Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1700 68. The Coming-Of-Age Ceremony Of The Child Emperor

Chapter 1700 68. The coming-of-age ceremony of the child emperor


In a cabin reserved for the golden princess and her spirit warriors in the lower cabin of the spaceship, the Dark Prophet Zul, who was muttering about some suspicious-looking voodoo herbs, raised his head in surprise.

The old troll casually poured the crushed purple herbal juice into the mortar in his hand. While picking up the grinding stick, he looked at Bu Laike who was sitting opposite him, who was bored with those deadly herbs.

Zul grinned mysteriously, and said in the troll's weird tone:

"How do you know that I had a dream about prophecy last night? There seems to be something very magical on your ship. My pirate friend, I felt it as soon as I boarded the ship with my highness the princess.

Under its shadow, entering the prophecy is much easier than at other times.

I guess you're here to ask me if I made a prophecy about you? "

"Well, that's right, do you want to tell me your prophecy? My dear Zul, I don't want to hide it. Old Velen and I both completed our respective prophecies last night.

Maybe we can exchange information? "

Bu Laike casually took a black herb in his hand and squeezed out a little juice in his hand.

The moment he touched his finger, white smoke burst out, corroding his hand skin to the point of disfigurement, but the wound began to heal in the next instant.

He played this dangerous game, and looked at Zul in the dark again. The old troll didn't intend to hide it. While making his own voodoo potion, he said in a long voice:

"There is no need to exchange, the prophet and the prophet should try to avoid talking about the future, because everyone has a different perspective on the future.

Not to mention that prophets have different understandings of the future.

It is very dangerous to be interfered with by other people's thinking. Old Zul made such a mistake when he was young, which almost caused Zandalar to lose a frontier army.

I'd love to tell you all about the clips I saw last night.

But Laike, what I want to tell you is that the world of Argus is not the same as Azeroth. The future of our world is already unclear, but the future of this world is destined.

It is doomed.

Under this premise, any prophecies we make in this world will be disturbed. You have to understand that what you see may not be true.

Maybe it's what the mad will of the world or some other force wants you to see."

Having said that, Zul glanced at Bo Laike, who tried to avoid direct eye contact with the pirates, and said:

"There are so many strange forces entangled in you now, they all come from powerful beings, and they all have their own reasons to interfere with the future you see, so as to lead you in a direction that is beneficial to them.

So, Boo Laike, you have to be careful. "

"Didn't I come to seek advice from the Dark Prophet?"

Bu Laike exhaled smoke rings and said:

"Isn't that exactly what I'm prudently expressing?"

"Hey, but sometimes, the more you know, the more it will interfere with your decision."

Zuer touched his fangs, coughed a few times, and said in a strange tone:

"I feel like Old Man Velen and I are being used as guns at this dangerous moment. It's a bad feeling. Well, well, I'll tell you what I saw.

I see your future, Bu Laike, to be precise, not you, but the people around you. Lady Maiev Shadowsong, Warden of the Wardens"

The pirate's eyes narrowed.

He didn't say anything, but motioned for Zuer to continue.

The Dark Prophet recalled last night's prophecy, he frowned and said:

"I saw the terrible darkness shrouded in Ms. Maiev, and there was light in the darkness, and the starry sky above her head was also floating, indicating that three forces were 'competing' for her.

These three forces correspond exactly to the three forces on you, which means that their target is not Maiev, but you.

You are too careless, Boo Laike.

You exposed your vulnerability to their eyes, which made them see the possibility of controlling you.

I saw in a burning field where we weary were forced to fight a burning giant, I saw a great sacrifice.

But I also heard your cry of pain.

You lost something important, which means that one of the three forces succeeded, but strangely enough, I don't see in you the symbol of being in chains.

This proves that while Lady Maiev has fallen into a sinister trap, you are not.

I believe you are deeply in love with Ms. Maiev, so you can ignore the departure of your beloved one because you are ruthless. This only proves that you seem to have been prepared for all this? "

"Old Man Velen said the same thing."

Bu Laike curled his lips and said to Zul:

"And Velen has seen more, he's convinced that I'm going to move on after all this, and he's told me that no matter what profound choices I make, it won't affect what I go through.

This seems to prove that Velen is better than you in the profession of prophet. "

"Tch, old Zul doesn't care what old man Velen saw?"

The Dark Prophet curled his lips and said in a vicious voice:

"That old guy has lived for thirty thousand years. He has eaten more salt than I have ever eaten. If he can't see more than me, then Velen is an idiot.

I'm more curious about what you saw in the prophecy than Velen, Laike, as Azeroth's most outstanding prophet, can you share with me what you have seen? "


The pirate snapped his fingers and said:

"I have seen more than you. Not only have I seen my pain, but I have grasped the thread of the future. I have seen our victory in Antorus, and I have seen more."

