Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1445 78. I, The Pirate God, Play Money!

Chapter 1445 78. I, the Pirate God, Play Money!

When it comes to the experience of dealing with loa gods, no one in this world is richer than the Zandalari trolls.

Just as the night elf civilization bound the demigods of the wilderness and druids as friends of nature when it started, the Zandalari civilization, because of its unique "location advantage", brought the initial praise of the first emperor Dasa. When the Dala trolls escaped the plague-tainted Nazmir, the trolls were completely bound to the loa.

Their connection and worship with the loa even predates the birth of the first elves.

Or it can be said that the reason why the elves can get along so well with the demigods of the wilderness when they were born is because of the "good teaching" of the Zandalari trolls.

Well, it's another vicious "elves and trolls" joke.

In short, the Zandalari trolls have a better understanding of the Loa God and the power of the Loa than other races in the world. For example, Gaboa’s example of a conflict of divine power caused by "eating food indiscriminately" in the past It has been dealt with a lot in history.

As Bo Laike satirizes, trolls are the most religious group in the world, but they are also the most ruthless pragmatic believers in the world.

It is because there are too many loa, big and small, which leads to too many choices for the trolls, and thus the situation of changing at will.

When in danger, I prayed to Bwonsamdi not to take him away. As soon as the danger was lifted, I immediately turned to pray for Rezan to give him strength. When I needed to hunt, I ran to the temple of Gonk to pray. If I needed to kill others When he was alone, he secretly offered tribute to Sha Della.

In a word, it is really not easy to be the god of trolls.

Just like Akunda, a simple and honest god who is kind to others, will also encounter a bastard priest like Zalak who tries to backstab him to steal his divine power.

The names of the loa gods who were backstabbed by their own believers in history cannot be remembered in a book as thick as the autobiography of Little Star.

Therefore, Gaboa's "faith thief" is difficult to appear in other civilizations, but it is really caught in the history of trolls.

"What on earth are you thinking?"

On the deck of the Reaper, which was heading for Venture Bay in Grizzly Hills, Princess Talanji examined Gaboa's condition carefully. Even though the young princess is a talented shadow hunter, she was stunned by Gaboa's "hunger to eat".

She pursed her lips and said:

"You didn't know where to get so much elemental power before, and used voodoo techniques to refine it into the divine power to manipulate the storm, probably to lay the foundation for your 'Pirate God' priesthood, which I can understand.

But then I can't understand the drawing of the shadow power of the Prophet Saronya.

The power of the Shadow Serpent tends to be defensive and cursing, and it has nothing to do with your pirate priesthood!

What do you want it for?

And the poisonous power of Celetus

Are you going to change your profession to become the God of Assassins? Or the god of murder? But this highly poisonous divine power is only marginal to those priesthoods. Don't you guys see if they suit you before you eat them? "

"Oh, my little princess, don't complain. Do you really think that every troll who aspires to become a god is like you and has been personally taught by Rezan since childhood?

We 'faith thieves' are all from Yeluzi's background. It's already pretty good to find two good loas like me to extract divine power. How can we be qualified to pick and choose! "

Gaboya is going to be so uncomfortable, how can he be in the mood to answer these weird questions from Princess Talanji?

He was lying on a stretcher, naked, wearing only a pair of pirate flower pants that were strangled to the thigh.

On his arms, legs and heart and cheeks, the troll priests have anointed precious holy ointments and some voodoo materials.

These things can effectively help him better transform his divine power in the upcoming god-ascension ceremony.

"Hey, let me say."

Bu Laike stood in front of the altar being erected by the mummified crew on the deck of the Reaper. He smoked a pipe and said to Gaboa:

"Are your 'believers' ready? Don't be embarrassed when no one responds to you. I have also learned about the Loa Road. If you don't have enough faith to gather your priesthood, even if you succeed, you are just a Weak and wait for Loa.

Just like the old Ghani, he can only work hard to pick up some priesthoods that others don't like. "

"It's all done."

Gaboya breathed hard, letting the troll priests beside him help him relieve the conflict of divine power in his body, he whispered:

"I've been planning this since I was freed from Zemlan's fleet.

I hired a bunch of Tortollan's to spread tales of cursed pirates seven thousand years ago across the South Seas, but I changed Zem'lan's name to mine.

In this way, every pirate who knows the story of the cursed pirate is my potential believer, and I am not greedy, and I am not trying to become the pirate god of all races.

I just need those troll pirates to worship me.

It has been counted before, and although the number is not large now, there are still several thousand people. After these people hear my call, as long as one tenth of them respond to me, it is enough. "

"Hundreds of people?"

Bu Laike rubbed his teeth and said:

"Isn't this too little? Even an ordinary small troll clan can't get enough people."

