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Chapter 1015: Did he rob?

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After more than half an hour, Sean arrived late, and he was a little surprised when he saw that everything in the company was normal. He still knew George well. He may be average in running a business, but he has a wide range of personal connections. very.

"You've come!" Lu Feng looked at him and said solemnly.

"Mr. Lu, it's hard to find someone for this. They didn't come?" Sean wondered.

"It's already gone, but this is just the beginning. Our development speed has slowed down a bit recently, and we need to deal with our competitors." Lu Feng stared at Sean and took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit a cigarette. Said: "Can't say, because there is no salary, I don't even do the work, right?"

"Absolutely not. These people are not easy to find, but I have contacted a member of parliament who can have a meal in the evening."

"What's the use of a congressman?" Lu Feng didn't expect him to play a decisive role. After all, other people's interests were different from his own. It was obvious when he gave the equity.

"I'll contact a few more tonight!" Sean was very curious about what method Lu Feng used to get the joint law enforcement officers to leave, and wondered, "Have you found the leader?"

"No, but I let him look at something." Lu Feng said and walked towards the office.

Entering the office, Sean stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, with an incredible expression on his face, and said in surprise, "This... what is this for?"

"Renovation, if you don't show your financial resources, how can you make that person tempted?" Lu Feng said to him, "Come in and close the door."

Sean closed the door and stepped on the banknotes under his feet. Although he was rich, the feeling was still different. It was too easy to break a person's psychological defense in such a situation, even if he was rich.

"He just saw so much money and left?" Sean was puzzled and asked; "Didn't you give him money?"

"Giving money is called bribery, I just show it, I have money, and putting the money here like this is like a beautiful woman taking off her clothes, if you are a well-dressed beauty, it has nothing to do with others, but so In a naked scene, he will feel that there is no estrangement between everyone, and sooner or later it will be his." After finishing speaking, Lu Feng picked up the phone and called Manager Li and asked someone to come and pack the money.

After the office was tidy up, Sean sat there wondering what the young man in front of him would do when faced with such a thing. In his understanding, Lu Feng might have his own unique understanding of business planning, but in other respects he was absolutely certain. There are shortcomings, and no one can achieve the best of both worlds at this age.

"Then what are you going to do next? If I guessed correctly, it is very likely that Beko did this. George is not capable, but he is very capable in interpersonal relationships." Sean took the initiative to speak. Throw the question out.

"What should I do?" Lu Feng took a breath and snorted coldly, "Fuck him!"

"There is no direct market conflict between the two of you, so there can be no collision in the market. If there is competition, it will be difficult to get it done!" Sean gave his own thoughts: "It is better to stabilize each department first, and drag it in private. Making money matters."

"No, no, how could they let go of making money like this? There is a saying that when you come out, you have to make more friends and less opponents, but some people can't do it with you as soon as they come up. Friends, we need to clean up and find common interests." Lu Feng said to Sean: "The money has already been earned, more than 30 million pounds, which is a lot. I did a rough calculation. If Jiafeng covers the entire UK market , an estimated £300m, so what do you think is the most important thing right now?"

"What?" Sean already had the answer in his heart, but he just didn't think he had the courage.

"Sprinkle money!"

"How much?"

"Sprinkle it all out!"

Sean sat up straight and was shocked when he saw Lu Feng, this is 30 million pounds, how could he be willing?

"Are you willing?" Sean was in disbelief. Does he have such a big belly at such a young age? This is a big gamble. Now that he has made 30 million yuan, if he were an ordinary person, he would have run away with money long ago, and he would continue to do it in another country.

"What's so reluctant to bear? A mere 30 million, as the old saying goes, is reluctant to have a child who can't catch a wolf, and dare to climb over the widow's wall without a single waist?"

"What are you talking about?" Sean frowned.

"Oriental proverb!" Lu Feng said to him: "I want to spend money, I want to entertain the Quartet, I want to make friends, and I want to spread the money, because I feel that you can't be trusted!"

Sean smiled awkwardly and said, "I am also limited in my ability, but as long as you are willing to spend the money, leave the rest to me, and I will spend the money beautifully for you."

"Then please, it's better to help me find some good brothers. You can decide all the matters, and then I will get a team to contact you." Lu Feng said to him, "It's hard work, let's do it first."

The outsourcing company was investigated and all activities were cancelled. For a while, all the agents under Jiafeng Electronics were panicking. Some people secretly spread that the company was illegal and was about to go bankrupt.

