Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1366 116. Come Here, Puppy, Be Obedient

Chapter 1366 116. Come here, puppy, be obedient

"I have prepared a 'surprise' for you at Blackstone Mountain."

A few minutes later, facing the silent Lothar, Laike took a distressed look at his frozen pirate blouse, which was one of his favorite clothes.

He patted the dead frost on his clothes, and said to Lothar who sat down again in front of him:

"That is the strongest of your 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', a berserker who can help you conquer the world and the stars, a soul as heavy, as wild, and as great as you.

But right now you can't gain his loyalty.

Just like you, he also has the right to choose when facing death. You must do something to show that you are a king worth following, otherwise he will only sneer at your offer. "

"Bo Rocks Saurfang?"

Lothar raised his head and said to Bo Laike:

"Or Orgrim Doomhammer?"

"Orgrim is gone, my lord.

I know you appreciate your former opponent, but unfortunately, he made a deal with me. In order to ensure the future of the orcs, he was willing to turn into a bunch of meaningless ghosts. "

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"It's Bu Rocks, the man who slashed a god, he will be the most anticipated chocolate on your death journey, and his delicacy will surely make the world tremble.

Of course, you are also delicious enough.

If I were a lunatic Lord of Death, I would desperately want your soul and your allegiance. "

"Shut up."

Lothar closed his eyes, like the dead sleeping, he whispered:

"Go away, Bu Laike Shaw.

Before I completely tolerate what you have done, don't appear in front of me again, go back to the world of the living that belongs to you, and continue to play with your shameful plots.

Go back and tell them!

Anduin Lothar is dead!

He has merged with Frostmourne, and he has become a sad prisoner of death, who will brutally kill every righteous warrior. Let them not come to seek death! "

"Well, I guess it's a bit difficult, my lord."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"I am sure that the cunning Nathrezim must have passed the news about the Helm of Dominion to those warriors who are concerned about you.

The dreadlord will tie the helm of dominance to the cause of saving your soul, luring those brave enough to save you into a terrifying trap.

They will choose you to be the master of Frostmourne, and they will choose a master of the Helm of Domination among those heroes to fight against you.

Maybe it's Varian Wrynn, maybe Arthas Menethil, and of course it's more likely to be the missing Grand Duke Alexandros Mograine, or the Holy Light Pope Lonzos Fao.

Anyway, in my opinion, these souls have potential.”

"Then stop them!"

Lothar said in a deep voice as if he was giving an order:

"Use all your means to prevent those idiots from stepping into the devil's trap, and use your bottomless evil to punish those dreadlords who play with souls.

As you say, life is my currency and I must use it wisely.

I will not allow the nathrezim to dig their dirty claws into my vault, go! 'Hand of the Lich King' Boo Laike Shaw, I command you!

Go chop off the claws of those shameful demons!

Warn them with blood and pain! "

"As you order, my lord."

The stinky pirate laughed, pretending to bow to His Majesty the Lich King, and then exited the captain's room. When he closed the door, he made an OK gesture to the old troll who was waiting eagerly beside him.

The latter let out a sigh of relief.

"Go and serve His Majesty faithfully."

Bu Laike said to Gaboa:

"He is about to wage a war of destruction against the frost trolls, and you can be his best scout and marauder, and the black knights can also be your majesty's undead vanguard.

Of course, as we said before, the bodies and souls of the trolls belong to His Majesty the Lich King, the divine power and inheritance of the trolls Loa belong to you, and the treasures of the trolls belong to the Black Knight.

Everyone will get a satisfactory reward from it. "

"how about you?"

Gaboa rubbed his three-fingered troll paw expectantly. After a few seconds, he looked at Bo Laike suspiciously and said:

"What about you? What can you get out of it? Are you really doing good things? No way? You actually started doing good things?"

"I got a dog's life that was spared."

Bu Laike stroked his handsome cheek sadly, and he whispered:

"I also wanted to do some outrageous things in Zul'Drak to please myself, such as catching a loa and making some evil oaths or something. To tell you the truth, I even found my target.

