Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1841 67. The Arrogant Queen's Sickly Maid Is Really Awesome [Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 1841 67. The arrogant queen's sick maid is really awesome [Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 11]

The Queen's court of Zin-Azshari is a symbol of power in the elven empire, and after the night elves were permanently changed by the magic of the Well of Eternity, they started their civilization at this divinely gifted magical well.

As the original palace closest to the Well of Eternity, Queen Azshara's palace has obviously been repaired many times to match the more prosperous capital due to the rise of national power.

However, no matter how much the former palace was repaired, some original designs could not be modified. Even the queen's court had some dark corners, such as the cells built under the palace.

When the empire was not so powerful, the night elves would bring those high-ranking captives into the palace for interrogation by the wise and brave queen when they went to war with the surrounding troll clans.

The fledgling empire at the time saw this behavior as a testament to the empress's courage.

Of course, Azshara at that time was not as arrogant and confused as she is now, and she would occasionally lead troops into battle herself.

Her title of empress was not inherited.

The peak national power of the Elven Empire is inseparable from Azshara's personal efforts. The former queen is indeed the idol in the hearts of all elves, and she is also worthy of this admiration for her determination to forge ahead.

It's a pity that a wise king will become confused when he gets old, and Azshara is no exception. Although in terms of the lifespan of an elf, the current queen is at her peak, and she is an out-and-out high-cold What about Miss Yu?

In short, the palace cage has lost its usefulness because the war is far away, but no one thought that this place would be reopened in the near future.

In fact, there was only one prisoner in the huge underground cell, but the "courtesy" she received was astonishing. There were twenty palace guards guarding here.

If Dath'Remar Sunstrider hadn't always attached great importance to the "personal relationship" with these palace guards, even if he was the top nobleman of the empire, he would not have the right to enter here without the Queen's permission.

"You are here again, Your Excellency the Sunstrider."

Dath'Remar Sunstrider in disguise approached Tyrande Windspeaker's cage in the dim light of the magic lamp. Before he could speak, he was sitting cross-legged in the cage and praying to Lady Elune The lady priest took the initiative to speak and said:

"You shouldn't have come, it's too risky for you to visit a prisoner like me who is valued by Azshara."

"Believe me, ma'am, I don't want to come either."

The Sunstrider sighed.

Tiredness was written all over his handsome face.

In addition to the torment of the will, there is also the heavy pressure of guiding the magic power to expand the portal on the "construction site" of the Well of Eternity every day.

In recent days, those demons seem to be crazy. With Azshara's tacit consent, they have intensified the pressure on these highborne spellcasters. Just today, five nobles fell into a coma due to the exhaustion of magic power. The young man was hanged on the construction site for attacking the demon.

No matter how stupid the highborne are, they will realize that their queen is really not a human being.

If 007 goes on like this, they can't wait for the perfect world promised by the Queen, and they will be exhausted on the construction site of the Well of Eternity. Thanks to the craziness of the demons, Dath'Rema's small group has been crazy in these two days expand,

But that's really not a good thing.

"Today, when I approached that portal, I felt a breath that I had never felt before."

Dath'Remar looked at the priest shrouded in a faint moonlight in the cage, and he whispered:

"I doubt very much that the 'dark gods' of those demons have approached our world, and they have become crazier, more sincere, and more insane.

Our proud queen even left her splendid palace to join in guiding the portal herself. "

The Sunstrider shook his head.

He didn't continue talking, but he believed that the smart girl in front of him would know what he wanted to express.

This is the second time Dath'Remar has come to see Tyrande. They had a lot of conversations last night. Judging from the experience of the great nobles, the Chosen One is definitely capable of becoming the leader of the common people.

Although her views are very young on many issues, she is really smart and courageous, and she knows how to learn from Dath'Remar.

The Sunstrider glanced back at the palace guards whom he had bribed and were drinking expensive wine outside the door. He approached the cage and whispered:

"It's time for you to give me an answer, Ms. Tyrande."

"About your question yesterday?"

Tyrande was also very conflicted, she knew that Lord Sunstrider came here to help her, and she was willing to accept the help, but this shrewd nobleman put forward conditions.

A condition for which she was completely unable to come up with an answer through her own thinking.

She sighed and said:

"Your Excellency Dath'Remar, I really don't think I will become the leader of the elf world after the war, and I'm not ready at all. I think that instead of discussing national policy with me, you might as well talk to Ravencrest." The lord said more.

