Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 857 187. The Governor-General Is Coming--Add More For The Good Brother Huo Zheng【17/20】

Chapter 857 187. The Governor-General is Coming——Add more for Brother Huo Zhengting [1720]

Finner said she was joking.

But everyone didn't think that the idiot soldier's exasperation at that time was a joke.

So it didn't take long for Fenner's new scandal to become the latest gossip joke aboard the Naglfar.

In fact, when he witnessed the first real holy sword awakening of the Salamani Excalibur that day, Fenna Jinjian, as a legendary warrior, was really stunned.

In all her memory, in all the legends about weapons, she has never seen or heard of any other weapon with such a strange effect.

It can also be subdivided.

Hell, it's a weapon, not a building block.

However, Fenner's biggest advantage as a soldier is that she is heartless, even if she knows that the ghost sailors on the ship are laughing at her, she doesn't care at all.

She should eat and drink, and occasionally go to the lower cabin to participate in the "snail contest" held by the murlocs regularly. Although she loses every time, she enjoys it.

Of course, for soldiers, daily actual combat training is indispensable.

The sound of clanging weapons continued to be heard from the deck of the Naglfar, and at the moment when the moon was thinning, two swift figures came and went to fight each other.

They didn't use real lethal power, they were just training their reaction and combat skills.

Fenner held two magic steel long swords, and fought back and forth with Bu Laike, who was holding Salamani.

All kinds of fighting skills of elves and humans are at your fingertips, sometimes violent, sometimes light, showing the super talent of this legendary warrior in this respect.

And Laike, who is playing against her, is also a skilled player.

He is proficient in the different combat methods of elves, humans, orcs, and dwarfs, and has a secret combat system such as the Warden's combat skills, so it is not difficult to deal with Fenner's attack.

Occasionally, there would be a wild counterattack, which made Fenner's hair stand on end.

After another double-sword slash was blocked, Bu Laike put his hands together, and the two one-handed swords instantly fused into a heavy sword. After standing up and spinning to accumulate power, a powerful raptor strike struck Fenner's hand. The magic steel swords that were staggered and blocked flew out.

The two blood-red long swords swirled and fell, colliding with the ground several times.

"No more fights, no more fights."

With envy and dissatisfaction, the stupid soldier spread his hands and complained:

"Your monster sword is too much. It has both the destructive power of a two-handed sword and the quickness and precision of a one-handed sword. It can also be transformed into each other. This is pure bullying."

"Let's do it again, it's not finished yet."

Bu Laike leaned on Saramani and challenged Fenner. In the hollow above the hilt of the battleship in his hand, the ball of shadow light danced like an open eye.

"No more, you are bullying people."

Fenner snorted, picked up her two chopping swords from the devil, put away the weapons, and said to Bu Laike:

"I think I'm at a loss. I was the first to find this sword at the time. It should belong to me."

"I know what you want to say, Fenner."

Bu Laike shook his head helplessly and said:

"Even if I give it to you, you won't be able to break the holy sword to wake up. You need it to actively cooperate with you, but the sword forged by the upper elves also has the character of elves.

It's very arrogant, I'm not belittling you, but your experience and capacity probably won't satisfy its appetite. "

"You made me try again! I'm in good shape today, I think I can break it today, I almost broke it yesterday, I feel it."

Fenner puffed her cheeks and shouted unwillingly.

The pirate shrugged, handed her the battle sword in his hand, then took out the flagon from his arms, and unscrewed the lid.

With a look of stupid eyes, he watched Fenner exerting his strength there.

As soon as Salamani was in Fina's hands, the shadowy ball of light above the hilt dissipated. Fina grabbed the bare battle sword, imitating Bu Laike's way of "breaking chopsticks" easily, and kept exerting force with her arms.

The muscles on her slender arms were tense, her face was flushed red, and even Tyre's divine power was forced out, circles of silver light clusters surrounded her body.

But she tried her best, but she couldn't let the sword separate at all.

"It's not a question of strength, poor Fenner."

Bu Laike couldn't stand it any longer, he stepped forward and took Salamaini over, and with a clicking sound, the epee split into two one-handed fighting swords, one long and one short.

They folded together as if by magic, and transformed into the peculiar shape of the Elven Excalibur again.

"This is your ninth attempt this week."

The pirate looked at Fenner with a disappointed face, and said:

"It's time for you to recognize the reality. If you can't break it, it doesn't mean you are a failure. It's just a weapon. I never use weapons to define myself.

