Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 605 5. Rise of new forces in the world

The dim ones are distorted dreams, the bright red ones are overflowing with despair, and the gray ones are mixed with sadness. In this twisted world, an angry soul screams.


Naga. My fleet is gone.

Dead, all dead.

Sometimes crazy, sometimes sad. He has been trapped here for a long time, and there is no passage of time in the dream, but the more this kind of loneliness, the more cruel it seems, when the immersion in despair is about to overflow, it is often the time when the soul's defense line is about to collapse.

But at the moment when he was crushed by substantial negative emotions and was about to collapse, the shackles that bound this dream were suddenly loosened, and the pressure suddenly disappeared. He opened his eyes, and smashed out with his clenched fists. .



Taylor's wrist was tightly grasped by Varian, and Anduin grasped the mad general's other hand. At the request of the royal family, Baron, the blind monk who came urgently from Northshire, would calm his mind immediately. The holy light was on the forehead of General Taylor, who was roaring like a wild beast, and he struggled more violently, his bloodshot eyes widened to the extreme, like a fierce tiger that would prey on someone.

A few minutes later, Baron recited a prayer, and his fingers left Taylor's forehead. The admiral, who was overwhelmed by exhaustion and despair, finally calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.

Varian let go of Taylor's arm. He looked at his general. He was also a veteran and a commander in chief. He could understand the despair of the commander after the entire army was wiped out. But on the surface, the Na who sent Taylor back The Jiashui mages did not lie. The Queen of the Deep Sea, Azshara, did not abuse him, but used magic to make him enter some kind of illusion.

But the king still cast his eyes on the blind monk, who took a slight step back and whispered,

General Taylor has no physical problems, and he has not suffered mental torture, but his energy is almost dry. He needs to rest, and he will sleep for at least 3 days. Please do not disturb him these days.

Varian nodded. He still trusts Baron, a rising star priest who has participated in the undead war from beginning to end. He even plans to let Baron preside over the Guangming University where the archbishop is still vacant in a few years. Church, but now he is more worried about the safety of Taylor, the general who is absolutely loyal to the Wrynn family, so after Baron finished speaking, the king raised his hand,

Then trouble you, temporarily stay in Stormwind Fortress these few days, and make sure to ensure General Taylor's life!

Baron leaned slightly, I obey, Your Majesty.

Ten minutes later, the council hall of Stormwind Fortress was filled with close officials of the Wrynn family, but the atmosphere at this time was somewhat weird, and the source was the invitation letter that was placed on the king's table.

Naga's predecessor was the ancient Kaldorei empire that once ruled most of the world, so in terms of etiquette and decoration, these twisted creatures that have lived on the seabed for 10,000 years still cannot change their desire for extravagance. The level of art originated from thousands of years ago is terrifyingly high. Even a warrior like Varian can feel a sense of aura from the invitations written in the three languages ​​of Common Language, Salas, and Dwarf. The solemnity and solemnity stuck in time and space.

But the faction that sent this invitation just broke through their city two months ago. The most tangled thing is that this time Naga not only sent back those captives, but also sent a sum of money. The treasure that stunned Varian is called compensation, and this wealth is now stored in the newly restored warehouse in the port area, and Shaw from SI:7 personally leads people to guard it.

In fact, when King Varian received the secret report from the tax officer who was almost frightened, his hands were trembling. That is equivalent to three years of taxes for the entire Stormwind Kingdom! Enough for Varian to build twenty more docklands! Those Naga carried dozens of broken wooden boxes and threw them away, and then returned to the deep sea. The terrible aura of local tyrants rushed to Varian's face. You must know that the bottom of the sea is the most indispensable of these things, and the deep sea, where countless wealth is buried, is the territory of Azshara.

In the past, people said that King Dailin of Kul Tiras who ruled the sea was the richest ruler, but now, this title must be given to the queen of the deep sea.

