Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1564 197. Eighty Hammers And Forty Small Hammers

Chapter 1564 197. Eighty hammers and forty small hammers

At the moment when Bu Laike collected the tide stone and landed on the ground, the violent storm in the sky, cloudy clouds and lightning dissipated at this moment, and the night returned to the gloomy and dark before in a few seconds, as if everything just now had disappeared from the sky. never happened.

But the wet ground and the remains of walls and structures destroyed by the storm and thunder represented that everything just now was not a dream.

The world-renowned stinky pirate Bo Laike Shaw rides the storm to save the Three Hammers who put themselves in danger by challenging the high-ranking titan guardian.


This is definitely a story that kids will absolutely love.

Maybe I have to ask His Royal Highness Little Xingxing to come down and polish it a little bit to make it more exciting.


Bu Laike winked at the black horn beside him, and the antler bull loosened the shackles of Kazgoros' hammer, and as the rocky hand that bound the flame titan crumbled, the flame statue was extinguished. It was an obsidian-like weak titan that fell to the ground.

Its jewel-like eyes looked at everything around it in a "waking up" way, and those structures for destruction that it had forged every day and night in the past made Ignis very painful.

Everything it did during the time it was controlled by Yogg Saron is vivid, and all this makes Titan feel a heavy sin.

The power bestowed upon it by Khaz'goros the Forge is for creation, but it uses it for unforgivable destruction.

Especially at the end of the war that ended the age of mythology, he was driven by anger to almost sweep across the entire storm cliff with a natural disaster of fire.

Countless Titans died under his forging hammer.


unforgivable sin.

"Can we trust it?"

Seeing the titan fell to the ground, the three-hammer dwarves, who were beaten badly but relied on foreign aid to win in the end, were very careful not to approach, they held weapons and whispered to each other.

How dangerous this flame titan is is clear between them, maybe it is a good choice to kill it now while it is weak?

"What cold-blooded bastards you dwarves are! Didn't see the poor ruined titan awake?"

Bu Laike complained loudly:

"It's a distant relative with you! Do you still want to cut off its head and bring it back to your city to show off? My God, you are a bunch of bastard butchers!

It doesn't count if you win the victory, but you still have to take its life full of bad deeds? "

"You made it like this?"

The Bronzebeard King Magni, whose beautiful beard was burned off, looked at his destroyed king's battle ax and war hammer, and said with a distressed expression:

"You are the villain, and you are the good guy. What kind of contradictory bastard are you?"

"I just want to make the most of it."

Bu Laike grinned, reached out and took off his battle helmet, hugged it in his arms, and followed by a group of vigilant dwarf masters to the painful Ignis.

He looked at the fallen titan whose head was as tall as an adult, and said:

"Are you sober? If you are not, my cold-blooded and vengeful dwarf friends will smash your head off without mercy."

Ignis didn't answer.

It closed its eyes, as if awaiting the judgment of its unforgivable sin.

"I know you're in pain, you feel like you've failed your titan, you think you've got blood on your hands eh, or motor oil?"

The pirate blinked his eyes, switched to roaring titan language, and said to the very depressed flame titan in front of him:

"But we are not here to judge you this time. The only damn Loken has died, and the rest of you can be forgiven. In other words, you all still have a chance to pay for your sins.

Titan, I might as well tell you that after Ulduar is liberated, Odin will lead all the guardians into the fel heart of the stars to save your gods.

those titans.

Maybe you know that the Pantheon is destroyed, maybe you don't, but it doesn't matter, the Titan Souls are still being tormented by demons, and they need help.

And the only ones who can help them are you.

We have now assembled a not-so-elite but fearless legion. We need to arm everyone, but there are always not enough weapons and armor that can resist the corruption of fel energy.

It just so happens that this is your field of expertise. Odin is still admiring how powerful the elven weapons you forged for the Iron Warriors in the Battle of the Overlords were.

It is said that among them are the battleaxes and hammers named 'Opening the Sky' and 'Piving the Earth' to help the heroic spirits smash the invincible defense of the Stone Mother Legion.

We need weapons like that.

Your god needs you to keep doing what you do best, your forge is still burning. "

The pirate pointed to the blazing furnace of creation behind him, then reached out to take the Hammer of Khazgoros from Black Horn, and handed it to the Flame Titan King, saying:

"Your hammer was broken by my dwarf friends, but that's all right, we've brought you a forging relic that Lord Kazgoros used.

Are you going to continue to lie here and pretend to be a dead dog, abandon your duties and missions, and let you die as a coward and criminal? Or pull yourself together and forge us what we need? "

Ignis opened his eyes, and looked at the Hammer of Kazgoros that was handed to his head by the pirates. The placement of this holy object was quite subtle.

