Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 218 12. The Scenery of Steamwheedle Port

The southern part of Kalimdor has been a desert since the beginning of history.

From Silithus to Tanaris, even in the mysterious Uldum, they have been covered by yellow sand. It is a barren landscape, but it does not mean that there is no life there. In fact, in those deserts, Hidden secrets that have been handed down from time immemorial.

They are buried in the yellow sand by time, waiting for the excavation of later people for thousands of years.

But there are other things besides secrets, such as trolls all over the world, and a tribe of trolls that is said to have been passed down from the Zandalari period, Sandfury, entrenched in the yellow sands of Tanaris.

There are also goblins, the headquarters of Steamwheedle Port Company is here, and the goblins have also built a large resident named Gadgetzan. No one knows what kind of business these goblins are doing here, but from the news from the dark world Well, the original purpose of these goblins coming here should be for a legendary troll artifact.

And then like any goblin story, eventually they figured out how to make money, so the artifacts and all that were left behind.

Believe me, Mr. Earl, Steamwheedle Port Trading Company is not a good partner. In fact, in this desolate place, except for Steamwheedle Port, which is still useful, the other buildings are just a mess in my opinion. Garbage, you are completely unworthy of someone of your status, so you can rest in my big villa on the Shining Plain, except for the exciting racing competitions, the enjoyment there is first-rate!

The goblin Lauren was wearing his gown, sitting next to Dick and chatting endlessly about promoting the playground he invested in Shining Plains. Unfortunately, Dick didn't listen much. He had an important promise to fulfill, so he didn't have much time to enjoy the Shimmering Plains.

Okay, Lauren, let me be quiet!

Dick waved his hand, indicating that the goblin could stop, If possible, you'd better call Senxia over for me.

Lauren shrugged. As a polite goblin gentleman, he was happy to serve the superiors, especially the Earl of the North who controlled a party, so he jumped off the chair and walked out quickly.

A few minutes later, Senxia, ​​who was wearing a black tuxedo and a white lace-trimmed shirt, who didn't look like a pirate captain at all, walked in quickly and stood respectfully beside Dick.

You looking for me?

Dick rubbed the corners of his brows. The long voyage made him a little tired. More importantly, he shouldered the responsibility. In return for recovering the blue scepter fragments lost due to the weak chicken blue dragon's mistake, he was still very weak. Theramore will be exempted from the heavy collection of coalition supplies, and only needs to send an army when the war comes.

Although Kalia has repeatedly stated that Dick does not need to make such a choice, for Theramore, who will inevitably lose next year's grain harvest due to the insect plague, this material collection is still too heavy. Besides, anyway Sooner or later, he would have to face off against the clone of the Fire Demon King, so why not take this opportunity to settle everything.

How long until Steamwheedle?

Dick asked, Senxia pulled out a delicate silver pocket watch from his arms, looked at it, and then replied,

In an hour at most, you can see the port of Steamwheedle Port. Seriously, don't you need me to accompany you for the rest of the journey?

You still have your work to do.

The paladin said to Senxia, ​​Don't forget what I told you before, it has been 2 years, although there has been some progress, about the sea route that can enter the closed Uldum, I know it is very difficult , but you must find him recently!

In the past two years, the prestigious Dark Lord on the seas of the Eastern Continent trembled. The special energy gushing out of his body was manipulating his body under Dick's will. It was a gift, but it was also a bondage. .

That thing made him famous among the cunning pirates alone, and he was called the Dark Lord because all opponents who met him would turn into wreckage under the black shadow of death, But for Senxia, ​​there is always a tall black shadow standing behind him, a shadow that he never even dared to cross.

Yes, I will find that sea route as quickly as possible!

Senxia responded loudly, and Dick nodded, indicating that he could go out.

The Dark Lord walked out of the cabin, and beyond the blue sea and blue sky, there was a cloudless sky. For those who have never seen the sea, it is the most beautiful scenery, but for Senxia who is destined to drift on the sea for a lifetime As a human being, nothing is more annoying than that.

Even the sight of a storm, with black clouds, is better than this weary landscape.

Accelerate, scumbags, we must reach Steamwheedle Port within 40 minutes!

With a gloomy face, Senxia shouted to the busy and trembling pirate sailors that the flagship he grabbed from the Defias bandits with violence is a wooden + iron-hulled battleship that is still rare now. On the shell of the battleship, the black logo of Senxia's unique vine-wrapped skull is painted.

Although compared with the real overlord of the sea like Sea King, the Dark Lord is like a toddler, but in the eyes of other pirates, the Dark Lord with at least 100 dwarven string cannons is cruel. The evil star who knows nothing.

The Dark Lord represents the rise of the emerging pirate forces in the wild west.

But Captain, it is impossible for us to reach Steamwheedle Port within 40 minutes! The wind and waves are very strong now! If we increase the speed, the Dark Lord will be in danger of tipping over!

The navigator tremblingly whispered to Senxia who was exuding a cold aura all over his body. The captain turned his head, and a black, ferocious vine sprang out from his outstretched left index finger, wrapping around the navigator's body like a snake. neck,

What did you say? Mr. Gibbs, I didn't hear you. Say it again!

The navigator from Gilneas shuddered, his head filled with rumors of witches and dark magic from the Gilneas countryside, and immediately shouted,

I said, no problem, Captain! We can reach Steamwheedle in thirty-five minutes!

