Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1361 111. Wake Up! This Is Not The Gate Of Wrath!

Chapter 1361 111. Wake up! This is not the Gate of Wrath!


The light transmitted in a wide range lit up on the wall of the North County Abbey, and as the magic vibration slowed down, everyone who was frightened by Lothar appeared from the light.

But they soon realized that they had not escaped the realm of the Lich King's power.

The Alliance of Order, which was able to fight the invading undead head-on before, has now fallen into an absolute disadvantage. The undead commanded by Yrel felt the call of Frostmourne and the Lich King.

They became very violent, and almost swept the paladins and soldiers led by Turalyon under the city wall.

The interior of the North County Abbey, which was originally controlled by the coalition forces of order, has also been turned upside down by the power of Frostmourne, and the undead who have been continuously awakened from the cemetery of the abbey joined the battle from the rear.

The newly awakened dead are all wearing armor from different eras, and their strength is obviously much stronger than the undead from the outside world.

This is also normal.

The dead who can be buried in the Northshire Abbey after death are either the great nobles of Stormwind City, or the generals and commanders who have made great achievements in the history of the development of the Stormwind Kingdom.

And the most buried in the Holy Land Cemetery are the human warriors who died fighting against aliens in the orc war that lasted for seven years.

The combat prowess of these guys is no joke.

They were pulled back from death to the material world by Frostmourne, and at the moment of resurrection, they became the most powerful chargers under the Lich King Lothar.

They hardly need to learn and adapt, and they have become excellent death knights when they open their eyes under the tyrannical death aura. This scene will definitely make the high lord Ravencrest cry with envy.

In terms of the number of people, the elves are too hip.

The number of the entire Black Crows plus the support staff is not as many as the death knights that Lothar produced in less than a few minutes.

They are surrounded.

The berserk undead in the front and the rear squeezed towards the Allied Forces of Order from two directions, and the news detected by the Griffin Riders was even more desperate.

All over the forest of Erwin the undead rise from the cemetery.

Their numbers are colliding every minute and every second, and they are all rushing towards the North County Abbey.


The concept of quantity becomes a real joke at this moment.

The number of undead has exceeded the limit they can imagine, and they are still expanding, ten times? hundred times?

Wanting to win now is already an out-and-out false proposition.

Even the most steadfast paladins were left with endless despair in their hearts when faced with such a large number.

If it weren't for Velen and Faol being strong enough, and the Holy Light Barrier they propped up was tough enough, these fighters would never have survived to the present with such a terrible numerical disadvantage.

"Lothar was controlled by the magic sword. He resurrected His Majesty Ryan and brutally killed Master Antonidas. Our war is over.

We failed. "

With a disappointed tone, the Sun King said to the Pope who supported the Holy Light Barrier on the city wall:

"We can't stay here anymore. Lothar holding Frostmourne has become a difficult enemy for us to fight. We must retreat first, and then find a way to figure out the weakness of this death force.

Staying here will only wipe us out. "

"They won't let us go."

Faol heard the terrible news that made people despair. He sighed and drew a religious symbol on his chest, and looked down at the paladins who were still fighting outside the barrier.

Facing the surging undead sea in front of them, the persistence of the Holy Light Warriors seemed so pale.

They kept swaying the holy light to burn and knock down the undead in front of them, but no matter how hard they tried, the number of undead still did not decrease in the slightest.

The pope clenched the holy staff in his hand and whispered:

"Someone must stay here to attract the attention of the undead, and only a spellcaster like you can bring out these precious powers under layers of siege.

I will stay!

I will try to purify Lothar and the magic sword in his hand, let's go! Break out immediately! "

Faol turned to look at Velen beside him, and said:

"Your Majesty the Prophet, I am sorry to involve you in this terrible incident. As the leader of the Draenei, you cannot encounter danger on our land. You should also retreat.

This monastery is a sanctuary to humanity and someone must die for it. "

"There is no need to talk about sacrifice now."

Velen shook his head. The draenei looked around and said:

"I did not see my death in the prophecy about me, nor did I see Northshire Abbey become an evil place taken over by death.

In the Azeroth I saw, the ravages of the undead are not here. Today is definitely not the time for the demise of the Stormwind Kingdom. We have indeed failed.

But that doesn't mean we've lost hope.

Faol, my companion.

You should have some faith in Lord Anduin Lothar, as far as I know, that magic sword does corrupt people, but its mind-bending is not mandatory.

As long as Lord Lothar's will is firm enough, he can in turn control the magic sword born from death. "

"I'm not questioning you, Prophet."

