Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 190 21. The Secret of the Black Dragons

Come here, lowly human! I need you to pour me wine! You are only worthy of this!

Hahaha, Ebonok, you are wrong, they can't even pour wine well, hahaha!

In the spacious room of Blackwing Nest, Dick, who was wearing an ill-fitting black hunting suit, was enjoying his lunch while holding a knife and fork.

There seems to be a banquet here, and the air exudes an intoxicating atmosphere of food, but the people sitting at the huge table are not gentle gentlemen, but a group of rude dragon people, at the front of the table full of food On the bed, there were also several black dragons who transformed themselves into humans.

The scene of drinking wine made Dick feel as if he had returned to the same lively black iron bar, but just after he finished the last piece of steak, he heard a vicious shout, followed by a bunch of undisguised laughter.

The paladin didn't even have to look back to know who it was.

Ebonok and Flegel, two pure-blooded black dragons serving under the command of the black dragon prince Nefarian, two guys with terrible personalities, they are responsible for guarding the laboratory of this super-large palace. After Dick's arrival, these boring My guy finally has new fun

Dick shrugged, grabbed the black-haired fighter who clenched his fists, and pulled him away from the hall where the dragon people ate and drank. Along the way, there were always dragon people baring their teeth at them or making some insults. Sexual gestures, but Dick didn't care.

These guys can only do so much! They didn't dare to hurt Dick and the black-haired human.

The majesty of Nefarian was unimpeded in this obsidian-built palace. After the Black Dragon Prince ordered not to harm these two humans, even the most rebellious dragonman general Razorgore, who was in charge of guarding the palace, also Resist the urge to kill Dick.

The prince called it the last kindness for the condemned. Although Dick didn't think he would die, he didn't reject this kind of kindness.

When the two stood outside the door of the hall, the angry black-haired human shook off Dick's hand and looked at him in disgust.

You coward! If it were me, I would go up and knock those monsters who laughed at me to the ground! You will just swallow your anger and keep swallowing your anger!

And get killed by those monsters?

Dick looked at the irritable human with the same face as King Varian in front of him with a headache, and he emphasized his tone, Going to die recklessly is not brave, Gorash! When will you understand this?

After finishing speaking, the paladin rubbed his wrist,

And do you think I'm not angry? I want to overthrow those ignorant things more than you, but I can't!

Yes, Dick can't do it, it's not that he's injured or the injury hasn't healed, it's worse than that, Nefarian is not an idiot, he will let a guy whose actual combat power may have surpassed the high-ranking lord Running around in his palace, he personally sealed Dick's power. The mysterious magic from the black dragon was like a net of chains, tightly bound Dick's power in his body.

Even the bloody oak, an invincible life-saving weapon, was completely isolated under this seal.

The current Dick still has the physical defense of a lord, but unfortunately, in other respects, he is no different from ordinary people.

Whatever you say, Dick.

The human who called himself Gorash rubbed his wrist, spat at the dragonmen and giant dragons who were still feasting in disdain, and then said to Dick with great interest,

I heard from that bloody hypocrite that tomorrow I will be able to leave the stinking place! I'm so looking forward to it!

When Dick heard this, he tugged on his collar a little uneasy, and said to Gorash,

You'd better not expect too much, I don't think that guy will arrange a good home for you, by the way, you have to remember, you are the king of Stormwind, understand? Don't forget this!

Gorash rolled his eyes, and patted Dick on the shoulder like a rude mercenary,

You're talking nonsense again, man. I can't possibly be a king's, even though I've forgotten what happened before. Besides, if I were a king, would I still be caught here?

After finishing speaking, this guy opened his arms and bared his teeth, like a warrior ready to fight,

I guess, I must have been a fighter before! Maybe a mercenary or a veteran, I can feel every muscle in my body, every drop of blood screaming for me to fight! Yes, fight to the death! That feeling calls me! Dick, I should be a warrior, I should be a warrior! Not a weak king!

Don't worry, Dick! I'll come back to save you, you're a good friend, though not a good fighter! And my heart is telling me, I need to fight, kill all the black dragons in this world, I exist significance!

After finishing speaking, Gorash quickly left the passage and walked to his room. Varian's half body has been like this since he woke up. No matter how much Dick persuaded him, he still couldn't believe that he was from Stormwind City. The king, and the black dragon prince did not dissuade Dick from his actions. Obviously, he knew that Dick's actions would only be futile.

In the original history, after 3 years, Varian suffered almost exactly the same fate. Onyxia extracted the part of his personality that belonged to the warrior and became Golash, which is the one in front of him. Guy, she tried to obliterate the upright and brave part of Varian's character, leaving only a cowardly, weak-willed king to achieve her evil purpose of manipulating the Stormwind Kingdom.