This is actually what confuses Varian the most. It stands to reason that he should have thrown the invitation on the faces of the Naga just now, and then led the army to fight with them to justify the humiliation suffered by the Stormwind Kingdom. , but the queen of the deep sea who had met once so as to save them once made a move, even extinguishing all Varian's anger.

Is the dignity of the king and the country really priceless?

No. For politicians, everything is valuable, and as long as it is valuable, it can be traded, so after thinking about it, Varian decided to think again.

The close ministers were discussing fiercely, but no one proposed to go to war. Going to war means attrition and death. In the current situation where the guardians brazenly intervene in the world war and the tribe is gradually pressing on, it is really not suitable. Another war that has no chance of winning.

After all, how can humans go into the deep ocean?

Your Majesty, my suggestion is... why don't we wait and see what happens!

The Duke of Ebonlocke, who came urgently from Nightshade Town, suggested solemnly, Don't rush to make a decision.


The somewhat tired Varian immediately became interested, and he asked curiously, Sir Ambrock, what do you say?

Wearing a black robe and holding a thorny scepter in his hand, the old duke narrowed his eyes and said with a hint of sarcasm,

There are still 2 days before the banquet starts. Although the Nagas promise in the name of their queen that they will not do anything that will damage the relationship between the two countries, those are alien races after all, and let me say that the most anxious one may be Didn't our Majesty forget the origin of Naga?

Varian's eyes lit up,

You mean, the Kaldorei and Quel'Thalas?

Yes, if even the High Priest is not afraid of the Queen of the Deep Sea hurting her, then it means that the chances of problems at this banquet are definitely not high. If they refuse, we can follow the trend and refuse.

The old duke rubbed his arm. The weather in Stormwind City is not very good recently. He is already old, so he will always be a little sore, but he continued to finish his thoughts, But even if you are going to a banquet, you still have to pay attention. We must bring in enough elites, and what happened in Theramore cannot happen again! If there is another war, I am afraid that even if the gods from the sky really descend, there will be a way to calm it down.

These words made all the ministers nodded. What the old duke said was undoubtedly very normal. Marshal Windsor also expressed his opinion.

This time, if Your Majesty is going to the banquet, you must bring Shaw and some of the assault soldiers of the Seventh Legion, as well as the one from North County. Your Majesty's status is different now. You must take the whole country into consideration. Interests!

Varian nodded kindly, but when he thought of the power of the Naga Kingdom he saw in Vasjir, he still couldn't help sighing,

The Naga rested on the bottom of the sea for ten thousand years, and reappeared in the world ten thousand years later. The emergence of the deep sea kingdom has become a foregone conclusion. Fortunately, the queen seems to be planning to join the civilized world instead of wantonly provoking war. Sea supremacy in Kul Tiras... Hey, it's been another eventful year.

Your Majesty. This is a good thing.

The old duke said something in a low voice, Varian was taken aback for a moment, and finally nodded.

Well, it's a good thing.

On the other side, in the warm throne room of Ironforge, the three Bronzebeard brothers, the rulers of Ironforge, gathered here. Magni also held a luxurious invitation letter in his hand, and the dwarf king tapped it a little irritably. The table, unlike Varian, he didn't want to go to the dinner at all.

Dwarves hate water, it's in their nature.

Brian Bronzebeard sat aside and said to his brother, Brother, the Great Craftsman just sent an envoy to inquire about the banquet, and Gnomeregan has also received an invitation letter!

Then what does Mekkatorque mean?

Magni scratched his beautiful golden beard irritably, and asked with some confusion, What did he say?

The great craftsman said that his choice is the same as yours. If you go, he will go, and if you don't, he will not go.

Brian asked in surprise, Dwarves and dwarves have been interdependent for nearly 300 years. Does my brother still doubt Mr. Mekkatorque's character?

Hey, I don't doubt that it would be great if Mekkatorque just said no. Then we have a reason to shirk!

