Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 719 12. Old rival

How powerful is the Burning Legion?

This question was a puzzle to Azeroth 2000 years ago. The commanders and generals at that time could only rely on guesswork to set the number and origin of these demons who organized the Burning Crusade under the manipulation of the Dark Titan. It is even impossible to accurately guess the territory occupied by the Burning Legion.

Even the Argus War and the Argus Star Wars recorded in the annals of history, at the beginning, it was just a desperate counterattack after predicting the result. Azeroth put all its strength and hope on that day. In the war, the combined strength of the four major fleets at that time was not even stronger than the fleet of a large star region today.

But they have accomplished a great feat that the current fleet can't even imagine. Relying on their tenacious will and unimaginable luck, they destroyed the demon base camp in a large star area when their strength was far inferior to that of their opponents!

That was almost the most humiliating battle since the establishment of the Burning Legion tens of thousands of years ago. Argus was completely destroyed, and even the dark titan, who had the highest dark power, lost one of his arms in that battle, and he lost miserably.

In the centuries that followed, some would call it Azeroth's great victory, but they didn't realize how lucky they had won it until the world actually took to the interstellar stage.

The federation after 2000 occupies 137 large star sectors, and the area it occupies is only two-thirds of the demon world. In terms of population, it is not at the same level as the demons. If Sargeras had brought his If the Guard Fleet Darkfire comes, then there will be no hope for Azeroth's fleet to escape.

So the critics of later generations have a very classic sentence: the devil loses in carelessness and underestimating the enemy, while Azeroth wins in luck.

This is almost the most fair judgment on Argus Star Wars.

However, demons will not always be so strong, and Azeroth will not always be so weak. After the development and conquest in 2000, today's Azeroth already has the strength to confront demons head-on. After leaving the transition layer, standing in front of them is the old opponent of the millennium, the dark flame.

The two fleets that can fight the most from the two super civilizations, at this time Azeroth is superior in quality, and the Dark Fire side is superior in quantity. Even though the power is very different, no one takes a step back, even if it is separated by the cold and distant star field Between them, one can also feel the almost stagnant confrontational atmosphere between the two sides.

Just like soldiers who have stepped into the battlefield, the two sides no longer hold hands, and the first blow of the fight will be the fastest and craziest confrontation.




After fine-tuning the main guns of both sides, the beam of light piercing through the cold and dead space pierced the battlefield that was quiet at that moment. In this place where the stars shine, in the floating without the concept of up and down, the shells and rays of both sides are absolute. The fierce and powerful gesture hit the energy defense layer of the opponent's starship, stirring up huge flames and waves of energy.

The violent energy fluctuations even tore apart the space between the star domains. The black faults that can be seen everywhere made everyone who saw them tremble with fear. Even a whole starship, after encountering such a space crack , will also be torn open a whole wound, and will even sink into that space.

And the Azeroth First Fleet, which was ready to strike before jumping into the battlefield with mental arithmetic and unintentional, really gave the opponent a surprise.

Realizing that the First Fleet appeared, except for the 24 capital ships of the Dark Flame, there were less than one-third of the demon starships, which led to the fact that when the First Fleet attacked, the other starships In a state of partial defense, they even face their opponents with their backs in the future. Some starships are under the advantage of numbers, and they don't even open their defensive energy shields.

Under the starship salvo that swept across everything, just one wave weakened the demon's numerical advantage by at least a third.

It can be said that the number of destruction and damage is terrifying. The hull broken in the void was burnt into flames under the continuous blows of various energies or the combat ships of the First Fleet. Among them, he was captured and fell by the gravity of the surrounding planets in an eloquent gesture.

However, the demon fleet's counterattack destroyed the first three layers of the First Fleet's joint shield, but was completely worn out in the last layer.

Turalyon stood up suddenly from the command chair, pulled out the long sword behind his back, and shouted in the communication channel,

First Fleet! Charge with me!


At this moment, the body of the heroic spirit dissipated under the lights of the command room, and a luminous giant hundreds of meters tall appeared in front of the First Fleet. On the left, Anduin's heroic spirit form held the Guardian of Truth in his hand, and the scorching saint The light almost completely enveloped the left wing of the fleet, and on the right, a blazing phoenix appeared in the void, flapping its wings to protect the flagship of Quel'Thalas.

The cold-looking Kael'thas holds a staff in his hand. After 2000 years ago, he is no longer a low-level life that can only crawl on the ground. He looked at the dark fire fleet blocking in front of him, and a flash of light flashed in his indifferent eyes. Killing intent and coldness, as well as the expectation of meeting old friends again.


Under the pull of his left hand, six rays of scorching hot magma appeared from the void behind him, like 6 flaming long swords piercing through the void, sweeping across the void in front of him in a posture like an elf sword dance However, all the existences in front of the sword's point were cut off by the scorching light blade. The energy density and quality of this extremely compressed energy light far exceeded the strength of the starship's shield, just like It's as easy as popping a balloon with a needle.

Nearly 20 starships were destroyed in one blow, and the name of the demigod of Azeroth resounded through the stars.

