Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1195 291. Come On, Little Girl, Play With The Boring Big Sister

Chapter 1195 291. Come on, little girl, play with the boring big sister

"Oh, I finally finished the work. Look at the unscrupulous boss Zhu Taran arranging this work for me. He didn't give me any benefits at all!"

Three days later, on Qingri Peak, Bu Laike, who had finished carving the last sin tablet, stretched his waist, and handed the sin tablet in his hands to the pandaren girl who bowed her head in front of her.

Asked again:

"So, Miss Tao Shi, what's your thinking? I think my excellent disciple Valeera has shown you the uncrowned code of conduct and our program these days. Do you want to join us?"

The silent Tao Shi did not answer.

She just took the stele and carried it behind her in chains, but was stopped by Laike.

Pirate said:

"This method of reciting will affect your dexterity. For an assassin who relies on dexterity to make a living, any increase in weight will be fatal. Once a sin tablet is engraved, it means that your sins will materialize.

It does not decrease in effectiveness due to the extended distance.

So the correct way to use it is to hide it in a place that only you know, as long as the sin tablet is not damaged, your mind can be permanently protected. "

Tao Shi nodded, and threw the monument back into his luggage like a dumb man.

She raised her head to glance at the stinky pirate, then quickly lowered her head, looking shy, but in fact it was just because Tao Shi was not good at talking since she was a child.

She is a person who doesn't like to communicate with people too much, and she suspects that she has social phobia.

"I'm going to think about it again."

Tao Shi, who is favored by Bu Laike, said in a low voice:

"Valeera is an excellent assassin and friend, she admires you very much, and also described to me a lot about the careers you and the Uncrowned have done in the outside world.

I admit that I am a little moved by your invitation, but I have to think about it for a while, and I must get the permission of Zhu Taran's head.

I am a disciple of the Shado-Pan before I can be anything else. "

"Understanding, people with a bottom line are always respected."

Bu Laike nodded and said softly:

"Then after the mantid's decisive battle, I welcome you to visit our headquarters in various places. I believe you will give me a satisfactory answer before I return from my next journey.

in addition

In the duel between Valeera and you, in the end my disciple was superior, so I gave her my Defiler Fragment as a reward, but your performance made Valeera appreciate it very much.

Although it ended up being second.

But there are prizes for second place, too. "

The pirate fumbled in the bag, took out a handful of bits and pieces, put them on the table, and pushed them to Tao Shi.

A handful of black, the tip of a long tail from some kind of bee-like creature, a section of antlers breathing life, and a stone that shone with a metallic luster.

He pointed to the thing in front of him, and said to the surprised Tao Shi:

"I planned to combine them together to forge a dagger weapon for myself that matches the shards of the polluter, but now that the shards of the polluter have been sent out, it doesn't make sense to keep this thing.

You take it away.

Get your pandaren artisans to deal with it, I see you seem to like the stabbing type of weapon. "

"These materials are too precious, I can't have them."

Tao Shi got up in a panic, and waved his hands to refuse, as if he had a social phobia attack.

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"I'm a generous person, I'm not in the habit of taking back what I give away, you've come to know us and you'll eventually join us and become one of the best of us.

Take it as a reward I gave you in advance.

You can also think of it as a spur. "

The pirate snorted, stood up and stretched comfortably.

He flexed his wrists and hummed a song, and walked to the door. Over there, the Monkey King was shouting and leading a group of monkey grandchildren to fight monkey boxing. The idiot Little Xingxing was lying on the side to watch the fun, and kept taking pictures with a dwarf camera. .

Sunshine Peak is sunny today, combined with the distant snow scene and the looming Shado-Pan Temple, there is a feeling of calmness, as if everything is beautiful.

But Laike knew that in half an hour, a terrible battle would break out in the Dread Wastes.

According to the news from Windrunner's mother, the tunnel worms have completed the tunnel excavation from Shanze Island to the Dread Wastes, and the armored worm vanguard is rushing to the raid site.

And the flying insect swarm had already left Shanze Island, exposing their existence to the mantid.

There is no doubt that a swarm-to-swarm collision is about to begin.

They will be the main force in the war, but it doesn't mean that other races will be spectators. The monk army that the Pandaren have assembled will also attack the mantid's territory as the swarm crosses the Serpent's Spine for the first time.

And the ten ships of the Kul Tiras Second Fleet headed by the Naglfar are now heading towards the coast of the Dread Wastes at the fastest speed.