But in this unrecognizable history now, the Black Dragon Princess is very likely to have been killed, but unfortunately, Varian may be destined to have such a catastrophe, and Nefarian took over the unfinished mission of the Black Dragon Princess and killed Gora. It was made in advance, and Dick could guess what the black dragon was thinking with his heels thinking.

After gaining insight into the real mastermind of Varian's conspiracy, Dick discovered that a fragile and easily controlled Varian could definitely become the Twilight Prophet's most powerful weapon, but the two halves whose lives were linked , but became Gorash's life-saving hole card.

But Golash will still be sent away! And this time it was even worse. Under the trick of the Black Dragon Prince, Gorash, the brave half of Varian, may have to go through a very crazy and difficult time before he can embark on the road of retrieving his memory.

The worst part is that right now Dick can only watch all this happen, but there is no way to stop it.

In fact, there is no way to stop it at all.

Dick put a cowboy hat on his head, turned around and walked towards the utility room of Blackwing Lair. Nefarian generously lent it to Dick to open his wardrobe. I have to say, In terms of taste alone, Nefarian is worthy enough to be called his prince.

After these three days of observation, the Black Dragon Prince is a guy with an extremely regular schedule. At this point in time, he must still be busy with something in the laboratory where the wailing sounds can be heard from time to time, so Dick doesn't have to worry about his abnormality at all. Actions will be found.

He walked into the utility room, which was full of all kinds of discarded experimental products, most of which were tortured and disfigured young dragons, blue dragons, green dragons, red dragons, and mysterious bronze dragons, which were solidified On the wall where the chains were located, most of them were breathless, and there were some young dragons that had become deformed after experiencing those unimaginably cruel experiments. Dick even felt chills in his heart when he took a look at them.

He walked through these abandoned experimental objects and walked to the deepest part of the utility room, where there was a silent black dragon who was busy sorting out those experimental objects that had just been abandoned.


Dick called out in a low voice, and the next moment, a black shadow was about to choke his neck and press him against the cold wall. The black dragon dragon who was no different from other dragons opened his eyes tightly Staring at the fearless Dick.

I've said it before, don't come to me again! I don't know how you got to know me, but that doesn't mean I'll let you control me! Don't challenge the limit of a giant dragon's endurance!

The paladin tilted his head. In his eyes, the seamless camouflage of the red dragon had no effect.



Legendary Creature Template/Red Dragon

Strength 800, Dexterity 750, Energy 3500, Mana 3000

Evaluation: This is the real adult dragon! The existence of the top layer of predators.

It was a complete accident that Dick discovered the existence of this red dragon. It was when he was wandering around the Blackwing Lair on the first day, trying to treat those poor experimental baby dragons in the utility room, but was caught by this disguised guy. He was driven out without even knowing that Dick had seen through his disguise that day.

But after coming to him at this point for three consecutive days, even the irritable young red dragon naturally realized that something was wrong, especially today, Dick directly said his real name, which made the red dragon feel even more surprise.

So he immediately chose his strategy of using his dominant hand, threatening!

But the paladin didn't care at all. He looked around and adjusted his posture to make it more comfortable to be stuck in the dragon's palm.

I know you're looking for the secret of the Black Dragon Prince! I know where it is, but you have to do me a favor! Let's get what we need!

The red dragon put his ugly disguise close to Dick again,

Be your prisoner, human, I don't need your help! Go away, don't come to me again!

Dick was thrown out like a garbage bag, but the red dragon obviously controlled the power. When the paladin's body fell to the ground, he didn't feel too much pain. He just slid a long distance close to the ground. Dust off his clothes and pick up his hat.

I believe you have found a chance to turn that laboratory upside down? Did you not find what you were looking for? Do you really know what the black dragons are doing here? Come on, red dragon, you have nothing Yes, you don't even know what your mother sent you for! You poor wretch, you'll never be better than Karen!

Dick picked up his pipe and took a deep breath, with a mocking smile on his face,

Yes, you know that fellow, Kerestrasz! Your mother's favorite son, hero of the War of Quicksand, that was never you!

Hoo hoo!

The adult red dragon's breathing became heavy.

But Dick's voice goes on,

Think about it, you discover the secret here, the secret that the black dragons will not hesitate to emerge from the shadows to complete, and you take that thing back to Wyrmrest Tower, what will your mother think of you, Karen just saved The mortal world, and you're going to save the dragonflight, you did, didn't you? Aren't you any better than the one that's dead?

The disguised red dragon was unmoved at all, and continued to carry the sundries, and responded in a low voice,

Go away! I will do my own thing!

No problem, you can choose your destiny, no one can control you.

Dick shrugged, turned around, and walked out leaning on his cane,

Help me send that unlucky friend to the gate of Stormwind City, find a way to hold Nefarian, I will wait for you at the entrance of the laboratory at midnight tomorrow night! This is just a suggestion, my friend, the choice is always in your hands superior.

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