The Sun King looked in the direction of the monastery building, he shook his head and said:

"But what I saw just now is not like this. Lothar has no resemblance to the tough and great soul in my memory. He has become dark and cruel."

"That's just an appearance!"

Velen said in a deep voice:

"I have enough say in the power of that sword, the Sun King, that the demons brought that magic sword into Dellano, and I, the first sword bearer they chose.

It was Bu Laike's help that freed me from my fallen doom.

In fact, in this matter, I prefer Laike's statement. He really wanted to help, but the method he used was not acceptable to others.

That's all. "

"You Draenei's understanding of 'help' is really interesting."

The Sun King sneered.

He didn't have a good impression of the draenei.

Everything that happened in Dellano has been sent back to Silvermoon City by his son Kael'thas. The Sun King knows that the great demon of the Burning Legion has something to do with the prophet in front of him.

Although they have long since parted ways, the draenei cannot be fully trusted by a cautious ruler like the Sun King.

Instead of arguing with the prophet, he called the surrounding Phoenix mages to approach, preparing to release a large-scale teleportation technique, sending the soldiers here out of the hopeless North County Abbey.

Outside the city wall, the great knight Turalyon leaned on his great royal sword panting, which could make a paladin like him so tired, which showed the anxiety of this battle.

However, the grand knight will still be fighting high, because there is Ms. Alleria Windrunner helping him by his side.

The Ranger General of Silvermoon City led the elite Farstriders to help the Paladins defend their positions. Any undead who approached would be smashed to pieces with magic arrows.

But things like arrows are not enough lethality for the dead, which makes the brave far traveler rangers a little bit blind at this meeting.

"We must retreat, Turalyon!"

Alleria, holding the Windrunner family bow, shot multiple arrows, knocking down a large number of undead that rushed in front of her, and then swung the elf sword to chop off their heads.

She turned to Turalyon and yelled:

"Let your knights withdraw, we will block their path with hunting bombs first! What is that in the sky?"

The heroic Ranger General pointed to the sky, and the very tired Turalyon raised his head and saw an angry figure falling from the sky.

"That's His Majesty Dai Lin! What happened to him? How did he get beaten like this?"

The paladin exclaimed.

He held his battle sword and wanted to rush to the direction where Dai Lin fell to help, but the admiral looked miserable, but in fact he still had the power to fight. Before he landed, he used his heroic jumping skills to jump twice in a row from the sea of ​​undead Came to the position of the Paladins.

At this time, Dai Lin was very miserable.

His armor was tattered, his beard was half shaved, and his hair was bloody and messy.

Is this a defeat?

Before Turalyon could ask, Dai Lin snorted and said:

"I didn't lose. At most I didn't win. What happened next? Why did so many undead rush out of the monastery? Did Bo Laike bring the magic sword into the valley?"

"Marshal Lothar. He has already."

Turalyon shook his head, ignoring the sadness and said to the angry Dailin with fire-breathing eyes:

"Now is not the time to talk about this, the Sun King is preparing to retreat, we must leave this place before the undead overwhelm us.

Our understanding of the power of death is too little to stand against the power of Frostmourne. "

"You cowards who just run away!"

Dai Lin cursed.

With his friendship with Lothar, he couldn't accept that so many people came here but still let Lothar fall into a dark and damned ending.

Burning with anger, the admiral quickly rushed up the city wall, and saw Varian Wrynn sitting there sluggishly being taken care of by Arthas at a glance.

The expression on the child king's face is really hard to describe, but the heartbroken eyes in his eyes made the hard-hearted Dai Lin couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The admiral strode forward, grabbed the painful Varian, and took the shield of Aggramar from his hand. The moment the holy titan fell into the admiral's hand, blue energy gushed out of it. move out.

A heavy majesty was imposed on the surroundings. Dai Lin grabbed his command knife and cursed at Varian beside him:

"Show such an expression when you encounter such a little thing! How can you save your two fathers like this? And how should you deal with that lawless and rebellious son of my family?

You two, take your arms!

follow me!

I'll take you to meet Lothar and Bu Laike. Even if you want to escape, you have to fight a fair fight! "

"No, don't go, Dad."

Little Jaina saw that her father was a bit upbeat, and rushed over to grab Dai Lin's wrist. She begged in a tone that was about to cry:

"You can't beat them, Dad, don't be impulsive, let's retreat first, shall we?"

"Shut up!"

Admiral Dai Lin's masculinity was severely damaged by his daughter's words.

He stubbornly jumped off the city wall with the Titan Sacred Shield. This thing is the pillar of creation, and the destructive power it can create in the right hands is far beyond the imagination of others.

