Back to 1990

Chapter 1002: Conscience is gone, you can earn more

Manager Liu couldn't think about it so much, and hurriedly organized people to go to the surrounding area to inquire.

There was a rare time to rest. When he returned to the office, Lu Feng took off his suit jacket, washed his head, and leaned on the chair to light a cigarette.

The most likely accident now is the last time. If you lose the attraction of money, how many people are willing to come?

The living expenses of this group of people are also a problem. After all, there are so many people that even their daily life is a problem. In this case, he just wants to sell goods to Jiafeng, and he is afraid that he is powerless.

Lu Feng thought about solving this problem for them.

In the evening, Manager Liu came back with a document in his hand and put it on Lu Feng's table. They asked a lot of people, and found some employees of the newspapers here, and invited them to drink coffee. Spend some money and get this information.

"The one with the largest circulation over there is the real-time news newspaper. This newspaper is mainly based on fabricated news, and it is all about some bizarre things. People will read it as a story, and will also publish some jobs, blind dates, and who lost their dog. This kind of chores, the worst-selling newspapers in that area are financial papers.”

Manager Liu recalled and said: "TV programs are mainly TV dramas, mainly film and television channels. Some TV dramas and movies of the restricted level have the highest ratings, and the interviews are the least, and entertainment is the main focus."

Lu Feng flipped through the two pages, typical of the slum area, he was not interested in international, financial, and professional news at all. On the contrary, he paid the most attention to entertainment, part-time labor, cheap food, and short-term income.

"Contact this news newspaper, we want to publish the article, and at the same time contact the film and television channel to see if I can broadcast a segment of my advertisement in the middle of the TV series. If the price is too expensive, forget it, it's mainly newspapers, and the other two newspapers will also go. Get in touch." Lu Feng handed the folder in his hand to Manager Liu and pondered for a while. Since they like to be curious, they should cater to them.

"I will give you a manuscript at night, and then send it according to this!"

After Manager Liu left, Lu Feng was busy rushing the manuscript, not letting the people below write it, because he was afraid of trouble, so he should do it himself.

Lu Feng picked up the pen and couldn't remember the words for a while. After thinking about it for a while, he wrote the title: The poor billionaire came to the UK.

The whole article is written around the parents, how Lu Feng was bullied, looked down upon by others, looked down on by his boss and boss in the past.

Then he wrote and understood something mysterious and mysterious. He became rich overnight. After spending money and enjoying it, he felt that the rich life was too boring. He wanted to help the poor all over the world, as long as he listened to Lu Feng's class , you can get rich, not only don’t need money, but also give away things.

The last part is written. The wealthy on Wall Street heard that Lu Feng had such a way to make a fortune and invited him to Wall Street. The Morgan boss wanted to apprentice. Merrill Lynch fought with the boss of Goldman Sachs to meet Lu Feng. Bear Stearns The boss of Goldman Sachs climbed over the wall in the dark and leaned on the window on the 14th floor to ask for advice, and Lambert of Goldman Sachs even knelt in front of the hotel and wept bitterly in order to see Lu Feng.

In the last paragraph, after writing several thousand words in one breath, Lu Feng put down the pen with a happy expression on his face, and said with a sigh of relief, "That's cool!"

The sunset was on the west mountain, and the sunset outside the window was infinitely good. Lu Feng asked Manager Liu to take away the manuscript in his hand. Using this as a template, he will post more in the next few days.

The TV station replied that the price was too expensive and had already given up.

Lu Feng was eating dinner, and he was still thinking about getting a start-up fund for these people. After thinking about it, he still had to go to John.

Putting down his chopsticks, Lu Feng didn't plan to eat dinner, so he went back to the office and called John.

After the call was connected, the other end asked, "Which one?"

"Hello, John, how have you been recently?" Lu Feng said to the phone, "It's me, your old friend, Lu Feng from Jiafeng Electronics."

"It's you, I heard that you have arrived in London, why didn't you call me? I want to do my best as a landlord." John on the other end of the phone was rather hypocritical and polite.

"I'm not busy, I happen to be free tonight, let's have a meal together?" Lu Feng asked.

John frowned slightly, thinking about what he was going to do. On the first day Lu Feng arrived, he knew that he basically knew what he had done in the past two days. After all, they put so much money here, it is impossible not to care. thing.

What's more, John is the first responsible person.

"What's wrong with you?" John asked.

"No, everything is going well. The work here is much easier than I thought. I believe that in less than a year, the European market will bring huge profits to Jiafeng Electronics, which will not be less than 300 million US dollars a year." Lu Feng's voice was firm.

If John hadn't known what he had been up to these days, he would have believed his nonsense.

