Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1684 52. Hey, Let Me Make Up The Head! ---【3/3 Monthly Ticket】

Chapter 1684 52. Hey, let me make up the head! ——[33 asking for a monthly ticket]

The polluters, who had rushed to settle accounts with Bo Laike, were immediately enraged by the crumb pirates' posturing.

Please call me, right?

Or do you want to hit me in front of me?

Are you so arrogant?

So does Sakir.

It is indeed an old opponent who has suffered a lot and has a deep hatred, and there is indeed an unfinished account between him and him. It is too common for the former mentor principal to seek revenge from his disciples.

It's not a disgrace to the status of the polluter to have the crazy enlightener as his opponent, but what's the matter with these three crooked melons with poor character and poor strength?

Is this a deliberate attempt to humiliate one of the two giants of the Burning Legion?

This damn slick pirate style made Ake furious instantly.

Although I felt that today's anger came too fast and hasty, it did not affect the powerful power of the polluters.

It roared and raised its hand, and the scorching and dancing legion flames gathered like a foraging python and fell entirely towards Laike and the hillside where he was.

This highly condensed fel flame can not only ignite everything, but also has a "real physics engine" collision effect, as long as it hits it, it can crush that damn oily bastard pirate into a pulp.

But Laike simply ignored this powerful attack.

He was even in the mood to discuss the gold content of Archimonde's spellcasting technique in a very academic tone with the school girl behind him who was fixing up his makeup.

In the end, the two always thought that Ake's level was more than enough to be the leader of the school at Nazaras College, and maybe he could compete with Dean Lanyue for the position of head of the college.

Of course, the threat of attack is real.

If Bu Laike can't get on, someone will naturally get on.

The best time to express his "loyalty" orc warlock Cyclops Xieyan was the first to jump out. Facing the flames of the legion that Ake smashed down, the orc warlock took a deep breath and posed as a big spellcaster. Stance, first raise the magic shield made by the heart of Gul'dan in your hand to gather evil energy, and at the same time protect yourself from being smashed.

In the next moment, he was impatient to activate his newly acquired ability. Amidst the deep roar of the abyss lord, he unleashed the iconic evil fire armor of the big butts, and the skin of the entire arm and even the body felt like "" Evolution" grew densely packed evil scales, and his beating heartbeat made his body swell and punch upwards.

With the blessing of brute force and evil fire, the legion flames that smashed Ake over were smashed to pieces on the spot.

That gesture was extremely mighty.

In order to deliberately show the strength of his "body of the abyss", this flamboyant guy also deliberately let those shattered evil fires fall on him. Surrounded by the flames of the polluted, this flattering warlock flirtatiously turned towards Ake. He hooked his fingers and shouted:

"It's you stupid devil who wants to challenge my invincible captain?


All cats and dogs are barking in this broken world. If you want to touch the noble body of His Excellency Bu Laike, you must first pass the level of the loyal and powerful Abyss Chosen One and the powerful Master Warlock Evil Eye! "

"Kill them!"

Ake was immediately annoyed by Xieyan's unskilled but mocking arrogant posture.

Seeing that Sakir had turned into quicksand and appeared next to him with the Deadwind Reaper, the Defiler was not in the mood to play against these three live treasures.

It simply lowered his identity and style.

It waved its hand impatiently, allowing the mana hellfire titan it summoned just now to deal with these three shameful "substitute hitters", while it propped up the mana shield for itself, preparing to fight against its own back then. The mentor once again ended his grievances on this unrecognizable hometown.

With Ake's spellcasting skills, it is not difficult to see that the power of Mannoroth the Destroyer has been divided into three and poured into these three living treasures, but it does not think that these three guys can master it in such a short period of time. The rampant power of the Destroyer.

Just a slightly trickier bug.

As for the demon legion that had begun to retreat under the thunder sweep of the little star, Ake was not so concerned. Anyway, he had agreed with Kil'jaeden that he wanted to carry out a "must lose" war, which was to lure the enemy deep.

Although the process was tortuous and not as smooth as I imagined, fortunately, such a retreat seemed more reasonable than a blunt interpretation, and it saved myself from going to the micro-management battlefield.

So, the next thing to do is very simple.

After I squeezed Sakir to death for the second time, got back my lost skull magic weapon, and captured the Deadwind Harvester scythe by the way, I would use Sakir's skull to swallow these three idiots who dared to grin at me Lose.

Then, I will really start to taste today's "dinner".

The evil and fallen soul named Brad Laike Shaw.

"Boom, boom"

Then two loud bangs resounded on the scorched ground covered with corpses.

