Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1696 64. Your Demons Are Dying All The Time, But My Good Brothers Are Endless

Chapter 1696 64. Your demons are dying all the time, but my good brothers are endless

Xalatath's vicious opinion was overruled by the pirates in "physical means".

Although Laike thinks he is a guy with no bottom line, he doesn't plan to arrange an "accident" for Ms. Tyrande in Argus, not only because it will offend Elune, the number one sister on the list, but also because now Just killing Tyrande won't do the pirates any good.

Tyrande is a very important person.

She connects almost all the important figures of the elves. Once Tyrande dies in this world, Laike will instantly lose control of the night elves and even the Illidari.

It will also cause a lot of trouble for yourself.

A mad Illidan alone with the Supreme Blade is tough enough to deal with.

It's not in Laike's long-term interests at all.

It took him a while to "convince" Xalatath to give up that bad idea, and let the ancient venerable who finally satisfied his gluttonous desire follow the returning draenei spaceship back to Dellano to summon the swarm to Argus to prepare work.

The Demon of Thousand Tongues with a sore back was standing on the highest cliff in the Krokuun Petrified Forest. After watching the draenei spaceship soar into the sky, he took off the pipe from the corner of his mouth and rubbed his aching head to calm down. .

As a result, in the slight chaos of time, there was another beautiful girl behind him who had maintained a long-term improper relationship with him.

The pirate's neck turned like rust, and after seeing the "sex armor" on Sefiel's body and the watery eyes of the first mate, he let out a desperate scream.

He knew he was going to be screwed a second time.

Although the three girls kept saying that they didn't care about the stinky pirate's promiscuity outside, the other two, except for Maiev, expressed their truest thoughts with practical actions.

How could you not care?

In the end, only the poor pirate endured all the sins he made silently. He thought that Xal'atath, who never suppressed his desire, was difficult enough to deal with.

But it turns out that Xalatas is a younger brother in front of Sefiel who can manipulate time.

The pirate didn't know how many times he begged for mercy.

It was like he was going through torture.

The short ten minutes that belonged to Seifel seemed as long as a century in the pirate body.

Of course, this was also intentional by the pirates, pretending to be pitiful to appease their virtuous chief mate Long.

You must know that he is now a real ancient god, and time magic is already difficult for him to work. If it is not because of love, which ancient god would be willing to endure such "torture"?

"It's just a little lesson!"

After the finale, Sefiel lazily put on the clothes of the first mate of the pirates, and said to Bo Laike, who was limp and looking desperate behind him:

"You should really review your bohemian style, my captain."

"Believe me, I've reviewed it more deeply than you can imagine."

While breathing heavily like a drowning person, the stinky pirate said in a tone of lovelessness:

"I will never do such a stupid thing again. But, is my ship ready?"

He looked at Seifel, who nodded, gently pulled the weak captain up from the stone, kissed him lightly on the cheek, and said:

"I made arrangements when I left. I summoned Anne as the temporary captain, Ms. Natalie as the temporary first mate, and Maim as the temporary boatswain. I will place the entire fleet and even the elite warriors of the endless sea in Nagfar. Er, and put our ship and your 'Shadowsong' into the special warehouse of the World's Evil.

They should have been modified to adapt to the Argus environment in Ulduar's shipyard.

Just wait until the Storm Beacon is installed and it will be teleported to Argus.

But Captain, it's not that I don't have confidence in our ship, but that warships designed for naval warfare in the atmosphere are to be pitted against daemon starships

It's a little too hard for them, isn't it? "

Safiel said worriedly:

"It's not just me who thinks so, Prince Erazmin and his designers have repeatedly persuaded me not to let the Evil of the World join this level of battle.

They figured it would only take a single hit from the Daemon's main guns to disable our ship.

The two are not opponents that should be put together at all. "

"You guys are right."

Bu Laike picked up his pipe, exhaled smoke rings and said:

"But I have my own plans, don't worry, letting them come shows that I have the confidence to protect our flagship in a brutal battle. Take a look below, Sefiel."

The pirate stood on the top of the mountain, pointing down to the soldiers of the Anti-Magic Alliance Army who were active on the Fang Ping plain, and said:

"The elite forces of the entire world are here, and they will shed their blood for a war that will determine the future destiny of the world, but the meaning of this battle is far more than that.

Only the participants who have experienced this war, and only those outstanding people who have given their strength for the survival of the world, have the right to participate in the division of world power in the next era.

Such a grand event determines the future of every force.

But all the discerning leaders have sharpened their heads to get a share of it, and even the goblins who have always been stingy have volunteered to donate money and materials to the coalition headquarters

As a leader in the pirate industry, if I don't show something, my disciples and grandchildren will definitely complain about my incompetence in the future. "

"When is this? Are you still thinking about the 'Great Pirate Era' you're talking about?"

