Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1802 28. The Strongest Commander Development Plan: How To Show Your Ability In Front Of Lead

Chapter 1802 28. The Strongest Commander Development Plan: How to Show Your Ability in Front of Leaders

Miss Maiev didn't know what she was going crazy.

But she did wander around the oppressive city of Suramar for a whole night with a mysterious Lord Moon Shadow under the terrifying situation of demon invasion.

There is not much difference between Suramar ten thousand years ago and Suramar ten thousand years later. The city seems to be frozen in time. There are many, many joys when pirates walk around the city street lights and take beautiful girls shopping. talk.

"Did you see that tower? I killed a lot of fallen nobles with one arrow on it. The bloody one at that time, tsk tsk, it's too miserable."

"There is also the flat land beyond the mouth of the river, which will become a manor in the future, and the river bend in front of you will become a coastal port in the future.

It was from there that my ghost ship and I slipped into Suramar's city barrier, and we had a productive night. "

"In the city, Lord Moonjun is in charge of the overall situation, right? He is really an excellent imperial nobleman, but his future heirs will not be far behind.

The city will experience oppressive darkness, but will eventually rise again under the leadership of another Moon County lady. "

"Well, Crescent Moon Tavern! This is one of my favorite taverns. Although I don't like the wine very much, it doesn't matter. It will be a landmark building in this city in the future.

It's a pity that the tavern owner I know hasn't been born yet. "

Braike took Miss Maiev to the streets and alleys. The aura of the Silent One shrouded the two of them, preventing them from being discovered by the soldiers patrolling the city. Meaningless.

Like a tour guide, he introduced the short stories between himself and this city of ten thousand years to Miss Maiev all the way, without even considering that Maiev herself was born in this city.

In terms of familiarity with Suramar, Miss Maiev is far ahead of the scrap pirate Bu Laike, but the details of the stories that Bu Laike tells are more about the future changes of the city.

And the clever Miss Maiev can also understand the various stories that this city will experience in the future from the lines of those stories.

This makes this roaming of "pressing the road" that spanned the night more interesting.

At first it was Bo Laike who was talking and Maiev was listening, and by the end, Maiev and Boo Laike were freely discussing the details of those stories.

Until the two of them came to a place that Maiev was very familiar with at dawn.

Shadow Song Ancestral House.

Where she and her brother were born and raised.

It wasn't until this time that Miss Maiev realized that the route chosen by Laike for walking in the city was very subtle, and this was the last stop without turning back.

"I need a foothold, and it's too inconvenient to stay in the Moon God Temple all the time."

The pirate stretched his body and said to Maiev beside him:

"I've been living here for a while."

After finishing speaking, he bent down under Maiev's surprised gaze, and took out a spare key from under the third flower pot in front of the house, then turned back and said to Maiev:

"Did you develop this habit at this time? Putting the key at the door is not a good way to prevent theft."

"I've been meaning to ask, Mr. Bo Laike."

Seeing this, Miss Maiev couldn't bear it anymore.

Wearing a moon-white sacrificial robe, she asked in a low voice:

"Why... why are you so familiar with me? Am I going to be your friend in the future?"

"You want to know?"

Bu Laike opened the door of Shadowsong's ancestral house as easily as he went back to his own home. While pushing the door to go in, he looked back at Miss Maiev, who nodded.

The pirate pouted and said:

"I'm not going to tell you the answer, you have to guess for yourself, the process of finding the answer is half the fun of solving the problem, how can I take that away from the fun?

Go back, Maiev.

Otherwise, Tyrande will be worried again. I really didn't expect that the relationship between the two of you would be so good at this time. Remember to come to listen to the story on time tomorrow night, and think about what wish you want to make by the way.

And, most importantly, what price are you willing to pay for this wish to come true? "

"Such as going shopping with you?"

Maiev couldn't help laughing, and the young lady apprentice priest said:

"I really don't think this kind of company is a 'price'. You must be a good person, Mr. Laike. It's so interesting that you pretend to be a bad guy to scare people like this."

"Well, you're probably the first pretty girl on the planet to say I'm a nice guy."

Bu Laike stood at the gate of Yingge's ancestral house, winked his eyes, and said in a strange tone:

"This is probably the reason why we can have so many stories in the future, continue to maintain the impression that I am a good person, Maiev, I hope you think so, this makes me feel very happy.

Late at night.

go back early. "

"It makes me feel weird that you said that to me at my door."

Miss Maiev complained:

"But it's true, it's late at night, you should go to bed early, Lord Laike, we'll see you tomorrow, do you want me to tell Tyrande about God's election? I think she has the right to know."

