Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 692 48. Self-destruction

Although in the records of the Pantheon, Sargeras' fall was due to contact with too many dark beings during the tens of thousands of years of battle. These darkness accumulated in his heart, and he was finally named Nathrezim. , inspired by the demon race that is good at spiritual plague.

But Dick and Elune know that this is not true!

With the power level of Sargeras rampant in the universe, Nathrezim, who is no more than a demigod at the highest level, cannot shake his heart, let alone penetrate into the deepest part of the Bronze Titan's heart. Nathrezim has taken the blame , They couldn't afford this pot.

The reason why Sargeras really fell was because in his battle against the forefront of chaos, there were a few cracks in his firm mind. The same happened to other titans, but they had enough time to eliminate this corrosion, and Sargeras No, as surrounded by the Pantheon, the Bronze Titans are in a state of combat almost all the time.

The mistake of the Nathrezim was that they used the spiritual plague on Sargeras at an inappropriate time, causing the chaos in the Bronze Titan's heart to be aroused. Caught off guard, his last line of spiritual defense fell.

But in fact, until today, Sargeras has not really fallen, because while the Burning Crusade was going on, the Dark Titan was still fighting against Chaos. Even though he still fights against the existence of Chaos, this is enough to show how strong Sargeras's mental defense ability is.

His situation is very similar to the black dragon Neltharion, but he is much stronger than Deathwing, but the existence of this corruption is malleable. After the soul fell into darkness, Sargeras used the same method To corrupt Aggramar, his former lieutenant, the mighty titan who was his rival.

He succeeded, but he also failed, Aggramar did fall into the darkness, but Aggramar's situation is very similar to Sargeras, only being eroded by darkness, but he did not give up resisting... His sanity and darkness Tangled together, he lost control of his body, and his actions were dominated by the instinctive behavior of this dark body.

Elune is right, this body is not so much a protection for the titan's spirit in Aggramar, it is more like a cage, imprisoning the titan's soul, unable to gain freedom!

The consciousness of chaos needs more targeted power to fight against, and this is precisely the power that was once mastered by Sargeras and Aggramar in turn, and is now mastered by Dick - order!

Enemy of Chaos!


The long sword of the Angel of Order drew a deep bone scar on the chest of the fallen titan who was imprisoned by the moonlight. After the silver cross starburst exploded, his figure flashed and disappeared into the void. And narrowly escaped the magma blood that burst from the Titan's wound.

At this moment, Odin's Judgment Spear pierced the body of the Fallen Titan, leaving a huge wound. Illidan's attack brought out afterimages in the void, and the bodies of the three main attackers were entwined with bright moonlight and The double blessing of the light green mist, whether it is energy, defense, or resilience, has been raised to the highest level by the two protoss.

It's like attacking a meat shield that has lost all its attack power with a full body of BUFF. Although it can't hurt Aggramar's real vitals, just the continuous weakening of the body is also very important for this battle. Yes, every wound opened means that the power of Elune and Iona can enter the dark body of Aggramar to support the Titan Spirit who is still holding on in the dark quagmire.

Dick! Come in!

The voice of the Creator was full of a majesty unique to battle, Rush into this body, go to help Aggramar, get ready... 3, 2, 1! Go in!

The Angel of Order's attacking body froze at this moment, like a robot that had lost all control. The 6 light wings behind him spread out, and his hands held the long sword against his chest, like a robot that had lost all control. It was a stone floating in the void, and Dick's soul, under a certain secret technique blessed by the creator himself, voluntarily separated from the body of the angel of order, and appeared in the void in the form of a spirit.

Before Dick got used to the existence of this spirit form, he was pushed by a pair of hands and pierced into the body of Aggramar who had been torn apart and was constantly struggling in the moonlight.

With your order, help Aggramar! Only you can do this!

Elune's voice also sounded at this moment, and Dick gritted his teeth, no longer caring about the light feeling unique to the soul, and quickly rushed towards the soul along the energy veins in the fallen titan's body.

It's like swimming in lava!

This was Dick's first reaction. The Dark Titan's body was almost filled with the blood of the magma full of malice. In addition, the order that has grown to a limit turned into a shield, protecting his spirit to death, and he moved forward quickly, ignoring the roaring magma around the spirit body.

Under the spirit body, he seemed to be able to hear the difficult, exhausted, and oppressive shortness of breath coming from the deepest part of this incredibly powerful body. Where the dark spirits are.

at heart!

No...not the heart in the conventional sense, but a more vivid term, somewhere in the chest, in the center of the body.

Everything in front of him was like a series of heavy gates, blocking Dick's continuous forward path, but the paladin did not retreat because of this. He didn't know what retreat was. He waved his hands and struck with the long sword composed of order. After cutting everything along the way, he finally appeared in front of a black wall of energy, and he could feel that the tortured soul was behind this wall.