This blow was like the blowing of the charge. Under the leadership of the flagship, the First Fleet, which had already polished its fangs, stepped into the battlefield boldly like a charging knight in the Middle Ages. Their will was united, The fighting spirit is high, even the cold steel can't stop the crazy blood.

Among the starships, some soldiers sang the war hymn of the First Legion. At first it was one person, then ten people, and finally all. When the impassioned war hymn resounded through the entire communication channel, who else could defeat such an army? Fleet gone mad?

Who else could defeat such a civilization of iron will?

They're retreating!

That's why they are afraid! Let's move on!

The main gun is ready!



The First Fleet is like soldiers marching against the flames and shells flying all over the sky. Even if the shields are breached, even if their companions are destroyed in the attack every moment, their direction of advancement has never changed.

The heroic spirits have brandished their weapons and rushed into the opponent's battlefield. In the frenzy of attacks brought by these heroic spirits, the golden shell painting of the First Fleet seems to symbolize the arrival of victory.

It's bound to come!

The Qunluan encountered concentrated artillery fire, and our ship's defense system failed...I will carry out the final attack! Long live Azeroth!

A generous voice sounded on the communication channel, and then under the watchful eyes of other captains, a starship with flames and thick smoke on the deck quickly left the fleet and rushed towards the opposing fleet almost at the fastest speed , like a sharp blade stained with blood, and like a sharp arrow off the string, it turned into a red light as the opponent fired more and more crazily, and finally dragged the remnant body and crashed into the last place abruptly. The front of the Martian Ship of Darkness ahead.

At the moment when the huge fire illuminated the entire starry sky, the communication channels of the entire fleet fell silent, like a volcano about to erupt. After that silence, there was an energy riot that would destroy everything.

Destroy them for me! Don't let those bastards go!

Marshal Cuvier's condensed anger erupted in the entire First Fleet. All starships, even those supply ships and medical ships without frontal combat functions, began to accelerate. The blood of fanaticism deep in his heart was completely ignited.

The proof of the strength of that kind of courage quickly spread to all the planets in the entire Puruk sector in the near-live broadcast of the ethereal smuggling ship watching the battlefield, and then moved towards the nearest star at a faster speed. The field spread, and soon, the fleets of the four large star areas outside the Pruker star area began to leave the port, rushing to this exciting star war area at the fastest speed.

In the more distant theater, at the moment when the First Fleet charged against at least three times the number of demonic starships, the slightly silent Bloody Bravery of the entire Federation was activated again, and the result was that, in During this year, the Federation has fully won the battlefield advantages of 11 Star War Zones, and the front of the demons has almost completely collapsed.

Those old demons who experienced the history of war 2,000 years ago were surprised to find that these soldiers who had entered the interstellar era seemed to have regained the kind of madness that was once called barbarians, and the courage from ancient times was restored. Activated, under the gentle appearance, the Federation of Azeroth changed from peaceful to beast again. Before that, no one had ever told them that Star Wars can be fought like this, and starships can be used like this.

In the more distant future, the glorious Union soldiers will call this charge the last courage, and this crazy and brutal courage is beyond the shame of the opponent's defeat, they are as if they are in Just like the ancient knights in the middle ages, they only need to charge and charge under the guidance of the federal flag, and they can easily obtain the victory they want.

There is nothing civilized, nothing elegant, and even ridiculed as rude. Courage is the true pillar of a civilization.


The last command ship of the Darkfire was completely destroyed in the roar of the main guns of the scarred Storm Fortress. After a disturbing noise appeared on the communication channel of the demons, these wild guys finally collapsed, even The remaining number is still more than the First Fleet, which also suffered heavy losses, but in the face of those lunatics who dared to charge against the artillery fire, the demons were finally afraid.

The channel for signing contracts in the void was opened, and then they were destroyed by the screaming artillery fire of the First Fleet, so they turned around and fled. When the first starship that jumped out of the battlefield disappeared, all the starships that were still holding on collapsed in an instant. Flying in all directions, the First Fleet tried its best and failed to completely keep them, but there is no need to regret, the fleets of other star regions have already cast their nets outside this battlefield.

They cannot escape!

When you are crazy enough and brave enough, the whole world will give way in front of you.

With the help of the traction field, the Holy Light Pious Walker, whose shell was almost completely lifted, slowly docked in front of the scarred Storm Fortress. Huron and others escorted the soul crystal and Tisaracher. box, and walked into the command hall of Storm Fortress.

Anduin looked at the round black crystal, he tremblingly put his hands on the surface of the crystal, feeling the extremely tired sleeping soul inside, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Welcome home, my mentor.

And in the depths of the vast universe, at the forefront of the border between order and chaos, a dark body sitting on a throne made of an extinct planet suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a palpitating crimson The light, the broken sword in his hand also burst into raging flames, but after a while, those eyes closed again.

Hehe...Fate, let it come...Dick, welcome back.

This uninteresting star field is too ugly!

Don't worry, Grable, don't worry... soon, we'll see him soon.

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