"No, you're not ready yet."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Faith, this thing is very important. Let's talk about it after you find your own belief. According to the development of this situation, it should be in these few days."

After finishing speaking, the pirate closed the door with a slam, and sent the lady back to the Temple of the Moon God, acting like a straight man.

But what Maiev doesn't know is that on her way back to the Moon God Temple, Braike's eyes have been staying on her body. dark hell.

In the great hall of Shadowsong's ancestral home, a flame is lit in the fireplace.

Bou Laike is reclining comfortably in the pixie-style easy chair, with a blanket covering his legs, holding the hip flask like an insomniac old man.

With his eyes closed, his huge will quickly swept across the entire Elven Empire and even the entire ancient Kalimdor continent under the moonlight. He could feel those obscure and powerful auras following him that were cruising around Suramar.

Those powerful creatures born in ancient times are silently observing this demon disaster.

He can also feel that the portal opened on the Well of Eternity is like a scorching fire baking the world, countless demons gushing out from it, and there are some "old acquaintances" breath.

"The big ass has come, sitting in the Well of Eternity, Acre is also approaching the border of the world, Nathrezim's two or five boys are rushing to various battlefields, and their vanguard fleets are trekking among the stars.


Lord Sargeras, hurry up, hurry up.

Quicken your pace. "

The pirate shook his chair, and in the warm glow of the fire he whispered:

"Don't make me wait too long."


Early the next morning, in the Tower of Night in Suramar City, the light of the teleportation technique shone under the personal maintenance of the Grand Magister, and the Grand Lord Ravencrest strode out of it with a murderous look on the battlefield.

He looked around and said in a deep voice:

"The battle on the front line is urgent, Elisande, but you ask me to leave the battlefield and come here to talk with you in secret at this time. You better have a reasonable reason."

"Lord, I have two reasons."

The great magister didn't panic at all.

After she raised her hand to invite the high lord and Ms. Lanyue behind him to sit down, she said:

"Yesterday's battle scene has already shown that demons are difficult to deal with. According to our interrogation of those captured demons, we know that the power of the Burning Legion spreads all over the stars. Although it cannot be ruled out that the demons are talking big and threatening us, I still feel that we It is necessary to prepare in advance.”

"You want to escape?"

Ms. Lanyue asked indifferently, which immediately attracted Elisande's rebuttal. She scolded:

"In your eyes, everyone wants to escape, Lan Yue! I know that the destruction of your academy makes you feel sad, but you should at least maintain your sanity as a great arcanist.

Open your eyes and see, just one demon vanguard will cost us our troops, and those demons are not stupid, they are not afraid of us because they are dormant at this time.

They are just waiting for the arrival of their commanders, those high-level beings called great demons, to counter our beheading tactics.

We don't have much time left!

Are you sure you want to waste it on boring arguments? "

Seeing that his two lieutenants were about to quarrel, the high lord slammed the table and scolded:

"Now is not the time to quarrel! Elisande, please be more polite, Lan Yue, please suppress your anger, we need unity now."

The two great arcanists calmed down after seeing the great lord lose his temper.

The Grand Magister shook her head. She took out a blueprint from the prepared box and handed it to the Grand Lord Ravencrest, and spread it out. Although the Grand Lord is a highborne elf, he is not proficient in magic. He can only learn from it. A complex magic device can be seen on the blueprint, but Dean Lanyue knows how to do it.

She could tell at a glance that the blueprint represented a new magic well. She looked at Elisande in surprise and said:

"The gossip circulating in the mage circle before is actually true? Azshara really plans to set up a small magic well in Suramar?"

"Well, it's true."

Elisande said frankly:

"This matter was supposed to be handed over to the court mages, and I was just a supervisor, but because of the preparations for the demon invasion, the queen transferred the court mages back to Zin-Azhali, and the construction of 'Night Well' was suspended. .

However, the preparations for this magic well have been completed, and now it is only necessary to send the mysterious Pillar of Creation into the bottom of the magic well to activate it.

This is the first thing I will discuss when I invite the High Lord back.

The defense circle of the Great Temple cannot be defended. I believe the High Lord can see this point. Once the great demons arrive on the battlefield, once the demons start their general attack, the defense line will collapse in a short time.

It's not that I'm trying to knock our morale down, I'm just telling the truth. "

Ravencrest didn't answer, but he didn't deny it either. He just frowned and looked at the drawing in front of him. After a few seconds, he raised his head and said:

"So, Elisande, you must have a solution? You are not a mediocre person who only asks questions."

