Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 413 27. Hero, or Butcher?

On the coast of Suramar and Azsuna, there is a delta area, which can be regarded as the mouth of the sea in the west of the entire Broken Islands. There used to be many savage three-headed plesiosaurs living here, but after the arrival of Darth, the beasts here are considered to be destroyed. disaster.

The rude dragon man was grilling a large piece of plesiosaur meat with Tao Shi and the blue dragon girl. It was fragrant, and a little farther away, the indifferent Rogelio Star Chaser was lying on a branch Be vigilant and take a rest by the way, and at the place where Demitir is resting, two elf ghosts, a man and a woman, are held in place by a special chain of holy light. They are the captives of Azsuna and his party.

But it was useful for Dick to keep them.

And at the edge of the delta, Dick, Rommath, and Khadgar were sitting there on a wooden pier made of several trees. Today is the third day that Anduin and Anveena have been taken captive. With the passage of time, Dick's mood was extremely bad, and even his usual curiosity was driven out by anger and indifference.

This was almost the second time in his life that he was so powerless for the first time in his life. Even when he was faced with being so powerful that he was almost unable to fight against the ancient gods, he had never been so aggrieved.

Yes, Hela, that guy used the rules of the Kingdom of Shadows to beat him powerless. More importantly, this time he didn't take the initiative to provoke Hela, it was the bastard who took the initiative to provoke him.

Although he knew that Hela also had a tragic past, it was a pity that Dick did not intend to forgive her for what she did now because of her tragic past, and the past misery could not be a reason for her to hurt Dick's relatives.

That's the way it is.

Khadgar briefly recounted what they had seen and heard in Suramar, looked at Dick, and emphasized his tone, The Nightborne named Talisa promised us that as long as we can break the magic of Suramar from the outside With the shield, she will have a way to set off an uprising in the city, and then we will be able to open the city of Suramar by working together, and at that time, we will also be able to obtain the right to use the Eye of Aman'Thul as agreed.


Dick glanced at Khadgar suspiciously, then at the silent Archmage Rommath, who noticed Dick's gaze and coughed lightly,

Actually, I don't really intend to agree to that whimsical plan of Talisa. The high elves have been closed for too long, and they thought they could have a fair dialogue with us with just one city, so I am more inclined to be tough. Take After leaving Suramar, the Eye of Aman'Thul, we can take it away at any time, of course... this has nothing to do with Sin'dorei, and our visit this time is only to travel the promise His Majesty Kael'thas made to you.

Dick gritted his teeth.

Okay! That's it, Khadgar, you find a way to contact Talisa, I don't care what method she uses, I need Suramar to open at least one passage that allows outside access, and they only need to complete this, not even We need them to confront Elisande's forces head-on, and we can take care of the rest.

After speaking, without waiting for Khadgar to answer, the paladin turned his attention to Rommath again,

Archmage, I need to invite the mage group of Quel'Thalas to build a large portal on the plains of Suramar. I need an army to resolve the disputes in Suramar... After the matter is resolved, Suramar will return I am not interested in the self-government of the Nightborne, including the magic items and materials in it, as well as texts and so on, which still belong to Quel'Thalas.

Dick closed his eyes, his tone was full of undeniable toughness,

I just want the Eye of Aman'Thul!

Romance has not dealt with Dick once or twice. He has never seen this young man who is always smiling but is becoming more and more powerful. The old mage has seen too many things in his life. He can Guessing Dick's current state of mind, he sensibly did not refute.

Anyway, based on the personal relationship between His Majesty Kael'thas and Mr. Dick, His Majesty would not refuse as long as he spoke, not to mention that this matter is not harmful to Quel'Thalas anyway.

Khadgar's character has a lot of things to think about, but thinking of the arrogant attitude of those highborne, this mage is also out of breath, and the idea of ​​hindering the use of war to solve the problem has also faded. Come on, that city has completely lost hope. Under the glamorous appearance, the corruption inside Suramar cannot be concealed.