I know nothing about statecraft.

I'm only a young priest after all, and I can't even resolve doctrinal differences within the Sisterhood of Elune. "

"Do I think I haven't talked to Ravencrest, girl."

The Sunstrider said seriously:

"But according to Ravencrest's crazy plan, my old friend will hardly survive the demon showdown, and you are the most likely to be the leader after the battle, Lady Tyrande.

Before my companions and I risk our lives to join you, I must secure future power to my companions.

We don't want much.

We are even willing to give up our enthusiasm for magic, just to reintegrate into night elf society. The tearing apart of civilization caused by Azshara's own hands is stupid, and you must help us accomplish this.

After all, we're not fighting wars so hard that we're fighting civil wars later, are we? "


Tyrande gritted his teeth.

The young priest came up with a compromise. Looking back at Dath'Remar Sunstrider, she said:

"How about this, if I can really become the faith leader of the people after the war, then I will do my best to help the upper elves integrate into the new society.

If you really cannot accept the teachings of the Moon God, or if you have new plans in the future, then I can preside over your 'peaceful separation' from us.

I leave the choice to you, Sunstrider.

Whether you want to stay or want to leave is up to you.

I will sign an agreement with you in my name, provided that both of you and I get out of here alive and that we can retake our world from the demons. "

"Okay! I accept this condition."

Sunstrider considered for a moment, then nodded.

He feels that under the current dangerous situation, such political freedom can already satisfy the appetite of his companions. He is also a leader, and he also needs to consider those companions behind him who put their heads on their waistbands and do big things with him Interests.

"Tomorrow night!"

The Sunstrider narrowed his eyes and said to Tyrande:

"Tomorrow night we will release you, we will send you to"

"someone is coming!"

Tyrande spoke suddenly, and the warning from the moonlight caused the priestess' complexion to change. She looked at the Sunstrider who also changed her complexion, gritted her teeth and pointed to her face, saying:

"Hit! Quick!"

"Forgive me for offense."

The very gentleman Sunstrider gritted his teeth, apologized to the priest in front of him in a low voice, then waved his hand, and slapped Tyrande's beautiful face across the cage.

This blow was merciless, and the Priest of the Moon was beaten to the ground, with a red handprint on his face.

She lay there with her face covered, glaring at the arrogant Highborne in front of her, she scolded:

"Azshara's lackeys! You will be destroyed in the moonlight!"

"Shut up! You can call out the empress's name, you mean thing? I'm going to teach you a rough and barbaric little slut today on behalf of the empress."

After finishing speaking, Sunstrider rolled up his sleeves and was about to continue the violence, but his raised hand was caught in the air by a hand with a red jewel ring.

"She is a guest of the Queen."

Ms. Vashj said to the angry Sunstrider with a cold face:

"The queen likes this pure face. If you break it, you will bear the queen's wrath, my dear Mr. Dath'Rema Sunstrider."

The royal maid of honor wore her signature red gown with her long silver hair falling over her perfect collarbone.

Although she was preventing the great nobles from committing violence, when she looked down at the handprints on Tyrande's face, a hint of pleasure flashed across the seductive eyes of this jealous and vicious royal maid.

Ha, trying to steal the Queen's favor from me just because of my face? You seductive little slut, you deserve it.

Ms. Wasiqi thought so in her heart.

She who was originally a little angry at the unexpected guest appearing in this cage where no one was allowed to enter, now became strangely cheerful.

She even felt that she should come a few minutes late, and let Dath'Remar Sunstrider, a loyal nobleman, give the little bitch a few more slaps for her.

It is best to cut through that goblin-like face! After destroying that face, the empress would not tolerate her so much.

Dare to be prettier than herself.

Of course, other than jealousy, there are serious things to do. The noble royal maid coughed, and Dath'Rema Sunstrider leaned down and explained embarrassingly:

"I don't mean anything else, Mrs. Vashj, I just heard that a prisoner dared to confront our supreme queen, so I came here to see how bold she is.

This bitch actually wants to spread that ridiculous belief to me. A rude night elf like her can't understand the rules and civilization of our high elves.

I really can't understand why the queen wants to keep her?

Compared with your beauty and wisdom, this country girl is no different from the female monkey in the tree. "

"Thank you for your compliment, Sunstrider."