The snow leopard goddess Hakea not only has first-class appearance, but also has great potential, which is very suitable for the desire of my dark little girlfriend. She should also have a top-quality fur in her wardrobe.

It's a pity, His Majesty Lothar forbids me to do anything wrong on his territory, so I can only reluctantly give up.

But that's okay, I've found better alternatives.

So, my dear Gaboa."

The smelly pirate reached out and patted the old troll's shoulder, and whispered:

"Will you 'take care' of Hakoa for me? When I separated from her last time, I promised to go back and 'see' her."

"No problem, wrap it on me, it will make the Snow Leopard Goddess feel the evil warmth from Bu Laike Shaw."

Gaboa laughed, and walked shoulder to shoulder with Braike from the deck to a small bar in the cabin, where the two met the black knights who were celebrating the victory of the great event, so a group of bad guys got drunk together .

The time advances to the early hours of the morning.

The drunken pirate pushed open the door of his cabin. He still had a bottle of wine in his hand. He opened the door sleepily and saw an angry woman beside his bed, drinking alone. Boozy.

"Yo, isn't this Ms. Jin Tessa?"

Bu Laike hiccupped, and greeted enthusiastically the Queen of the Dreadlord who wished to poke him to death with her eyes. Jin Tessa, who was still very arrogant in Dellano before, would be very depressed.

The gorgeous Nathrezim armor on her body has disappeared, replaced by a set of Venthyr-style "soldier armor", and the embellishments of Anima gems and various weapons that represent her noble status have also been completely removed.

This made the Dread Witch look very simple and embarrassed.

There are still welts on her pale skin. It seems that she was severely "punished" before coming to Braike. She probably already knew her sad fate, so the bloody and tear-stained His eyes were filled with despair and self-abandonment.

A pile of empty wine bottles had been thrown at her recurved feet. Judging from the number of those wine bottles, the decadent witch in front of her, smelling of alcohol, had a good capacity for alcohol.

But after seeing the signs of those wine bottles clearly, the drunk Bo Laike sobered up immediately.

He scolded coldly:

"Hey! What's the matter with your devil pet? Why did you steal my wine without my permission? Do you know that your meal at least drank up a villa in the best part of Stormwind City?"

"What's the problem?"

Jin Tessa turned her head and stared at Bo Laike with dead fish eyes, the former queen of Nathrezim said in a drawn out voice:

"Haven't I already become your prisoner? Shouldn't I have served you under your command for ten thousand years? Haven't I already been your damned pet?

You humiliated me so much that I couldn't resist, what's wrong with me drinking two bottles of wine from you now?

Are you such a mean bastard?

Not even a few bottles of wine for your loyal pet? "

"Oh, oh, I'm full of resentment."

Bu Laike chuckled and walked to Jin Tessa. He looked at this dread witch who had lost all power and all future, and thus was extremely decadent. He said:

"But who can blame it?

You shouldn't have agreed to change the content of our bet outside the Karabor Temple back then, right?

It was you who insisted on challenging my wisdom at the conspiracy level, and you got a well-deserved fiasco, which proves that your evil is nothing more than that.

For a dreadlord who loves conspiracy, does losing to a schemer like me make you feel bad?

No no no.

You should feel honored, you are fortunate to learn more powerful dark wisdom from my side, I don’t even ask for money like you. "

"Don't touch me! You bastard!"

Kin Tessa slapped Bo Laike's paw away, she raised her head, poured a bottle of wine into her mouth, and smashed the bottle on the table like a crazy woman with bad wine.

she yelled:

"I would have won! Velen's mind is broken, he has even touched Frostmourne, but that damn bird

Your little bird spoils it all.

This is all planned by you in the dark, and even before the real start of this bet, you have already outlined the ending for us.


It would be a waste of a bastard like you to be born human if you were a dreadlord."

"You should be glad I'm not."

The pirate snorted, took out a demon contract that he had prepared long ago from his luggage, and patted it on the table in front of Jin Taisha. He said:

"If I had been born as a dreadlord, a guy like you would have been my prisoner, a sad prisoner in every sense.