But out of instinctive kindness, he still couldn't help asking,

But I have learned about the Alcandor Tree in Quel'Thalas. It can't be used by so many magic addicts, right? What about the rest of them?

Dick didn't want to answer this stupid question at first, but considering Khadgar's special status among those refugees from outside the domain who had just returned to Azeroth, he still asked a question patiently,

When you were in Outland, you never doubted where Illidan's endless source of soldiers came from?

The mage's face immediately became terrified, Dick shook his head, left without saying a word,

The more serious the magic addiction, the stronger the adaptability to evil energy. As long as they can survive the most painful period, they will be the strongest demon hunters. That's right, they are the Illidari.

Khadgar's face was flushed, and he called out to Dick's back, butcher!

He wanted to shout a second sentence, but was pointed at the head by a scorching lightning spear. Das held the barbecue in one hand, his eyes were full of provocation,

You can try to say one more sentence, mage.

Khadgar turned his eyes to Archmage Rommath for help, and the latter showed him a calm to somewhat cruel smile,

It's just using waste, but it can also help us fight back against demons... kill two birds with one stone, by the way, Khadgar, I remember that you still have a group of mage veterans, do you want to help together, I can allow you to copy all the magic texts of Suramar .”

...Okay, this is fair, but I still have to say, you are too cold-blooded!

No, no, no, after you have experienced the destruction of your country and your family, you will understand that your kindness is the greatest cruelty to this world.

Once the mages make a decision, their execution is very strong, especially for a group of mages at the legion level like Quel'Thalas, and those veterans who followed Khadgar who have experienced the orc war. After two teleportation points, some mages jumped to the Nalaksha Engine in Pandaria, some went to Theramore, and the last part of the mages went directly to the Great Plains of Suramar.

In the evening of that day, ten large portals were erected on the Great Plains of Suramar. As the portals began to charge slowly, a temporary passage connecting the three places was opened. The first person to walk out of the portal was wearing a mage robe. , Jaina was still wearing a coat, and behind her was Liadrin who had put on her battle armor again. They came from Theramore, bringing the most elite Silver Dawn Knights in Theramore and the The Earthen Legion lived in Dustwallow Marsh for nearly a year.

Two suffocating kisses to the wives-to-be who have been reunited for a long time, and then hugs with the old brothers who haven't seen for a long time.

Dick wanted to break away from the civilized world and took action, but Kalia... the queen who gave Dick a headache and forcibly assigned him to the power of Lordaeron. Although it was just a name, Silver Dawn returned to Dick's command again, which made all the paladins extremely happy.

This may be the last time I will go to war as a fighter.

Erigor, who was already full of gray hair, leaned on his Rivendell sword with emotion and wore a red cloak. Hearing his self-deprecating words, Dick hammered on his chest,

Don't be joking, old brother, I still expect you to help me take care of those energetic boys. I don't have time for these things, so I will trouble the Earl, won't I?

Eligor laughed, and bowed exaggeratedly,

Obey, Your Excellency the Duke!

And you!

Dick took out a few bottles of good wine from the ruins of Azsuna from the ring, and threw them to Herod and the others who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Become a general and work hard for me. Our future journey is a sea of ​​stars, and there are endless battles! Live well for me, or live in another form, you choose.

Herold laughed. This guy was still dressed in the same wild way before, with crazy scars on his naked upper body, which was the proof of a warrior. He took a sip of wine and asked loudly,

Boss, who are you going to hit this time?

Let me think

Dick scratched his head, then pointed to the looming purple building behind him, Oh, by the way, a group of sissy elf addicts who think they are invincible, get the hell out of here in Northrend Borean Tundra after beating them up In the war zone, there will be a hard battle over there soon.

Herold was a little dumbfounded, he gestured to the size of the city,

It's just us? Boss, there is a limit to how we can fight. At least we have to pull the army from Mr. Fording's side again? Even with the help of the earth spirit, we can't eat it.

Dick glared at this talkative guy, why are there all such guys around him, he shook his head,

When will the fight last? This time you have friendly forces. By the way, they are here.