The reunion of Sakir and Archimonde, the master and apprentice who fell in love and killed each other after tens of thousands of years, was extremely hot, which fully demonstrated the "deep friendship" between the two guys.

These two lunatics threw the "finger of death" at each other to express their greetings.

Ake's finger of death is the evil magic created by himself, and it can be regarded as its signature power among the stars. Uncle Sakir's finger of death is learned from the seal of enlightenment.

The imprint has been in the hands of Sakir for most of the time since it was captured by Bu Laike. The great enlightener has studied the evil power of his disciples very thoroughly.

He really came prepared this time.

The black light thrown by the two collided and annihilated in the air, and the shock wave formed by the collision of chaotic magic power swept across the surroundings, and the chilling breath of death and chaos continued to escape around the two guys, startling the demons to flee in all directions.

But the polluters don't need these third-rate legions either.

It sneered and summoned two huge fel portals, summoning its own guard of polluters and fel tyrant slayers that roamed the stars.

Not to be outdone, Uncle Sakir tapped the black sickle on the ground, and the magic gem that was thrown just now shattered and formed several huge evil energy vortexes.

Amidst the reverberation of the hymn of the mysterious school that made Ake’s expression change slightly, a large number of mysterious spirit bodies rushed out of the vortex, and those senior students even drove the school Gundam, er, the mechanically constructed school Guards join the battle.

They have not been idle for the past few days. In addition to building the base for the Azeroth anti-magic army, they have been repairing the school guards that have been in disrepair for a long time, just for today's battle.

"Archimonde! The traitor who shamelessly stole the title of the great enlightener and abandoned the academy! The thug who destroyed the House of Knowledge with his own hands! The madman who beheaded his compatriots and disciples to death!

The school that was destroyed by you has long been reborn!

Under the leadership of the Great Inspirer, today, the Academy Executive Group announces to you, you! Archimonde, the saddest graduate of the Academy of Mysteries ever.

You were expelled from the academy! "

The Grand Consul of the Academy, Verala, held up the Battle Flag of the Academy, and yelled at Archimonde.

This won the cheers of the spirits who shared the same hatred, and the magic commando headed by the high-level enlightener Argon was no nonsense.

Sakir's second disciple carried a gloomy ghost gem sword, and led his school commando to kill the demons that were coming.

Just like the war on the day the school was destroyed 25,000 years ago, the mysterious guards of the school dotted with red gems fought with the cruel and ruthless demons.

They won that time, but failed to prevent the school from being destroyed.

This time they will win too!

This time, they have nothing to lose.

They will get the long-awaited revenge today, and the tragic death of the rebels will draw a perfect end to the 20,000-year-old era of the Mystic Academy.

Sakir and Ake's fight was lively, and the warlock trio was actually barely okay.

Of course, they didn't summon their pitiful demon servants in front of the orthodox demons of the legion to embarrass themselves. Facing the four hellfire titans that could destroy the city, the three warlocks chose to be tough.

They also have the confidence now.

Sharing the power of the destroyer gave the three guys the blessing of evil fire, which can basically be regarded as immunity to flames in the material world, just like the evil eye obtained Mannoroth's incomparably tough abyss body from Braike's gift, the giant Demons and humans also got the power they wanted.

Zarak, who was wearing a robe, faced two hellfire titans alone. He was not as brutal as the evil eye, summoning the evil scales to possess him, and then swung his fists to forcefully dismantle the hellfire.

That's too disrespectful, too untechnical.

He just stood there, watching the hellfire titans rushing towards him, and then Shi Shiran raised his hands, making left and right staggered slashing movements.

Mannoroth's hell claws were shaped by the gathering of evil energy, and he slapped the two hellfires to the ground with ease.

The triumphant giant magician laughed loudly, casually picked up a burning battle ax from the corpse of the electrocuted demon at his feet, and held it in his hand, stepped forward and raised the knife with his hand.

With two axes, the hellfire titan in front of him was dismantled into pieces all over the ground.

This is the blessing he received, the brute force of the abyss that belongs to the destroyer.

Uh, although this blessing is incompatible with his identity as a spellcaster, Zarak enjoys this hidden hole card very much for the insidious and cunning troll.

He had already begun to fantasize about the glorious scene of those idiots who had survived his magical torment trying their best to rush to him, and then be punched into a pulp by himself.

Well, maybe I should start collecting a few magical weapons that can be used in close combat from now on, or change my staff, wrap it with an iron head and add a sickle blade or something.

Maybe I should take the time to go to the Shado-Pan Monastery to learn a few stick techniques from those master monks, and when I meet warriors who don't respect me, I will wave my staff to break their dog legs!