The new outsourcing company spends the whole day calling the heads of the major teams to appease these people and let everyone sell with peace of mind, because we are too powerful, we have helped too many poor people, and some evil capitalists are suppressing them. Us, but how can evil triumph over justice?

George was very happy when he learned that Jiafeng was investigated. After all, he is a foreigner, and he still can't eat here.

There was a knock on the office door, and Paul pushed open the door and walked in.

"How?" George asked.

"There is good news and bad news."

"What about the good news?" George frowned slightly.

"The good news is that there is a consulting firm that has a special understanding of Jiafeng and can provide them with a complete set of business solutions." Paul replied.

The smile on George's face increased, which was much faster than the investigation and poaching by himself, and he said, "Good thing, if the speed is fast, it can be launched in half a month, and the company's half-year report will definitely look good. !"

"There's some bad news!" Paul hesitated and said, "Jiafeng Electronics has nothing to do with it. It just closed down an outsourcing company, and I heard that this company has been hollowed out and transferred."

"What?" George couldn't believe it, and shouted, "This is led by Charlie, how is it possible?"

"The news I got is indeed the case." Paul said helplessly.

"I'll give him a call."

Siemens branch began to stare at Jiafeng again. Group President Herman is still contacting the United States and Fusang to discuss the conditions. However, what happened today, they feel that someone has already started.

At the group headquarters, two or three senior executives sat in Herman's office, each holding a cup of coffee and looking at each other without speaking. One of them, a black man in his fifties, said; "I don't think the appliance business is in How big is the proportion of the group, this matter can be handed over to the business president."

"Yes, I don't know how many of us are sitting here talking about this matter, let alone what is Jiafeng? What kind of **** company? I've never heard of it. I just read the information and it's just insulting." Another six The ten-year-old man said, and threw the folder in his hand on the table.

As the president of the group, Herman is a big company like Siemens, mainly in electrical engineering, communications, semiconductors, etc. Any one of them is more important than home appliances.

"Mr. Herman, after the split, Nokia has recovered in the global market. You should not focus on such a company, but Nokia, Sony, Panasonic, or Intel?"

Herman did not get angry after listening to their words, and said lightly; "The United States and Fusang are both staring at this company, and Jiafeng is also doing semiconductors, and has cooperation with Nokia in the field of communications. In this competitive environment, I think this company should be able to sell at a good price, at least we can get in touch with Fusang’s semiconductor companies.”

The three of you look at me, I look at you, do you not understand that this company, which is like a liar company, has such great energy?

"If it's true, try it!"

"So you agreed? That's good. Next, I'll focus my work on this company." Herman made a phone call and said to the phone, "Submit today's information."

A few minutes later, a beautiful clerk came in with a folder, put it on the table and left, Herman turned over and looked a little wrong.

"We need to hurry up, the British Beko Electronics has already started." Herman handed the folder in his hand to the three people on the opposite side and said: "We should 'catch' him first, and then talk to the two parties. Let's talk business."

The three of them are not interested in the contents of the folder in their hands at all. What kind of flowers can such a small company make?

As everyone knows, Lu Feng has a lot of work to do.

A few hours later, Lambert, who was on vacation, answered Herman's call. Herman also knew that the companies in these two countries were not afraid of Jiafeng, but the Schroders Group behind Jiafeng, Lu Feng. He came to Europe for Schroders Group. As long as Lu Feng earns more Schroders Group has more confidence in him and dares to invest more.

"Dear Mr. Lambert, long time no see!" Herman said to the phone: "I want to tell you something, maybe you don't know much about the situation in Europe, didn't you ask me for something before, now I have to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Lambert was a little surprised and thought about it for a while, but he didn't remember what happened to him.

"Remember Jiafeng Electronics? This company is booming now. Guess how much money he made in just a few months?" Herman asked with a smile leaning on his chair.

When Lambert heard the four words Jiafeng Electronics, his heart skipped a beat. He had already realized that something had happened, and that kid had really made a name for himself in Europe.

"How much is it? Why are you still selling it?" Lambert's voice was very calm.

Although the figure of 30 million is quite astounding, it is not enough to make people tremble. Since he is forcing him to come up with good things to communicate, he has to take some powerful medicine.

Herman smiled slightly; "Three hundred million pounds!"

"Three hundred million? Or pounds? Did he rob England?"

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