Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 124 27. Dawn of Felwood

Ten thousand years ago, before the outbreak of the War of the Ancients, the Eastern Continent, Kalimdor, Northrend and the mysterious Mist Continent used to be a whole vast world. At that time, the Kaldorei elves almost controlled the entire world. They love nature, so most of the world is surrounded by emerald green. At that time, Azeroth was as beautiful as heaven.

But after the crazy Highborne elves summoned demons, and after the shattering of the War of the Ancients, the whole world was scattered, and many places polluted by chaotic magical energy and demonic evil energy could not be restored, such as the former capital of the Highborne. Jin-Azshara, such as Durotar, the land of red earth, or Felwood Forest, once the treasure land of the Kaldorei.

Since the war 10,000 years ago, Felwood has been polluted by evil energy. Although there are still trees, their shapes are distorted and evil, and the evil energy from the ground is everywhere. Affecting this land, the water here is dark green poisonous water, only the most tenacious creatures can survive here, or the alien life that has accepted the transformation of evil and disease.

Perhaps this land is destined to endure more disasters. In short, ten thousand years later, before the land regains its vitality, demons once again occupied it.

After Cenarius, the king of the forest who was in charge of the battle in Felwood, was ripped off by Archimonde, the land was completely in the hands of demons, except for those paranoid druids and night elves who were good at hiding. Except for the assassins, all other troops have already withdrawn to the final battlefield - the holy mountain Hyjal.

It is said that the demons have set up a deeper dark sky here. I can feel a force changing the ground under our feet. They want to turn this place into a permanent evil territory as a bridgehead for their invasion of the whole world. !

Miss Jaina, who was holding a weird staff, looked up at the sky, turned her head and said to Liadrin behind her,

I really don't know where those arrogant elves got the confidence to end all this on Mount Hyjal! In my opinion, this is simply the best battlefield for a decisive battle. There is no need to worry about affecting good lives.

While talking, the eldest lady covered her nose with a handkerchief in disgust, and said in a low voice,

This ghostly place has no kind life at all!

Madam Paladin also agreed with her face. She was using the epee in her hand to mercilessly clean up a plant that jumped out of the black ground. It was black, like a disgusting snake. As soon as the light swept away, it turned into ashes and drifted into the distance.

The other paladins also dispersed to protect the local bear tribe for logging. These bear men are said to be the descendants of the wilderness demigod Ursoc and the brothers Ursor, the most loyal allies of the night elves Wood Forest is one of the few indigenous creatures. In this war, the strong bears are the frontline fighters. These old and weak women and children are responsible for logistical tasks such as logging and transporting supplies.

Jarod planned to set up three layers of defense on Mount Hyjal as a trump card to stop the demons from attacking. Humans and orcs were in charge of the first two lines of defense, while the night elves were in charge of the most important third line of defense.

This is not to say that Garrod wants humans and orcs to die. His plan is quite complicated, but Jaina can understand that the white-haired elf intends to use these two lines of defense to consume and delay the power of the demon. This can be seen from the crooked mountain road between the three lines of defense.

If the demons plan to attack quickly, facing the long and narrow mountain road, they will inevitably abandon most of the ordinary legions. If they plan to fight steadily, the more time will be left for the night elves to prepare. It is said that the Green Dragon Queen is now using the world The power of the tree revived the demigod of the wilderness. In short, the more time the better!

No matter how you look at it, the front and rear defenses of these three camps can be regarded as the finishing touch.

The First Legion has the help of mages from Quel'Thalas and Dalaran. The construction of the camp of the human defense line is quite fast and it is almost completed. This is probably the last time to log in Felwood Forest. Before, Jaina had been idle when she officially brought the commander of the First Expeditionary Army into the defense line, so she volunteered to bring the logistics soldiers to Felwood Forest to log.

This place is not far from the defense line of the First Expeditionary Army, so generally speaking, there is no risk.

But there are exceptions to everything. For example, when Miss Jaina and Liadrin were on guard outside the Deadwood Forest, the vaguely demonic aura quickly attracted the Missy's attention.


The bell-like sound from afar made the bored Jaina and Liadrin look at each other. Before they could speak, the ground shook slightly again, and then there was a faint smell of sulfur, It passed into everyone's nose.

The curiosity of mages about everything is well-known in Azeroth. Every year, unlucky mages disappear in the mysterious and dangerous corners of this world. , and far from stopping because of danger.

The eldest lady summoned her own magic staff Black Sandalwood Chill. This ice magic artifact has recognized Jaina's user identity, and according to the eldest lady's talent, it has changed into the primordial flow among the six forms. , on the surface, it looks like two twisted and entangled light blue wooden staffs, with more than a dozen large and small water element gemstones that change from liquid to solid state floating around the staffs.

At the top of the staff, two wooden staffs form a U-shaped staff head. A large piece of water elemental gemstone full of magical mysteries floats on the staff head. It is light blue and dark blue. Staring at it, it is Fangfo looked at a piece of cold ice. On the outside of the water elemental gemstone, there was also a purple eye-like jewel inlaid. It was the mana gemstone, the most cherished treasure of mages.

In short, as soon as this cold staff was taken out, Liadrin felt the temperature around her drop by several degrees, and a white stream of frosty cold was constantly swirling around the young lady's body, like a layer of strange shield. Shield same.