The pirate changed his mysterious tone and whispered to Zul who pricked up his ears:

"At the end of this war, you will see scenes that you will never forget in your lifetime.

A titan will be sacrificed to a grim death, a titan will fall into the darkness of the infinite sea of ​​lightless, and the shattered world beneath your feet will fall apart at the roar of the true demon.

The entire Argus will cease to exist!

And we shall emerge victorious from such destruction, which, of course, will not amount to a truce in our war against the demons, who will soon return.

And the next battle will be fought on the land of Azeroth. "

Zuul was visibly overwhelmed by Bu Laike's "prophecy".

Looking at the big scene of the prophecy, it is always the Titans falling and the world collapsing, and then looking at his own pettiness, a feeling of shame surged into Old Zul's heart.

He looked at Boo Laike suspiciously.

This fellow was as good at telling nonsense with his eyes open as he was good at divination, and even Old Zul couldn't tell if the pirate was talking nonsense or really telling the future he saw.

But if what Braike said is true, it means that the ending of the Battle of Argus will be far beyond his imagination. As a prophet and a troll recorder, it is really amazing to see such a scene in his life To die without regret.

At this moment, Zuer, who had always been calm, also had a surge of anticipation for a duel in his heart.

Or the hope of victory.

As Bu Laike had done to others, he instilled hope in the Dark Seer with a few words and made him temporarily forget his fear of demons.

The pirate didn't stay for too long, he exchanged a few words with Zul and got up to leave.

Combining the prophecies of these two prophets with what he saw last night, Laike can basically figure out the truth about the "farewell" that Maiev has been waiting for.

If there is no accident, my little cutie will fall into the death camp. This means that whether Laike likes it or not, he will have to make a trip to the Shadowlands after the events of this battle are over.

This is actually good.

Anyway, the matter on the side of Emperor Denathrius really needs to have an end.

Bu Laike, who was walking in the dark, took a puff of his pipe, a mass of sparks flickered in the darkness, illuminating Bu Laike's gloomy face, and he bared his teeth and showed a silent, vicious smile.

If the emperor thinks that he can control himself to become his loyal dog with this low-handed method, then Laike really doesn't mind showing the "traditional art" of Azeroth to the Eternal.

Well, speaking of it, it's time for me to think about how to give my dear emperor a "great consummation" ending from now on.


Braike was about to leave the lower deck, but suddenly heard a faint noise in a nearby utility room, which made the pirate roll his eyes, and tiptoed over, poking out a thread of thought into the utility room. Glanced.

It turned out that a young man was hiding here, writing a letter on the table.

The pirate maliciously manipulated the truth and wanted to get closer to see the contents of the letter, but when his power approached the guy, the sword on the young man's hand suddenly buzzed, causing the human emperor Varian Wu Ryan stood up suddenly.

"Who's there!"

He scolded.

The next second, Bu Laike pushed the door open and walked in with a stinky face.

He glanced viciously at the Sword of Stromkar Emperor in Varian's hand, which was very sensitive to the power of the void due to its previous experience.

Perhaps it has also been strengthened by Queen Azshara in a special way, so that it can even faintly perceive the thoughts of truth emanating from Bu Laike.

Hey, that makes no sense at all!

"I said, Your Majesty, your soldiers are training on the upper deck. As the commander, it's fine if you don't show up. Why are you hiding here alone?"

Bu Laike folded his arms and leaned against the cabin, he said with a curled mouth:

"A young man in his prime, hiding from others and staying alone in a dark room, with a few pictures of beautiful girls at hand, I'm not saying that this kind of behavior is really suspicious.

Little boys who indulge in self-reward don't grow up. "

"I'm just writing and I don't want to be it is now."

I haven't seen him for the past few days, but when Varian speaks, he wears an air that is familiar to pirates. It is a kind of calm and prestige that belongs to the superior.

As for where Varian learned it from, does it need to be said?

Can interpret this kind of kingly aura so vividly, who else in the whole of Azeroth besides that lord?

"Ha, then I'm going to ask one more question, about Queen Ariane really having no complaints about her husband spending time in the secret room every night with a queen who is enough to make any man's heart sway. ?”

Bu Laike asked maliciously.

Varian shook his head, and reached out to put the photo of his wife on the table into his armor.

He glanced at Bo Laike, sighed and said:

"When I was taught by Queen Azshara, my wife and my son were by my side. This was requested by the Queen. She said that she has been troubled by those nasty rumors, and she doesn't want to spread new scandals because of these things. .

