Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 177 8. Thaurissan's Wisdom --- Adding Updates to the Death and Wither Brothers

Chapter 177 8. Thaurissan's Wisdom - Adding Updates to the Death and Wither Brothers


Yeah!! Someone broke in!

Enough! Quiet!

The bloody, crooked head was thrown on the ground, making a dull crashing sound. From the bloody face, one could still see the terrified expression of the handsome interrogator from before.

Thaurissan is easy to say, after all, he is a person who has personally experienced the War of the Three Hammers. He has ruled Darkforge City for 300 years, and he is used to death. After Furnace City, they are also pampered. Where has they faced such a bloody scene?

Liera exclaimed, and hid herself behind the figure of Thaurissan standing up from the throne holding the warhammer. King Darkforge was not an idiot either, he didn't call the guards, and he even gave an angry reprimand, which made the flustered attendants They all fell silent.

These servants are the most loyal servants to the royal family. The black iron dwarves are accustomed to spells. With Starn's deformed head, the conflict between the Twilight Cultists suppressed by him and the Black Iron people will erupt in an instant.

No one wants to live with a cultist, not even the naturally cunning Dark Iron Dwarves.

Thaurissan held the black iron warhammer The Opponent in his hand, and pressed a ball of shadow in the other hand. He carefully looked at the paladin who jumped out of the air in front of him, his tone was low, full of disgust and anger.

You probably think you won't die? Paladins are this group of unlovable guys, especially those who break into the restricted area at will. Bold behavior will punish you. The Colosseum will be your last home.

After finishing speaking, Thaurissan suddenly dissipated the shadow ball in his hand, leaned on the warhammer in front of him,

But kindly, I will give you a chance to defend yourself. You just said that the Twilight's Hammer and the Firelord are together? Why?

Dick looked at the Black Iron King in front of him. Although he had faced this tragic king more than once, to be honest, when he really stood in front of Thaurissan, the paladin still felt that his previous behavior was a bit reckless.

Whether it's his hammer-holding action or his proficient shadow magic, it shows that this guy is not easy to deal with. The atmosphere of a hero is permeating in the palace, and Dick has almost no chance of winning a one-on-one, not to mention that there are countless people around the palace. Unclear black iron councilors and black iron guards were on duty, so he also dismissed the wooden long sword hidden in his hand, and then cleared his throat.

Now that force has lost its effect, let's use words to decide the outcome.

Honorable Your Majesty Thaurissan, in the library of Ironforge, I once saw such a book. It is rumored that in the wild years before the ancient times, when the creation Titan left this world, there would be Breeding darkness, that is the power of evil condensed by all creatures, they corrupt the whole world, and with the promise of entrusting the present world to the elements, they recruited those rebellious elemental lords under their command, and the Fire Demon King is one of them One.

But when the darkness was about to cover the world, the Titans came back again. They used their infinite power to disperse the darkness and drive the elemental lords out of the world, so the world became quiet again, until you An accident brought the Fire Demon King back to this world, and it also caused Heitie's nightmare.

Dick stepped forward, sat on the chair, put his hands together, looked at Thaurissan who was protecting Liera and sat opposite the long table,

Then here comes the question. Guess, who do these Twilight believers believe in?

After finishing speaking, before Thaurissan could reply, Dick emphasized his tone again,

Invite the master of the evil servant to clean up the evil servant who broke into your kingdom. I have to say, you really know how to play.


No matter how bad Thaurissan was, he was still the ruler of the kingdom. When Dick's ridicule was beyond words, the black iron king couldn't hold back the anger in his heart and reprimanded him.

Shut up! Arrogant bastard, don't use your stupid lies to...

Honey, what he probably true!

In fact, when Dick mentioned the collection of books in Ironforge, Laia was shocked. As a bronze bearded princess, she also grew up in the library. Hearing Dick's reminder, Laia La Jiu's memory was opened, and she seemed to... really read such a book, that book seemed to be called The Old Gods and the New Order of Azeroth!

So when Thaurissan was furious, Liera gently took her husband's arm, and in order to take care of her husband's face, she whispered in King Iron King's ear,

That book really exists, and I seem to have a connection between the Old Gods and the Elemental Lords in my memory. God, if those Twilight's Hammers really believe in the Old Gods, the arrival of this paladin , which is equivalent to..., this is a revelation, my dear, we might as well listen to him.

Liara's wisdom is also one of the reasons why Thaurissan is fascinated by her. Hearing his wife's words, Thaurissan took a deep breath, stared at the paladin,

So? So you're just here to mock me? If you don't have a solution to the problem, then go away, for the queen's sake, I will mercifully spare your life!

From this oblique statement, it can be seen that the Black Iron King is definitely not an idiot with a brain full of muscles. He seems to have a vicious voice, but he has actually expressed the meaning of softness to Dick. That's how smart people talk to each other.

Dick shook his head, and took out the letter that Brian handed to him from his bosom, which was written by Magni himself to his daughter.

The paladin put the letter in front of him, and Thaurissan twitched his left hand lightly, and the letter quickly fell into his palm. After seeing the inscription, the Black Iron King curled his lips in disdain, and then said The letter was handed to his wife, and Liaila, who had been away from home for nearly 4 years, could not stop crying the first time she saw the letter, and then walked quickly back to the inner hall,

Even the princess who was rebellious at the beginning, after 4 years, became a married woman and queen, and could finally feel her father's suffering.

After all, those are relatives, they are connected by blood, the most original bond in the world, a bond that no one can break.

In fact, Dick is now thinking that if King Magni hadn't taken such extreme measures in the end and directly sent an assassin (the player) to kill Thaurissan, there might really be a possibility of reconciliation between him and his daughter.

Okay, the queen is gone, let's have a frank talk! His Majesty Thaurissan!

