Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 145 5. The visitor in the dark

Drip Root of Corrosion completed!

award? ? ? !

The voice that popped out of his mind made Dick, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, take a deep breath. He moved his arms, looked at the small black box that appeared in his palm, shook his head, and opened it casually. A piece of green The crystal appeared in the palm of his hand, which was full of viscous liquid. Dick threw it into the rucksack full of sundries, turned around and jumped from the not too high tree trunk.

The paladins were obviously not in the northern border right now. The warm climate and pleasant wind proved this. The dark sky and light around them seemed to indicate that it was night here. In fact, no, in this special forest, there is no difference between night and day.

Dick looked up at the sky, the dark sky of the same color, but he could feel that the reason for the formation of the dark sky here and the way the dark magic power works are not the same as those in the northern border, even the land of ghosts. It's not the same. According to the game data of later generations, the dark sky here should be formed naturally. The reason is absolutely inseparable from the abandoned mage Takarazan not far from here.

This is the southern part of the Eastern Continent, the hinterland of the Kingdom of Stormwind, once known as the fertile land of the Sunshine Forest, but since the 21st year of the Dark Portal, this place has been covered by a dark sky, and even in the dark, farmers who let the farm grow Terrifying dark monsters, even in the Crow Ridge cemetery, some people have found traces of the undead more than once!

God! Undead, isn't that a distant legend that only exists in northern Xinjiang? Why did such a monster appear in the south?

The king of the Stormwind Kingdom, the son of King Ryan who was assassinated in the first orc war, Varian Wrynn has been neglecting political affairs for a long time, but the regent Duke Bolvar immediately moved towards this land that is now The place called Twilight Forest sent a large group of soldiers, commanded by the Duke of Aebrock who lived here for generations. These heavily armed soldiers gave the farmers who were troubled by darkness the courage to continue farming, but to be honest, there was no One knows how far the situation here will deteriorate in the next few years.

Only Dick knows!

But right now, these chaotic things have nothing to do with him. In other words, Dick feels that he has more energy than energy. He is carrying a tomahawk wrapped in coarse cloth and striding forward in the quiet dark forest. Occasionally, one or two black heads The forest wolves watched the daring traveler from a distance, but because of the beast's natural perception of danger, they did not launch an attack, but left quietly.

The paladins have something to do when they come here, otherwise he would not let Liadrin lead 300 paladins into danger, but there is no way, the whole of Theramore is short of manpower right now, the First Expeditionary Force, That is, after Silver Dawn retreated from the chaotic battlefield of Mount Hyjal, Princess Kalia divided most of the soldiers into the country's administrative system. It was already the limit to mobilize 300 paladins to return to the northern border.

Even Miss Jaina wanted to go on a travel with Dick, but was forced to stay in the distant Kalimdor due to complicated affairs. In the end, only Dick was alone on the merchant ship of the goblins. Walking all the way from Stranglethorn Vale, I came to the Twilight Forest.

Walking in the dark is not a pleasant thing, but the darkness can't stop Dick's progress. The power of the dragon not only changes his strength and agility, but also some functions of his body, such as Eyes, such as darkvision.

Of course, the worst thing is the light blue flame rose that Dick stuck on the collar of his clothes. This flower is very strange. Although it burns non-stop, it will not burn the skin or even ignite the clothes. For lighting, it couldn't be better.

His destination is very clear. It is not the Night Town or those farms in the south of the bustling Twilight Forest, but the northern part that has changed people's faces. To be precise, it is the Crow Ridge cemetery where the undead are said to have appeared. , he wanted to find someone there, someone he had promised.

Looking carefully, every time Dick raised his hand, a small golden warhammer pendant would swing from his wrist, as if it had its own consciousness, like a little girl jumping back and forth.

Dick! Dick! Dick! What the hell are you looking for? There's nothing in this damn place!

Compared with before, Anveena's voice is more mature and less immature. It has changed from a baby voice to a girlish tone. In fact, Dick can probably guess that Anveena and the Flame of Justice are fully integrated. After that, the little girl should have grown up a bit.

This can be seen from the current attributes of the Flame of Justice.

Fire of Justice, Anveena's Blessing

Dark Gold - Infusion

Gives all attacks a Holy Light Burn effect that deals equal damage.

Gives the user the effect of reducing all spell damage by 15%.

When attacking, there is a 40% chance to trigger the Holy Light to unsheath.

When attacking, there is a 10% chance to superimpose the user with sacred power, up to the power threshold of the current stage.

When attacking, the spirit of the sun adds 20% to the fire attack.

Song of Anveena: All resistances increased by 150 points

Hand of Anveena: Accurate Return, Super Accurate Strike, Advanced Armor Break, Form Transformation

Explanation: The holy light is never extinguished, and justice is never extinguished!

Explanation: My parents are growing up! La la la la! ---An Weina-Tige

Although the triggered Anveena's Healing attribute was replaced with fire damage, the super additional effect of Anveena's Hand and the greatly increased chance of all additional skills made this artifact war hammer The practicality of the weapon has been improved by more than one level, making its status as an artifact more and more prominent.

But with so many advantages, there are also disadvantages.