The centaur cannon fodder has been fully unleashed on the battlefield, the orc slasher kings are on the hunt, and the tauren await the onslaught of the mantid beneath the pandaren's Great Wall.

On the mantid side, the Grand Queen's legion is on the verge of the border between the Dread Wastes and the Mantid Plateau, and it looks like it will end all wars today.

The power of the stubborn elders of the Klaxxi Council began to storm the Pass of the Setting Sun leading to the Valley of Eternal Blossoms last night. Those mantid heroes from all ages sacrificed their lives on the battlefield in the name of the "Master" they believed in. die.

Even the fallen sea sages sent the last group of bloodsail pirates cannon fodder to the battlefield.

Everyone is ready.

Everyone has set their goals.

No one will choose to back down at this time.

"Hey, let me tell you, have you had enough sleep?"

The pirate watched the Monkey King's monkey boxing on Qingri Peak, and said to the dark essence Xalatas who had been sleeping for a long time in his heart:

"I ate so much before, let's get up and move around now."


Xalatas asked with a feeling of getting up, very dissatisfied:

"You have arranged everything. There are also four gods sitting on the panda people's side, and they can't get involved at all. What do you want me to do?"

"Isn't this that you also 'inherited' part of the control of the swarm's will from C'Thun?"

Bu Laike says:

"Go to the battlefield and help me take a look.

The swarm princess of Windrunner's mentor is not as powerful as Princess Haholan. It has not been loved by C'Thun since childhood, and it has never commanded such a large-scale swarm battle.

I fear it will be overwhelmed by the swarm mind of the grand mantid empress, causing chaos in the qiraji swarm. "

"Tch, I'm worried about your Windrunner mother, just tell me, there's so much more to say."

Xalatas said disdainfully:

"You're just worried that Princess Yarki will have an irreversible impact on General Liresa's mind with the link of the swarm's will after she was reversely suppressed by the Great Queen Shake Hill.

You really care about those around you, my lord pirate.

Especially women. "

"Tsk tsk, will you die if you don't say the last sentence?"

Bu Laike stretched his face and said:

"It's a matter of guesswork. If you insist on spreading it again, you will be responsible for any deviations in the future! Besides, this is not an unfounded worry.

If the mantid foolishly accepted the released Sha of Fear's power, then as the leader, the Grand Empress Shek'sir's strength would probably swell to the level of a demigod, and her elite soldiers and generals would be even more difficult to deal with.

The Swarm is destined to triumph at great sacrifice.

Fortunately, this is the Qiraji's style of warfare, and the qiraji won't complain.

Then I went there with the Monkey King and the idiot Little Xingxing. If there is a problem with the swarm, you should stabilize the situation first. With the participation of the four gods, the worst outcome will not be defeated. "

"Just go, I'm afraid you won't make it?"

Xalatas snorted, and walked into the distance with a gesture of shifting her will. She said angrily:

"Telling I'm your dark little girlfriend, and asking your own girlfriend to help another woman, you're so disgusting, Bo Laike!

I will drive the swarm to hunt down the carrier of the Sha of Fear for me, and I will get my own 'meal'.

You pathetic man, I don't need you this time. "

"That's great. Women have to learn to be independent. There is no good end to relying on stinky men all the time. Come on, Miss Xalatas, an independent woman."

Boo Laike whistled, cheering the Dark Essence on.

On the other side, in the wasteland of fear, it is not known whether Braike's crow's mouth is too effective, or the first batch of swarms are too unlucky. Found by the Will of the Swarm around the Heart Palace.

Of course, a raid of this magnitude was impossible without detection.

The real problem is that the detection range of the mantid empress, the carrier of the mind of the swarm, is a bit too large.

This is already more than twice the influence range of the twin emperors of the Qiraji Empire as the carrier of the will of the swarm! Almost alone, it covered most of the fearful wasteland.

This made General Liresa, who personally led the team, feel terrified.

She realized that their estimation of the fighting power of the Grand Empress herself had been biased.

But maybe it's not that there is a problem with the information provided by the pandaren, it's very likely that the Great Empress' personal strength has been greatly improved in a short period of time.

For example, the remnants of the evil spirit released by the cultists in Niuzao Temple.

"Ready to fight!"

Although Windrunner's mother was frightened, she was not flustered.

The mantid guards who guard the Great Queen have been dispatched to the front line. Although the mantid residing in the Palace of Heart of Fear are elite, their number is absolutely impossible to match the well-fed group she commanded. Opponent of the Qiraji.

Just need to withstand the impact of the mantid's swarm will on the qiraji, the result of this raid is still sure!