If it doesn't want to help, just let go of Laike's hand, and the holy hammer will come down and hit it on the head.

Seems like a threat?

But the flame titan obviously didn't hesitate for too long, it climbed up from the ground like a mountain, and groups of hot flames ignited from the cracks in its obsidian body.

The furnace master took a deep breath, it rejected Kazgoros' hammer, and said in a low voice:

"I'm not qualified to use it, but I'll help, smithing, yes? I'll start smithing, right now, and I need materials... all kinds of materials."

"We brought it!"

The three dwarf leaders looked at each other and immediately replied:

"We need to borrow your furnace, titan, to forge our artifact in the name of the descendants of the earthen, and take it to the most dangerous battlefield among the stars to save us and your god.

Can you help us forge the weapons we crave? "

"Of course, I would love to."

Ignis got up weakly, and it staggered to the furnace of creation, calling the structures that it forged by itself to come forward and ignite the flame of the furnace.

It also needed the wind to drive the flames to melt the materials the dwarves had brought.

But unfortunately, the previous battle broke the blast box of the furnace. Just when Ignis was about to spend some time repairing it, Bu Laike, who was standing beside him with a camera to record this moment, let out a snort.

He winked at Black Horn, and waved his fingers as if showing off his abilities.

In the next moment, the same gust of wind as before blows into the air inlet of the furnace, causing the flame of the creation furnace to burn and fly out of the furnace.

Almost swallowed Magni, who was close to the furnace, into the flames.

"Would you know it!"

Magni turned around and roared, shouting in the voice of a professional blacksmith:

"Don't use so much force, you bastard, control the temperature of the flames, you unqualified blacksmith apprentice, are you trying to burn us to death?"

"Too much nonsense!"

The pirate said coldly:

"Do your job, and pay so many demands for free? Believe it or not, I'm here to kill people and steal goods! Take all the materials you collected as my own!"

"Pour in the stuff, dwarves."

Ignis uses a unique device to control the temperature of the furnace flame. It guides the dwarves to use the creation furnace like a forging mentor. It contributes the small forge in its abdomen to help the dwarves smelt all kinds of mithril, adamantine and arcane. They forged the best source quality steel on the spot from the material of the crystal, and instructed them to go to their forging Curry to select qualified weapon molds.

As a result, the three-hammer dwarves were choosing and choosing, and finally chose a very powerful warhammer mold. Axes and hammers are always the first choice for dwarves when fighting.

Only such crude weapons can give full play to the strength advantages of the dwarves. The long swords and two-handed swords favored by humans are somewhat weak in the eyes of the dwarves.

"This anvil is good. I can feel that it contains a power from the realm of fire. It's really surprising that such a treasure was born in the hands of mortals."

Ignis, the furnace master, relied on his strong skills and experience to smelt the best quality source quality steel with ease. He also noticed a huge black anvil brought over by the black iron dwarves shouting.

As the best blacksmith in Azeroth, the furnace master immediately felt the extraordinaryness of the anvil.

Black Iron Emperor Thaurissan snorted triumphantly, he patted the anvil emotionally and said:

"The black anvil is the sacred object of the Dark Iron Dwarves. It is a witness to us being cursed by the Lord of Fire. Countless magical weapons have been born on this anvil.

If it wasn't for the major incident this time, we wouldn't have taken it out of the Dark Forge City. This thing is the totem of civilization of the Dark Iron Dwarves. "

"Well, it does have that qualification."

Ignis nodded, but then, titan said:

"But anvils and molds are not enough, dwarves, they can help you forge epic blades, but they cannot reach the level of legendary or even artifacts.

You want the most powerful weapons in the world, I can only hope that you have brought valuable materials that can make weapons truly reborn, I have such materials, but unfortunately I used them to arm the army of the Old Gods up. "

"Is this okay?"

Magni carefully took out a box from his arms, opened it in front of the flame titan, and contained a warm gem like a burning eyeball.

The moment it appeared, the already blazing temperature of the entire Genesis Furnace instantly increased.

"Huh? Is this the core of Ragnaros' illusion of power?"

Ignis is worthy of being a forging master who has participated in the Battle of the Overlord. It recognized what Magni took out at a glance. It savored the scorching power of this thing. After a few seconds, it nodded and said:

"The Eye of Savras contains the pure power of the Fire of Creation, which can allow your weapons to pass through legends, but to go further, you need to add some raw materials.