"No, Captain Gaboa's situation is special."

Princess Talanji, who was preparing for the divine communication ceremony, interrupted and explained in a professional tone:

"Your Excellency Laike, what do you think he is doing so hard to extract the divine power of two loa? He has enough divine power for him to squander, and all he needs is a priesthood with a strong faith.

He was well aware of his shortcomings, so he didn't try to spread his faith on a large scale in the South China Sea. He knew that it was difficult for the profession of pirates to sincerely dedicate himself to worship, so he chose the safest method. "

"Yes, Boo Laike."

Gaboya moaned and chirped a few times and said:

"I just need those hundreds of troll pirates to admit that I am the pirate god of trolls, that's enough, I can't put my divinity on the belief of mortals, that would be the way of the evil god through and through.

As many people believe in me, my divine power is certainly strong.

But as soon as no one believes in me, I'm screwed. Such a god is not what I want, I will not entrust my existence in the praise of others, I want to follow the path of authentic loa.

Just like Bwonsamdi and Akunda, they are powerful existences in themselves, and the beliefs of others only add more priesthood domains to them.

I drained the divine power from both loa, which was enough to bring me close to being a powerful being when I crossed the demigod realm. "


Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring, then suddenly reached out and stroked his chin, and said in a strange tone:

"According to what you said, if I want to try to become a loa god, with my current reputation in the endless sea and the entire Azeroth"

The pirate uttered this conjecture, but no one spoke.

After several seconds, Gaboya said with intense jealousy:

"With your notoriety, even if you don't have enough divine power, just relying on the number of people who worship you and sing your praises and the beliefs they offer, it is enough for you to leap to the mighty Loa in an instant. in the ranks.

But still what I said before.

Relying on faith alone to condense priesthood and transform divine power is the way of evil gods, which means that you and your believers will be completely bound together, and all will be prosperous and all will be damaged.

Once your believers are gone, you are finished, and you enter into the most terrible kind of weakness, the kind of weakness that comes with losing faith that is not even within your control.

After all, illusory beliefs are the most unreliable things in this world. They can bow to you because of their strength, and they can abandon you because of their strength.

Unless you have a large group of fanatics as diehards"

"But I have!"

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"After I shaped the spiritual leader of mankind into the Lich King, there are still thousands of people in my uncrowned who will never leave me. Including the loyal subordinates in the undead pirates, there are 20,000 to 30,000 people. Should be more than enough.

Well, if my true identity is revealed again, including the citizens of Kul Tiras who are willing to follow me, I suddenly feel that becoming a loa god is also a bright road. "

The answer made Gaboa roll his eyes.

He sensed that Bo Laike was deliberately playing Versailles, and young Princess Talanji felt again that the man was hiding something deep.

Few people can be as calm as Bu Laike after knowing the mysteries of the loa.

Just imagine, if anyone knows that he only needs to go through a ceremony to become a believer in God, how many people can be unmoved?

"You don't really want to try the way of the loa, do you?"

Maiev's figure appeared beside Bo Laike, and she said to the pirates:

"You obviously have a better choice."

"Well, I was just joking."

The pirate shook his head and said:

"If I really longed for power so much, I would have been a loyal believer of Ms. Elune long ago. How can I be like me now? Yue Shendu admits that I am her voter, but I haven't made up my mind to give my faith to Ms. Elune.

So theoretically speaking, I am now an unbeliever chosen by the Moon God, tsk tsk, this sentence alone is profane enough, enough to make people's hearts jump. "

Bu Laike glanced at the sky and whispered:

"With a deviant and bad voter like me, Ms. Elune will probably have a hard time."

"You know it yourself."

Maiev whispered:

"During this period of time, Tyrande has been trying to ask me about your situation, but I dare not tell her the truth, for fear that her belief will be deviated.

You used to always say that Tyrande was the Moon God's 'son', but look now, who is His Majesty's 'son'? "

"Hey, is this what your moon god priest should say?"

The pirate scowled and reprimanded:

"As the chosen one of the Moon God, I don't want to hear such blasphemous words! Elbow, come into the house with me! I will tell you the teachings of our supreme Lady Elune."


Maiev punched Bu Laike on the waist, and scolded:

"Be normal! You heretic."

In the fight between these two guys, the Reaper finally came to the sky above Risk Bay.

This is the mouth of the Grizzly Bear Hills. It was originally the seaport of the undead pirates, but after being attacked and burned by the alliance fleet, it was occupied by a group of goblins who came here during this period.

It's the fleet of venture capital firms.

Those guys relied on the undead pirates and the alliance fleet to attack each other and ignored them. They have already started to build a fort here. It seems that they plan to occupy it for a long time in order to shape the established facts after the war.