Dick narrowed his eyes and tapped his fingers lightly on the table,

You and your country are in a very dangerous situation. I have reason to believe that the Lord of Fire will soon know your rebellious intentions. Those Twilight Cultists are the most unscrupulous. If it weren't for them not being able to enter the Molten Core, They will sell you backhandedly, I can't believe it at all! I have two methods for you to choose, but no matter which one you choose, the queen must follow me back to Ironforge, this place is no longer safe!

Thaurissan glanced at Dick,

Don't even think about it! Before I die, no one can take my queen and my unborn son!

Then you are willing to watch your son, the future common king of Black Iron and Bronzebeard, a king born with the great mission of reuniting the divided dwarf kingdom, be born as a slave? That is Your son! A noble man who has the two noble bloodlines of Thaurissan and Bronzebeard, how can you have the heart to let him be the servant of an unknown elemental lord from birth?

Dick's voice also became more intense. As a player, he knew better than Thaurissan what the child in Liera's womb meant to the current dwarf kingdom.

This fierce tone also hit Thaurissan's sore spot. His fist hit the table with a loud noise.

We are not slaves! Not slaves! No one can slave Black Iron!

The king's roar was like thunder, and he clenched his fists with a ferocious face. This movement also alarmed the guards outside, but just as they opened the door to defend the king, Thaurissan's warhammer opponents screamed and smashed at the gate, startling the loyal guards.

Get out! No one is allowed in without my order!

Soon, the hall returned to calm, only the sound of Thaurissan's panting echoed back and forth. Dick took a deep breath, looked at the Iron King,

Touch your eyes first, and then talk about these meaningless nonsense! Only after expelling the Lord of Fire, the Dark Iron Dwarves can truly be free, but before that, you are willing to let your lover and your children accompany you! Do you fight together?


Thaurissan finally sat back on the chair dejectedly. Dick's words seemed to have drained all his energy and energy. If possible, the Black Iron King would definitely go back three hundred years ago to deal with the one who insisted on summoning a magical creature. Against the bronze-bearded self, he slapped him twice.

But he can't. In this magical world, there is also no regret medicine to buy.

Tell me, paladin who is not afraid of death, tell me your method!

Thaurissan rubbed his forehead with his stubby fingers. The large ruby ​​and emerald ring on that finger almost dazzled Dick's eyes. The casting technology of the black iron dwarves was not much weaker than that of the copperbeard dwarves. Magical accessories that are aesthetically pleasing and effective are their forte. If Jaina and Liadrin were here, they would probably go crazy long ago when they saw the extremely exquisite and dreamlike ten rings.

Ahem, the first way is to provoke the relationship between the Firelord and the Twilight's Hammer!

Dick stretched out a finger and shook it, The ancient god has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and he hasn't been able to escape the seal yet. The Twilight's Hammer just wants to use the power of the Fire Demon King to help the ancient god out of trouble, but Who would want to have an extra boss on top of their head? The Fire Demon King is unruly, and there is a contradiction between the two. As long as you handle it well, you can use the power of the Fire Demon King to clear out the people who are entrenched in the Burning Plain. and the Twilight's Hammer in Searing Canyon!

Thaurissan rubbed his chin and answered, And you can also express your loyalty to the Fire Demon King and erase my suspicion, right?

Dick nodded, and stretched out his second finger, Of course, this is just the beginning. As far as I know, the son of Alakir, the lord of the wind elements, died at the hands of the Fire Demon King. Even the elemental spirits were killed. Imprisoned in the Molten Core, Neptulon, the lord of the water element, and the Lord of the Fire Demon have fought from ancient times to the present. These two are the forces you should really ask for help! Only they can be outside the borders of the world. It will no longer be a dream to strike directly at the fire source realm of the Fire Demon King, and it will no longer be a dream to expel the Fire Demon King, after all, the Molten Core is just a clone of it.

Thaurissan is a fan of the authorities, and the whereabouts of the elemental lords are elusive. In fact, even if the Black Iron King wanted to use their power, it would be difficult to find them. However, seeing Dick's full confidence, Thaurissan's heart I couldn't help but thumped.

Do you have a way to contact these two elemental lords?

The paladin nodded reservedly,

Of course! And I'll tell you all about it, but one thing, the queen must come back to Ironforge with me! And you've got to give me one of your possessions!

Thaurissan's eyes narrowed suddenly,

Want an empty-handed white wolf? How can it be so simple! Prove your sincerity, paladin, only in this way can I safely hand over my queen to you!

Dick took a deep breath.

Okay! I'll help you contact the Sky Wall (another name for the Wind Elemental Realm) and the Throat of the Abyss (another name for the Water Elemental Realm) and you can handle it yourself! When the news comes back, you have to send Liera back to Ironforge immediately!

No! As you said, it's not safe for Liella to stay here, you can take her away now, but I need something on your body as collateral!

The Black Iron King took out neat rolls of animal skins from his arms, put them on the table, and pointed to the green pendant on Dick's neck.

This is the top forging blueprint of our Dark Iron Dwarves. It is the most valuable treasure in the entire Darkforge City. You can exchange it for everything you want in Ironforge. I want you to keep your pendant. Don't do this Look at me... I am also a mage anyway, I know what is most precious to you! When it happens, we will exchange these two things!

Dick's face darkened immediately.

The black dwarf's eyesight was really good, and he immediately picked one of the most important things on him, but Dick closed his eyes and thought for a few minutes, reached out and picked off the shadow of the leaves, and threw it on the table.

make a deal!

Both Dick and Thaurissan thought they had made a good deal, but they found out later that those damn elements almost tricked everyone.


Tomorrow, there will be updates for Anros Brothers, and there will be client recommendations next week, so there will be three updates every day next week! ! ! Brothers, thank you for your support!

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