Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1766 134. The Villain's Unqualified Exit

Chapter 1766 134. The villain's unqualified exit


When the first ray of dawn appeared in the sky, accompanied by the low and weak dragon roar, Deathwing's bruised life finally came to its last moment.

Having lost the power of the earth, it couldn't smash the continental shelf of the entire world in despair, and dragged these damned bastards into hell, only to be crushed bit by bit by the crazy attacks of the angry and hateful dragons. Use up all your strength.

Although from the perspective of counting the results of the battle, this is definitely a tragic victory or a glorious defeat.

At the moment when Deathwing's big head fell on the tide, almost all the dragons who followed the dragon kings to participate in this battle of revenge were injured.

That was the terrible battle damage caused by the World Destroyer showing the fallen body bestowed by the void at the last moment, and shooting dangerous arrows of source quality all over the sky.

The powerful dragon kings are also in a very miserable state at this time.

The Red Dragon Queen's claws were bitten off, Ysera was torn off half of her wings, and Malygos was devoured by Deathwing's concentrated fire attack at the last moment.

In order to save Malygos, the old blue dragon Senegos was almost torn apart by the mad Deathwing.

For the Dragon King, these injuries can be recovered in a long time, but they will definitely leave permanent scars to represent the tragedy of today's battle.

On a reef not far from this sea area, Marcus was kneeling on the ground begging Eldagosa not to die.

Ms. Blue Dragon, who likes to tell pornographic jokes, was hit by a flying elemental arrow at the last moment and was almost pierced in the head. She was lying on the ground and screaming. Little Xingxing was leading a group of priests there to help with the treatment .

But even with such serious injuries, every surviving dragon still let out a victor's roar of joy in the light of dawn, and some young dragons even made fireworks and lights in the air to celebrate their victory.

Although the entire sea below is covered with broken dragon scales and dragon blood of various colors, the sea water has been dyed colorful, and the little murlocs are taking their own murloc pirates to filter the sea water with various containers. What about dragon's blood?

This is really good stuff.

Especially for murlocs who are born weak.

Benboerba himself had taken the blood of Sefiel and Little Xingxing, and he thought it would be perfect for strengthening the murloc pirates.

This is the strategic resource of the Guaguagua Pirates. In terms of the results alone, the murlocs have won today.

During the entire battle, Laike kept his oath. Except for activating the Hammer of Khazgoros, he did not participate in the whole process, and really gave the glory to the dragons.

Let them wash away their shame with their dragon claws.

Of course, today is also a harvest day for Drake, who is resting on the deck of the Naglfar. Although he was also beaten badly by Deathwing, the flesh and blood of the World Destroyer that he swallowed halfway is very important to him. Words are "a great tonic".

It only takes a period of jokes, and the body of Drake, the Dragon King Devourer, can once again usher in the final strengthening.

"It's your turn, Boo Laike."

Accompanied by her beloved consort, Krasus, the weak red dragon queen stepped onto the deck of the Nagfar. She raised her head and faced the pirate who was hiding on the edge of the poop with a pipe in his hand and a wine bottle in his hand. Say:

"Send Deathwing out of this world forever. You promised us that he and the nightmare he brought will never reappear."

"Well, I promised."

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"But are you sure you don't want to take something from the body of the World Destroyer as a souvenir? To commemorate today's victory or something, I think you deserve it.

I can generously allow you to take away the loot. "


Ah Laikestraza looked up at the dawn in the sky, and she said softly:

"Ah, I haven't felt such a sense of relief for a long time. The ancient calamity ends today, which is a day of liberation for all dragons.

Even those hidden black dragons.

They no longer have to endure torture and domination from tyrants, and they are also free. "

"Uh, I think Lord Malygos must have a problem with your statement. Look, he has already started to take his own spoils."

Laike pointed to the sea in front of him. The tide hunter seemed to want to highlight his presence, so he deliberately removed the sea water from the place where Deathwing fell, exposing the rocks under the sea.

And the elemental monarch shamelessly held a trident and posed a mighty posture in front of the corpse, and asked his servants of the Tidal Order to take pictures of it from various angles, so as to respread the majesty of the tide hunter across the sea.

As for Deathwing

It has completely lost its dragon form, and Deathwing, like a mass of rotting flesh that is still burning, is pierced on those sharp seabed rocks like a banner of flesh and blood.

Its filthy blood dripped drop by drop, creating unsightly corrosion marks on those rocks.

Malygos, the king of blue dragons, is now leading a group of blue dragons who are wounded all over their bodies but hold their heads high, trying to take something memorable from Deathwing's corpse.

