Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 105 8. Dragon War

Above the dense forest shaded by the big trees in Ashenvale, the silence was broken, and the roar of the overlord at the end of the food chain made all the creatures in this forest tremble.

While running, Dick gritted his teeth with his mind spinning rapidly. In the sky in front of him, an adult green dragon with green wings was stopping in mid-air. The dragon's pupils, which had also become hazy, were death. Come breath!

Dick put the flame of justice back, grabbed the dragon hook with both hands, and jumped out to the left after another spray of corrosive dragon's breath. This adventurous dragon attracted the roar of the dragon. Flapping its wings, it made another dive.

Dick stood calmly on the ground, shaking the chain of the dragon hook with both hands, and no longer dodged. Behind the swooping dragon, another dragon had opened its mouth, full of corrosive venom. The next moment, it would sprinkled on him.

Give it to me, go up!


The dragon hook made a move, and Dick's catching skills that he had practiced so hard burst into light at this moment. The flying dragon hook accurately caught the dragon horn of the swooping green dragon. After wrapping around a few times, the dragon hook The top engineering clasp tightened with a click.

Dick grabbed the end of the chain and jumped out to the left. While avoiding the dragon's claws, he successfully let himself follow the rising dragon and flew into the air, while avoiding the vicious venom breath.

I won't die here! You bloody lizards!

Dick gritted his teeth, quickly grabbed the chain, and quickly climbed up. The imprisoned dragon made various difficult swings in the air, trying to throw Dick down, but with the metal fist in his left hand, Dick died. Clinging to the chain, enduring dizziness and nausea, he lay down on the green dragon's head after more than ten seconds.

The green dragon seemed to sense something was wrong, it flapped its wings and rushed to a height of several thousand meters, then retracted its wings, and its whole body began to dive towards the ground.

Dick wrapped the dragon hook tightly around his waist with his right hand, and grabbed the flame of justice with his left hand. Seeing the action of the green dragon, the paladin shrank his eyes. This guy... intends to throw himself to death!

Falling straight down like this, with the strength of the dragon's body, at most it is only a minor injury, but this kind of kinetic energy on Dick's body is enough to smash him into a meatloaf. Once he fell to the ground, he couldn't escape, he was still dead!




In the last few seconds when the Holy Avenger was about to dissipate, Dick was like smashing a nail, crazily agitating the holy energy in his whole body, and smashing towards the head of the giant dragon. Shouted in broken dragon language,

Bastard! Get up! Fly! Or die together!

I know you understand! Bastard! Fly me!



Under the threat of death, Dick erupted with 200% of his combat power, order trial, dedication, holy shock, and holy light unsheathed.

All the destructive skills were repeated on the green dragon's head. Even with the toughness of the dragon scales of an adult dragon, Dick's crazy attack smashed out depressions and blood pits one after another.

The pain and humiliation made this crazy green dragon give up the plan to dive. All creatures have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. During the time when he was on the ground, this lunatic on top of his head could definitely seriously injure him!

The nightmare invasion is only a shallow level at present, which can be seen from the lesion of the emerald giant dragon Tailar, it should be just the beginning, so these weaker green dragons have not been completely manipulated by the nightmare, they can think, Naturally, you can also understand what is beneficial to you.

However, this does not mean that it intends to let Dick go so easily. The painful dragon roared and roared again and again. This kind of pure roar, even Dick who can understand the language of dragons, does not understand. What does it mean, but the other two green dragons obviously understood.

From left to right, they grabbed Dick standing on top of the green dragon's head from high altitude. Dick struggled to stick his whole body to the dragon's head to avoid the attacking sharp claws.

The paladin understood the plans of these giant dragons, but he had already reached this point, and he didn't intend to just give up.


Dick, who was holding the dragon's horn, hit the fast spinning green dragon's ear again with a hammer.

Fly me! You vicious lizard! Fly!


The answer to Dick was even more crazily spinning, and Dick almost vomited out. Giant dragons are unruly and rebellious, and it is almost impossible to make them obey.

If he hadn't wrapped the chains around his body in advance, Dick would have been thrown out long ago. He bit the tip of his tongue to calm himself down. The green dragon made it clear that he didn't intend to be obedient, so he didn't have to worry anymore. what.

After the green dragon's 7200° gyration stopped, Dick lay on the dragon's head that was constantly bleeding, put the hammer back behind his back, tied it firmly, and pulled out the dagger from his boots.

Once, twice, while dodging the pounce of the two giant dragons, Dick, who was about to be frozen by the howling cold wind, dug a small groove full of flesh and blood on the top of the green dragon's head with difficulty.

He grinned grinningly and shouted to the green dragon,

Last chance! Will you listen to me?


