Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1753 121. Under The Instructions Of Lord Bu Laike, We Decided To Seal The Fate

Chapter 1753 121. Under the instructions of Lord Bu Laike, we decided to seal the fate

"That's just obsession! The pathetic obsession of the undead"

Faced with the malicious ridicule of the bad student, in the dark, Dean Lanyue held the staff tightly, lowered his head and said to Bu Laike in a gesture of shame and indignation that he had never seen before:

"Never again, I swear by my phylactery! Take it, Bo Laike."

Dean Lanyue took out a teardrop fairy gem and put it into the hands of the pirates. She said in an excited and serious tone:

"If I get out of control again, don't hesitate to destroy it! I would rather die forever than let our pure teacher-student relationship enter an embarrassing future."


Bu Laike looked at the cold and gloomy lich phylactery in his hand, he didn't know how to respond to the dean's extreme way of apologizing.

"Look up, Dean, and let me see your eyes."

The pirate said something.

Because of holding the Lich's phylactery, Dean Lanyue raised her head obediently.

Bu Laike looked at the eyes of Dean Lanyue. Although they were still the gloomy eyes of a lich, the pirates could still distinguish a surge of longing from them with the perception of gods and the despair of life after death.


The pirate frowned.

Enabling the mental activity of the emotionless lich to such an extent, things really looked like they were troublesome. Suppressing obsession is the same as raising a puppy. Once the puppy sees blood, it won't be able to hold it back, so you can't have it.

The dean handed over his phylactery to himself, probably also foreseeing a second out of control that might really happen in the future.

This is a terrible hidden danger.

Because of this matter, Dean Lanyue has developed the most terrifying self-destruct tendency for an undead.

Bu Laike knew that he had to solve this problem immediately, and he didn't want to see the dean of Nazaras College die inexplicably in an experimental accident.

The pirate thought for a while, then glanced at the lich phylactery in his hand, and said softly to the dean:

"Did you have a lover 10,000 years ago? I mean the kind of past memory that can be used to replace a twisted obsession with me."


Dean Lanyue felt insulted, she said seriously:

"I was never in the company of my dissolute brethren, and I was never alone, for magic and truth are my lovers."

"very good."

Bo Laike gave a weird smile and said:

"I know how to solve this problem, leave it to me, Mr. Dean, your illness is cured, so you should keep this thing yourself.

I mean, find an empty corner and bury it.

I heard that the Storm Peak will be permanently closed soon, and it will not be opened until the end of the next era. Maybe you can consider sending it to a hall in Ulduar. Our friend Mimiron will definitely keep it safe for you. its.

Of course, it's best not to let that madman know where you hide the phylactery.

I'm afraid he will use this thing on a whim to use terrible experiments. "

The pirate put the gloomy phylactery back into the dean's hands. He hummed a weird pirate song and walked down the stairs leading to the ground. Dean Lanyue pursed his lips and walked down together.

The tunnel leading to the depths of the ground is astonishingly long. In terms of height, the underground area of ​​the newly completed No. 13 Teaching and Experimental Building is much larger than the above-ground area, at least five times more.

It is an out-and-out underground palace.

But its design is very interesting. It has not been excavated into a real underground palace, but is surrounded by stone slabs and columns carved by various magic runes to form an inverted minaret column.

And the further you go down, the more amazing the flow of magic power from the magic net is, as if the energy of the entire Paladin and even the underground demon king nodes in the sea area of ​​​​the Eastern Kingdom is directed here.

It stands to reason that this level of energy gathering will definitely attract the immediate attention of the Blue Dragon Legion, but considering that the Blue Dragon Legion is now busy taking care of the weak spellweavers, and their next Blue Dragon Queen Studying at Nazaras College, so the Magic Legion chose to turn a blind eye.

Also because the whole of Azeroth has been fully supporting Argus' expedition in the past, all adult blue dragons have been summoned to Ulduar to assist the guardians in harnessing the Titan energy of the furnace of origin, and they have no time to pay attention to Torbara The magic gathering under the German Sea.

It is equivalent to the members of the great wizard's magic salon playing a game of darkness under the eyes of the blue dragon.

By the time Bu Laike returned to Azeroth, the preliminary preparations for this magic well had been completed, and they were going to complete the last operation of the Well of Destiny tonight.

Inject water!

Well, certainly not ordinary water.

When Bo Laike reached the circle at the bottom of the Well of Fate, there were already many people gathered here.

In addition to Ms. Aegwynn holding her baby son and her top spellcasters, there are also members of the elves, the three Windrunner sisters and their mothers who came on behalf of Quel'Thalas, and Sangunar baron.

These are the helpers who assisted Alleria in obtaining the plans for the Sunwell during the naval battle of Quel'Thalas.

On the other side of Suramar are Talisa, the chief mate and chief arcanist of the Nightborne Pirate Fleet, and her two friends, the current consul Lilith Yuejun and her younger sister Anaris Moonjun.

