Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1290 40. The Stinky Pirate Who Doesn't Even Pick Up The Corpse Is Becoming More And Mor

Chapter 1290 40. The stinky pirate who doesn't even pick up the corpse is becoming more and more like a gentleman

"What kind of battle did you go through to make this happen?"

Garona, who followed the Prophet in "Soldiers from Heaven", flashed to Bu Laike with a shadow step, and helped the crumbling pirate. She had never seen Bu Laike in such a mess.

Look at him, it's like fighting a pig in a mud pit and losing the fight.

But when she saw the horrific corpse of the Doomguard Commander behind Bu Laike, Garona had to marvel again.

She is a top assassin, so she knows exactly what it takes to kill such a tyrannical demigod.

Bu Laike only brought about twenty-five people, and overturned the Kazak car. Although at the end of the battle, only the stinky pirate was barely able to stand, and the others were already on the verge of death.

But it is indeed quite amazing to complete the liquidation and crusade against the doomsday overlord without anyone dying.

"Hey, you will make your little man jealous if you support me so intimately."

Bu Laike hugged Maiev who was unconscious, and said something to Garona in a serious manner. He handed the lady warden in his arms to the orc assassin, and motioned for her to take her to see a doctor.

Garona snorted and hammered Boo Laike on the shoulder, which nearly knocked the stinky pirate to the ground.

Of course, it is also possible that this unscrupulous guy is pretending.

"Hey, come and help me, why are you standing there?"

Bu Laike turned his head and shouted to Khadgar who flashed down. The old mage curled his lips, but he still stepped forward to support the weak pirate.

"You are amazing today, you are a great hero, how does it feel to be a hero?"

The mage asked in a low voice.

The pirate shrugged and said:

"My arm seems to be cramp, my left ankle may be broken, I'm bleeding about a third of it, my head is buzzing, maybe after a concussion, and I'm very thirsty and I want a drink .

This is what it's like to be a hero

Why didn't you come earlier?

With the aid of Velen, the best priest of the Holy Light among the stars, our battle will be easy, let me think from the worst angle.

Are you guys going to watch Boo Laike Shaw and Kazak die together, ready to take care of both troubles at once?

You guys are really evil. "

"It takes time for the Draenei spaceship to start."

Khadgar shook his head, supported Bo Laike and limped towards the teleportation point set by the Exodar spaceship on the edge of the platform, and patiently explained:

"Last night, the Prophet said that he saw the 'message' you left him during meditation, and he asked this spaceship that had been sealed to take off urgently, and only it has the ability to carry enough fighters to come here by way of space leap save you.

I can see clearly that the Draenei people even used a very dangerous starting method in order to hurry up, and the ship almost exploded when it was started.

From this point of view, you also owe me your life, and you are not allowed to make dirty jokes between me and Garona in the future. "

"Think beautifully."

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"There's only so much fun left in my life, and you can't take it away."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the Karabor dome platform behind him. The draenei garrison officers who came to support blocked the platform and the steps of the lower temple, where they fought the demons.

The heroes who fell on the battlefield were quickly sent back to the gem spaceship high in the sky by the draenei spellcaster.

The draenei's positioning for this operation is very clear, it is purely rescue, they did not intend to take the opportunity to occupy the Temple of Karabor.

First, there is a serious shortage of troops.

Secondly, this spaceship that came to support was not for combat. It didn't even have an anti-aircraft gun. Apart from being able to put pressure on the demons at the psychological level, it couldn't play any supporting role in the battle.

And although Bu Laike led a group of fierce men to assassinate Kazak and kill the second commander Kurul by the way, they did not destroy the demon command system of this temple, and the combat effectiveness of the demons here was not greatly affected. influences.

Therefore, although the defenders who resisted the demons were full of spirits and fighting spirits, they did not try to further expand the results of the battle.

Today's glorious victory created by outsiders is the beginning, but today is not the day when this sacred city will return to the hands of the draenei.

They have to be patient.

Fortunately, after the horrific era of massacres, the draenei have learned to be patient.

"Wow, our little Alsace prince is so fierce."

Braike was supported by Khadgar towards the teleportation point, and he couldn't help but look back as if he was watching the excitement, blowing for Arthas Menethil, who was following the draenei garrison officers who were frantically outputting demons. whistle.

The thirteen-year-old little prince holds the Lionheart Slayer sword. His figure is agile and deadly. He has completely inherited the majestic fighting posture of the Burning Blade Masters. The sharp hand and knife can always cut off his target.