Under the suggestion of the famous war slag, His Excellency Kalei, the blue dragons finally chose the iconic "iron jaw" of Deathwing. .

They're taking it back to Coldarra, and using it to make a gate at the Nexus' entrance to commemorate the demise of the blue dragon's genocide.

"Forgive Malygos."

The pale-faced Ysera also boarded the Naglfar with the support of her daughter Melinthra, and she said:

"Malygos has enough reasons to remember today's victory. Even the harshest dragon should not stop him from doing this. His tortured and vicissitudes of mind also need these things to soothe.

But the rest is up to you, Boo Laike.

Deathwing's corruption was too deep for ordinary power to completely clean up the corruption. "

The Green Dragon Queen glanced at the pirate, and she said softly:

"Of course, we'll pay for it."

"Cool, I like this deal, you know me best, my dear awakened lady."

The pirate kissed Ysera's hand in a gentlemanly manner, then jumped down from the railing, snapped his fingers, and made Drake, who was drowsy from a full meal, raise his head again.

While all the dragons watched, the evil pirate Bo Laike came to Deathwing's corpse with his evil pet that made all the dragons feel fear.

Boo Laike gestured, Drake groaned, and lowered his five heads to devour the remains of Deathwing.

Born in the void, it is not afraid of the corrosion and distortion brought about by these filthy things. Although it looks ugly and mighty, it has a silent person as a god to protect it.

It is now the size of Bu Laike, the void god's beast.

As for Bu Laike.

While Drake was devouring Deathwing's fallen flesh, the bad guy was still watching to see if the Worldbreaker's head suited his own aesthetics.

Unfortunately, after the iconic iron jaw was taken as a trophy by the blue dragons, the incomplete head has begun to grow some disgusting lava tentacles.

This made Bo Laike really unable to convince himself to put this thing in his display cabinet.

Well, I'd better leave it to my good daughter to adorn her prow, for Gorm's head should be replaced after hanging there so long.


In the dense smoke of burning, Laike squatted down in front of Deathwing's eyes that had lost all light, and put his hand on the head covered with fallen dragon's blood.

A purple stream of light appeared in his eyes, allowing him to see the rift to the material world open in the tidal tumbling of the Sunless Sea, and the shapeless fallen soul of Deathwing was being drawn to the void of the creatures of the void. final destination.

Judging from the life of the World Destroyer, this guy can also be regarded as a servant trained by a certain Void Lord, which gave him the opportunity to restart his tragic life in the Void World.

But Bo Laike will not let it go so easily.

The hideous reflection of the Silent One emerged in the light, like a dark curtain that eroded and quickly covered Deathwing's remnant body.

Those invisible shadow tentacles flew out of the shadow like chains, fixing Deathwing's ugly soul in the air, pulling it so that it could not enter the void world so freely.

The World Destroyer also sensed the coming of the final crisis, it struggled to get rid of the shackles of the Silent One, but under the pull of thousands of tentacles, it was still pulled to Bu Laike bit by bit.

"Where do you want to go? My dear World Destroyer."

The pirate took down his pipe and said to Deathwing:

"You're leaving and you didn't even say a parting call, which makes me feel that you are very rude, after all, there are some small grievances between us.

For example, when you threatened me so fiercely in Dalaran, the shadow on my mind has not dissipated until today. Another example is that you attacked my academy while I was away and destroyed the warlock tower that I like very much.

You don't want to default, do you? "

"You can't hurt me!"

The Worldbreaker is bound by those tentacles with blue eyeballs, but it is not very afraid. It can feel the void power on Bo Laike that makes its heart tremble.

But it still growls:

"The will of the Lightless Sea calls me, Laike, mighty Silent One, oh, you too are shaped by the tides of truth, we are of one origin.

You can't disobey the call of the lightless sea, you can't kill me here.

I will accumulate strength in the place of reflection of truth, and one day, I will find a chance to return to the material world."

"Yes, that's right, I can't stop you from returning to the Lightless Sea."

Bo Laike nodded, and then, he raised his left arm that was glowing with gloom, and slapped Deathwing's soul with a slap, he said:

"But I can send you back in another way, poor dragon, the Lightless Sea belongs to all void creatures, but there is an eternal cage that exists only for me.

Ragnaros, Archimonde, and some 'lucky' demons from the world of Argus have all been sent there by me, howling in the shadow of the Sunless Sea, waiting for the next hapless one to be sent into which they are treated as playthings.

You know, I'm actually ruling over there in a hands-off attitude

A rogue like you would be a good fit for that Darwinian prison paradise, really, you'd make a living there, but you're not going anywhere without my permission.

my dear prisoner.