Dai Lin held the heavy shield and charged forward. Every powerful shield attack would cause a burst of titanic energy in place. The death knights awakened by Frostmourne were indeed powerful, but they couldn't resist the attack at all. Inhuman power.

Seeing the admiral entering the direction of the monastery alone, Alsace glanced at the anxious Jaina, the little prince gritted his teeth, picked up his Lionheart Slayer and rushed down.

Varian saw how brave Arthas was, and the boy king clenched his fists.

He really couldn't accept that both his biological father and adoptive father had become dark undead today, so he grabbed the sword and shield of the king's guard beside him and jumped down.

This immediately set off a chain reaction.

The people who were scared off by Lothar before were all heroes and warriors, who can be angry with this?

Now that Dai Lin is taking the lead, they yelled and followed the general to the battlefield again.

Especially the dwarf Kurdran Wildhammer who came to support and Danas Trollbane, who was also a warrior, these two guys rode on the griffin and followed them with a shout.

Dai Lin is right.

Whether you can beat it or not, you have to fight it before you know! Now he just ran away with his tail tucked up, who would want to?

"Anduin Lothar! You coward who succumbed to darkness!"

Dai Lin led a group of warriors while charging, while roaring towards the dead and cold monastery hall:

"The Lothar in my memory will never bow to despair, let alone regard the unknown power as the hope of salvation! The Lothar I know may be dead, and he has entered into the flames of Dalaran Warrior's Paradise!

All that exists here is a rat that has stolen his body and his name!

A pathetic failed soul!

Get out of here!

Speak out all your dark thoughts in front of me! "


Dai Lin's provocation was answered almost immediately.

The closed door of the monastery, which was covered with frost, shattered and shattered in the next instant, and Lothar, holding Frostmourne, walked out of the darkness step by step.

Behind him, King Ryan Wrynn, who was holding a funeral sword, and Antonidas, who had been transformed into a lich, followed him from left to right.

But there was no sign of Bu Laike, which made Dai Lin's eyes tighten.

"You call me a coward? You want to bring me to trial?"

Lothar walked out of the monastery and asked in a low and hoarse tone:

"Daelin Proudmoore, I've given you a chance to leave, but you still want to provoke the Lich King again. It's very good. I'll show you what it means to shed blood like a river!

What does it mean to be frightened! "

The blade of the magic sword in his hand hangs down, and a faint blue death aura pours into the ground.

The next moment, the ground rolled, and hundreds of skeletons roared and crawled out from the ground, surrounding the crowd who rushed after Dai Lin.

"At this time, it should be enough for a guy to rush up and be killed by Lothar's sword in seconds."

Bu Laike, who was hiding in the shadow beside him, watched the confrontation between the two sides. He complained in a low voice, and he didn't know whether it was because his crow mouth was too strong or fate was unstoppable.

In short, in the next second, under the staring eyes of the pirates, Dai Lin roared, grabbed the sword and shield and rushed towards Lothar, as if he really wanted to use the Pillar of Creation in his hand to shoot Lothar out of the dark madness Awake.

The result is, of course, predictable.


There was a loud noise, and at the same time that Laike covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look straight at him, Dailin who rushed forward flew upside down at a faster speed, and knocked Alsace behind him to the ground.

The strength of Lothar holding Frostmourne has grown to a terrifying level. The Shield of Aggramar can protect Dailin from injury, but he wants to win.

Basically impossible.


Lothar sneered and raised his sword to take Dai Lin's life, but Varian rushed out shouting and opened his arms to block between Lothar and Dai Lin. His eyes were red and he shouted:

"Father! Enough is enough!

I believe that there is a heart belonging to Anduin Lothar beating under this dark appearance, and I believe that what death brings to you is not just ruthless strength.

I believe you did not wake up from your slumber to destroy this land you love and the people you have spent your life protecting

I believe Anduin Lothar is still alive, and I believe we can wake him up.

stop it.

Please, stop it! "

What Varian responded to was an incomparably cold blast of wind. The heavy frost knocked the child king to the ground like a heavy fist, and half of his body was frozen.

The cry of killing also sounded at this moment, and the heroes rushed forward to save Varian's life.

"The Anduin Lothar in your memory is dead, only the Lich King exists here. There is only one thing I regret, my sacrifices have not brought you any change, this is still full of The conflicted world of the living disgusts me."

But the Child King heard Lothar's response, and one of his hearts sank to the valley floor:

"Varian, poor Varian, your weakness is disappointing, your desire for peace has turned you from a lion to a sheep. I ask you, from my past pain, do you really have nothing Didn't you learn it?"

(end of this chapter)

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