Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 530 18. World Scepter - Hammer of Ancient Kings Valanaar

In the furnace hall, nearly ten minutes have passed since the life-and-death battle just now.

Ahem. Thank you, Great Guardian.

The weak Ignis sat cross-legged on the ground. The scar on his forehead hadn't healed yet. In fact, since it was a wound caused by the battle between order and chaos, the wound would almost never heal without special treatment. Fortunately, after nearly 10 minutes of torment like hell, the rune giant of the oldest forger finally regained his sanity.

Well, not completely recovered, Dick's slightly hot left hand proved this, but at least he has recovered most of his sanity, the existence of a guardian is different from ordinary people, even in this state, he can rely on himself enough to Suppress the chaos surging in my heart, at least it won't get worse.

Relying on the power of order, it is not an easy task to dispel the chaos that is surrounded by a guardian. Even Dick feels a little tired now, but fortunately his body is different from ordinary people, it only takes a little time With a little rest, he can recover as before.

Facing Ignis' thank you, Dick waved his hand. He stood in front of Ignis. Although in terms of combat effectiveness, he was much stronger than the furnace master, even if the giant was sitting cross-legged on the ground The state, the contrast between two people, is also like a human and a mouse.

If it wasn't for your appearance, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to survive for too long.

Ignis glanced at the building behind Ulduar with some fear, he whispered, Thousands of years ago, that voice began to appear in my heart, I don't even know when I was defeated, too Terrible, really horrific, that the prisoner has escaped and we don't know about it.

That's why I'm here, Stovemaster, tell me, what's the current situation inside Ulduar?

Dick looked into Ignis' eyes. He didn't disbelieve the sane guardian in front of him, but there was no doubt that he was still affected by Chaos, and even the Silver Hand's power of order couldn't completely dispel it. In the face of the radiation of a complete ancient god, it is already very difficult for Dick to guarantee that he will not be affected.

very bad

The giant's voice was low, as if he remembered something bad, he sighed, 2000 years ago, I could no longer enter the inner ring, the high-level guardians closed their halls, even the front hall and The observatory was tightly sealed, and the Iron Council allowed the crazy Iron Legion to destroy everywhere. No one stopped them. They all changed their temperaments. After the experiment accident, he locked himself in the laboratory of Wisdom Spark, Lord Freya focused on his life greenhouse, Hodir completely sealed off his Winter Temple with the harsh winter, Thorim was right! Thorim fled here. I remember well, he left. Where is he?

Dick looked at the giant, then dropped his eyelids,

Unfortunately, Thorim may have escaped Chaos, but he failed to escape the conspiracy. Loken deceived him, so he is back now. According to you, he in that state cannot escape Chaos at all. corrosion.

Loken! That's right! It was Loken who caused all this!

Ignis's voice suddenly became thicker, and the flames behind him rose together. Obviously, the furnace owner's emotions began to get angry.

That traitor! We all misunderstood him! After Master Odin left, he ordered the closure of the deepest prison. At first we thought it was for better travel responsibilities, but now that we think about it, it was clearly to realize He has some kind of evil plan! More than one steel soldier has even seen him, they have seen him enter that cage alone, always staying for a long time. We are too dull, and we didn't even notice Loken's abnormality!

He did all those bad things, yes! That's it! Loken should still be in the Hall of Lightning! I'm going to kill him!

Calm down! Furnace master, under the power of the ancient gods, control your emotions and Loken is dead.

Dick's answer made Ignis, who had just struggled to get up, stunned for a moment, his face was stunned, but then he sat back on the ground, patted his thigh and laughed,

Dead? It's good to die! Hahaha, it's good to die!

Seeing Ignis' expression that didn't seem to be fake, and confirming the credibility of the giant in front of him again and again, the paladin heaved a sigh of relief. He stood up from the stone platform and waved to Ignis.

