Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 483 16. The King and the Warrior

Ymiron was sitting on the throne, with his left hand resting on his slanted face, wearing a heavy red horned helmet, his expression could not be seen.

But judging from his constantly beating fingers on the armrest of the throne, when the last fortress was breached and the challenger was about to arrive, Ymiron's mood... was actually not bad.

This is not a luxurious hall, and the only thing that has anything to do with being expensive is the red plush carpet in front of Ymiron's wooden throne, which was completely handmade and was made thousands of years ago when Ymiron became In the time of a king, gifts were given to him by his subjects.

The Vrykul people value strength, and the king of a country must be the one who can fight the most. The same is true for Ymiron. He is even stronger than some heroes in the Vrykul legends, but he may be a good fighter, but he is not a good king. , or rather, not a lucky king.

In... well, about 15,000 years ago, before the entire land was divided, Ymiron was the most capable of fighting among all the vrykul in Howling Bay. At that time, the vrykul were fighting with Grizzly Hills The furbolgs were fighting like a raging fire, and the guardians lost news one after another, causing these creatures that should have lived in peace to become wild and angry.

It was in that situation that Ymiron, like the choice of countless Vrykul men, stepped onto the battlefield to fight for his clan and country.

After that generation of old kings died in battle, Ymiron was elected as the new king because of his powerful martial arts and fearless courage. During the period when he just took the throne, Ymiron was very lucky. Under his leadership, The vrykul in Howling Bay drove the furbolgs back to their old home with great momentum. It was a war that lasted hundreds, even thousands of years.

It was also in the victorious wars that His Majesty Ymiron's reputation spread far and wide, and almost all the clans swore allegiance to him. At that time, the dragon clan, the ancient horn that symbolized power, was placed on the city wall at the top of Utgarde In fact, every ten years, Ymiron would personally sound the horn to summon the leaders of the various tribes to discuss matters. This was definitely a remarkable achievement at the time.

Before Ymiron, almost no king had achieved this achievement. Considering that the Vrykul politics is full of fist-to-hand confrontation, we can naturally draw a conclusion:

Fifteen thousand years ago, Ymiron was definitely the most capable of fighting among the mortal races on this planet!

But at the end of the war with the bearmen, when Ymiron decided to explore the mountains and go on an expedition, an accident occurred.

The curse of flesh and blood quickly spread in the country of the Vrykul. It was a mysterious plague that made the children born deformed and weak. This curse actually appeared when Ymiron was born, but at that time During the years of war, it spread more and more.

Ymiron tried various methods, even at the expense of personally interrupting the war with the bears, and led the army out to find Odin, who had lost contact, to ask for help.

But it is a pity that at that time, Odin was already trapped in the Hall of Valor, and Ymiron had nothing to gain. Under this weird curse that spread faster and faster, Ymiron's country was in danger. At this time, Ymiron made a bold decision.

Odin's faith not only failed to help them, but also made the atmosphere of the whole country panic and turmoil, and even the war on the front line failed. Therefore, in order to reverse this decline, the king stood up and called on the people to abandon their respect for Odin. Ding and his belief in the Titans turned to worshiping the ancestors.

Under his iron and blood methods, the whole country quickly came out of the panic. With the support of new beliefs, the Vrykul who became brave and good at fighting finally won the final victory against the bearmen, and that victory has been maintained. To this day, even after fifteen thousand years, the bear people in the Grizzly Bear Hills would not dare to cross the snow-capped mountains at will.

Bravery, tenacity, fearlessness, and unyielding are almost the portrayal of Ymiron's life, but then at the end of his reign, the outbreak of the blood curse completely destroyed his rule. In order to ensure the purity of blood, Ymilon ordered to kill Killing the deformed children set off a storm of flight across his kingdom.

No one dared to disobey Ymiron's orders, but no parents were willing to kill their children, so the Great Escape appeared. According to Brian Bronzebeard, honorary president of the Explorers' Association, those vrykul who fled were They were the ancestors of the first batch of humans in the Eastern Continent. Of course, Dick also knew that the human ancestors in the northern and southern parts of the Eastern Continent actually came from two places, as well as those Vrykul clans in Uldaman who followed Tyr across the sea.

But even with such a cruel method, Ymiron still failed to win the last battle in his life. In the end, the curse of flesh and blood almost swept his kingdom. For this reason, Ymiron had to take his people to choose In order to fall into a deep sleep, his beloved wife, Queen Angerboda, the witch, chose to become the guardian of the great tomb of Gjalerbron, guarding the mausoleum for her husband for nearly ten thousand years.

Everyone knows what happened next. After being awakened, Ymiron chose to form an alliance with the Lich King in order to get rid of the curse of flesh and blood. Faith, once again returned to this land.

Listen, there is also the sound of their warriors declaring war.

Ymiron let out a deep laugh, shifted his left hand, and lightly scooped it up next to the throne, and a heavy black giant sword like a tuning fork fell into his hand. It was his 15,000 A weapon that was used thousands of years ago, will drink blood again today.

Ymiron stood up from the throne, his tall body made him look like a real red giant, his armor was blood red, but simply wrapped his arms, legs and chest, with exposed skin There are wild battle patterns on it, and the orange-red beard on his chest was tied into several whips by his wife, adding a touch of softness to his indifferent face under his huge curved horned battle helmet.

Let this face become alive in an instant.

The moment he stood up, a voice sounded from outside the hall,

King! Everything is ready! Please follow me and get out of here, it's not safe anymore!

