Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 615 15. The Deepest Fear

Shadowmoon Valley is the core of Illidan's rule after he started to rule the Outlands. The Demon Hunter King occupied the Dark Temple left by the previous Outlander King as his palace. This building is more like a completely militarized fortress.

Compared to other places in the Shattered World of Draenor, Shadowmoon Valley and Netherstorm, which directly border the void, are undoubtedly the places with the weakest space barriers. To give an example, the space barriers here are like an already The wall riddled with holes could not stop the raging flood.

Therefore, under the eternal night sky in Shadowmoon Valley, there are dark green meteorites falling from the sky at every moment. Those are the hellfire demons dropped by the Burning Legion. They hit the ground like meteors, and then crawled out of the crater. , using the evil flames in his body and his own brute force to destroy everything around him.

This doomsday scene is what happens every moment in Shadowmoon Valley. This area is also the training ground for the Illidari to train recruits. Every month, a group of recruits will come out of the Dark Temple. Not even a tenth of them went back alive.

Illidan is such a person, he never believes in pale words, he only believes in the knife in his hand and the blood of his opponent.


Silver lightning flashed across the sky, and landed on the ground of Shadowmoon Valley in a crooked manner. There was nothing wrong with Dick, but Ronin and Vereesa, who were held in his arms by him, could no longer bear it. up.

The moment Vereesa stepped onto the hard ground, Vereesa's body weakened and was supported by Ronin. Instead of paying attention to the pale couple, Dick turned around and took off the Order The heavy sword and the silver holy flame spread out completely in this dark sky, like a small sun.

An Weina stood on his shoulder, with a serious expression on the face of the light spirit. The two of them saw the black spot of light rushing towards them from the distant sky, and they were completely ready to fight.

It is difficult for mortal minds to imagine the scene of traveling at the speed of light. Dick can adapt because when flying at the speed of light, his body actually enters the state of an elemental creature, while Ronin and Vereesa do not have this function, they are quite Being carried by the lightning, Yu ran nearly 1,000 kilometers in an instant, which is almost the highest speed in this universe.

In fact, their legs are weak and dizzy, which is enough to prove their strength. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that they will be torn to pieces by the crazy friction of the air the moment Dick starts it.

protect yourself!

The paladin dropped a sentence without looking back, but Ronin struggled to support his body with his staff and shouted, Dick, there is no need to fight! She has no malice!


Dick looked back at Luo Ning with some doubts. He had just seen Sinestra attacking Luo Ning and Vereesa with the Shadow Flame. Could it be that he was wrong?

She really has no malicious intentions! We can talk about it!

Luo Ning yelled again, but Dick shook his head as he looked at the dragon mother in the form of a dragon who was furious and rushed down with a loud dragon chant mixed with a shadowy flame that was overwhelming.

We can talk, but not now! Protect yourself!

Anvena, let's go!


Silver-white sparks enveloped the whole body of the paladin at this moment, and the Angel of Order held a sharp sword and strong shield, broke through the silver-white flame storm, and rushed from the ground to the sky, facing the sky without hesitation Sinestra in the middle ran over.

Dragon Mother is very difficult to entangle, and her length is nearly 100 meters, which means that it is basically impossible to kill with one blow, but even if it is a war of attrition, Dick is not afraid!


The silver light blade and the dragon's claw clashed, and the strong vibration made the sky tremble. The mother of dragon's crazy form of jumping down from the sky was forcibly stopped, and Dick's body also slid down hundreds of meters, but the next moment , the wings of six beams of light slapped, and the whole person rushed upwards again, like a sharp arrow leaving the string, Sinestra sensed the threat, and her faucet turned outward, avoiding the arrow that was originally coming straight into her eyes. sharp edge.

But the sharp long sword entwined with the flames of order still scratched her neck, the hard scales were completely torn apart, scorching dragon blood and broken dragon scales spilled on the ground, and the painful wailing of the dragon mother spread across the sky.


But the pain didn't make her flinch. On the contrary, she waved her crystallized claws, bringing up a ball of scorching flame dragon claws in the air, blocking Dick in the air one after another, and the dark red flames also This moment appeared from the void, completely enveloping Sinestra's body from head to tail, like a giant dragon made entirely of flames.

Just getting close is enough to melt steel! Being able to use the talent of the Shadow Flame to this extent, Sinestra is worthy of the name of the oldest black dragon!

But the Angel of Order didn't stop because of this. On the contrary, he put the shield of Aggramar in front of him, and the speed of flying in the air was accelerated again.

The silver holy flame burning on the surface of his body exploded in an instant, like a real sword, rushing towards the claws of the Dragon Mother, moving forward without hesitation!


There was another loud noise, head-to-head! The dragon claws are sharp, but the shield of Aggramar, as the pillar of the world, is almost unshakable. The silver flame group collided with the crimson flames on the dragon claws, and melted, and finally broke through the blockade of the dragon claws, but the head-on What came was the dragon tail covered with black bone spurs, wrapped in abnormally hot shadow flames, and accumulating the whole body strength of the dragon mother.

Like a rounded armor-piercing giant hammer, it swept towards his front.


The Angel of Order was swept away like a baseball, and Sinestra seized this flaw even more. Her huge body nimbly turned in a circle in the air, raised her head, her abdomen expanded, and the dark red shadow flames posed on her head. Sprayed towards the Angel of Order.