Very well, Mr. Gibbs, you are needed on this ship!

Sen Xia patted the navigator's chest in shock. He straightened his collar and walked into his captain's cabin with a command knife inlaid with gems. The other pirates in shock seemed to come alive at this moment , but amidst the roar of Gibbs, he quickly got busy. When the four mainsails were hoisted, the already fast Dark Lord accelerated again. Riding the wind and waves at Steamwheedle Harbor.

Steamwheedle Port, this is just an abandoned, uninhabited port in the game, but in the real world, as the only large wharf still in use at the southern end of Kalimdor, there are merchant ships belonging to the Steamwheedle Port Trading Company berthing here all year round. , and other pirate ships allowed to dock by the goblins, Steamwheedle Port is very chaotic, more than 4,000 scum and black market merchants of various races are active here, as well as the forces of wasteland horse thieves in Tanaris.

Even the goblins who built Steamwheedle Port can't manage it now. Here, gold coins and violence are the only truths. Identity or something is completely useless.

When the Dark Lord entered the port, roars and curses came from other merchant ships and pirate ships. Since the rise of the Dark Lord Senxia, ​​he has almost indiscriminately attacked all living creatures on the sea, which made him famous. Stinks, everyone is hating on him and his damn ship.

But just after the ship came to a stop, a dense black net made up entirely of black vines quickly moved towards the deck of the nearest pirate ship, and the scalp-numbing sound of buffalo sucking water resounded through the pier , except for those pirates who saw the situation and jumped into the sea and saved their lives, the small sailboat was already dead silent.

All the noise and cursing ceased at this moment.

The masked paladin strode out of the cabin. Senxia humbly paved the red carpet for Dick to disembark. Dick didn't care. He patted Senxia on the shoulder, and then strode down from the Dark Lord. Soon, amidst the horrified onlookers at the pier, he disappeared into the alleys of Steam Sand Port.

Senxia stood on the bow of the dark lord shaped into the head of a demon, looking indifferently at the small sailboat that had been completely occupied by his crew,

Mr. Gibbs, go to replenish fresh water and food. We will set off in 2 hours. Given your excellent ability, you have 1 hour to recruit the crew here for you. That ship belongs to you!

The downcast navigator's eyes widened, and everyone said that Captain Senxia was an evil and generous guy. This time, he had completely seen the generosity of the Dark Lord. A good ship that was still complete, he sent it off without blinking an eye. out!

However, he was still a little uneasy, and after a few minutes, he asked in a low voice,

Mr. Captain, can I ask, where are we going this time? As you know, I'm not very familiar with Kalimdor waters.

We're going to the end of the world!

Sen Xia touched his beautifully trimmed mustache, he squinted his eyes, looking at the bustling Hot Sand Port,

If you don't think you're competent, you'd better find me a competent navigator!

Gibbs patted his chest immediately,

Just look, Captain, I know there is a down-and-out guy in this port, a gambler, or a bastard who should go to hell, but he has lived in this sea area for at least 20 years! I will brought him here!

Huh? Interesting, what's his name?

His name is Tony-Double Fang. He is a troll. It is said that he also possesses mysterious witchcraft. I can guarantee that he will be the best navigator!


Dick has no time to pay attention to what Senxia is doing. As the second force he has placed in the dark world after the Black Iron Bar, he still undertakes Dick's secret mission in the past two years, as long as Senxia does not die. To provoke the fleet of Kul Tiras, he can do anything in the sea merchants, and leave the affairs of the dark world to the people of the dark world. Paladins are the guys who want to save the world. How can there be a world to play with those mice.

Right now, he is riding on the fast galloping horse Xingzhao, crossing the Tanaris Desert according to the direction he remembers, preparing to enter Silithus directly.

Although he knew very well that in the Un'Goro crater surrounded by two deserts, there is still a laboratory left by the Titans, as well as a gate that can pass through space and reach the hinterland of the dark continent of Northrend, but right now he doesn't have that. Time to explore those things.

And when crossing the great desert, Dick also saw the southernmost tip of the desert, the already formed insect nest, a real large insect nest, and even the desert was transformed into a disgusting creep and dark red by those insects, like wriggling cells Crypts like clefts in the earth.

This discovery made the paladins very worried. If these bugs came out in full force and swept across the entire Tanaris, it would definitely not be a problem. As long as they crossed the shining plains in the north of Tanaris, they could reach Theramore, which would be a real threat. .

Moreover, those Qiraji are still increasing the size of their nests. In the game, this swarm of insects, named the Great Gap, will eventually swallow up one-third of the Tanaris Desert, becoming a massacre under the pressure of goblins and The troll's nightmare.

Even after the Qiraji were defeated, the worm nests here actually continued to multiply. The worms were really unimaginable beings.

Accompanied by the neighing of Xingzhi, Dick, who had been flying in the air for a whole day, felt the hotter and more ruthless wind and sand than the Tanaris Great Desert.

In front of his eyes, the sand and gravel in the air were constantly beating against his armor and mask. Under the distant sky, the blood-red insect nest buildings rising up from the ground made Dick terrified. It was only a few days. At that time, the Qiraji formed such a formation in this desert wider than the Tanaris Desert?

The paladin's left arm began to feel faintly hot. It was the power of order's perception and rejection of the power of non-order, and the chaos hidden under this land. With such a domineering greeting, Dick felt for the first time that the power from Silithus Desert, that peep with deep malice!

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