Here, sign it, my Nathrezim pet. "

Bu Laike patted Jin Tessa's chic devil horns coiled twice like a sheep like a puppy, and said:

"You should be thankful that I already have a more suitable twin demon, otherwise you will be the next miserable guy.

But my demonic servants are getting stronger day by day, and I really need a powerful guy to lead them to do a good job in the twisting void. "

"Tch, a bastard who only bullies women."

Jin Taisha complained, picked up the hot devil's contract with Jiu Jin and tore it open in her hands, dripping her own blood without looking at it, but Bu Laike 'reminded' beside:

"Don't just use blood, my dear servant, you have to sign it with your heart, only in this way can you guarantee your 'loyalty', standing in front of you is a great magician.

I am well aware that the contract made by the blood of the devil has no binding force on you dreadlords who regard betrayal as an instinct. "

"Stop playing with your little thoughts."

Jin Tessa sneered and said:

"It is an order from Emperor Denathius that I want to be your demon servant. I have done something wrong and made the emperor feel ashamed. It is necessary and should be punished.

The emperor's order is more reliable than any devil's contract.

You know, we nathrezim have never been able to rebel against our 'creator'. The emperor wants me to be your loyal dog, then I will serve you wholeheartedly. "

After finishing speaking, the demon contract in the hands of the Dread Witch burned, and the dancing embers formed a very special scarlet emblem in the air, which was Revendreth's Venthyr sin emblem.

The thing danced and landed on Laike's finger, turning into a strange mark like a brand.

He immediately felt that his soul was extending, and there was a fairly obvious pet entry in the contract field belonging to the warlock:

Name: Kim Tessa "The Pretender"

Race: Nathrezim/Bloodborn [legendary race]

Occupation: Level 60 Blood Daughter·Elite/Level 60 Demon Assassin·Elite/Level 60 Shadow Pretender·Elite

Legendary Occupation: Level 12 Demon Lord Leader/Level 12 Fear Hunter Leader

Mythical Occupation: Level 1 King of Fear [Death/Fel Power]

Status: Blood Exile · Emperor's Punishment/Demon Contractor

Contract Affiliation: Brad Laike Shaw


When a dreadlord volunteered to be a warlock's pet, any warlock with a brain should choose to refuse.

But Jin Tessa's loyalty to Bu Laike Shaw is unquestionable, not because she likes Bu Laike so much, but because her master asked her to do so.

"So, this is all the task of the master?"

Bu Laike looked at the entry in front of him and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He looked at Jin Tessa strangely.

He could feel that the dread witch in front of him had almost no resistance to his obedience. He could ask the dread demon king in front of him to do anything for him, and the latter would never resist.

It seems that Jintaisha's complaint that these nathrezim cannot resist their creators is true, and the emperor's order means everything to them, even surpassing their own meaning of existence.

This is really a horrible slavery.

"Here, put this on, my dear Kim Tessa."

Bu Laike shrugged, brushing aside any pity for the dreadlords who looked evil and terrifying but had no freedom at all.

He waved his hand and took out a very beautiful and delicate pair from the bag, made of magic steel, and assisted the exaggerated artistry of the elves to take out a chain, and put it in front of Jintaisha whose eyes were twitching.

He sat on the chair and said to the demon servant in front of him:

"Last time you said that if you win, you will put me on a dog leash and lead me through the streets. It's a pity that you lost, so I specially prepared this for you."

"You bastard."

The Dread Witch yelled, but she couldn't defy Laike's evil will, so she could only pick up the beautiful dog leash obediently with trembling hands.

But in the next second, Jin Taisha said in a strange tone:

"Isn't this thing for me? Laike, my master, there are other women's names engraved on your collar. It was originally for Maiev Shadowsong?"

"What! You read it wrong!"

The smelly pirate dodged the collar with his hands, rubbed it a few times casually, erased the original name, and took out a knife to write Jin Taisha's name on it again.

Then he threw it to his dreadlord servant, saying:

"Now it's all yours."

"Come on, bring it on, let me see, it's going to be fun."

(end of this chapter)

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