On a large-scale battlefield where swarms confronted swarms, the influencing factors of individual strength had been washed away to a very low level by the terrifying numbers.

No matter how powerful the Great Empress was, she couldn't wipe out the Qiraji swarm by herself.

Under the order of Windrunner's mother, the several swarm hunters who came with her immediately took their own lord worms, surrounded by the battle worms rushing out of the tunnel, and separated, and launched an attack towards the mantid palace ahead. raid.

Because the mantid can generally fly, Rexxar and Emeril Shadowguard, the commanders who deal with air combat this time, are under a lot of pressure.

They must command the qiraji to withstand the mantid's air attacks and create opportunities for the ground swarms to invade the palace.

The Great Empress also reacted very quickly after discovering the Qiraji, but within three minutes, densely packed mantid elites rose into the air to fight.

The first round of air-collision strangulation began with the buzzing of the qiraji and the yelling of the mantid.

A mid-air collision wiped out at least a thousand Qiraji predators in less than ten seconds, and their sacrifice brought about the fall of two hundred mantid guards.

The battle loss was five to one.


As long as you keep going, the palace in front of you won't even be able to survive for an hour.

But after realizing the Qiraji's damn plan to overwhelm everything with numbers, the Great Empress immediately used her trump card.

In the invisible collision of wills, the will of the mantid swarm slammed into the mind of the leader of the qiraji swarm with extreme precision.

Princess Yarki, who was carrying Windrunner's mother on her back, let out a painful cry.

The compound eyes under her beautiful light blue carapace were instantly squeezed by huge pressure, and the vicious consciousness attack of the Great Queen Shake Hill was like a sharp knife piercing into the mind of this not very powerful princess of the swarm. middle.

As the Grand Empress, she is well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the swarm. As long as the leader worm is killed, the now imposing Qiraji swarm will immediately fall into a chaotic situation of fighting among themselves.

And the leader worm in front of him is too immature!

It is not worthy to command such a powerful swarm!

Perhaps after killing it, he could try to control these ancient bloodlines with the will of the mantid swarm.

Isn't the numerical advantage they are proud of the most needed for the already elite mantid?

The moment her pet was attacked, General Liresa joined the fight against the will of the swarm with the hunter's soul link. She was encouraging her beasts and helping her mobilize the swarm will of the Qiraji to fight back .

But it is a pity that Princess Yarki, who has not been paid attention to by C'Thun since she was born, is really not as powerful as her older sister, Princess Hahoran. Shek Hill.

The wills of Windrunner's mother and her pet are united, and they are also played and applauded by the other party's strengthened will with the Sha of Fear. In this confrontation between consciousness and consciousness, each of them retreats steadily.

Princess Yarki has been oppressed by the will of the opponent's swarm, lying on the spot unable to move, and can only let her guards frantically fight around to prevent the mantid from approaching.

Driven by the vicious Grand Empress, a group of elite mantid are speeding across the battlefield, preparing to decapitate their leader.

The victory came so easily, which made Shake Hill a little bit elated.

The great empress let out a sharp laugh as she stood in her darkened palace, and she seemed to have thought of the beautiful scene where she commanded an army to occupy the entire Pandaria.

Well, if there is anything bad about being the host of the remnants of the Sha Demon, it is here. After accepting the power of the Sha of Fear, the paranoia she already had seems to be a bit more serious now.

But that's okay.

Fantasizing about a perfect future is exactly the necessary means for every good monarch to please himself.

What's more, isn't his own victory just around the corner?

The pitiful leader worm on the opposite side holds such a powerful swarm, but is willing to give a low life a pet.


It's an embarrassment to the Zerg.

I want to torture it myself, as a punishment for this shameful guy before he dies.

The Great Empress thought so, and she did the same. She increased the power of the swarm's will collision, and wanted to instantly defeat the two entangled consciousnesses on the opposite side at once.

However, at this moment, a very sweet and vicious voice suddenly appeared on the battlefield where the swarm's wills were contesting.

"Yo, the great queen who bent down to be a dog like Sha of Fear actually has the courage to laugh at my little master's mentor, it seems that you are really young.

I don't understand how terrible the result of angering that man is.

Besides, what's the point of bullying kids all the time? My great empress Shake Hill, come, play with Big Sister, I'm going to be really bored to death.

and also

The Sha of Fear in you, of course, also includes your arrogant and playful soul, tsk tsk, it's really delicious.

I am drooling.

Little Sister Shaksil, get ready.

Big sister is coming in~"

(end of this chapter)

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