If you want a war sword that can be split and rejoined as a toy, I have a message for you. "

He looked around and whispered in Fenner's ear:

"Salamani is not the only sword in this world, as long as you can overcome your aversion to trolls, I do know that there is a troll sword hidden somewhere.

It has exactly the same characteristics as Salamani, and can be split into two one-handed swords, or closed into a two-handed sword.

However, its power is much weaker than that of Salamani, but it is also a very good weapon, suitable for self-defense. "

"Oh, really?"

Fenner, who was still looking distressed just now, suddenly became interested.

As Bo Laike said, Fenner didn't really want Salamaini either.

She also has a fragment of Quel'sera, the holy sword of the elves, which only needs to be reshaped to become the most suitable weapon for elves.

What really upset her was why Bo Laike could tame Salameni and she couldn't.

In the final analysis, he still didn't want to lose to his stinky brother.

If my brother has it, I want it too!

It is this strange "comparison mentality" that I am talking about.

"True, that troll's sword is called 'Suthas', which means 'lasher' in the ancient troll language. It is a holy relic of the Sandfury trolls, hidden in their ancient city of Zul'Farrak inside.

It was held by the ancestral warriors of the Sandfury trolls, who slaughtered countless ugly and evil bugmen and created their own legend.

It's a pity that the descendants are unfilial, unable to keep the glory of their ancestors, and in the internal struggle for power, they used ancient spells to divide Suzas into two.

Gazas the protector, and Sansas the counter-attacker.

A sword of protection, a sword of destruction. "

Bu Laike sat on the side of the boat, and said to Fenner, who sat beside him and listened to the sea breeze:

"Now those two swords are said to have been lost for nearly a millennium, but I know that two cunning Sandfury troll clans hid them.

If you really want to, let's take a look around sometime.

But that Troll Excalibur is evil.

It has the power of the voodoo curse, think carefully before chasing them, and the Sandfury trolls will never allow you to take their Excalibur.

There is only one way to get it. "

"Don't think about it!"

Fenner waved her fist and said carelessly:

"I want it, and I can get the legendary Excalibur and kill trolls, it's a win-win! When I recast Quel'Sera, I'm going to visit there.

When I get that Troll Excalibur, I can really compete with you in skill. "

"Okay, as long as you're happy, but I think you have a problem with the word 'win-win'."

Bu Laike shrugged his shoulders, glanced at Fenner who was cheerful and full of fighting spirit, and said in his heart that the happiness of a soldier is simplicity.

He handed the flagon in his hand to Fenner, and said with emotion:

"You really don't admit defeat."

"Everyone in the Proudmoore family will not admit defeat!"

Fenner took a sip of wine, replied, and then realized her slip of the tongue, she immediately changed her words and said:

"What I mean is, people in the Golden Sword family don't admit defeat! What are you laughing at? Do you deserve a beating?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Bu Laike waved his hand, with a look of "I can't mess with you", and said:

"I just thought of something funny, look! I'm near Tol Barad soon, and the Naglfar is picking up speed.

After it completes this strengthening, it will probably only take about twenty days to cross the entire endless sea. "

"Children, what are we talking about?"

Lady Catherine's voice sounded behind the two of them, and Bu Laike and Fenner turned their heads and saw the "newly recruited" Queen's wife, accompanied by Seifel.

She no longer wears the cumbersome attire of a queen, and has replaced it with a heroic lady's hunting suit. Her hair, which is always coiled up, is also spread out, hanging on her shoulders, but it does not destroy her seeming innate grace and nobility.



Bo Laike and Fenner greeted Lady Catherine, who nodded, looked at Fenner again, and said:

"You should call me 'Mom' or 'Mother'."

"Oh, I can't open my mouth."

Fenner lowered her head and said:

"Give me some more time, it's too sudden."

"It's the first time I've seen an irritable and shy elf like you. I'm curious how Gina raised you? Why did you have such a strange personality?"

Madam Catherine chuckled, took Fenner's hand and put it in the crook of hers, but Fenner did not resist this intimate gesture.

"Mother, it's windy at night, you should rest in the cabin."

Bo Laike was actually a little embarrassed. Although he had accepted the existence of Mrs. Catherine after so many days of running-in, he always felt a little awkward in his heart.

"I've had enough rest along the way, and your boat is much more comfortable than any other boat I've seen."