The stove master's eyes fell on the Hammer of Kazgoros in Black Horn's hand, and it said in a low voice:

"Or you use the holy hammer of the forging world to complete your weapons, but I want to remind you that the forging hammer is not for mortals.

You can only harness its power for a short time, and if the forging process is interrupted, your weapons will be wasted. "

"It's okay! We're willing to take the risk."

Magni exclaimed:

"We are here for this. We have brought all the blacksmiths from the three clans of dwarves. We will definitely complete our artifact forging!"

"Throw those two things in there, too."

Falstad Wildhammer also opened a box, and there were two one-handed hammers in the style of the Dark Iron Dwarves, two weapons forged by the best craftsmen of the Dark Iron Dwarves, the Persuader and the Opponent.

They are unfinished weapon prototypes, and now, the dwarves are going to throw these two prototypes that are qualified to become legendary weapons into their artifact forging.

This scene made Bo Laike blink. He knew that it must have come from Muradin's suggestion. The old dwarf helped the Proudmoore family forge the family blade by referring to the ancient knowledge of Salamani.

And all of this was prepared for the forging ceremony in front of us.

Ignis didn't stop the dwarves from taking all-or-nothing adventures. On the contrary, it admired these reckless mortal blacksmiths. They dared to imagine that the act of forging an artifact with their own hands surpassed those blacksmiths without imagination.


Only by incorporating your dreams into the things you love can you truly create something great.

Well, it seems that the legacy of Lord Khazgross has truly taken root in this world and has been preached and promoted.

"let's start!"

A group of dwarf blacksmiths took off their armor, threw away their weapons and put on the blacksmith's robes for heat insulation. Magni threw two black iron warhammers into the source quality steel that was about to be smelted.

Under normal circumstances, such behavior would destroy a furnace of good steel, but under the super control of the master of the furnace, the components of the molten steel were not destroyed but perfectly fused together.

"My God, this thing is heavy."

Emperor Thaurissan was the first to take up the hammer of Khaz'goroth.

Because it was not recognized by the holy hammer, he had to do his best to lift it, but as the silver-gray liquid in the forge was poured into the mold, Thaurissan was ready for forging almost immediately.

Magni placed the rapidly cooling mold on the black anvil, and Thaurissan swung the forging hammer and slammed it on the mold.

The Wildhammer shamans beside them immediately began to call for elemental power to bless the artifact, and they would continue this process of elemental infusion until the forging was complete.

Thaurissan was out of breath after beating dozens of times, and Magni immediately took the forging hammer and continued to beat the formed war hammer on the anvil, trying to hammer it into the most perfect shape.

One after another, the Bronzebeard and Black Iron blacksmiths were waiting for their turn. At this moment, they only had this upcoming weapon in their eyes, and there was no room for hatred.

They are relaying.

Everyone knew that this would be the most glorious moment in their career as a blacksmith, and no one dared to neglect in the slightest.

They may only be able to strike for a few seconds with the forging hammer left by their god Lord Kazgoros, but no one expressed dissatisfaction with this.

The non-stop beating and forging of nearly a hundred people is like a person forging a weapon. The rhythmic beating sound never stops from the beginning to the end. With one hammer and one hammer, the divine power to shape the world is transmitted to the place that can already be seen through the sacred object. To the contoured artifact warhammer, it is more and more closely related to the race of dwarves.

It's just a weapon.

But it's not just a war hammer for cracking people's heads.

"It's almost done!"

The stove master has been watching this process, and at a certain point, it reminded in a deep voice:

"Get ready for the Eye of Savras, and use the most ancient and primordial fire to complete the final heating and quenching for it!"

"I come!"

Muradin, who was previously unconscious because of being burned by the fire of creation, would stand up staggeringly, staring at the warhammer on the forge, he seemed to hear the thing examining it and calling it in a trance.

The seriously injured dwarf Chosen took over the scorching Eye of Savras from the tired big brother. He approached the black anvil against the billowing heat. He took a deep breath and activated the King of the Hill again. Form, holding the hot gem with the hand of the stone statue, and putting it into the groove reserved at the handle of the weapon.


Bright flames erupted at this moment, enveloping the approaching Muradin like magma.

The ground was also shaking, and the wind was howling. Laike stretched out his hand and saw drops of raindrops falling on his gauntlets.

This is not manipulated by him, this is a collective explosion of the power of the four elements.

"It's done."

The pirate whispered something, and the black horn beside him looked at the anvil, where Muradin, wrapped in flames and protected by the earth, was holding the burning hammer high in both hands, as if announcing to the world.

The artifact of the dwarves was born, and the unity of the dwarves came.

(end of this chapter)

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