The rise of the game will also call the mirror image, opening the crazy scene of Bladestorm X4.

However, he was able to fight so vigorously because he brought a "good healer". The young orc Thrall in black chain armor held the Hammer of Doom and kept calling for elements behind the battle line.

Sometimes it shoots out bursting lightning, sometimes it calls for flowing water to heal the wounded, and it shapes the power of the earth into shields and applies them to all who need them.

These two guys cooperated skillfully, and it was not the first time they had been on the battlefield together.

"Well, the two of them went together, it's really amazing."

The pirate whistled in appreciation, but couldn't help complaining:

"You drag me gently, I'm a wounded person! Do you understand, my ankle is almost broken, you damn guy, didn't I just chat with Garona?

Why are you so narrow-minded? "

"Go in, you! There's a lot of nonsense."

Khadgar was so annoyed that he simply pushed Laike into the teleportation point of the spaceship in front of him, watched him disappear into the streamer, and then clapped his hands, as if letting out a sigh of relief.

He took out his staff, shouted to the defenders who were constantly retreating from the demons, and began to prepare for a large-scale group teleportation.

A few seconds later, as Khadgar finished casting the spell, arcane brilliance wrapped around every Vindicator around him, allowing the demons to howl and pounce on them, and led everyone away from the battlefield in the brilliance of light.

This retreat was crisp and neat, and won the true teaching of the Dalaran Archmages.

He even had the leisure to bring Kazak's body behind him into the Exodar spaceship.

As an archmage who has experienced war, he knows very well that bringing back the corpse of the enemy leader can greatly inspire the fighting spirit in the hearts of the people.

For the Draenei people whose current situation is not good, they really need this thing to give themselves the confidence to fight against demons.

And after the last warrior was sent back to the gem spaceship, the draenei master technician who was driving the spaceship manipulated the spaceship upwards with superb skills, narrowly dodging the evil monsters on the walls around the Karabor Temple. A scorching barrage capable of anti-aircraft artillery.

After nearly thirty seconds of preparation, just like when they arrived, the space warp that activated the spaceship suddenly disappeared from the sky of Shadowmoon Valley, and a few seconds later, it appeared in the sky of Hellfire Peninsula on the other side of the fel polluted sea middle.


For those who have experienced space jumping in a spaceship for the first time, this experience, which is completely different from teleportation, is quite bad, even Bo Laike and his little murlocs can't bear it.

After the spaceship vibrated and stopped, it was teleported to the spaceship hall, and the breathless pirate sat on the passenger seat and made a retching movement.

The little murloc in his arms also covered his mouth, looking around for the trash can.

Well, the interior of this magic spaceship driven by naaru black technology is very neat and magnificent, so that a rude guy like the little murloc can't just spit on the ground.

That's embarrassing.

"You look distressed, Lord Laike, you need help."

A gentle voice said something in a very skilled human language, and then a blue-skinned hand shining with holy light was placed on the pirate's shoulder.

The warm holy light poured into the weakened and injured body of the pirate in this instant burst. On the character card in front of Braike, the blood bar that had been reduced to a precarious level was almost "full" at a speed visible to the naked eye. "Get up.

How long the blood bar of the smelly pirate is is a secret that only he knows.

But being able to quickly recover Braike's vitality with such a superb technique has proved that the priest who healed him is quite superb, and his healing power is not even weaker than the emerald queen full of astringency that the pirates have come into contact with, Yi the Awakened Your Majesty Sera.

And it's not just about treatment.

In the package of warm holy light, the negative states imposed by Kazak on the pirates, such as disabilities and curses, were also dispelled one by one, so that Laike's drowsy spirit quickly became sober.

"No matter where I go next time, I will take you with me, Lord Velen, please tell me how much it will cost to hire you as my personal physician?

Don't be shy, just say it.

As long as I can use money to solve this problem, I am willing to take out all my treasures and hire you to serve me for ten years. Seriously, with your healing blessings, I even dare to challenge the polluter now. "

Bo Laike stood up from his seat.

He is still a little weak. After all, the recovery of vitality does not mean the recovery of energy. He may need to rest for a few days before returning to his full state.

As the holy light on his body dissipated, he picked up his pipe and looked back at the draenei leader who was a quarter taller than him behind him. This was the first time he saw Velen in the material world.

But the image of this nearly immortal Draenei old man who had lived for more than 30,000 years was exactly the same as he remembered.