"Bah, a bunch of bastards!"

Bo Laike stood beside the Reaper's ship, watching several goblin-armed merchant ships anchored in the bay below.

He said viciously:

"Let my good-for-nothing troll and pirate god friend kill you in a short while! Dare to occupy my territory, you really have the guts of a bear."

"The ceremony begins!"

Just when the goblins under Laike were daring, on the deck of the Reaper high above the clouds, Gaboya, who had been comforted by his divine power, slowed down with the support of his first mate Halraz and second mate Aspicus. Walk slowly up the altar.

He lay down on the altar with difficulty, and Princess Talanji held a torch below the altar to ignite the other party's ritual materials under the altar.

It looked as if Gaboia was going to set himself on fire.

But no.

These strange blue flames that ignited were not fuel, but were ignited by the loa divine power collected by Gaboa so that he could temporarily connect with the mysterious space where the loa were.

This is equivalent to the ritual of "worshiping the pier" for the newcomers.

"Light the divine fire! Call to your worshipers, Gaboa, the pirate god of the trolls!"

Princess Talanji, who was the host of the ceremony, called out:

"Concentrate the priesthood! Show your power to the great spirits of existence, and let those immortal will examine and accept you!"

"Show the world your might! Let the sky and the sea acknowledge your dominion over the pirates! Let you be the representative of the marauders, the symbol of the sea of ​​strife, the ruthless our idol!"

After calling three times, Princess Talanji and other loa priests simultaneously called the loa gods they served to come down with will to witness Gaboa's ascension ceremony.

In the burning of divine power, the bastard Gaboya was suspended in mid-air, his figure constantly switching between the snake and troll forms.

He opened his arms, as if to cry.

In the distant South China Sea and within the scope of the Endless Sea, every troll pirate who has heard of Gaboa’s name and story, no matter which clan they are from, no matter what they are doing, at this moment, Gaboa’s voice rang in their ears. Boya's call.

"Pirates! I will be your new god Captain Gaboa! You have all heard my name, you all know my story, and you will see my power.

I need your faith to help me condense my priesthood, and I need you to call my name to help me become a god!

Come, pirates, offer up your faith.

After this is done, I will bestow upon you my might, to help you win big in every plunder, and to help you become famous on the endless sea!

Come on, witness my ascension moment! "

Gaboya tried his best to seduce the pirates who heard his voice. The "Tor" he deliberately placed in other fleets in advance was naturally the first to respond. Under the encouragement and leadership of those guys, soon There are many troll pirates offering their faith to this new loa.

This is unreasonable for pirates of other races.

How can you just hand in your faith as soon as you hear the call?

But other trolls have their own national conditions here. The trolls who have lived with Loa since childhood know what to do when they hear the sound. They are all old-fashioned ways

And some cunning trolls will be thankful that there will be another loakaizi who can gather wool in the future.

In short, Gaboya's disciples called very smoothly, even a little too smoothly. Originally, he estimated that a few hundred people would respond, but after a few minutes, the number of people who responded to the call exceeded 2,000.

It seems that Gaboya has a really good reputation in the unique business of troll pirates.

And those Loa gods who were called by the Loa priests to "watch the ceremony" were also very face-saving, mainly Princess Talanji presided over the ceremony and called the boss of the Loa, Laizan.

Seeing that the boss of Rezan had no objection to Gaboa's ascension to the gods, the other Loa naturally voted for it, among which old Bwonsamdi and old Gani were the most enthusiastic.

The former has long had "business dealings" with Gaboya, and the latter is for the sake of his good brother Bu Laike.

As a result, at this moment, there was a strong wind in the sky, and the essence of wind collected by Gaboa from the wall of the sky was quickly converted into his loa divine power, and the shadow of the prophet Saronya and Siletus The poison is blended into it.

This storm mixed with shadows and toxins rolled across the sky, and divine lightning condensed in it, and the shadow of a giant snake flew around, all of which constituted Gaboa's unique divine power.

But Laike is not interested in these, he is still immersed in Gaboa's pirate call just now.

"Good guy, isn't this the way of 'Qin Shihuang, pay money'?"

Bu Laike squinted his eyes, looking at the triumphant Gaboa, and he complained:

"Hey, are you the god of pirates or the god of deceit? Are there so many people falling for such a clumsy trap? It seems that if I lose my job in the increasingly fierce competition of pirates in the future, I will switch careers to engage in fraud It's very promising."

"Hi, Pirate God!"

Bu Laike whistled loudly and shouted to the sky at the top of his voice:

"Show me your hands!"

"See the goblins below? Kill them!"

(end of this chapter)

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