Azeroth’s Death Track

Chapter 47 16. Bait

Although Tyrion placed great expectations on his compatriots, it was a pity that they spent 2 days resurrecting 21 rangers including Serente, but none of them could become the same as him. The powerful and strange Salein.

Moreover, these rangers, except for Serente, their bodies can only hold a limited amount of death energy. Their lack of strength and too slender bodies can't even make them qualified death knights.

Fortunately, they can return to their old jobs.

Tyrion can equip them with bows, bone arrows, and melee weapons again, and revive them as dark rangers...and these dark rangers who can initially manipulate the energy of death will not be tired, and their calm thinking will keep them from being disturbed , can open the bow at a crazy speed, and can also add death energy to the bone arrow, causing greater damage.

It's not useless at all.

But what is really disappointing is another thing, in the process of resurrection, there are 7 rangers who cannot accept the fact that they were awakened after death, their souls fell asleep again in grief and despair, and the failure rate reached an astonishing four points One, which disappointed Tyrion.

Obviously, this is because he is not strong enough, and the death will given by him cannot make these rangers resist the remaining instincts of the survivors.

Gul'dan once said that he doesn't know where the souls of people in Azeroth will go after death, so even the resurrection of the dead led by warlocks is not completely successful, but the answer to this question, Tai Ryan knew it, and it was clear.

There is a special accompanying plane in the world of Azeroth, called the Kingdom of Shadows, where the souls of all creatures except the mysterious night elves reside. If Tyrion can get there, he can get his soul back The incomplete ones became the same as Talon Gorefiend. Except for the dead body, the complete soul would be no different from a living person.

But thinking of the ruler of the land of shadows, Hela, the king of the dead who can wrestle with the guardian of the titans, Tyrion rationally extinguished this desire... that is not an opponent he can deal with, even as strong as the ancient Erdan's warlocks are not enough in front of Hela, and they are almost the most powerful group of existences in Azeroth.

Although the strength in his hands is severely lacking, Orgrim's waiting has come to an end, and the gloomy Talon Gorefiend is also waiting for his challenge. Tyrion knows that he must act.

Dunholde Castle, after the battle between the orcs and humans two days ago, it has become the front line of the human alliance battlefield. Two knights rest in this castle at any time. More than 4,000 infantry are stationed here. A large number of priests, and a team of 50 paladins.

The commander here is Major General Blackmoore of the Alterac Kingdom in name, but in fact, as a strategic location on the front line, this place is directly under the command of Marshal Lothar. A sharp knife.

This is the preliminary conclusion of Dalaran's research on those death knights?

The commander of the paladin squad, General Gavin Ladd, one of the original paladins, was sitting in the office of the castle, holding a heavy scroll in his hand, and opposite him, sat a young mage, from his Judging from the inscription on the robe, this is an orthodox mage born in Dalaran.

The corpse of the decayed human knight still carries the evil soul belonging to the orc warlock. The combination of the two can exert the added power of the knight and warlock...

After reading these conclusions, General Gavinrad had a disgusted expression on his face. He slammed his fist on the table and cursed viciously:

They have degenerated to this extent! They desecrated the remains of the warriors, damn it! This is a provocation to the Alliance and the Holy Light!

Yes, General! They must be cleared before the next battle!

The young mage put down the teacup in his hand, and said with great agreement:

The opinions of the archmages are also the same. Allowing these warlocks who should have died to act recklessly on the battlefield will seriously weaken the will of ordinary soldiers to fight. The previous battles also showed that the restraint of the paladins against the death knights is completely Azimuthally, the weapons wielded by their decayed bodies cannot harm paladins, and their evil magic is counteracted by the Holy Light.

You are the most suitable fighters to hunt down these evil creatures. The council of six hopes to get more samples of death knights for research. Master Kel'Thuzad has solved some of their mysteries, but we have too few samples , there is no way to carry out subsequent cracking.

Well, well said!

The exiled general of the Stormwind Kingdom didn't have the slightest affection for the orcs, and now he has become a devout believer of the Holy Light. As a holy knight who sticks to virtue, he can't tolerate this kind of evil blasphemy. mage said:

We will slaughter those death knights on the battlefield. That's why we are here... Please report to the archmages. If the mages can provide specific information, once I find out the exact location of their activities, I will personally Take the paladins and use the scorching and great holy light to purify these evil people!

The general stroked his beard and said sincerely:

This is our duty!

You are a brave man!

With a hint of gratitude in his eyes, the young mage said softly:

You have the courage of steel, and I will try my best to persuade the archmages to agree to your request.

I would also like to thank Dalaran for its selfless assistance in this just battle... By the way, child, what's your name? I don't think I've seen you on the battlefield.

General Gavin Ladd breathed a sigh of relief. The result of the previous war was favorable to the alliance, which made him full of confidence in the future. Facing his question, the young mage replied gracefully:

My name is Luo Ning, General. I grew up in the Kingdom of Dalaran. I just became an official mage not long ago. This is the first time I have come to the front line of the battlefield. But in fact, when I was a child I want to be a knight as brave as you.

Oh, really?

The two quickly chatted happily. During the leisure time of the war, such a small talk can undoubtedly relax the mood, but when the general laughed because of the embarrassment of Master Ronin when he was a child, his adjutant, the human knight But Jo-El rushed into the general's office quickly.

What's the matter? Joe, you don't look very well.

General Gavin Ladd noticed the adjutant's expression, and he asked in a low voice, Did something bad happen?