Sefiel, who stood behind the pirate with his hands tied in a standard mate posture, couldn't help complaining:

"The endless sea of ​​Azeroth is just that big, it can't accommodate so many new pirates rushing to the arrogant future

In fact, in terms of the quality of Gaboa and the Black Spirit pirates, as well as Hela's servants and the Lich King's death fleet, if there is no threat of a demon war, the war between these parties alone is enough Destroy the order in the South China Sea.

I feel like you're planting a seed that could explode at any moment. "

"But chaos and order are relative, my dear Sefiel."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Everything needs balance. A world of absolute order will only be a pool of stagnant water. I planted the seeds of chaos just to maintain the balance of the balance and to keep some fun in that world.

To tell you the truth, I have already transferred my treasures and part of my collection to seventeen islands in the endless sea. I will leave my disciples and grandchildren with inexhaustible treasures of ambition.

Provided they find them on their own.

Gaboa and the Black Spirit Knights will be the guardians of this "Pirate Code", and they will do their best to make everything I want to see come true in the future. "


Sefiel felt something ominous from the pirate's words.

Out of anxiety in her heart, she grabbed Boo Laike's wrist, and was about to ask, but saw Boo Laike put a finger on her plump lips, blocking all her inquiries.

The pirate said softly:

"I will take you with me, no matter where we go, a captain cannot live without his own ship, and a captain cannot live without his first mate.

I still need you to clean up my room and warm my bed, you don't even want to go anywhere.

It's just that, for me now, the Endless Sea is too calm, it can't even withstand my anger once, I should look for some more challenging careers.

Give those highlights to other ambitious guys.

Well, look!

They're starting to sprinkle storm beacons, like sowing seeds! "

Amidst the cheers of the pirates, Sefiel leaned against the captain and raised his head. In front of them, everything that could fly above the position of the anti-magic coalition forces rose into the sky at this moment.

Griffon riders, hippogryphs, magic carpets of mages, and even the bruised and swollen little star beaten by Fenner also flapped their wings and lifted into the air, each holding a bundle of black storm beacons in their hands.

These javelin-like things have been transformed by Mimiron, and they only need to be thrown into the demon's land to form a teleportation array connected to Ulduar across the galaxy.

Relying on the mechanical watch on Braike's wrist, the Guardian of Wisdom has fully grasped the phase markers of the world of Argus, and relying on the astonishing space manipulation of the Scepter of Sargeras currently stored in Ulduar, he can achieve two World teleportation across galaxies.

Of course, this kind of teleportation mode is very rough, even legendary warriors will be torn apart in this kind of teleportation, so it can only be used to teleport the Iron Legion and some materials that are not afraid of damage.

In addition, the scepter of Sargeras, which was born in evil, will undoubtedly seriously damage the spatial structure of Azeroth itself during such a large-scale transmission.

According to Mimiron's precise calculations when he was not mad, such large-scale teleportation should not exceed three times at most, otherwise it would cause a big turmoil in Azeroth at the spatial level.

Once the spatial system of the material world is completely destroyed, it means that Azeroth will lose its ability to resist all extraterritorial creatures. At that time, it will be easier for demons and even void creatures to enter Azeroth.

This is unacceptable to the Guardians.

So according to Mimiron's plan, there will only be two teleportations.

The first time in Krokuun was experimental, and the second ultimate teleportation will not be carried out until the coalition forces step into the Antoran wasteland for the decisive battle.

It will throw Ulduar and the steel legions molded in the furnaces of the Titans into Argus' demon realm at once. These steel warriors who are not afraid of casualties are the absolute main force of this battle.

The little star with bruises on her eyes carried the cheering idiot Fenner on her back, carrying a large number of storm beacons on the back of the dragon. She flew around in the air, and Fenner grabbed the beacons and threw them away like rice seedlings. go down.

This process lasted for a full ten minutes, and everyone made an experimental landing field on a relatively flat battlefield.

As the beacons were activated at the same time, the complex machinery began to rotate around the black beacon, and soon formed a series of black spiers that took root, and formed a one-way transmission area in the formation of the resonant Titan energy.

In the eyes of everyone, the first huge Iron Vrykul general stepped into this area in full armor, and he was still holding high the titan battle flag used by the Iron Legion during the Battle of the Overlord.

Then there are rows of Titan Iron Guards entering the world of demons.

They are as expressionless as steel clones, and they set foot on this doomsday world with heavy steps amidst the cheers of the coalition soldiers. Those short iron dwarves are still carrying material boxes. The rock life born from the engine of Rak'sha, carved into the shape of a mogu, stepped into the battlefield with a huge blade.