And some of the truths in your soul may also be of use to me. You don't think I'll let a guy who is still valuable escape from me, do you? "

Bu Laike laughed, and the truth hunter's sacrifice was activated.

The tide of the Sunless Sea suddenly rose, turning into a swirling vortex and roaring. In the desperate cry of Deathwing, all traces of its existence in the material world were thrown into the Sunless Sea by the pirates, and the generous Void returned. It was very precise to turn the truth that conforms to Deathwing into pure force and return it to the pirates.

Bu Laike stood up, incorporating those Forces into his body to strengthen his container.

This is a long process that requires patience.

And at the moment when the newborn Chaoyang completely jumped out of the sea level, the pirate turned around with his pipe in his mouth, and made a gesture of "finish" to the Dragon King and the giant dragons behind him, making them burst out after a moment of silence enough to overturn the sea. The heaven and earth cheered and laughed wildly.

Well, it looks like a dragon banquet is going to be held here.

It's really lively.

The Scrap Pirate looked down at the heavy scorching anima he was holding in his hand.

He was a little hesitant, and he didn't know that the powerful heart from the Destroyer would not be enough to satisfy the appetite of the Eredar twins.

I had previously promised to give the fraudsters heart power to them, but because of Velen's coquettish manipulations the fraudsters ran away, and as the boss, it was hard for me to break my promise.

I can only give them a similar one.

Alas, I have to take care of the thoughts of my subordinates even after I have become a god. It is a bit too pitiful for me to be a god.

But that's okay too.

The pirate glanced back at the distant sea, Mac'Aree should be done with it soon, and if nothing else happens, he will soon harvest another bunch of Corruptor's Anima.


At the moment when the dragons were celebrating their victory, Sefiel, who had rescued at least 30 dragons with time magic in the previous battle and was still unharmed, quietly appeared beside Bu Laike.

She whispered:

"Xalatas missed it."


Bu Laike raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said:

"How could you miss it?

N'Zoth, who escaped from the cage, is no match for Xalatas in every respect. We arranged it in advance, so it should be foolproof. "

"It's the Titans who intervened."

Safiel frowned and said:

"That shameless thing N'Zoth surrendered to Sataras and Azshara before they killed it together."

"Huh? As expected of N'Zoth, this showy operation. I really didn't expect it."


"Can't you do it faster?"

On the coast of the edge of Mac'Aree Island, Xalatas, who maintained the posture of the snake beauty, complained to the light of the light with the same gloomy face beside him:

"I got it under control just now. It's like a pig caught in a trap waiting to be slaughtered. You can easily kill it with a knife! But you missed it.

Sure enough, when it comes to disappointing people, you really never disappoint, Queen Azshara. "

"Shut up, ancient venerable, do you think I missed it?"

Azshara looked at the Dark Empire Blade shining with dim light in her hand, she sighed and said:

"I've already pierced its core, and it's only a matter of the final absorption to kill the rude ancient gods who tried to tame me and play with me to show my supreme majesty.

This plan was made by myself and Bo Laike, how could I deliberately sabotage my own plan?

Don't blame me for your mistakes! "

The queen stared at the swaying tree of life on the distant continent with a cold gaze, and she said:

"Obviously you didn't expect Life Titan to intervene suddenly"

"Who would have expected such a thing?"

The ancient venerable moved her slender fingers, making her distorted shadow emit a weird whisper in the sea water. She complained:

"These souls of the titans are crazy. It's obvious that a guy like N'Zoth surrendered to them with bad intentions, but they still accepted it.

I can't figure it out. "

"Maybe you want to take this opportunity to study the ancient gods?"

Azshara guessed:

"The void domain has never stopped invading the material stars. These titans are obsessed with purification and order, and they really need a living sample to study the way to rescue the corrupted world.

Can't be like Sargeras, just give a sword when encountering a corrupted world? "

The two powerful and beautiful women were fascinated. After a few seconds, they sighed at the same time. Xalatas looked fiercely at the tree of life in the distance, and she said:

"An existence like me cannot approach the land of order. Come here! Go to the land of the titans to find N'Zoth and give him a knife. Don't worry, I will find a way to rescue you before the titans kill you."

"Okay, then you wait, I'll set off now."

Azshara sneered.

Put away the blade of the dark empire and tidy up his clothes, then turned around and walked towards the deep sea.

She could see very clearly that the Titan's meddling was beyond her or Xalatas's ability to solve it. This evil ancient venerable just wanted to send herself to death.

She hated N'Zoth though.

But this hatred is not enough for Azshara to bet on his own existence, but he has just won a second good life.

(end of this chapter)

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