko's financial fraud and let them deal with it."

"Don't worry about external public We are foreigners, it's not easy to manipulate these things, and it costs money to fight with words, first manage the internal public opinion, hurry up to recruit people tomorrow, some backup lecturers should let them play. On the stage, the number of agents will break the 100,000 mark as soon as possible, and the next batch of goods must be sold as soon as possible, otherwise the production of the Tianjin factory will increase, and the country will be passive." Lu Feng ordered.

"But if the public opinion in the outside world is not good, no one is willing to come to our company. Now there are all kinds of things that are said outside. I'm afraid that it will become more and more outrageous in a few days!" Manager Li wondered.

"It's not that you don't care, it's that we don't care. You have to learn to let others wipe your ass, and spend your own money to build your image in the media. It's a lot of money. It's not easy to make money. You have to be filial to each mountain. Give it to me. Find a medium-sized media, I will write a manuscript and let them publish it." Lu Feng said casually.

"Just one manuscript?" Manager Li said in disbelief.

"Spending a little money to do big things."

After dinner, Lu Feng went back to the office and wrote a manuscript titled "Behind Jiafeng Electronics is the Schroders Group". After handing it over to the media, he didn't care anymore. Lu Feng didn't have that much money to talk to them. Gun, let John explain to them.

The next day, the publication of the newspaper quickly aroused public opinion, and everyone's eyes turned to the Schroders Group, especially John, the head of its financial group. According to the content of this article, this foreign-funded enterprise is actually a pure British enterprise.

At nine o'clock in the morning, John arrived at the company, and everyone was still chatting about Jiafeng and Beko. John went back to the office to watch today's excitement. When he saw the content of the newspaper, he was stunned and his brows became more and more Wrinkle, after a while, a sentence came out of your mouth: "fakeyou!"


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