After finishing speaking, the ground of the entire plain began to vibrate, as if a giant beast was approaching. The next moment, two behemoths came out of the portal. They were wearing cumbersome battle armor, one carried a hammer and the other carried a sword. The two behemoths They looked left and right, and then walked towards Dick. Accompanied by more and more intense vibrations, they half-kneeled on the ground and shouted in unison,

Your Majesty, your invincible army is in place! Please indicate the enemy's position!

From the seven portals behind them, mogu stone statue soldiers walked out of them. The knights who watched the scene froze in place, while Azadas with the Territorial Legion stood aside, Chatting with Elonaya who has a new hairstyle,

Tsk tsk, it's been tens of thousands of years. I once again felt the power of the Guardian Legion back then. Dick is really capable of tossing around.

Well, I think so too. It's just that the style is a little low. It's the first time to fight with the Mogu Legion, and it's against mortal creatures. It's really disappointing.

It's okay. After all, I haven't exercised my body for tens of thousands of years. Just treat it as a warm-up. Didn't he say that he will deal with Hela next? Didn't you and Hela not like each other when you were in Ulduar? , isn't this just an opportunity?

Ailonaya thought for a while, and the expression on her face became brighter at a speed visible to the naked eye. She was gearing up for excitement, You are right, this time you must beat that guy hard!

The four jade quilin guarding the gate of Nalaksha's engine also came this time, two of them followed behind Dick, and two of them carried Jaina and Liadrin on their backs. On the earth, it is said that Jin Azshara, the capital of the Highborne, was bathed in maple leaves in the same way.

That should be a very beautiful scene, but unfortunately, today, there is no beauty here, only a war that is about to start.

Although Khadgar was not willing to Dick's rough and simple personnel distribution method, he wisely did not speak. After seeing Dick's third-party forces, he knew that he could not change Dick's decision. Any secular king in the world will not do.

He couldn't help but look back. Three large square formations were lined up on the broken plain of Suramar. Azadas, and Elonaya, who is carrying a big sword, also look majestic.

The most central is the Silver Dawn Knights of Theramore, with 3000 fully armed paladins, plus the same number of knight retinues, the overall strength is the weakest, but the mobility is the strongest, and in the mortal war, this is already a A force that cannot be ignored.

The one on the far right is the mogu army led by Jianxi and Taixi, all of them are Titan-forged, the number is between 6000-8000, they are tall, have strong defense, great strength, and extremely high magic resistance, and as Titan-forged, they No fear, no emotion, once Dick ordered, they can jump on any opponent without fear, and that's not all.

As long as Dick is willing, he can completely restart the engine of Nalak'sha. Before the energy left by the Titans is exhausted, he can more than triple the number of mogu legions. The mogu legions being reset.

This is not an army that should be present in this world.

Khadgar felt trembling. The last time he trembled was when he faced the Illidari army in Outland when the original king of Outland, Magtheridon, returned. He was facing the army that was on the side of order. That was An army of evil wielding magic.

But the two have common characteristics, and the mortal world cannot fight against them!

And thinking of Illidan, Khadgar couldn't help recalling the secret he just knew, the hero knight of Azeroth in front of him, in his shadow, and the constant connection with the fel legion .

It's scary to think about it that way.

Khadgar suddenly discovered that if the most dangerous situation really happened, Dick's opponent would probably face attacks from both justice and evil at the same time.


This hero paladin who rose suddenly 5 years ago, in his incomparably great journey, he has gathered such a huge force without anyone noticing it!

So here comes the question... what is he trying to do? What does he want to do with such huge power?

Also, is he a glorious hero of this era...or a cold-blooded butcher with a mask?

Khadgar didn't know.

But he knew that Dick Tang, this paladin, was definitely more than what he appeared on the surface. He suddenly became very interested in this paladin, without malice, just pure interest.

It was at this time that Dick's figure suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared in place. His voice came from afar,

Shield down!

Follow me to charge! Capture it!

With one order, the war begins!

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