Dick hit the wall with a fist, and the light of order kept shining on his fist, like a battering ram, bombarding, bombarding, shaking the wall continuously, but he was still unable to break through it.

I know you're in there! I know you can hear me!

Dick took two steps back, swung his left hand, a light shield almost identical to Aggramar's shield appeared on his arm, he put his left arm in front of his body, and then shouted loudly, Agramar, If you can feel me, try again! One last time! I'm here to help you!

After shouting, Dick didn't dare to hear the spirit of the titan. He exerted force on his legs, and his whole body was like a dwarf warrior with a heavy shield. He concentrated all the strength of his whole body in this impact, and the shield Like the tip of a spear, it firmly pressed against the surface of this energy wall. The collision of order and chaos aroused an explosion like an explosive sun at this moment.

Under the control of Dick, the silver halo hit the energy in Aggramar's body tightly, and there was no winner. The violent shock caused Dick's spirit body to bounce back, but he stopped After retreating, it exploded again, hitting the wall again.

Give it to me, open it!


A crack appeared in the energy wall, and silver light penetrated into the crack, like a trace split by a sword blade. Dick retreated and charged forward again.


The energy barrier in front of him broke a big hole under this blow, and Dick's figure rolled out of the hole, rolled on the ground in front of him like a place shrouded in darkness, then turned over and stood up, This is a place similar to a grotto, but the environment of this place is exactly the same as the Broken Sword Hall, shrouded in thick darkness, actively devouring all light.

This dimness itself is proof of the existence of chaos.

I am a person of order, and the place where I am is a place of order. There is no place for chaos here! Spread out!

Dick's left hand was raised high, as if holding a silver-white torch. The silver halo slowly spread from his body in all directions, dispelling the darkness that covered everything. Wherever the halo went, and the darkness Collision, annihilation, and circles of silver sparks erupted. The concentration of the chaotic force field here is almost the same as that of the ancient god's prison cell.

And after the last place was illuminated, Dick finally saw the existence in the deepest part of the grotto.

Aggramar...a spirit body, whose appearance is almost exactly the same as that of the fallen titan on the outside, but his skin color is not dark red like rust, but bronze, the unique skin color of titans, and he also wears a door Wearing a battle armor, his whole body was imprisoned in the shape of a big in front of Dick, in the wall that trembled as if breathing, and was composed entirely of flowing magma.

The dark energy mist wrapped around his limbs, even pierced his skin, and entered his spirit body. Aggramar seemed to be tortured and hung on the stone wall. Under his head, the bronze body of his spirit body Under the skin, there is a surging dark mist.

He fell into darkness... These chaotic energies that are almost connected to his body have proved this, but his spiritual body has not collapsed or twisted, which also proves that this steadfast fighter has not surrendered.

The fixed light shield on Dick's left hand buzzed, as if he was greeting his former master in this way. The paladin looked at the Titan who was suspended in the magma, his spirit body floated into the air, in his body The moment his fingers touched Aggramar's comatose spirit body, the surrounding Chaos Fangfo felt threatened, and turned into a gray mist with a concentration ten times higher, rushing towards Dick.

Give me... get out!


At this moment, all the power of order in the paladin's body rushed out in all directions in a way like a bomb exploded, smashing the condensed gray mist in one fell swoop, and the energy also rushed into Aggramar's body, The Titan's Spirit, which had already run out of fuel, was like a dry sponge, quickly absorbing the power of order, and the mist that pierced into his body and wrapped around him surged even faster.

Since it's useful... just wake me up!

Dick pressed his hands on Aggramar's shoulders, and at the moment of contact, all the negative energy in the entire fallen titan began to rush towards where Dick was, and the paladin ignored his body. The silver-white power of order in the body was injected into Aggramar's body.

Ah! Open your eyes, look around, and see how many people are fighting for you! Look at Elune, look at Iona, look at us! Avengers, wake me up!

we need you!


The gray energy gathered into a heavy punch, which slammed hard on the back of Dick's spirit body. This blow almost broke his soul, which was almost the full blow of this fallen titan, but Dick did not Did not let go, but continued to deliver order.

Boom, boom!

After two consecutive attacks, Dick's spirit body even became very pale, but he still didn't give up until the moment when the fourth attack was charging, Aggramar's unconscious spirit body finally appeared. With a slight reaction, he raised his head with difficulty, and the eyes that were opened, the pupils that were about to be completely swallowed by the darkness, shone with the last sane light.

kill me…

What? Wake up! We can save you!

Crazy to the marrow, there is no cure...Kill me quickly...It is about to wake up...Quick! I order you...Kill me! Quick!

Dick clearly saw that the last sliver of reason in those eyes was disappearing rapidly, the atmosphere of chaos and wildness, he breathed a sigh of relief, took a step back, and bowed to Aggramar, in front of him The moment he raised his head, he closed his eyes in pain.

Under Aggramar's last manipulation of the spirit body, the silvery-white light blades of order pierced into the completely defenseless body.



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