Lady Catherine shook her head and said to Bo Laike:

"And I'm going to your city soon, I have to cheer up, I can't embarrass my son."

"Don't worry, ma'am, no one dares to gossip about you."

Seifel whispered to Catherine:

"If you dare to speak ill of you, I will throw them into the arena as cannon fodder, and then throw their corpses into the sea titan for dinner. All your administrative measures on the island will be perfectly advanced.

I promise. "

"But mother, you can't rule the pirates under my command the same way you rule the navy."

Bu Laike reminded in a low voice:

"They are all a bunch of scum in the name of 'freedom', they follow power and hate control, and mandatory requirements often lead to chaos because of a drunk.

In fact, in my design, Tol Barad's best future is to form a 'pirate nation' and form a pirate council to manage it.

Just set the basic rules and let them develop the rest, let them rule themselves. "

"I understand, son, do you regard your mother as a mediocre person who can only copy the rules?"

Lady Catherine glared at her son.

she says:

"The most familiar pirates on the seas, besides themselves, are the Kul Tiran navy. The people of Kul Tiras have been dealing with pirates since the time of your great-grandfather and even before that .

Their characters, their pursuits, their desires, and their evils are all clear to me.

I won't use the administrative experience of Kul Tiras to manage the city, Laike, I will adapt to local conditions. I will make your pirate country as prosperous as Booty Bay and provide you with a steady stream of funds.

I heard that there is a magic academy for elves on your island?

After landing, I'm going to visit there first. "

"Of course, as you wish."

When Bu Laike heard Catherine's arrangement, he was relieved.

His own mother was indeed a formidable person, and she immediately captured the strongest of the various factions in Tol Barad.

If she can get the support of Dean Lanyue, even if Bu Laike doesn't give her any support, Lady Catherine can gather the power of Tol Barad into her own hands in a very short time.

Thinking of this, the pirate hesitated for a moment.

He took out six rings with different faces and coats of arms from his arms, and handed them to his mother. Facing Mrs. Catherine's curious eyes, the pirate said softly:

"This is the contact seal of the six factions I planted in the Eastern Continent, the Broken Isles, and the Human Kingdom. I call them 'Albatross'. They are my personal subordinates and my source of information.

It is also my hole card buried in various key areas.

Through their cooperation, I can activate several wars within a week, deeply affecting regional politics, which is the core part of my strength.

Now, they are yours, mother. "

"Is that why you trust me?"

Lady Catherine did not reach out to pick up the six seals. On the sea under the night, she said to Bo Laike in a very frank way:

"I know you have doubts in your heart, child, you don't have to use this method to test me, your tricks are too straightforward."

"No, I'm not probing."

Bu Laike said seriously:

"Since I invite you to be my pirate governor, it means that I have trusted you, mother. I also know why you want to stay on my ship at this moment. This is a tacit secret between our mother and son.

I never test people's hearts, I only believe in cooperation for the common good.

It won't do you any good to mess up my territory. Besides, I'm your child, and I believe your desire to protect me is true.

I can feel.

So take it, mother.

I really need a strategist to run the intelligence system for me. Frankly speaking, the captains under my command can fight a lot, but there are few people who can take over this important task.

Both of my mentors also loathed the work of intrigue and politics.

If Shaw is willing to come to my place, I will definitely give these things to him to operate. But he's a loyal servant of Varian, and I can't ask him to choose between loyalty and brotherhood.

I'm not that stupid. "

Facing her son's honesty, Madam Catherine blinked her eyes. Under the watchful eyes of Fenner and Seifel, the new pirate governor raised his fingers and put the six seals on his hands one by one.

Including her and Dai Lin's wedding ring, there are seven rings.

"These two are also for your self-defense, mother, I don't need them anymore."

Bo Laike took off the gold and silver magic ring from his finger and put it on his mother's hand. He looked at Lady Catherine's spare finger, stroked his chin and said:

"This set of 'Supreme Lord of the Rings' magic ring is still missing the last one. Another day, I will ask my chief fisherman to work harder and catch the Supreme Five Rings, so that we can live together."

"Are you going to dress up your poor mother as a ring dealer?"

Lady Catherine said dumbfoundedly:

"Why do I need so many rings?"

"This can be your new identity."

Bu Laike glanced back in the direction of Tol Barad, and said:

"You need a powerful name to suppress those rebellious and stinky pirates, why not call it 'Mrs.

My lord governor. "

(end of this chapter)

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