Just before I set off, my Ariane was awarded the title of "Honorary Maid" by the Queen.

I don't know if this is good or bad. "

"Well, then you have to worry, Your Majesty."

Bu Laike said seriously and swearingly:

"The maids of war around Her Majesty Azshara are not simple characters, jealousy of others and longing for the Queen's favor are their good qualities.

The Empress relishes their loyalty and encourages them to fight privately for her own attention, in other words, the innocent and lovely Queen Arrianne is now forced to join in this vile struggle.

Even if she is unwilling, the other war maids will not let her go.

I suggest that you hurry up and let Shaw return to Azeroth by the fastest spaceship, and personally defend your queen and your prince, lest those vicious naga steal their home.

Speaking of which, are you hiding here writing a suicide note to your family?

It is not auspicious to be ready to die on the battlefield before the war begins. "

Facing Bo Laike's nonsense, Varian wanted to refute.

However, thinking that it was completely unnecessary to pretend to be in front of an ancient god, he simply nodded, looked at the unfinished suicide note, and said:

"I just wish I could write what I want to say while I still have time to think, and I've heard from the advance army that the fighting was brutal, and I don't think I'd have time to do that under the circumstances.

Maybe I'll make it back alive, maybe I won't.

But when I came here, when my wife and I said goodbye to our son, I put life and death on the line.

Queen Azshara commented that my behavior was very stupid. She believed that with the current situation of human civilization, once something happened to me here, the enlightenment I had worked so hard to build would split again in an instant.

Her criticism makes sense.

But I'm still here. "

Varian breathed a sigh of relief, patted his breastplate, and picked up his war sword again. He stroked the blade with his gauntlet, and said to Bo Laike:

"I just want my people to know that they can continue to trust their emperor to do everything for them, just as they worship Thoradin the Great.

I just want to build on this tradition.

No enemy can harm his people until the emperor has fallen. "

"I really want to say that you are an idiot, because the emperor's duty has never been to fight on the battlefield, but considering that you are not as old as me, there is nothing wrong with being idealistic."

Bu Laike said something very venomous.

After thinking for a while, he took something out of his bag and threw it to Varian. The latter took it in his hand and found that it was an irregular and strange crystal, and there was a residual burning of evil energy in it.

"This fel heart fragment can allow you to be resurrected once on the land of Argus. I originally wanted to keep it for my dear, but she probably won't accept it, so it's cheaper for you."

Bu Laike turned around, raised his hand and said without looking back:

"Finally, you have some appearance, child king Well, child emperor, there is no cliché of the Holy Light in your conversation with me, which shows that Queen Azshara has taught you well.

Go back alive.

Tell your family what you want to say, not through a cold letter. Educate your son well, and don't let little Anduin embark on a road of playing cards that people hate. "

With a bang, the hatch closed.

Varian looked at the crystal in his hand, he put it in the armor, and said thank you silently.

Outside the door, Bu Laike looked left and right, reached out and patted the shoulder of the old wolf Jean who was guarding here in the shadows, he whistled maliciously and said:

"What a loyal dog! It's just to protect the owner like this. It's great that Queen Mia sent you here. There are many demon bones here for you to chew on."

"You really deserve a beating!"

A grim-faced Genn emerged from the shadows, reached out and grabbed the Gilnean wolf-headed command knife forged from a fragment of the Luna Scythe at his waist, apparently intending to strike Bo Laike with a sword.

But the pirate didn't show any fear at all. Instead, he raised his fists and made a punching motion, eager to compete with Gray Wolf Gene.

But Gene still had reason.

He didn't draw his knife in the end, just looked at Boo Laike, and after a few seconds, he said:

"Although this emperor is immature and idealistic, he is actually not bad, right?"

"Huh? The emperor? I didn't see any emperor. I only saw a hungry lion about to undergo a coming-of-age ceremony, hungry for blood.

I see a candidate for emperor who needs to prove himself worthy of the throne with victory.

He has big ambitions and he can do big things.

But he might need a little luck. "

The pirate picked up his pipe and said:

"But it doesn't matter, when he returns to Azeroth from Argus, you will get a real emperor, don't say that is also my emperor or something stupid.

I am a pirate, dear Genn, and the majesty and glory of the emperor never shines on us.

Anyway, congratulations in advance. "

After speaking, Bu Laike turned and left, but after walking a few steps, he rubbed his forehead and said to Gene:

"Let your emperor have time to visit the Hall of Valor. My stupid sister is picking a 'son-in-law' for her 'daughter'. I think he is quite suitable."

Ah, some brothers questioned that this was not added last month, wasn't this added on the 11th of last month? Hey, hey, you can question my level, but not my character~

(end of this chapter)

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