So that they can experience the power of magic physically!

The last Kanrethad also received his own blessing. This gloomy and skinny boy didn't have the tough body to resist the great demon like Xieyan, nor did he have the brute force to dismantle the Gundam with his bare hands like Zarak.

He looked the same as before, still wearing the warlock cloak, leaning on Jordan's staff, and pulling the hood low.

But he did get the biggest and tastiest piece of cake from Bo Laike's blessing.

He got the spellcasting talent of Maronorth as the king of the pit lords.

Although in the Destroyer, this supreme evil talent is not valued, but this kind of god-given power falls into the hands of a well-talented warlock, and the effect of superimposing two or two is quite terrifying.

The four-headed hellfire titan has been divided by the evil eye and Zarak who are eager to show their strength, and Kanrethad did not disturb his shameless colleagues to enjoy the simple and happy time.

He stood alone on the hillside in front of Braike, leaning on the magic staff that the pirates gave him back then. With Kanrethad's current status, this staff is not very good in terms of grade or strength. Enough to see.

But he never replaced it.

Although there is also an element of flattery to Bo Laike in this, it undoubtedly also represents the skinny boy's nostalgia for his past life.

Although he was not directly killed by the Burning Legion, his great noble grandfather died on the night of Medivh's Karazhan, his great noble father abandoned his family because of the orc invasion, and he himself died because of the war led by demons behind the scenes. Lost everything, almost lost his beloved sister.

His and his family's tragedies are due to the wanton behavior of these chaotic villains born in the Twisting Nether.

He is powerful enough to hate demons and their dark masters.

Under his low hood, the eyes that originally belonged to humans turned into burning green eyes at this moment. As the skinny boy stretched out his hands to the demons who were fighting fiercely with the spirits of the academy, in the gloomy Krokuun In the sky, a swirling vortex of magic energy was summoned and activated.

When Kanrethad clenched his fists, clusters of sharp and scorching extraterrestrial meteorites were also wrapped in fel fire.

In the end, when he clenched his fist and smashed it to the ground, more than fifteen hellfires of mana energy descended from the sky at the same time. Probably because of the anger in the skinny boy's heart, the hellstorm composed of evil fires also fell on the broken earth at this instant. Swivel away.

Just from the action and scene of casting the spell, Laike, who has been watching behind him, can conclude that Kanrethad Abe Locke, the skinny boy he picked up in the Twilight Forest, may become the second behind him in the future The "King of Warlocks" in charge of the entire Azeroth Fel Circle.

However, with the skinny boy's cunning, he would definitely not choose to show his face in public. Maybe he would push Xieyan or Zarak to the foreground as a puppet, and he might be in charge of everything behind the scenes.

I really accidentally cultivated an incredible character.

Boo Laike rode behind Frostpaw, smiling smugly with a pipe in his mouth.

Then he looked at Xieyan and Zarak. These two guys were not as good as the skinny boy, but their current strength and future prospects should not be underestimated.

The power of the destroyer bound the three of them tightly together. Without any one of them, this supreme blessing would be incomplete. Although they would fight among themselves, before they mastered the mysteries of anima, they would absolutely Won't end up ripping out the face.

The most stable cooperative relationship is the alliance based on tangible interests.

The pirate felt that handing over the Nazaras Warlock School to these three guys could finally make him feel more at ease.

"Okay, stop abusing the food and serve dinner!"

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring, and lazily said to the warlock trio:

"What you want, what you yearn for, what you expect, I have already given you, now it's time for you to give back to me, go and become my deadly blade to stab Archimonde.

It is only through this merit that you can be promoted to the Abyssal Temple of the Demon of Thousand Tongues! "


The three obscene warlocks yelled in response, Xieyan lowered his body and took a stride, shouting:

"I will form the body!"

The troll Zarak moved flexibly like a juggler, rolling and jumping onto Xieyan's broad shoulders, and also made a rather bad move, screaming:

"I'll form the claws!"

Kanrethad is more civilized.

He used a fel energy teleportation to send himself above Zarak, stepped on the troll's slender shoulders, raised the staff in his hand obliquely, and said in a deep voice:

"I'll make up the head!"

Then the three bastards yelled in the devil's language in unison amidst the dumbfounded stares of the pirates and the wild laughter of Xiao Xingxing covering his belly hahaha:

"Destroyers loyal to the black-clothed god are called!"

"The king of the abyss, come!"


Asking for tickets at the end of the month is still the old rule. If there are 20,000 tickets at the end of the month, there will be 20 more chapters for the monthly ticket next month. Thank you! love you~

(end of this chapter)

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