This scene made Zhu Taran, who was recuperating in a wheelchair, feel a burst of embarrassment. Who would have thought that the pandaren would one day fight alongside the mogu who enslaved them?

The last ones to appear are the Guardians of the Titans, to be precise, the Guardians guarding the Furnace of Origin. They are the last batch of Titan Guards to step into the battlefield.

But at the end of the teleportation, there was another very strange thing that was thrown out from Ulduar.

"Isn't that your son's boat?"

Muradin, who was hammering the broken pieces of Ashbringer by the furnace of the Hall of Valor, exclaimed to the old Dailin who was helping him:

"Look! The Wicked of the World, the steel ship that defeated you and ended your domination of the sea! How did it even come here? It's full of drunken pirates


Pirates, pirates again, these goddam bastards are also learning from us to save the world? "

"You just need to say its name, you don't need to say things that make me feel ashamed."

Dai Lin complained to Muradin expressionlessly:

"I feel like you did it on purpose, poking my wound, right? Be careful when you go to bed tonight, you shorty! Watch me shave all your precious beard for you!"

"Just kidding, don't be so glassy, ​​Dai Lin."

Muradin laughed and said:

"The glory of the past is just a burden. Don't you travel lightly now? It's too much for you to deal with your lunatic son. You are no match for him at all."


The general snorted and said no more.

He walked to the platform of the Hall of Valor and carefully observed the Evil of the World in front of him. Dai Lin frowned. He felt that it was a mistake for this flying steel ship to come to Argus.

With his professional quality, he can draw accurate conclusions, and he doesn't think that the Evil of the World can fight against the starships of the Burning Legion.


The admiral swept across the deck of the World's Evil, and suddenly found a familiar figure among a group of pirates of various races. He stared and said:

"Is that Red Blackhand? Why is he here?"


"Fuck! Red the dog, what are you doing on my boat?"

Accompanied by the Chief Mate Dragon, Bu Laike boarded his precious ship, and greeted the elite pirates who were summoned from all walks of life. The jerk hides in the crowd.

The stinky pirate's face immediately collapsed.

With a dark face, he burst into a curse:

"You're not in charge of the army at Black Rock Mountain, what are you doing here on Argus? Are you giving rations to the demons? Look at your fat body, hell, you can feed an abyss lord by yourself.

Maybe he can make a big ass to death to contribute to our war. "

"Oh, am I returning to my job?"

Chief Reid was holding a pirate machete for decoration with a playful smile on his face, and he said to Bo Laike in a flattering tone:

"You promised me that you would keep my rank on the Naglfar. I came here immediately when I heard that you needed manpower. Don't be angry, I'm here to announce the good news.

Just a few days ago, the old coffin boards on the Alliance side suddenly informed me that they were willing to release those orc captives. Although they joined hands and extorted a lot of money from me, it doesn't matter, I can afford it.

Heishi Mountain was temporarily handed over to Gaiyaan's grandmother to sit in charge, and to receive orc captives also needed a powerful person with enough morality and prestige to make those war criminals dare not cause trouble.

It's not me bragging, our orc's old grandmother is very powerful. Although she is a little old, she is even more slick with that warhammer than me. "

"Nonsense, Grom hacked Maronos to death, and the orc's blood disease has been cured from the source. If we don't send those green-skinned captives away before they recover their fighting spirit, should we stay in the heart of the human race and wait for them to rebel?" ?”

The pirate rolled his eyes, pointed at Red's fat face, and said:

"Honestly, what are you doing here?"


Red hesitated, and whispered:

"Well, I want to keep Blackrock Mountain... I mean, after the orcs withdraw Dellano, I want to leave a city in Azeroth that belongs to the orcs.

But I don't think human beings will tolerate my request so much, so I plan to use your relationship to plate gold. If I also participate in this battle and become a savior hero, I will be more or less confident in future negotiations.

The comrades-in-arms who have carried guns together have a bit of camaraderie, and"

The great chief looked around, lowered his voice and said to Bo Laike:

"Lothar went to Black Rock Mountain in person. I know what he's going to do. That's a solid black history! I don't want to take the blame for it, it will leave a terrible stain on my perfect chief resume.

But Grandma Gaiyaan probably doesn't care about this. "

"Has he put on the Helm of Dominion?"

The pirate asked, Red shook his head and said:

"He has an extra seal ring made from the horn of the Dreadlord, and he gave me a horn as a gift, and I brought it to you.

As for the Helmet of Domination, which was gusting with wind, he kept it by his hand all the time.

He said not yet.

And he told me to tell you that the cunning Tichondrius will not appear to interfere with your cause for a long time. "

"Cool, that's a reassuring collaborator."

Bu Laike nodded in satisfaction, took the gift of devil horns from Reid with a flattering face, and said while playing:

"You, study hard."

(end of this chapter)

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