John didn't want to eat this meal. He must have something to look for himself. Now that he has invested so much, it would not be suitable to go into it, but he wanted to sit down and talk about Lu Feng's thoughts, which made him feel a little low. .

"Okay, then it's at Carrier Restaurant!" John hung up the phone after telling Lu Feng his address.

Lu Feng asked Manager Liu and Manager Li to make arrangements for the evening's work, and then went downstairs by car to the restaurant. This is a 24-hour western restaurant. The decoration is not high-end, and it looks like a Chinese restaurant at most. Upscale restaurant.

Entering the room, led by a waiter into the private room, before John came, Lu Feng ordered the meal first, and a few minutes later, the door of the room was pushed open, John walked in, his eyes fell on Lu Feng, and he said politely. ; "Mr. Lu, we meet again."

"Well, oh, you are getting more and more handsome!" Lu Feng praised with a smile.

John's heart skipped a beat when he heard this compliment. It seems that today's events are not too small.

I sat down and talked about some daily things, came here to adapt, eat, drink and lasa, opened a bottle of red wine as the steak came up, and chatted about business.

"Mr. Lu, I don't judge some of your business strategies, but for now, your business layout is not very good. Cooperating with major distributors and channel dealers can show your products in more places in a short period of time. users." John tried not to be harsh.

"I just think that your current efficiency is a bit inefficient. We can increase the speed and carry out business activities in a different way."

Lu Feng put a piece of beef in his mouth and said, "My current plan is very good, and I also paid a lot of money to hire a consultant. It's very good, don't worry, this year's semi-annual report will not necessarily let the directors The bureau is satisfied, but the annual report is definitely bright."

"Mr. Lu, there are some things you can't say. Even if you want to do direct sales, you need to quickly build a sales route, target people, and product positioning." John really didn't want to say too much.

"I know, I will work hard. Now, there is a difficulty in front of me. Let me tell you, once this matter is resolved, the sales will skyrocket within half a year. I will guarantee you a ticket." Lu Feng raised his head and stared at John said, "If I can't do it, I'll go head down!"

John looked at Lu Feng eagerly, put down the knife and fork in his hand, took a deep breath and said, "No one wants to see you walking head down, I just want to see profits, Schroders Group is not my family, I also have achievements. , I hope President Lu won't play with me."

"I didn't play with you. You solved this problem for me. I promise you 10,000%, and I tell you, this matter may bring you a lot of benefits." Lu Feng said seriously.

"OK, tell me what the problem is, I can personally help you solve it, try to solve it as much as possible." John reluctantly compromised.

"Does Schroders Group have a loan business?" Lu Feng asked.

"We are an investment group, and finance is another subordinate group. Are you short of money?" John looked suspicious at Lu Feng. This grandson wanted to borrow money from Europe to run away, right?

"I'm not short of money, but my brothers and sisters are very short of money!" Lu Feng said solemnly: "I need to help them get a loan, not too much, just enough for a year and a half of living expenses, you Let's see if we can do it for a while and try to lower interest rates as much as possible."

"Your siblings?" John couldn't figure it out, Lu Feng was so rich, he didn't want to help his siblings?

"Yes, but it's not my relatives, it's the people I held the event that As long as I give them living expenses, I can make them sell goods for me for free!" Lu Feng said with great confidence.

"Without salary, you can sell goods for free?" John's forehead is full of question marks, how is this possible, everyone is not a fool, selling goods for him without earning a penny?


"Every time I talk to you, I regret investing in you! Really, Lu!" John looked ugly, stared at Lu Feng and said, "Are you insulting the IQ of the British?"

"It's not from any country, it's all the same in front of me, let me tell you briefly, that I will create a dream of getting rich, give this dream to them for free, and then create a successful person as an example, and then spread it to the crowd, One pass ten, ten pass one hundred!" Lu Feng briefly introduced.

"MLM?" John asked, squinting.

"No! Direct sales, from the legal point of view, there will be no problem, because we have real goods and real commissions. Everyone is a separate agent, but I have a lot of agents. That's it." Lu Feng said seriously.

John kept shaking his head, he couldn't imagine that Lu Feng brought this set of things to Europe. Last year, some pyramid schemes came to Europe one after another, and relevant laws were also being formulated, but according to the determination of pyramid schemes, his set of things really does not count .

It's just that he gets a loan for those poor people, and he can't find a lower-level agent at that time, and the life this person will face will be catastrophic.

"They've been living very hard. If you do this, won't your conscience hurt?"

"You can make money if you have a conscience, but if you don't have a conscience, you can make more money!" Lu Feng poked his neck forward and said in a low voice, "They are still your achievements, you choose."


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