Wasiqi waved her hand in a good mood and said:

"Her Majesty the Empress just wants to add some unique colors to her collection. When Her Majesty's great cause is completed, she may be brought on an exquisite dog leash to tour with His Majesty the perfect world created for the high elves.

You are right, Tyrande. "

Mrs. Vashqi squatted down in front of the Sunstrider, her alluring figure formed a pear shape that made the mouth dry. Even the nobles were well-informed, so they coughed and turned their heads at this moment.

Indeed, compared to the youthful Tyrande, a mature, coquettish and sexy woman like Mrs. Vashki may be more suitable


Dath'Remar, what you're doing now is decapitation, how can you still think about such nasty things?

Vashki also seemed to feel the "change" of the Sunstrider behind her, but she didn't care and was even a little happy. Even the top nobles of the empire like the Sunstrider couldn't resist her charm.

Hehe, what is more proud of a woman than conquering others with her own charm?

"Tyrande, I have been teaching you court etiquette for the past few days, but you are unwilling to let go of your belief in the moon god. It is really sad."

The royal maid whispered:

"You can continue to be so stubborn, I have instructed the queen's craftsmen to shape a beautiful collar for you, I expect you to continue to resist and continue to struggle.

I enjoy this kind of tuning fun. "

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Vashki stood up, she gave Sunstrider a meaningful look, and said softly:

"No matter what you said or discussed just now, you still violated the empress's ban today, Your Excellency Sunstrider, I advise you not to be so impulsive in the future.

Don't think that no one in your small group knows, the queen just doesn't care about these little things.

The efforts of the upper elves are about to be rewarded, and all the inferior races in this world will be washed away by the Queen's mighty power, and the door to the perfect world has been opened.

If an excellent nobleman like you chooses to commit suicide by jumping off the car at this time."

The royal maid stretched out her finger with long nails, and gently slid down on Dath'Remar's strong chest. The feeling of the nails rubbing against the skin was like an electric shock, which made the Sunstrider tremble.

Then, he heard Vashj's hoarse warning, saying:

"The Queen and I will be very disappointed.

Are you a man who will disappoint the noble ladies?

I guess, no?

It's late at night, Your Excellency the Sunstrider, you should go back, tomorrow is another day to serve the Empress, look forward to it with respect and gratitude. "

After finishing speaking, the royal maid twisted her enchanting figure and disappeared outside the cage amidst the respectful farewell of the surrounding guards. Sunstrider and Tyrande exchanged glances.

The great nobleman made a gesture of "promise" and pointed to the sky, meaning to let Tyrande remember the time.

Tomorrow night is the time to act.

Tyrande covered her burning face and nodded. She took a deep breath, watched Sunstrider put on his hood and walked away quickly, and thanked Elune for her protection in her heart.

There are good people among the Highborne too.

There is no doubt that Lord Dath'Remar Sunstrider, who willingly sheltered civilians in the Holocaust and stood up to Azshara's tyranny, is a true hero.

May Elune bless him.


Sunstrider left the palace, but he didn't notice that Vashj was stroking her beautiful hair on a sentry post outside the cage, watching him disappear into the night.

There must be some collusion between Dath'Remar Sunstrider and Tyrande Windspeaker, and she should report it to Her Majesty Azshara.

This is her duty as a royal maid.


Why do you do that?

Vaschi's alluring face showed a charming smile in the night.

She will help the Sunstrider and Tyrande who are looking for their own way to complete this great event.

She was looking forward to the stubborn prisoner escaping from the cage with the help of the traitor, which meant that Tyrande had rejected the queen's kindness and became the guy who had to be killed.


With a slight movement of Vashki's slender fingers, a poisonous snake-like wing blade was held backwards in her hand like a butterfly piercing flowers at the fingertips.

Vashki was able to become Queen Azshara's most beloved maid. She never knew that it was because of this beautiful face that hidden under the delicate disguise was the queen's deadliest assassination blade.

The same goes for every royal maid of honor.

And Vashj is the most powerful, deadly, and ruthless of them all, like a colorful and elegant viper, who will be born again when she hunts.

Tyrande, run away, run away, cutie

The moment you stepped out of the cage, I had permission to hunt.

Only then can I slash that damned face of yours before you, little elf, snatch my favor from the empress. The favor of the Supreme Empress can only be enjoyed by me alone.

No one can take away this honor!

Don't even think about it!


Add more tomorrow!

(end of this chapter)

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