Jor-Eyre, he also had a relationship with Tyrion. In the hilly forest, he drank the blood of the troll. Tyrion threw him in the forest, but his story is not over yet. He was lucky to survive, and got the ability to heal himself from the disgusting blood, which greatly increased his strength.

When he finally made his way back to South Sea Town, the war between His Majesty Dai Lin and the orcs had come to an end. He also felt sorry for Tyrion's death in battle, and even went to the dilapidated camp to present a bouquet of flowers.

This brave and loyal knight has been following Gavin Ladd in all the battles, and he is the true confidant of General Gavin Ladd, so when the general was baptized, he also brought this honor to Jor-Eyer, he is now Also a paladin.

Facing the general's question, Joel glanced at the mage Luo Ning with some apprehension. People who can become mages are very intelligent. Luo Ning immediately realized that the following news might not be what he should have heard, so he He got up to leave, but was detained by General Gavin Ladd.

It's okay! Joe, Master Rhonin is our friend, so we don't need to hide it from him.

General Gavinrad drank a glass of wine and said softly, Now, talk.

General, the castle's cemetery has been dug up!

Jo Al said with an ugly face:

At least ten corpses are missing, including the remains of the four paladins who died in battle two days ago. Some sentries said that they vaguely saw the shadow of the dark knight two hours I suspect, Those lingering death knights did it! We sent 2 teams of soldiers to search around, one came back.


How dare they desecrate the sacred remains! Unforgivable!

This news caused General Gavinrad's anger to rise instantly. His fist hit the table, causing the wine bottle and glass to jump up. He stood up and grabbed the epee beside him, but the anger The sanity of the paladin was not destroyed. He looked at the map in front of him, lowered his voice, and said to the adjutant:

A large-scale dispatch of infantry is likely to irritate the orcs. It is not suitable for too many people to know about it. It may affect morale. Let's do this! Take half of the paladins and hunt them down in the name of patrol! I will lead the team myself !Purify the bastards with holy light!


The young mage Ronin stood up. The news filled him with righteous indignation. He clenched the staff in his hand and said loudly:

This kind of evil cannot be tolerated by any righteous person! Please allow me to go with you! After your victory, I can collect some necessary research samples by the way.

General Gavin Ladd glanced back at Ronin. The youthful justice was undisguised, and this kind of courageous request made him unable to refuse. After thinking for a while, the general nodded:

Then you come with us, you can sit on a griffin and help us search the nearby forest... Protect yourself, child, I don't need you to join the battle, you don't look like you have been on the battlefield yet.

This kind reminder made the young man blush, and he said loudly:

Then I will prove myself in battle! General!

A moment later, a group of golden knights rushed out of the castle, and above their heads, a griffin also rose into the sky to scout and guide the knights. On the ground were 20 paladins, plus A great knight, this is already a force that can face nearly a hundred orcs head-on. No one thinks that they will fail, even they themselves don't think so.

The ruins...

The mage Ronin, who was sitting on the griffin, was wearing dwarf-style goggles. In the howling wind, he pointed to the ruins of the hills not far from Dunholde Castle below, and pointed at the Wildhammer who was manipulating the griffin in front of him. The dwarf asked:

Is it also destroyed by orcs?


The Wildhammer dwarf yelled nonchalantly:

It was destroyed half a year ago. It turned out that a group of high elves were stationed there, but it's okay to say that the orcs killed them all... It is said that it was an infiltration invasion by the orcs. The unsuspecting elves After being killed, humans avenged them, and it was this massacre that made the elves decide to join the alliance.

Oh, that's how it is...

Ronin shook his head. As a young mage in Dalaran, he was proud. He didn't care about the plight of the elves. Soon, he focused on his mission.

With the dancing of the mage's fingers, the magic power in his body was drawn out bit by bit, and eagle eye was blessed on his eyes. Soon, he looked down on the land and forest from the sky, and even the wild beasts running in the jungle , could not hide from his eyes.

Wait! There!

Rhonin quickly spotted his target, and on the edge of the river below the griffin, in the lush forest, he saw a dim light that looked like a warrior in black armor moving through the jungle.

Closer there! Lower the altitude a little bit!

Luo Ning patted the shoulder of the Wildhammer dwarf, and a moment later, under the control of the dwarf, the huge griffin swooped into the air about 500 meters. Budai, a dark knight who rides on a skeleton horse and gallops through the lush forest.

The darkness that enveloped the whole body, as well as the symbolic fluctuation of evil energy, made the mage tremble all over.

That's them! I see them!


His fingertips danced, and a red flash of magic rushed into the sky, representing the signal he had sent. Behind him, General Gavinrad, who had seen the signal, clicked on his visor and steered his horse Reins, rushed towards the forest, followed by 20 paladins who swore to recover the stolen sacred relic.

Ordinary war horses cannot run wildly in the forest. Death knights can do it because their war horses are not living things. Even if they knock down branches, they will not be injured. Living war horses cannot do this. What's more, it is impossible to launch the charge of heavy armored knights in the forest, and the use of war horses is no longer great.

After weighing for a while, the great knight Gavinrad got off his horse and rushed into the forest with the paladins. Even if they were fighting on foot, the paladins were fearless!

And the dazzling flash in the sky was also seen by the death knight who was advancing at a constant speed in the forest.

Celente took off the bow with his backhand, and put a sharp bone arrow on the bowstring. During the telephony, his hoarse and deep voice sounded:

Prey hooked! Looks like a real big guy...

Don't be in a hurry, lead the arrogant beast into the prepared hunting ground first, Celent... If those golden pots think they are facing a group of weak plate warlocks, then they will eat Big loss...

Come on, let them see... the real death knight!

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