There was another wave of crazy rotation, and Dick laughed angrily. He grabbed the steel glove on his left hand and threw it into the air. His silver metal fist weighed a sharp cone. Driven by the strength of his whole body, One blow pierced into the bloody depression.

What kind of pain is it to have a nail in your finger?

What about hot nails?

Dick poured the holy energy of his whole body into the Silver Hand, mixed with the power of order, which is extremely lethal to non-order creatures, and injected this blazing energy into the green body containing the power of non-order in the form of a holy shock. in the body of the dragon.


This time the dragon roar was louder than the previous few times, but even Dick could clearly feel the pain contained in it, and this was the result he wanted.

Do you fucking listen to me? Let me fly forward!

Dick clung to the top of the dragon's head and yelled frantically in dragon language. This time the green dragon hesitated for a moment, but in the next second, another heart-pounding pain poured into his head from the top of his head.

Even a giant dragon infected by nightmares is powerless in the face of a lunatic, but top-level creatures have a deadly pride, which they usually call dignity.

The green dragon is undoubtedly a top-level creature, so under Dick's pressure, it chose a more intense way of confrontation.

It rushed into the sky again, then folded its wings and smashed towards the ground at high speed.

This result shocked Dick, this guy really planned to die together!

However, it may be due to the pain. This time, the dragon's dive was not in a straight line, but obliquely towards the ground. In the high altitude, Dick could not see it clearly, but he fell obliquely at a faster and faster rate. In the arc, Dick saw the scene of the crash point.

But this time, the surprise on his face quickly turned into a surprise!

That's the casting camp!

The demon was located in the camp at the junction of Ashenvale and Azshara, chaotic and disorderly thoughts were beating in Dick's mind, and a new way of thinking was opened.

It is true that the current situation facing the Green Dragon Legion is very bad, but they still have a natural hostile relationship with the demons. During the War of the Ancients, the demons could not take advantage of the guardian dragon.

Now is the time for these two fierce tigers to attack each other!

As long as this green dragon smashes into the demon-casting camp, as long as the green dragons chasing after them fight the demons, whether they like it or not, the battle scene is certain.

Even the Nightmare King, as a servant of the ancient god, has no friendship with the Burning Legion. Whether it is the ancient god or other creatures of Azeroth, in the eyes of the demons, they are all opponents.

So on the banks of the Nushui River, the demons in the Demon Casting Camp saw a strange sight on this day.

A crazy green dragon rushed towards the camp from the sky, and behind it, there were two menacing green dragons coming together. When the green dragon was still far away from the camp, a holy light that demons hated the most turned into The shape of a sword fell from the sky, knocking a hapless demon guard to the ground.

Although Dick's holy light was unsheathed and spanned hundreds of meters, its power could not even break through the fel skin of the demon guard, but this action itself, in the eyes of the aggressive demons, undoubtedly started a war signaled.

The magic energy cannons roared, and the green dragon, which lost its mind, didn't even think about dodging. It just wanted to drag Dick to die together, but unfortunately, it was hit directly by three magic energy shells, and it wailed across the camp. On the edge, a sentry tower made of stone was smashed to pieces, and then rolled and fell into the nearby cliff.

The two green dragons following their companions were furious when they saw their companions being shot down. Their overbearing minds were filled with killing and death. In their anger, they sprinkled the terrible dragon breath all over the casting camp.

But the demons are not easy to mess with. After the flying dread demon and mephit took off, they quickly took advantage of their numbers and beat the two green dragons to the ground.

However, the green dragon also has helpers. Through the roar of the dragon, it summoned the dragon army stationed in the temple. The two sides fought in this narrow area. the attention of Maronus.

As a demon who participated in the War of the Ancients, after seeing the giant dragon appearing on the battlefield, the abyss lord dispatched an elite army without even thinking about it. Lal was completely wiped out, and even the powerful abyss lord Maronos was driven out of the big tree by Tailar at the cost of minor injuries.

The great demon Archimonde also knew the threat of the dragon, especially after the appearance of the emerald dragon like Tailar, who could fight Malonos without returning, the battlefield of Ashenvale became more and more powerful. In fact, if Archimonde hadn't been busy in Felwood Forest, fighting against the equally troublesome king of the forest, Cenarius, the demigod of the wilderness, he would probably have taken action himself to deal with Tailar who disrupted the situation.

But no matter what, with the nightmare dragon as a shit-stirring stick, the absolute advantage of the demons in Ashenvale was still weakened by a large part. Come to carry out the joint offensive that has been planned long ago.

But that was days away.

At this time, Dick struggled to climb out of the Nushui River. He climbed a few steps on the river beach with both hands and feet, then turned over and lay down in the sand. He turned his head to the left while spitting out the water in his stomach. There, a huge monster with injuries all over its body and extremely embarrassed, was wailing weakly.

That green dragon, it's not dead yet, but it's not far from death.

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