Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1728 96. In The Name Of Loyalty, He Has To Be Shackled [Additional 1/20]

Chapter 1728 96. In the name of loyalty, you have to put shackles on him [additional 120]

On the wasteland of Antoran, which had completely begun to collapse, not only the vanguards of the Anti-Demon Alliance Army were retreating, but even the demons were running.

These Destroyers, born in the fel realm of the Twisting Nether, can face all enemies mercilessly. Under the command of the God of Darkness, they are not afraid to attack any force.

Fear is a rare emotion for demons, but it doesn't mean that demons are not afraid.

When the entire Antoran wasteland and even the world of Argus began to collapse from the existential level, they knew that they had to flee shamefully.

Facing a crumbling planet, even demons can't do much.

But the fragmentation caused by the demise of the Heart of the World is not all a bad thing, at least in the waves of violent shocks, Varian Wrynn can finally get out of the terrible predicament of being driven into the mountain .

The embarrassing human emperor climbed out of the broken mountain like a beggar with the emperor's sword. There were still many scars on his body, and there was a shocking scar on his chest.

The injury nearly split him down the middle.

In fact, he was literally just split by the afterglow of Taeshalach, he just died once, and seriously, he even saw the little blue man angel falling from the sky to pick him up.

But Varian would climb out of the shattered mountain panting, and in the doomsday where the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, he looked down at the fel heart fragments in his hands that had run out of energy and turned into quicksand.

It was given to him by Bu Laike before departure, perhaps the black prophet had foreseen his death.

Either way, a narrow escape is a good thing.

Varian picked up the Ashbringer with only the hilt remaining from the rubble and carried it into his arms. He looked left and right on his bloodstained face, trying to find a way to escape.

As a result, when I looked back, I saw a strange black figure rising from the center of the mountain fragments that had been completely broken in front and were spinning and flying due to abnormal gravity.

It was a guy with a hood and a tattered windbreaker, but he was so vague that he couldn't see its appearance clearly. He could only see the black-gray smoke rising around it like a cloud being blown by the wind and flowing in all directions.

Varian was drawn to see what stood against the fallen titan.

But when he looked over there with his heart, he heard a voice that sounded familiar in his mind:

"Good boy, don't look, turn your head and go back, go straight, go back to your world, enjoy your emperor's life, congratulations, Your Majesty.

You have become a legend among mankind. "


Varian's body was forcibly taken over at this moment, even though he didn't want to.

But under the "request" of that voice, he still couldn't control himself and rushed towards the last evacuation point set by the Legion of Holy Light in the broken earth.

As for the demons around him, they were not so lucky.

Varian saw with his own eyes those brutal guys attacking each other like crazy. At first, it was only one or two, but it soon spread to most of the battlefield like a spiritual disease.

The demons who were supposed to be fleeing screamed like crazy and stabbed each other's weapons into each other's bodies, and when each demon fell, a cloud of black and gray mist would rise from its corpse.

When the mist lingers to a certain extent, there will be a door to the void that will open in this doomsday place.

A group of ferocious faceless savage soldiers and those K'thir spellcasters stepped onto the broken earth and began to convey the gospel of truth to those brutal souls.

And the swarm, which suffered heavy damage because of Xalatath's departure, seemed to have been given a booster at this moment, and it seemed that a stronger glory shrouded their hearts of the swarm.

Whether it's the qiraji, the mantid, or the rare but powerful crypt lords, each one is like a fanatical believer.

They worship the Great Darkness Nameless, as they once obeyed the obedience of Y'Shaarj or the Empire of Darkness.

But they have found the real god, and the dark empire has a belief inheritance that is truly engraved on the soul and genetic level, and no one can defeat the reincarnation of the swarm.

"The great darkness has descended to the high oracle to eat them!"

The scarred mantid supreme Korvan grabbed his broken Amber crescent axe, and led a group of mantid heroes with missing arms and legs, screaming and rushing towards the chaotic demons.

They have been enlightened by the great darkness, and they must absorb more brutal flesh and blood to complete the evolution of the swarm before the world is destroyed.

They still believe in the ancient sages.

But in the face of the great darkness, the ancient venerables can only take a backseat.

At this time, under the surprised gazes of the three women who were determined to die, puffs of black smoke rose from the rift in the center of the earth behind them.

Groups of warm void and darkness staggered to wrap and protect them.