The form transformation that Anveena promised before now looks like a big hole. The warhammer in normal form is as big as a bracelet pendant. Only by injecting holy power can the warhammer return to its normal weapon size, and a lot of holy power is needed , so Dick has no way to exchange the warhammer back as a combat weapon for the time being.

It can only be used as a trump card, but when used with the new skills he obtained, Dick's threat will not decrease but increase!

It's quite desolate!

Responding to Anveena's words, Dick turned his head and looked at the darkness behind him. Just now, a swift black figure rushed past him. Although he didn't know what it was, it was definitely not a beast. With a glimpse, Dick had already I saw the creature's slender figure and humanoid body.

Why don't you sing me a song?

Dick shook his head, and continued to turn around and walked towards the darkness in the north, joking with Anveena as he walked.

Hmph! Bad guy! People don't sing!

Can't sing? Hahahaha

I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! People ignore you!

Hearty laughter spread far and wide in the dark dense forest. When Dick disappeared into the darkness, on a small hill not far behind him, a tall and wild black shadow stood up, its slender wolf kiss Sniffing the air, the remaining breath of holy light made it seem to smell something bad.

After snorting several times in a row, this man-like wolf glanced at the place where Dick disappeared for the last time. With his slender legs exerting force, he disappeared into the dark curtain like a passing shadow. , as if it had never been there.

On the other side, in the depths of the Crow Ridge cemetery, the gravekeeper's hut is dimly lit, and it seems that it may go out at any time, but in today's Twilight Forest, this little light often means safety and warmth, as well as a place to rest .

Although it is called a large cemetery, there is actually a small settlement, and even a hotel, but the business, of course, don't think how good it will be.

The name of the gravekeeper who lives here is Abel Crombie, a middle-aged man in his 40s. He and his wife Eliza live in this hut. Although they are poor, they live a very contented life. Very loving.

At this time, it was already close to dusk. Abel was sewing a leather jacket with a needle under the dim light, with a very serious expression, while his wife was preparing simple meals in the back room. A strangely dressed The kid in the robe sat upright opposite Abel, as if waiting for something.

Looking carefully, this child's appearance is not the same as that of ordinary children. His skin is dark yellow, which shines with a different luster under the light. The pupils of his eyes are strange silver-white, the most conspicuous It was his hair, which was definitely a lavender color rarely seen among humans, and on the chin of this teenager, there were still small tentacles that kept shaking.

It sounds scary, but when you actually see it, those beard-like tentacles are actually...well, cute.

While waiting for the leather clothes to be sewn, the child sat quietly on a chair, holding a thick hardcover book on his lap. The decoration style of this book did not match the old clothes on the child at all, because Anyone with a little knowledge will understand that this is definitely a rare magic book after reading this book.

Placed in the Royal Auction House in Stormwind City, this book can sell for at least thousands of gold coins!

Median, why haven't you seen your uncle come out to collect medicine recently?

Abel bit off the last silk thread with his teeth, took the clothes in his hand and looked at them with satisfaction, and asked while helping the child fold the clothes,

I still want to buy more medicinal wine from last time. Thanks to him, Eliza's illness is much better!

The child who put away the magic book smiled and stretched his left hand behind his back, and made a weird gesture with his fingers. A small bottle of purple medicinal wine appeared in his palm. He took the sewn leather coat and handed the medicinal wine to the Surprise Abel.

Uncle is not feeling well recently, so it will be warmer when you come out to collect herbs again! Look, your craftsmanship is still so good!

The child put the book back in the waist bag, put the clothes in another bag, and responded politely.

I'll go first, Uncle Abel!

The sensible child carefully pulled up the face mask around his neck, and Abel's wife Elisa walked out of the back room quickly, stuffed two boiled eggs into Madian's hands, and carefully helped He straightened the face covering that covered most of his face, and then kissed lightly on the top of Madian's head.

Bless you and your uncle, Mai Dean, remember to come over for dinner next weekend, Aunt Elisa will make you your favorite sea bass soup! Go back quickly, so your uncle won't worry, little man.

Madian nodded shyly, but just as he was about to go out, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Da da da!

Abel stood up while peeling the baked potatoes, muttering,

At this time, who else will come to visit me?

As he said that, he was about to open the door, but Madian's expression suddenly changed. Just as he was about to stop Abel, the honest gravekeeper had already opened the door.

Then, in the endless darkness, a blue light dimly illuminated the visitor's face. The tall and strong figure was a full head taller than Abel, and protruded from the back of this guy. Judging from the stick wrapped in coarse cloth, this guy is definitely not a good person!

Abel couldn't help taking a step back, and Madian stretched out his hand nervously to hold the little wand stuck in his belt, instinctively telling him that this person was coming for him.

Uh... is this Abercrombie's house? I'm looking for a couple of people who live in seclusion around here, and that kid's name is Madian... Oh, those eyes, let me guess, Madian, is that you?

Dick Don


23 years old, male, healthy

Strength 210 (+60), Dexterity 210 (+60), Energy 1300 (+300), Holy Power 800 (+300)

Occupation Template: Paladin - When the opponent is a non-order creature, the damage is increased by 100%

Lord Template: Stratholme, North Castle

Follower - Lord Paladin Liadrin

Equipment: Flame of Righteousness, Uther's Blessed Libram, Thorn Hook Lock, Blood Roar

Status: The power of the dragon, the power of the lord

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