Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 526 14. Battle Preparation - Mortals under Myth

The imminent start of the Ulduar Raiders seems to have had no impact on the mortal world. After the brutal Northern Expedition, the entire world has rarely entered into a peaceful state, at least on the surface, into a rare peaceful state.

Baron, who had just returned to his hometown, stood quietly in the meditation room of the Northshire Abbey to understand the will of the Holy Light. For a sincere Holy Light believer, this kind of leisure time was the happiest, but it was different from the previous one. Compared with the young priest in the past, Baron, who returned from the battlefield of Northrend, was inevitably tainted with the air of a veteran.

In particular, the hideous knife mark on his arm represented the cruelty of what happened on the Icecrown Glacier and the Angasa battlefield. Baron felt that he could survive such a war. I must be grateful for the gift of the Holy Light. In the situation of running out of ammunition and food at that time, not to mention Baron, even the kings and chiefs who charged at the front line of the battlefield may not be able to guarantee that they will survive safely.

And no matter how brilliant the victory is, it can't conceal the cruel nature of standing. Of the 30,000 soldiers sent by the entire Stormwind Kingdom, less than 10,000 walked off the battlefield alive. In the month after the end of the war, the entire Stormwind City The sounds of mourning and joy are all over the place, it's too cruel.

Baron doesn't want to think about whether this kind of price is necessary. In fact, this question doesn't need to be thought about, but anyone who has actually seen the charge of the undead sea will have no doubts about this answer.

Even during the period just after the war ended, Baron would wake up abruptly from the nightmare, and he felt that part of his existence would be scattered on the battlefield forever.

Hope it's worth it.

Baron's fingers scratched his chest a few times, ending today's obscurity, but the moment he walked out of the meditation room, the messenger knight waiting outside the door got up and saluted, and whispered,

Baron Deryek Baron, here is your call-up order, please sign for it!


Baron raised his head. Although his eyes were tightly closed, he undoubtedly could see everything in front of him clearly in another way. He reached out to take the letter with the seal on it, and his finger touched the surface of the letter in Braille. After stroking the bump a few times, I understood the content of the letter.

The coalition army has begun to recruit veterans again? Why is the battlefield a stormy cliff?

Baron asked suspiciously, the messenger knight scratched his head, and replied respectfully,

We don't know about this, but it shouldn't be the recruitment of veterans. There are only two letters in the entire North County, and the other one was received by Baron Maximilian.


The young priest nodded, and then reached out to pick up his gorgeous and unattractive staff, which glowed with blue dazzling light every time it swung. It seemed to be a staff that exuded golden light all over. , but at the top, there is a substantive Naaru image in a suspended manner. At the outermost periphery composed of three spikes, there is a holy white halo. At the moment when Baron's left hand held the staff , the pure holy light swayed on him, as if covering him with a golden coat.

Against this light, even Baron's linen coat looked noble and pure.

This scene was like a story in a myth. The Herald Knight was taken aback for a while. It was not until Baron patted him on the shoulder that the Herald Knight came back to his senses and hurriedly led the way ahead.

As a priest who has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Holy Light, Baron doesn't have much to pack. He only needs to hold the Holy Light Guardian staff that was gifted to him by the great knight of order Dick, and he can go to the battlefield at any time. , this staff, and that kind of recognition, are the best gifts Baron received during the Northern Expedition.

The world is slowly undergoing some kind of change, and only the most keen, and those who are in an invisible circle, can perceive this.

At this time, at the K3 base on the Stormy Cliff, the house that was originally used for living has been completely demolished. A super-large magic shield opened at the location of K3, and the shield emitting lavender light covered the people above the head. Falling snow blocks the shield to ensure absolute dryness inside.

This super-large enchantment controlled by a full 30 dwarf mages at all times is not a luxury enjoyment. In fact, it is just a necessary condition for the assembly of certain engineering instruments that require high precision.

In the open-air plaza beneath the shield, tens of thousands of stone statues and master engineers of gnomes and goblins are in a kind of intense work. Small and large mogu stone statues with brute force are the best workers. They will not complain, will not be afraid of danger, and will absolutely obey orders. Most importantly, they also have a certain amount of wisdom, and can perform the delicate tasks assigned by those engineering masters.

In the entire super-large square, the Gnomeregan Artisan Guild headed by the dwarf craftsman Mekkatorque, and the Hesso Technology Mercenary Group headed by the goblin tinker Garruwicz and Hessus are using another Way to compete.

Those damned gnomes secretly use some new kind of gyro-stabilizer!

Heisuo, a black market arms dealer with a treacherous face, shifted the engineering glasses on his eyes, and deftly assembled a dangerous-looking gadget, which seemed to be the explosive core of a spider mine. He casually assembled Pretending, while using a sharp voice, whispered to the goblin tinkerer Garrowitz who was also busy sitting next to him,

I managed to get a sample, but I can't disassemble it by myself. I need your help. This new technology can make the development of our flying golem faster! Believe me, this is a lucrative business !

Shh! Damn it, don't say that here, those midgets are probably eavesdropping on our conversation!

Gallewitz put down the welding torch in his hand and waved his hand, Put that thing away, we'll talk about these things when we return to Gadgetzan, the most important thing right now is to get these siege equipment ready, that order knight He paid a big price for this, and it is said that the Dark Lord of the South China Sea is a dog under his command, remember the attack on Steamwheedle Port a few days ago? That was done by the Dark Lord!