In the rustling of ten thousand snake-like tentacles in the shadow, a distorted and gloomy figure appeared little by little amidst the waves of the void tide.

He was wearing a black robe, armless, and under the hood was a purple chaotic streamer. He walked silently, only the tens of thousands of tentacles extending from under the tattered robe touched the ground.

The moment the face of the abyss appeared, Xalatas screamed like a moron seeing a handsome guy.

Although he was seriously injured, the ancient venerable still clearly felt that he was wet at this moment. She finally saw the abyss of the little cute master with her own eyes, which was as deep and perfect as she imagined.

No, it was much more exciting than her erotic imaginations.

This is exactly what a true master wants.

"I see the stubborn fate blooming at this moment, it will be reversed because I don't want to see separation, go back."

Amidst the indistinct whimpers, a black tentacle wrapped around the Sargeras scepter appeared in front of Maiev's eyes and pointed at them from a distance.

"No! I'm not here to."

While the roar of the Moon Night God of War was still reverberating, the spatial tearing of the Sargeras scepter took effect instantly.

This supreme artifact made by the demons for Lord Sargeras endured the pressure of teleportation across the world, causing the power of the staff to rapidly weaken but not be damaged, and then the surrounding space was temporarily sealed.

Obviously, the Silent Lord does not intend to let his lovers return to this dangerous situation.

While the world was spinning, the three women landed on the prairie of Dellano's world Nagrand together with Sefiel's decapitated body.

The moment Maiev appeared, the sky that was originally day quickly turned into night and the moonlight fell, falling on Maiev to help her calm the black moon divine power that was about to run amok in her body.

But that's not what Maiev wants.

She knew why Bo Laike sent her away from Argus, but not like this!

That does not work!

"I must go back!"

Maiev turned to look at Sefiel, and she screamed:

"Send me back! Immediately!"

"Maev, enough is enough!"

Xalatas, who always likes to quarrel, will stretch out her hand in front of Maiev, and she said uncharacteristically and rationally:

"He just doesn't want to see you die in front of his eyes, be good."

"I don't want to see him die either! You idiot."

Maiev clenched her fists tightly and looked up at the burning green world in the starry sky. This was the last day of Argus in the sea of ​​stars.

she says:

"I'm not going to die. I'm going to save him. Don't you understand? Send me back! Quick!"

Seeing that Maiev's black eyes were full of imploring anxiety, Sefiel stopped talking, and tried his best to push Maiev's time back to the position before she was teleported.

But Sefiel tried very hard to push the time, but couldn't complete this operation. The time flow belonging to Ms. Yingsong was as heavy as a mountain, unable to move an inch.

She said in a difficult tone:

"Your time is sealed, Maiev, he knows what you are going to do, he forbids you to do that, he is protecting you."

"The one who needs protection the most is him!"

Maiev pointed to the burning and disintegrating planet in the sky, and she said:

"Eluen's power can take effect in Dellano but cannot enter Argus, not only because there is a shield of evil energy there, but also because the power of Elune at the same level regards it as a domain.

It's not just Aggramar he's up against

Although the Dark Titan cannot cross the stars in an instant, he can project his cold gaze on Argus, and he has to face two Titans.

They don't even need to beat him! As long as the precarious balance in his body is destroyed, our lover will fall into the abyss forever, I must pass! "

After speaking, Maiev looked around and looked for everything available.

A few seconds later, as she looked back indifferently, an old orc shaman appeared on the grassland. He approached the three ladies and showed a weird smile.

Then he said in devilish language:

"Everyone, do you need a ride? We have prepared a demon spaceship in advance, which can take you back and forth between Argus and Dellano within ten minutes."

"Don't go! Maiev, this Nathrezim clearly has bad intentions! Don't fall into the trap."

Xal'atath blocks to:

"Remember Bu Laike's reminder to us that they serve the Eternals."

"Where is your ship?"

Ms. Shadow Song asked indifferently.

The dreadlord disguised as an orc grinned and whistled fiercely, and soon an assault-type demon spaceship appeared above the heads of the three in the wind of the Nagrand prairie.

The Dreadlord made a "please" gesture to Maiev, glanced at the blood-red seal on Maiev's finger, and whispered:

"Nice wedding ring, madam, your husband must love you very much, and he would be willing to do very, very terrible things for you."

"I'm willing to give everything for him."