King Bronzebeard sat down on a chair dejectedly, and threw the two letters in his hand on the table, Falstad and damn Thaurissan said the same thing, if I go to them, I will go, and if I don't, they won't. No, damn it! They put me on the stove! But that damn place in Vaskir, I really don't want to go there a second time, you know? That damn place is full of water, and I walk there , legs are shaking!

Muradin was also a little tangled. In fact, the reason why the dwarves were tangled was the same as Varian, but the difference was that the dwarves were not short of money, so the amendment sent by the Naga who landed in the wetlands was a whole hundred boxes The rare ore on the seabed is definitely the best gift for the dwarves, and it is absolutely impossible to refuse.

From this point, it can also be seen that the Queen of the Deep Sea is definitely not a vase. Her grasp and understanding of people's hearts has reached an extremely high level. Even Muradin, who hated Naga the most, saw those ores. At that time, the thoughts of revenge also unknowingly faded a bit.

Hey! In fact, if you want me to say, we are definitely not the ones who are most upset!

Brian Bronzebeard, the smartest among the three brothers, chuckled, fondly playing with the small sculptures from the Jin Azshara era sent by the Naga, and winked at his brother,

Brother, why don't you ask Ms. Tyrande and the Sun King to see what they say!

Hearing Brian's suggestion, Magni's irritable face immediately became dull, but then he became happy.

What can Tyrande and Kael'thas say?

Hey, prepare a dress for the ancient empire.

Kael'thas looked at the invitation letter and the fossil of a seed in his hand with some melancholy, he turned his head to the Archmage Romanth beside him with a wry smile and said, Now I understand why the hidden suggestion in the manuscript left by our ancestors We have repaired with Naga, look at our light of light, it is really a terrifying existence that can see through people's hearts.

The archmage Rommath, who was always moody and angry, also responded with a wry smile. Quel'Thalas had no way to refuse the card played by Azshara.

The Naga only gave Kael'thas one thing, the tree species fossil of the miracle tree Akando. Azshara also stated that Vashj'ir has preserved complete information about Akando's cultivation. The tree is now dead. It is the spiritual symbol of the rebuilt Quel'Thalas Phoenix Dynasty, and it is much more important than the previous Sunwell. Kael'thas even did not hesitate to attack the ancient city of Syndra, Elesalas, which is now in the hands of Azshara. has what he needs most,

Even if his ancestors were once one of the rebels under Azshara's command, how could he not go?

Compared to Kael'thas' loss, Nordrassil's Priest of the Moon is completely desperate now. She has never forgotten what Azshara said to herself at the bottom of Vashj'ir. Doubting that the light of light's ability to execute her own will, she even suspected that this banquet might be specially held by Azshara in order to humiliate and punish her.

But...she couldn't refuse either!

The Queen of the Deep Sea is a real invitation to other forces, and her personal maid, Vashj, arrived in Nordrassil arrogantly, and she only brought Tyrande one sentence.

Your daughter, Shandris Feathermoon, is visiting Vashj'ir. She misses her adoptive mother very much, so His Majesty specially sent me to invite Priest Tyrande and Archdruid Malfurion to the deep sea kingdom of Torbara. Go to the banquet in the province of Virtue!

threaten! Despicable threat!

But so what? The victor is never blamed, and with Tyrande's knowledge of Azshara, if she really dared to refuse to go to the feast, she would receive a part of Shandris' body the next day, which was intolerable to her.

Tyrande took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed all the fear and anxiety in her heart. This was for Shandris, not herself. She looked at the arrogant Ms. Naga in front of her and said in a deep voice,

Please tell Her Majesty Azshara that my husband and I will definitely arrive at the banquet on time!

Hehehe! Very good! Tyrande, you are as smart as you were ten thousand years ago.

Vashj and Tyrande are old acquaintances, but they are also absolute enemies, but no matter how angry Tyrande is, as Varian said, new forces have appeared in Azeroth, except for the Guardians , no one can stop its rise and no one can!

The glory of thousands of years ago and the bearer of this glory... are back!

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