A tall Vrykul general wearing blue armor walked into the hall with a heavy hammer on his back. His eyes shone with green light, and his body was covered with thick frost. Obviously, this was an undead Vrykul general. Ku people, but even after death, his loyalty to the king remained undiminished. He knelt on one knee and shouted to Ymiron, who had his back turned to him,

Invaders have broken into the Loot Hall, we are running out of time! loyal Skadi, I will not leave my castle.

Ymiron's deep voice sounded, his left hand was on the wall behind the throne, gently stroking, there were the advice left by the Vrykul kings of all ages, the last line was engraved by Ymiron himself before he fell into a deep sleep. there.

I fought for my country, whether in life or after death! I will leave all the glory there!

Feeling the rough nicks with his fingers, Ymiron's voice fell silent, and Skadi, the powerful Dragon Slayer General said anxiously,

My lord, our defeat is only temporary! We only need to go to Warlund in the Grizzly Hills, where the lord is still loyal to you. As long as we get there, you can summon the army at any time, and we will fight back again, just like It's what we did 10,000 years ago! This country can't live without you!

Skadi, do you know the origins of the group of people outside?

Ymiron turned around, took out an emblem engraved with the holy seal of Valagar from his arms, and threw it to Skadi, who held it in his hand, and then looked at his king.

This... this is... this is Odin's...

Yes, this is Odin's belief, Odin's emblem... They are back, very good!

Ymiron's battle sword pillar was on the ground, and his voice became louder and louder, Go, Skadi, escort my beloved Angboda out of here, go to Volund and wait for my news, don't talk to Arsa again. If there is any contact with Si, Odin has joined the battle, the Dark Lord is hopeless, you and I both know how powerful Odin is!

But I want to stay... not as a king, but as a warrior, I want to stay, and I want to ask Odin himself why he abandoned us in the first place! Why did he allow his followers to suffer like this? Nightmare! This is what I have to do!

The king reached out and took off the golden badge representing the king's symbol pinned to his chest, and threw it on the ground beside him. He took a deep breath,

You know, my loyal Skadi, I have been waiting for this opportunity for ten thousand years, and I don't intend to wait any longer... Or do you intend to prevent a warrior from pursuing his goal?

General Looting Dragon was silent. After a while, he stood up and bowed respectfully to Ymiron,

Your Majesty, I have never regretted following you. Being able to fight under your command is the greatest honor in my life!

You go first, and I'll come later! After all, I can't let you go to another battlefield alone. You need soldiers, and I am the best soldier!

Okay, Skadi...go, do what you should do, protect Angeboda, don't let her do stupid things! Then tell her...I love her...go!

The footsteps of General Looting Dragon slowly moved away. Ymiron closed his eyes, leaned on the black long sword with both hands, and stood in front of the throne, like a cold statue, but the blood-red sparks had already begun to ignite under his feet. All it takes is an introduction, and the fire of anger will burn everything in front of it.

He was waiting, this king, this warrior was waiting... for the will of Odin to come.

The will that he believed in but was abandoned by him, he wanted to question him, he wanted to scold him, he wanted to challenge him! Only for their own people, everything they have suffered.

Ka Ka Ka

The sound of armor colliding sounded in Ymiron's throne hall. Gavincent, wearing a heavy helmet, walked into this lonely and cold hall alone. The warrior held two dragon-slaying axes soaked in blood. , he looked at the figure standing with a sword in front of him, and he stopped.

Ymiron... I grew up listening to your legendary stories. In the history of the Miemo clan, you are one of our greatest and strongest kings and warriors. About your story, the old people told it for three days I can't finish talking in three nights... But I never thought that one day I would see you in such a posture.

Gavincent's voice was a bit sad. He looked at Ymiron, who had his eyes closed, as if he was waiting for his answer. A few seconds later, the king of the Vrykul opened his eyes and looked around like a heavily armored fortress. Same as Gavincent,

So... should I be honored for this, son.


Two dragon-slaying axes burst open in front of Ymilon, spilling the blood from the blades on the red carpet, making it even more red. Gavincent's voice cooled down,

I am the warrior of the Great God Odin, he asked me to bring you'd better come with me now, Ymiron, I don't want to use chains...


Before Gavincent finished speaking, a fist wrapped in a crimson flame storm, like a meteor falling from above, hit the helmet covered with spikes on his face.

This punch was so powerful that it directly sent Gavincent's helmet flying and hit the ground. The edge of the heavy helmet made entirely of fine steel had already been cracked by this punch. It was shocking.

And Gavincent also got up from the ground in a state of shock. With his eyesight, he could barely catch Ymiron's figure before he was sent flying. Miron held the black epee in one hand, and swung the other hand. The blood-red fury storm was beating on his fist like substance.

Ymilon tilted his head, looking at Gavincent who got up from the ground, his voice was full of surprise,

What? Now Odin's selection of warriors has dropped so drastically... Can a child like you be called a warrior?

Hehe, child, you'd better be serious... I can tell you responsibly, if this is your true level, then Odin... I'm afraid I'm going to lose a warrior, you know... I'm not just a king, Until then, I'm the best...


It was almost a replica of the situation just now. At the end of Ymiron's words, his long sword was held horizontally in front of him, blocking Gavincent who was burning with red flames all over his body. The Vrykul warrior grinned. mouth, there was still a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth, he looked at Ymiron, his eyes were almost burning with substantial flames,

Best fighter? What a too!

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