Seeing that you recovered, this is the only good news. You should rest well. If you still have energy, you might as well go to the training ground to help those mortals fight against the Iron Legion. I'm leaving.

Wait. A mortal entered here?

Ignis stopped Dick who turned and left. His expression seemed to be a little struggling, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief, Forget it, you can't abide by those bad creeds in critical times, but if you still go deeper , you have to take these two things!

Dick turned his head and saw two things that the furnace master fished out from the crucible on his chest. It was a gray-white runestone and an irregular metal block that looked like a handle.

The paladin took these two things curiously, and asked,

What's this?

The furnace master scratched his head, and the dancing sparks flickered at his fingertips, This stone can control Kologarn. After Odin left Ulduar, Loken ordered me to create a rock giant to guard the front hall. , it has no thoughts, but pure brute force is quite terrifying. At that time, I noticed something was wrong, probably out of self-preservation thoughts, I quietly left this control stone, with it, Kolongarn will never Attack you, it will be easier to enter the inner ring, but be careful of Aurelia, my colleague, the archivist of Ulduar, she should be wandering inside the inner ring, she must be the same as me Falling into chaos, and she is stronger than me!

Ignis looked at Dick with a pleading look in his eyes, If possible, Great Guardian, please help her, Aurelia has a peaceful personality, and she knows a lot of Ulduar's secrets, you will use to those!

Dick nodded, and put away the rune stone properly,

Don't worry, stove master, I'm not a butcher, what about this? What is this?

Dick raised the metal handle in the other hand, and Ignis' expression became solemn, a fragment of the world scepter! I don't know if you have heard of it. Its other name is Valanar Hammer of Ancient Kings. It was once bestowed on Ure by the previous great guardian Rai. Er Stoneheart, that was the first earth spirit created by Titan himself, and he is also the ruler and leader of all earth spirits. He used this scepter to help Titan create the first generation of life. Legend has it that this is the secret treasure of Titan, representing with some higher symbol

Ignis looked at the handle of the scepter held by Dick in awe, and his voice became softer, In my memory, there is still the shadow of Urel holding the world scepter back then, that good-tempered The earth spirit put the scepter on the stone, and the stone quickly formed the body of the earth spirit, and endowed him with real wisdom and soul. It is said that the spirits of ancient kings are attached to the scepter, which can Bring ubiquitous protection to the user, even a real upgrade, and I can be sure that this scepter comes from a more ancient period, at least it existed before we appeared, the wisest guardian …I mean Loken, who has not yet fallen into darkness, and he once said that this scepter may come from another world, from the history of the great titans.

The stove master stopped, and his voice became sad at this moment,

But bad luck followed. Not long after the Titans left, the benevolent Urel died in an accident. We used to think that it was really just an accident. The world scepter also broke because of this, and then mysteriously disappeared. Until about 5000 years ago, I found this handle in the corner of the test site. The rest of the artifact should still be inside Ulduar.

Ignis' words made Dick clenched his left hand holding the handle tightly. It was related to the reminder that Norgannon left him in the last mission. It looks much more profound on the surface. He had also imagined that the real world would definitely not divide a warhammer into 30 pieces like in the game, but he did not expect that the first piece was hidden in Ignis' hands.

Fortunately, I didn't kill him!

The expression on Dick's face was understood by Ignis as surprise, so the furnace master introduced the preciousness of this fragment to Dick in detail,

Don't underestimate it, Great Guardian. In fact, I think it is because I keep it that I can maintain my ignorant consciousness until now. Without it, I might have been with other Guardians thousands of years ago. Same, I was haunted by chaos. In that chaotic scene, my only clear thought was to study this fragment. This is a truly priceless treasure. You have to find it and find a way to re-integrate it , I believe that if you want to fight against Yogg-Saron, this scepter will definitely give you great help, I believe this!

Well, I believe it too.

Dick took back the slightly rough handle of the scepter and put it into the storage ring. He pondered for a moment and asked again, Do you have any suggestions for me about the high-ranking guardians?