And the two sisters' common fiancé, Lilas Windrunner.

When the pirate opened the door and came in, Lilas was being reprimanded by his mother with his head down, and several older sisters were still helping. Obviously, they were not very satisfied with this deviant marriage.

Although the other party's family background is much more prominent than the Windrunner family, even though the other party's wealth is far more than that of the impoverished ranger family that has always been neutral, and even though the other party's family has basically controlled the financial power of Suramar, Lilas "married the past "Afterwards, you can justifiably go to Queen Azshara to ask for a title and become the real "King of the Shal'dorei".

But is this enough for the Windrunners to send the only male of this generation out for marriage?

Of course not!

Even if everyone in the entire Quel'Thalas, from the Sun King Anasterian to the lower-level members of the newly rebuilt Silvermoon Council, would like to knock the little milk dog Lilas unconscious and strip him to the bed of the Moon County sisters, Let them have sex on the first day and conceive and have children the next day so as to strengthen Quel'Thalas' influence in the Shal'dorei society.

But this incident itself is still not a "glory" for the conservative Fengxing family.

In addition to these people, there are several special characters on the edge of the underground circle of the Well of Fate.

Including Farodin, the Druid "Valleywalker" of the hidden school of the Highborne holding a jewel box containing the Arcandor tree species, and Farodin, who has always had no sense of presence in the pirate faction, and has now been reduced to watching the gate of Nazaras College Fal'dorei sprites.

The former is already one of the tutors of the Natural School of Narsalas College, while the latter...well, how should I describe it?

Although Bo Laike has always despised Fat Red as a disgrace to the entire Undead Fleet, saying that the bastard has become accustomed to lying flat and is the most beautiful and self-motivated bastard among all pirate factions.

But the fact is, compared with these spider elf Fadorei who followed Bu Laike early, Reid can be regarded as a three-hearted orc who is diligent in government affairs and motivated.

These Fal'dorei spider elves were distorted by the big explosion of Alcandor, and they hate sunlight and can only live in the dark forest and underground tunnels of the academy in Tol Barad.

Their combat effectiveness is limited to frightening those students who have never seen the world and like to run around, and because of the small number, they have not been developed.

Bu Laike had given up on them a long time ago and was then arranged by Dean Lanyue for waste utilization to the college to be responsible for night vigilance and defend the underground buildings.

Such a mundane job is boring.

But for the Faldorei spider elves who have suffered so much and have already smoothed their edges and corners, it is a blessing that fell from the sky to be able to get such a share of money, less work, less work, closer to home, and less worry. Difference.

Even their titular queen, Olaxis, cheerfully gave up the honorable title of "Queen", and walked through the huge underground facilities of the college under the title of "Security Supervisor of the Underground Area of ​​Nazaras College" all day long. He swaggered through the market, and occasionally was responsible for disposing of all kinds of magic garbage in the laboratory building.

Its life is almost the same as that of old Garney.

Because these Fadorei are not so aggressive in character, but their appearance really surpasses the aesthetics of ordinary people, and the existence of spider elves is a secret of the academy. The strange rumors of the Seven Mysteries of Narthalas.

Well, they live underground, are cruel and vicious and feed on the brains of disobedient bad students. It is said that they are mysterious elf spider monsters transformed from the resentful spirits of students who failed to graduate, and they rank sixth in this rumor.

It is located between the fifth place "No one can find the mysterious Assassin Academy that does not exist" and the seventh place "Weird spirits who always collect treasures in the garbage dumps of various colleges at night".

But the "bad guys" Fadores, who have always been useless and are not valued by anyone, have indeed made a great contribution this time. As for the huge underground area of ​​the Well of Fate, relying on the workers to dig it to the end of the year. .

80% of this huge underground building area was dug and decorated by the Fadorei.

They are very passionate about this job.

Almost all the less than 600 members of the whole family gathered here to dig here day and night, because the Fadorei knew that their appearance and will were distorted by the big explosion of Arcandor, and only Arcandor The fruit of it can be cured.

This is their only chance.

"Ah, noble god, your servant has a humble request."

When Laike took over half of the bottle of concentrated water essence of the Well of Eternity from Dean Lanyue under the gaze of everyone, the leader of the always small and transparent Fal'dorei always seemed to be a cowardly spider queen. Olaxis burst out of the crowd wearing a white engineering helmet.

This guy is pretty safety conscious and knows to wear a helmet when digging underground.

She humbly lay at the feet of Bu Laike on her eight legs, and begged in ancient Salas:

"For the sake of doing our best to serve you and the academy, can we hand over this quiet and safe underground area to the Faldorei as the territory of our new kingdom after the Well of Fate has been shaped.

Please understand that we do not intend to monopolize the Well of Fate.

It's just that we, as the cursed, are destined not to be able to live under the sun, but we like the quiet environment of the college very much, and we hope to die here.