"Of course I am not, High Lord."

The great magister laughed a few times, pointed to the blueprint and said:

"I want to finish it, and I need the help of Ms. Alya Blue Moon, only us two grand arcanists can finish this job in a few days.

As long as the Nightwell is established, it can form a thick barrier covering the city of Suramar, and I believe the demons will not be able to break through it in a short period of time.

In this way, the anti-magic alliance has a stable base.

At the same time, fellow elves from all over the world also have a safe haven. News has been sent from Eresalas and Sandara, as well as other small cities, that the demons are not only attacking Suramar.

They're in full bloom, and demons are haunting everywhere.

With Zin-Azshari already fallen, only Suramar City has enough power to shelter those homeless refugees. "

"That's a good idea."

The great lord nodded, he closed his eyes and thought about it, and then said:

"Suramar is only separated from Highmountain and Val'sharah by a mountain. If Suramar becomes the base camp of the anti-magic coalition forces, the legions in Black Rook Castle and other regions will have a safe place to supply and rest. Three Being connected together is enough to make us last longer under the attack of demons.

But passive defense cannot win!

And we must buy time for Suramar to build the magic well, with our current military strength, I'm afraid."

"That's the second thing I want to say, High Lord."

Ms. Elisande waved to the magic swordsman guarding the door.

After a while, two young elves were invited in, one of them was the moon guard Illidan Stormrage who had just awakened, and the other was a young man wearing the armor of the city guard of Suramar.

Lord Ravencrest looked at the two of them suspiciously, and said:

"Illidan, the one next to you"

"The High Lord, his name is Jarod Shadowsong, a soldier of the city guard, a true warrior and an excellent commander, it was he who helped us rescue those who came from Xin from the demon striker Azshari's refugee."

Illidan Stormrage made an elf salute to the high lord.

He said seriously:

"I'm about to recommend this talent to you. You need an excellent commander like him. In addition, Garrod has made a very bold military proposal for our current situation.

I hope you will listen. "

"Oh? A military suggestion, interesting."

Lord Ravencrest inherited the arrogance of the Highborne, so he wouldn't have paid much attention to low-level soldiers like Jarod.

But Illidan Stormrage is a young man he is very optimistic about. He thinks that Illidan will definitely achieve great things in the future, and a young man who can be praised by Illidan must have something unique.

As a result, the great lord put away his arrogance, and he sat on the chair with a big sword, looking at Garald, which made the young Garald very nervous.

He was even a little speechless until that strange voice sounded in his ears again.

"Why are you nervous? Look at you, you are really embarrassing to the Yingsong family! You have to behave decently in front of the big boss, you little idiot, quickly speak out the subtle idea in your heart.

I'm sure Ravencrest will give you plenty of room to use your talents, and trust me, this Highborne is the only one I've taken a liking to besides Azshara and Dean of the Blue Moon.

Speak, don't be afraid. "

Under the reprimand of that weird voice, Garrod's heart calmed down strangely. He coughed a few times, and made a soldier's courtesy to the high lord, and then said with eloquence:

"Your Excellency, I also participated in yesterday's battle. I hacked a demon to death with my own hands, but during the battle, I saw the power of the demigod guard of the foreign emperor, which gave me an idea. "

"You mean, the stick-wielding monkey?"

Ravencrest recalled yesterday's battle, nodded and said:

"That monkey is really powerful. If it weren't for it, we would have lost at least two elite cavalry, but that monkey seems to be very stubborn. It refused my reward and even didn't want to live in the same camp with us."

"That's just due to the Monkey King's personality, great lord, and that's not the point."

Garrod said seriously:

"Maybe it's because I got along with it, I talked to it after the war, and I asked it if there is a demigod as powerful as it in this world.

The Monkey King gave a definite answer, and it told me an important message.

The great lord, the Monkey King said that demigods and demigods will attract each other. It told me that our battle with the devil has actually attracted the attention of many wilderness demigods who are as powerful as it, or even stronger than it. .

Those mysterious creatures roam the forests on the edge of Suramar, and there are many of them. My thought is, if we can get their help."

"Can you be sure that those mysterious and powerful demigods really exist?"

The High Lord already understood what Jarod meant.

He leaned forward to look at Jarod, and said in a serious tone:

"Are you sure you can persuade them to help us?"


Jarod wanted to be humble, but the voice next to his mouth and ears sounded again, so his answer became in his astonished perception:

"Yes, great lord, I am sure! Please leave this matter to me."

(end of this chapter)

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