Heisuo nodded approvingly, carefully stuffed the small toy in his pocket, then touched the large table full of parts with a puzzled face, and finally scratched his head,

Garrowitz, did you see my hydraulic stabilizer core? I remember I just put it together yesterday!

I didn't see it, but a batch of equipment was transported away yesterday, maybe those stone statues got mixed up, it's normal, well, don't talk about it, let's get to work!

On the other side of the square, the great craftsman Mekkatorque carefully screwed the high-power steam tank in front of him with a large wrench in his hand. While he was working, he shouted to the dwarf engineer beside him,

Come on, guys! After this is done, we can go home with these stone statues. The Grand Knight of Order has promised to fund our research on the weapons and necessary soldiers to retake Gnomeregan. For our city of technology, Don't stop, work harder!

After the great craftsman finished shouting, he saw the dwarf engineer Harubin walking towards him out of the corner of his eye. The two of them opened their engineering glasses, winking and signaling. Finally, when Harubin passed by Mekkatorque, he accidentally put A black, fist-sized part fell to the ground, Mekkatorque picked it up, shook it in front of his eyes,

Hey, Blackfuse's state-of-the-art hydraulic stabilization core, that's enough for the last piece of my Gnomeregan Annihilator puzzle! Wait. Harubin! Hey buddy, I brought it the other day Where's the gyro stabilizer? I put it here before!

Oh, a batch of equipment was transported away yesterday, probably by those stone statues. Don't worry, Master Craftsman, no one can steal from us!

All right.

The great craftsman shrugged, put the hydraulic stabilization core in his pocket, hummed an out-of-tune tune, took out another gyro stabilizer from his pocket, and placed it carefully on the side of the too large steam chariot in front of him. In the control core, finally whistled happily.

Fixed! Our most advanced Land Behemoth, the Great Knight of Order will be satisfied with this thing!

The fight between the smart little guys is still going on, in the next 2 days, they all have to work so hard, for money or for something more important, anyway, this batch of siege machines will eventually join In the attack on Ulduar, facing the Iron Legion occupying the city, Dick's coalition forces had to come up with something truly powerful.

Not to destroy, but to buy time!

Finally, in the command post of the frontline camp in Xueliu Plain, a new guest arrived.

In fact, he is not a new guest. Under the guidance of Liadrin, the old Fording in military uniform walked into the command hall in front of him. He looked up and saw the old Mograine who was sitting there eating. Obviously, Judging from his dusty appearance, he must have arrived directly from the Borean Tundra to the Stormy Crag. Recently, Alessandro has been dealing with the development of the Borean Tundra, and he is so busy that he hardly touches the ground.

Who else? Just us?

Old Fording sat on a chair, picked up a purple berry in his hand and took a bite, the sweet juice flowed down the corner of his mouth, the old knight wiped it casually, looking at the interior of the command post made of stone, it was very simple , there is almost nothing superfluous except what is necessary.

There are also the damn old orcs, old dwarves, and old Velen. They are all those people who were promised before. After all, they just came here to help.

After Mograine finished eating the last piece of steak, he threw the fork aside, rubbed his stomach, and wiped his mouth with the handkerchief on the table, before he answered in satisfaction,

Maybe Uther will also come, but not necessarily. Dick said that Uther's legion is best placed outside the storm cliff and guarding the gate for him. It is said that the energy in that city seems to be harmful to the undead, but .”

The old knight turned his head and looked at Ulduar in the distance from the window. Under the black clouds, the city of Titans was surrounded by lightning that danced all over the sky. White, golden, and bronze decorations were distributed on the thick The black iron-colored city wall is surrounded by peaks of thousands of feet, and those rays of light, like the rays of light shining from the sky, are actually Dick's attempt to block certain areas of Ulduar.

These things combined, and finally, outside the cold, eternal frost and dead air, the city looked like a real place where the gods lived.

It's hard to imagine that the place in front of you, which is enough to live for hundreds of thousands of years, is just a city, but in fact, against the backdrop of the coming and going heroic spirits and the tall mogu army, it seems that this place on the snowfield has lived for tens of thousands of years. The mysterious place where no one comes here is more in line with the scene of a doomsday battle.

I said, if you really want to die in this place, will you be closer to the mythical paradise?

After the two old knights finished eating, they looked at the majestic city wall of Ulduar from the edge of the Snowflow Plain. Not far from them, Arkavon was commanding the guards of the treasury, using magic and frozen soil everywhere to build a The bridge across the great chasm in Ulduar is used as a passage for the Heroic Legion and Mogu Legion gathered in the Snowflow Plain to enter Ulduar.

Sitting beside these giants who are often over 10 meters tall, even old Fording and Mograine felt a little uncomfortable, but this time they were not called by Dick to desperately, but as intermediate and senior Commanders, these giants will soon become their soldiers. After Dick breaks into Ulduar with high-end combat power, they will be responsible for commanding these giants to stop the continuous siege of the Iron Legion.

This doesn't seem to be a difficult task, but to be honest, who would know until it is on the real battlefield?

In the distance, a golden thunder shadow danced in the darkness, and finally landed beside Old Fording and Mograine. Dick made a teasing voice behind them,

Welcome, great knight, welcome to join this war between mortals and gods, are you ready to enter the age of mythology?

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