Hmm... let me think about it, the damn chaos messed up my memory, oh, right!

Ignis propped his chin with his palm, then patted his thigh hard, and said loudly, Freya, yes! Lady Freya, if you are going to deal with the high-ranking guardian, I suggest you first Go to the Greenhouse of Life, Lady Freya may still be awake! But I can't guarantee...

Oh? How to say?

Dick felt more and more that it was the right thing to save Ignis with all his efforts. The guardian who had been staying in Ulduar had obviously given him too many surprises. Facing his question, Ignis scratched his head again. I scratched my head and said in detail,

First of all, Lady Freya was the last to seal her own hall, and then I vaguely remember that just before she sealed the Greenhouse of Life, she sent one of her avatars out of Ulduar, supposedly to the Sholazar Basin To maintain the ecology, there used to be her test site, you probably don't understand, for a high-level guardian, an incarnation is equivalent to a ray of consciousness, if her avatar stays in the Sholazar Basin, it means It means that she has at least a sliver of consciousness that is awake, which means that you have a high chance of waking her up! At least much bigger than others!

The most dangerous one is Mimiron. How should I put it? In my chaotic memory, Mimiron's personality has changed a lot since that experimental accident. He no longer uses his wisdom to maintain the stability of the world. balance, and began to study very dangerous things... His test site is therefore full of all kinds of wreckage, so if you want to face him... be very careful!

Hmm! Thank you for the information!

Dick nodded to Ignis, and the stove master waved his hand wearily,

You're welcome, Great Guardian, I should thank you... Wait, let me see your weapon, that sword!

Dick froze for a moment, but then handed the Wind Chaser Sword to Ignis. The oldest blacksmith was the first blacksmith in the history of Azeroth. His request may mean something special. .

And the stove master took Dick's Wind Chaser Sword, the long sword that is equivalent to a two-handed epee to ordinary people, but it was like a toothpick in his hand, he turned the Wind Chaser Sword over and over again , finally shook his head regretfully,

Unfortunately, it should have become a weapon with its own soul. It has this qualification, but the elemental creature that injected energy into it at the beginning was too weak, and instead limited its limit. It lost its ability to become a more spiritual weapon. A chance for weapons.

Dick shrugged. He wasn't surprised by this answer. Don't forget, the paladin is also a master blacksmith. He had guessed the hidden danger of the Wind Chaser Sword a long time ago, but Ignis' next sentence was unexpected. Let the paladins rekindle hope.

I can help you modify this sword and give it further possibilities, but the great guardian, this is a double-sided choice. I will completely empty the original elemental power of this sword for you and make it a white sword. Paper, because of this, its power will drop a lot, and it will also lose its adaptability to lightning. You need to use your own power to infect and change it for a long time until it gives birth to its own soul and completes the real sublimation. It might be a long process...would you like it?

Dick stretched out his left hand, a streak of golden lightning kept flowing between his fingers,

Help me modify it, Ignis. Like it, I am looking for self-sublimation. Compared with others, I hope this sword can accompany me to the end...I am a nostalgic person.

The furnace master nodded, he stood up, picked up his forging hammer,

Well, let me help you transfer the original elemental power of this sword to another weapon. It is not a waste. After all, this is the essence of a powerful elemental creature. It is a pity to give up like this. You can Give it to someone else.

Dick nodded happily, took out a bunch of source quality ingots from his storage ring, and handed them to the furnace master.

Then just make another Windchaser's Blessing according to its shape. My wife's weapon has just been damaged, and she needs a new sword. Please, Ignis.


The stove master patted his stomach and let out a hearty laugh, It's an honor to serve you, the new master of Ulduar.

Qin Duanyu can't always use a hammer. Give him a Holy Lord's Blade! Wind Sword Evolution Edition! In addition, in the last two days, Piao Piao will come again! Taught you, brother!

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