But how can the speed of the flame catch up with the light?


A silver light flashed, and blood splattered from Sinestra's abdomen.


The dragon scales on the back of the dragon mother flew out in all directions as if hit by a heavy hammer.


A dragon's horn was completely sliced ​​by the bulging silver light blade, as if the shield composed of night flames that could burn everything was completely useless, the dragon mother sensed the threat, and Dick began to use his greatest speed advantage to attack the dragon. She was slaughtered!

Sinestra's combat experience is so rich, she just glanced at it, and knew that she couldn't keep up with this speed, so she roared, her claws tore open the void, and spewed out a ball of scorching heat The breath of the dragon completely blocked the surrounding space, she was leaving!

She was avoiding her worst nightmare, and she had no time to waste fighting a tough guy who jumped out of nowhere.

But the silver light around the Angel of Order suddenly subsided, and the next moment, four heavy chains protruded from the void in four directions, and were fastened to her limbs with lightning speed.

Then it was pulled outward frantically, imprisoning her body in mid-air. The chain seemed to be shrouded by a higher level of will. The moment it clasped the dragon mother's limbs, it completely wiped out the flame shield on the surface of her body. .

Angel of Order - Code of Humility!

This kind of confinement will forcibly reduce her attack power to the minimum. Every time she swings her claws, she will feel that the chain has canceled out 90% of her strength, and the attack becomes light and powerless.

The angel seized this opportunity, just like the jumping battle just now, the dragon scales shattered, the dragon blood splashed everywhere, and the angry roar of the dragon mother resounded through the sky, but it still couldn't change Dick's super fast attack rhythm. In the eyes of Luo Ning, who was watching the battle below, a silver-white net was taking shape.

That's because Dick's speed was too fast, causing even afterimages to form outside his body.

In the end, after completely smashing the dragon scales on Sinestra's abdomen, the figure of the Angel of Order suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to the ground, and he put away the epee of Order and the Shield of Aggramar , he opened his left hand with the exquisite gauntlet, and a silver scorching spear appeared in his hand. The holy pattern of order on it was exquisitely vivid. At this moment, it is fully extended, like a big bow fully drawn.

The Angel of Order took three steps to run up on the ground. At the last moment, he threw the Angel of Order-Sun Spear in his hand. The moment the spear was shot, Dick retreated from the Angel of Order's incarnation, and the spear of light was fired. Brilliant, at this moment, silver light enveloped everyone's field of vision, at this moment, the entire world was like a vast expanse of whiteness, and the rest could not be seen clearly.

But a brilliant lightning flashed across the line of sight, and the next moment, the entire silver-white world was completely separated.

Luo Ning put down the palm that was blocking his eyes. The last scene he saw was the dragon mother who was completely pierced through the abdomen by the huge light gun. Like a meteorite falling from the sky, she planted obliquely towards the ground. down.

Even the most powerful dragon from ten thousand years ago... was defeated.


Dick looked at the giant black dragon falling from the sky to the ground, and opened his mouth to let out a slightly scorching breath. The temperature of his body surface was very high. The shadow flame shield that Sinestra just used was not just good-looking. .

Now... we can talk about it.


The sky, the sky swept by flames, the burnt ashes floating in the dark red sky, the whole world has become barren.

This is a completely burned world, a world where hope has been wiped out.

Sinestra looked desperately at everything in front of her. She stood in the form of a blood elf on the cracked ground and looked at the sky in despair. There, a huge black dragon shadow wrapped in red flames emerged from the sky. Flying across the sky, the flames of the burning world fluttered under its wings, and everything was wiped out wherever it went.

She knew who it was...she knew she couldn't fight him.

Pain... Suffering!!

My hatred burns in the abyss!


The magma in the ground spewed out from the cracked ground, causing Mother Dragon to back away in horror, but the dragon shadow in the sky turned back again and flew towards her. Seeing the terrifying flapping of its wings, Sinestra ignored Everything ran backwards, but the voice kept rolling in her mind.

Humble nations will tremble at my wrath!


The whole earth seemed to sway for a moment, and then began to collapse rapidly, and the speed of Dragon Mother's escape accelerated again.

The whole world will be torn apart!

Bang, bang

The ground under Sinestra's feet parted, and a dark fissure appeared in front of her eyes, but she didn't dare to stop, but desperately jumped towards the other side of the fissure, it was getting closer, it was getting closer!

Hope appeared in Dragon Mother's eyes, but the next moment when he was about to touch the edge of the cliff, it turned into that head that was completely cracked, and the magma-like blood burst out from his cracked body, like the craziest ancient beast , with madness shining in his eyes, he was walking towards her step by step.

Enough! Enough!

Stay away from me! Don't touch me!

But her screaming and resistance failed to stop what was about to happen, only the voice that would destroy the world and destroy the world kept ringing in her heart.

All will burn in the shadow of my wings!

I am the Destroyer of Destiny, and my name is Death... Wings!


Sinestra screamed and sat up on the bed, and everything, the burning flames and the world, the terrible dragon, the mad despair, the unbearable past, all disappeared.

It's's okay, it's just a dream, it's just a dream...

Mother Long no longer had that kind of coldness and indifference, just like a terrified mortal, the moon outside the window was as cold as water, and it didn't look like that broken world anymore.

But just when her mood calmed down a little, a gentle voice sounded from the other end of the room.

So...that's your greatest fear...Deathwing, right?

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