Whether it's the eternally white robes of priests and prophets on his body, or the religiously decorated ritual behind his shoulders, or the staff of the Redeemer made of the purest Draenei crystal in his hand, tied with red tassels.

Even the seal of the draenei leader shining on Velen's forehead, and that strange little rune of holy light, all seemed so real.

And the old man's eyes looked like two light bulbs from a distance like other draenei's, but when he looked closely, he could still see gentle and compassionate pupils.

His well-manicured long beard gave him a sense of sagacity, even counteracting the strange impression of the tentacles on the fellow's chin.

"Although we are meeting for the first time, you look at me like you are looking at an old friend."

The Prophet smiled gently, and was not offended by the pirate's joke.

He blinked and said to Bo Laike:

"I guess I'm a very important part of your prediction of future destiny?"


Bu Laike lit his pipe, exhaled the smoke ring, and said:

"In the future destiny, every fragment I have seen has you. If we are to fight the Burning Legion to the end, then your presence is indispensable.

But prophet-to-prophet conversation is a taboo, especially since I've messed up the future myself, and I don't think I should talk to you much about the future.

Let's focus on the present first.

I rescued that woman

She has a complicated relationship with me. I need her to wake up as soon as possible. I want to ask her some questions. After that, I will continue to talk with you about the things you are interested in, Your Excellency Velen. "

"Miss Maiev can't answer any of your questions right now."

The prophet shook his head, pointed to a closed room outside the hall, and said:

"I checked on her just now. She is in a very bad condition. In addition to the physical damage, her soul is also exhausted. She needs rest to recover her energy."

"She has pretended like this before, and she has a criminal record in this regard."

Bu Laike shook his head, and said in a stubborn tone:

"No one knows Maiev better than I do.

She's not a woman so fragile that she can't even overcome a small problem like a fatal injury. I'm going to see her to see if she's doing the same thing again.

Go to Hellfire Citadel, Seer.

We'll talk about the next step when we're in a safe place. "

After speaking, the pirate rubbed his head and walked towards the room where Maiev was. The prophet watched him leave, and then touched a dark purple irregular crystal on his wrist.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and the benevolent and gentle leader leaned on his Redeemer staff and went to another part of the hall to personally heal the wounds of the heroes who defeated Kazak.

The appearance of the orc Rexxar and several of his clansman made some draenei very angry, but Archbishop Neri stopped their discussion and hatred.

She explained Rexxar's origin, the Mo Kenasa clan did not participate in the massacre of the Draenei from beginning to end, and what Rexxar did today is a real hero.

Even the most stubborn Draenei couldn't deny this.

In the end, the orc Batman and his big bear Misha also received proper treatment, which marked an end to today's events.



The door of the Exodar spacecraft cabin opened to both sides in a very technological way, and Laike walked into the room in front of him, Maiev in front of him was being placed in a special instrument.

Her injury is rather tricky, and the situation must be stabilized before the next step of treatment can be carried out.

But now, Madam Warden is lying on the metal platform like a sleeping beauty, and the Draenei priestess has washed her body and hair by the way.

Bu Laike stood by the bed, he frowned and looked at the unconscious Maiev, he said:

"It was the same with you last time, and now I'm not sure if you're really too weak to answer me, or if you're avoiding the questions I want to ask.

So I'm going to test it out in my own way."

The pirate pulled away the blanket covering Maiev and stretched out his hand. After several minutes of activity, he looked at the unresponsive Maiev Shadowsong, rubbed his forehead and said:

"Well, it's probably not a fake this time."

"Hey, is that all?"

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear dissatisfied:

"Is she determined so hastily? Don't do anything more? You worked so hard to save her from a desperate situation.

This kind of favor, even if you promise it with your body, it's no big deal, right?

Anyway, it's not the first time.

Come on.

I will guard you.

I know you've been thinking about that night, and now she's letting you have her way, it's exciting. "

"What kind of image do I have in your heart?"

Braike complained, he shook his head, left his Salamani next to Maiev, then turned around and walked out of the treatment cabin, only to see Arthas Menethil with his arms folded in front of him Block him in front of your eyes.

"Hey, smelly pirate, come with me, I have something to tell you!"

The thirteen-year-old prince said something to the pirate in a very rude and angry voice, and he waved his fist maliciously. Bu Laike curled his lips and followed without fear.

Coincidentally, he also had some matters to discuss with Alsace, who had begun to show his majesty.

(end of this chapter)

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