Shadow Song touched her ring, and she made a "forbidden" gesture to Xal'atath and Sefiel who wanted to follow, and she said:

"Mark my words, you two take care of him and he's yours until I come back."

"Well, you probably have to wait a long time to come back."

The dreaded demon king said sinisterly:

"The supreme emperor has prepared a guest room for you in the gorgeous Nasria Fort, and he believes that to ensure the loyalty of the servants, he must help the servants solve all worries.

He is truly a kind and generous Majesty.

Also, are you sure you want to come with us? See, even this beautiful moonlight is telling you not to board this ship, we're the real bad guys after all. "


Maiev put on her Warden helmet again, and she said in a disdainful tone:

"You're not even a sewer rat."

After speaking, Ms. Shadowsong took a long breath and prayed to the moon god for the last time. She was talking to Elune, and her god asked her not to go to Argus.

It was clear that the benevolent Elune was trying to save her Chosen.

But Maiev rejected her.

This was the first time Maiev rejected Elune so directly.

For a believer, this is almost an unforgivable sin, but Moonlight did not punish her for it. She just put the mark of the moon on the connection between Maiev's neck and back, so as to temporarily stabilize Maiev's inner body. In the skyrocketing power of the black moon.

It's not time for them to explode yet.

Watching Maiev disappear into the light beam of the demon spaceship, watching the spaceship disappear into the sky of the Nagrand prairie during the leap flight, Sefiel and Xalatas stood in a field of green grass flying Under the sun, the two of them held hands tightly together.

"Bo Laike will blame us, he will divorce us"

Xal'atath whispered:

"Although no ceremony was held in the first place, he won't talk to us anymore. What a pity, I just saw his face in the abyss, and I just gave him my allegiance completely."

"Will not."

Seifel raised his head, closed his eyes, and said softly:

"Maev didn't leave, she just traveled far away like a deep sleep, Laike will find her and bring her back to us, we just need to wait patiently.

It's like a journey into an unknown land.

Maiev was the shining light of the beacon, and the helm was always in Bo Laike's hands.

Bless her. "



In the violent shaking, the Tree of Life, which was half burned, finally took root for the first time after leaving the Sanctuary, on the land of Mac'Aree, in the valley between the Palace of Mysteries and the Last Lake.

She took root on the ground, and the extension of the breath of life instantly enveloped the floating continent of Mac'Aree that was pushed to the stars in the collapse of the world.

Not only did it stabilize the broken earth, but it also used life power to ensure that the floating island continent could retain enough air for the living to breathe among the stars, and purify the evil energy and the breath of the void that were constantly eroding here.

Driven by the power of the tree of life, the floating island of Mac'Aree, which had broken away from the framework of the world of Argus, was sent to the sky above the fragmented Antoran wasteland.

Little Xingxing yelled and rushed to the Tree of Life with Fenna, who was dying, and Dai Lin, who was breathless, and they were healed by Lord Ionar's branches.

The Evil of the World and the Zenidar continued to rise and fall around the floating island, bringing the survivors on the ground to this last safe place.

It's also busy here.

The survivors are close to helping out, while the dead remain in the broken place forever.

"I thought you were dead, Your Majesty."

When the miserable Varian appeared from the teleportation light beam of the Zenidar, Shaw, who was squatting on the side in dejection, immediately jumped up, and he rushed over to give Varian a hug.

He said:

"Damn Saurfang told me that you were hacked to death by the sword of the Fallen Titan. I knew that I couldn't believe anything the green-skinned orcs said!"

"No, Shaw, I did die once."

Varian touched the horrible scar on his chest that was still hurting. He looked down at the completely chaotic battlefield from this high altitude, and said:

"It was Mr. Bo Laike, who saved me, but I saw something horrible when I left there, the monster that fought Aggramar, that was."

"it's him."

Xiao Er nodded, there was a faint purple light shining in the depths of his pupils, the human assassin said softly:

"The Great Darkness, the Silent One or the Demon of Thousand Tongues, call him whatever you want, he's still down there, no one knows if he can win, we can't even get close.

I can only pray. "

"The question is who to pray to?"

Varian smiled wryly and said:

"His majesty is no worse than Aggramar, has he become a god?"

"I do not know."

Shaw touched his heart.

As God's Chosen One, his heart was beating much faster than usual at this time. It seemed that his god was conveying some inexplicable information to him.

He pursed his lips and said in a low voice:

"May he bless himself."

(end of this chapter)

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