The two chicks are also highly skilled and bold. In the battle of Ashenvale, Liadrin, who broke through the lord rank, held an epee burning with golden flames, and walked ahead vigilantly, but she was already at the peak of the lord rank. The eldest lady walked behind, and a dozen paladins followed them.

This dead wood forest is located at the northernmost end of Felwood Forest. There is a thousand-year-old oak tree here. Many druids who are unwilling to give up here stick to it. The case says that it is impossible for demons to appear in this place, but it happens to appear now. up!

Look there!

The eldest lady exclaimed, and the eyes under Liadrin's helmet turned to the right. Sure enough, in the middle of the small dark green lake in the distance, several mysterious guys in green cloaks were using weird spells, The fight with a blood-red Dreadlord was fierce.

Those mysterious guys are not the same as orthodox mages like Jaina. They use brimstone, fire and corrosive shadows to fight. What's more terrifying is that in the center of that crumbling island, the demons who should have belonged to the side of the dreadlord are now Under the command of the mysterious man, he frantically fought against the fearful demon king who had been wounded all over his body.

Every time that cunning dreadlord wants to break through the space, or escape in the form of a bat, he will be entangled tightly by a chain made of four shadows by the very short guy among the mysterious figures. Fang Buddha entangled the body of this powerful demon in the void, making it impossible to escape.

There is also a slender figure standing outside the battlefield, maintaining a layer of purple shield, tightly enveloping the entire island. In the fierce battle, under this layer of shield, not even a single sound came out .

The power of corrosion and curse is flying around in the dark sky of Felwoodson, and the green poisonous water is flying around. Under the circumstances, the failure of the Dread Demon King is really only a matter of time.

Liadrin only took one look, and she could tell that it was clearly a scuffle between a few half-heroes, and it was not something people like herself could participate in, so she gestured covertly, and the group of people walked slowly. step back.

But at this moment, Jaina suddenly let out a scream, and the paladin turned around suddenly, only to see a person she could never have imagined, riding a hideous mount, slowly walking out from the other side of the deadwood forest .

The dark and icy breath froze more than a dozen paladins in place in an instant. The ice was like an arm emerging from the darkness, choking those knights' necks tightly. About to pierce into the young lady's body, Liadrin opened her left hand without even thinking about it. The holy energy in her whole body was agitated, and a thin but extremely strong holy shield appeared around the young lady's body. She herself Also holding the epee, he rushed towards the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared.

But the difference in strength is too great, just a single blow from the black-purple sword edge cut the phoenix epee in half, and when Liadrin's head was about to be cut off, the magic sword turned horizontal again , with a whistling sound, knocked on the top of the paladin's head.

The king of death knights raised his left hand, and the black and red power of death grabbed the fainted Liadrin from the ground. He turned his head, his gray and cold eyes looked at his whole body trembling, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to retreat. Jaina drove away, Arthas tilted his head, and a stiff smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Jaina... my old friend, I am going to throw a feast, and I want you to inform another friend of mine, my dear Dick, the Flame of Justice, that I need to lend his hand to serve me and my master Do one thing... yes, don't doubt my sincerity...

Arthas, put Liadrin down!

Jaina grabbed the primordial flow, the artifact felt the master's will, the dozen or so water elemental gems suspended beside the eldest lady screamed, and merged with the white ice flow around her. Among them, a white ice dragon roared towards Alsace.

But the King of Death Knights can't dodge, because he didn't come alone!

Just when the frozen ice dragon was about to come into contact with the death knight king, a whirling bone ax swirled from the darkness behind and hit the body of the flustered and defenseless young lady. The layer of magic shield was completely pierced at this moment.

As one of the best mages, Jaina flashed to another place when the bone ax was about to hurt her, but what greeted her was the cold edge of Frostmourne.


Ice splashed everywhere, and the half-meter-thick layer of ice on the body of the eldest lady was completely pierced.

It's not good...

With a twist of Alsace's wrist, the black and blue magic sword was pulled out from the young lady's abdomen. There was no trace of blood, but the advanced skill used by mages to save their lives - the thick ice block of the ice body, was torn apart at this moment.

The eldest lady took a few steps back with a pale complexion, and covered her abdomen with one hand.

The death knight didn't hurt her, but at that moment, the phantom of death really seemed to hit her face.

Arthas put the magic sword on his shoulder, and cast aside the battle on the island from the corner of his eyes, turned his head to look at Jaina,

At midnight tonight, at this place, tell Dick that if he doesn't come, I will take the life of this high elf! Of course, he can also bring his helpers, but I advise him, it's best not to do that Do.

Half-hero—the existence between the high-level lord and the hero rank, as mentioned above, from the lord to the hero, the pursuit is not pure power, but the understanding of power.

It may be abstract to say this, let's give an example: Is Eranikus powerful?


But Eranikus would still be beaten by Ysera, who was not as powerful as him. Why?

Because Ysera has the power of dreams left by the Titans in his hands, once this thing is opened, it will almost ignore the level of strength. Although the power of dreams is not Ysera's own understanding of the power of dreams, it can actually be regarded as Same thing.

With 300 points of strength, other paladins will definitely not be able to beat Dick, because in addition to the power of holy light, he also has the power of order. A little spoiler, the power of order is actually A deeper understanding of the power of the Holy Light!

Do you understand now?

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