By the way, I will forever guard for you the great miracles that will be born in this world."

"You heard the news of Azshara's rise in the deep sea, so you felt scared, right?"

How could Faldore's small thoughts have been hidden from Bu Laike? Master Moon Shadow chuckled lightly, reached out and patted the well-behaved spider queen on the head, and said:

"Of course, I have great sympathy for a group of poor people who have lost everything, and I am deeply moved by your useless but loyal loyalty.

I will allow you to have this vast subterranean area.

But you have to control the rate at which you spawn, I don't want my Well of Fate to be covered in cobwebs and become a spider nest. If you want to lay eggs, go to the Black Forest. I heard that the snake people there have a good relationship with you. "

"Thank you for your kindness, great god."

Satisfied Fal'dorei cheered all over the subterranean region, their hard work rewarded to the delight of the Spiderlings.

"let's start."

Behind Bu Laike, Ms. Aegwynn, who was holding her son, urged her. For today's event, she specially changed into the gorgeous robes she wore when she was a guardian.

The other spellcasters also attended in costumes, the flamboyant old man Sakir even put on the robe of the headmaster of the Mystic Academy, and the warlock trio dressed themselves like walking jewelry display racks, as if they were afraid that others would not Know that they made a windfall on Argus.

Introverted without understanding.

Tch, pathetic offal. The other spellcasters commented sourly.

In the next moment, as Bu Laike unscrewed the stopper of the Eternal Well, everyone held their breath and watched as Bu Laike raised his hand and poured the bright liquid that exudes seven-color streamers from the edge of the hall into the eyes, echoing almost substantively. Bottom of the well of the violet magic tide.

The moment the concentration of the blood of the world was poured into the magic tide, a bright light erupted in front of everyone's eyes, a majestic energy was brewing at the magic node under their feet, and the ocean around the entire island was surging at this moment.

And at this moment, the door of the underground hall was kicked open.

In the screams of the "undercover" little star who was finally exposed, she was dragged into the hall by the angry humanoid spellweaver with her ears up, followed by her grandfather.

However, Senegos, the ancient blue dragon, appeared in a strange troll form this time.

A large group of blue dragons followed behind, as well as guardian dragon kings such as the red dragon queen and the green dragon queen. They were all murderous, and everyone behind Bu Laike also drew their weapons in unison at this moment.

Especially those elves.

They don't allow the future of the race's newborn to be destroyed by a group of unknown dragons, and even the weak Fadorei are surrounded from all sides with their teeth and claws.

This is a matter related to the future of the race, and they cannot be allowed to hesitate at this time.

"Stop! Bu Laike!"

The Spellweaver yelled, holding the Focusing Rainbow:

"Or I'll blow it up! There can't be another Well of Eternity in Azeroth, it'll open the way for demons to get here, you lunatics!"

"Captain! Go on!"

The captured little Xingxing didn't know where her courage came from. She pushed the spell weaver away, and opened her arms to block the fellow dragons. She screamed:

"This gift belongs to everyone!

The demons have been defeated by us, and the Well of Fate will make this world a better place! I will not allow you to destroy this future, even if you are my people

The era of dragons being stupid and indifferent to world conflicts is over! We should realize that we are only a part of this world and not the master.

Captain, go on!

I can withstand their siege. "

"No, you can't stand it, poor sweet little fool."

Bu Laike didn't care about the tense scene behind him at all. While maintaining the action of pouring water from the eternal well, he said:

"Who told you to come? Dragons, is it our great Lord Norgannon? Tsk, I knew that He, who is full of desire for control, would not allow such a miracle to fall into the hands of a group of imperfect creatures whom He regards as imperfect." .

But when did I need their permission to do things under Ms. Elune's instructions?

Give me some peace! "

The power of the Silencer's godhead exploded at this moment, and the shadow of the abyss howled and surged up to cover all light.

It barks its fangs and claws and sends out a divine roar to all the nearby lives, pushing them all into a forced calm state of mind freezing, and making everyone's eyes focus on the pirate.

And Bu Laike casually threw the empty Eternal Water Bottle to the phantom of old Garni who was wagging his head and tail at his feet.

That guy didn't reach out to catch it, but waited until the water bottle was smashed before complacently collecting the precious garbage.

In the grand background of the bright golden streamer going straight into the sky and the reflection of the abyss slowly withdrawing, the roar of the Well of Fate followed the vibration of the magic net in the whole world, turning its newborn will into the streamer and rushing straight into the sky, declaring a relationship with the world. The emergence of something great and different.

In such an echo, Bo Laike turned around and opened his arms towards the crowd behind him.

The bright moonlight shone and turned into wings, making him say with a smile like a sermon:

"A prophet's mission is to bring about change, whether you want it or not. Anyway, welcome to the new world, everyone."

(end of this chapter)

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