Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1077 173. Guests Of Uldum

Chapter 1077 173. Guests of Uldum


Early in the morning, the door of the room occupied by Bu Laike in Cenarion Stronghold was kicked open violently. The kicker was powerful and angry, and he was merciless.

The poor door instantly shattered into pieces, accompanied by a deep roar.

"Smelly pirate! We trust you so much! Die!"

The words were shouted by Boo Rocks Saurfang.

But he wasn't the only one here.

His younger brother, Vallog Saurfang, and the old cow Kane, who has a good relationship with the stinky pirates recently, also came to the place where Bu Laike was staying angrily.

Seeing their eyes spitting fire and their furious appearance with weapons in hand, you can tell that they are definitely not here to say hello or say goodbye.

But unfortunately, when the murderous three rushed into the room, they did not see any trace of the smelly pirates. The whole house was tidied up and cleaned, and everything belonging to Laike was taken away.

Only in the center of the table dotted with insectoid carapaces was a letter.

There is also a clear inscription on it, and the person named said that the letter was left to three "strong, calm and wise" friends of his own.

Apparently, Bo Laike, who sensed that something was wrong, ran away ahead of time.

That's really his style.

"tear up"

The letter was torn open by Boo Rocks, who was so angry that it was beyond words. There was not much content inside.

The stinky pirate first expressed his congratulations to the three warriors very restrainedly, saying that they are powerful men who can be favored by Odin's shield girl, which is the "glory" that all men in Azeroth can't hope for.

He also highly praised the prestige that the three of them have earned for all men.

Afterwards, the conversation changed, saying that he suddenly encountered an urgent matter and had to leave immediately. He couldn't express his admiration in person, but he also agreed on a place to meet again.

He said that after he finished his work, he would rush to Desolace to join them as soon as possible.

From the Great Desert of Silithus to Desolace, you only need to go north through the wild forest of Feralas controlled by the Kaldorei. Considering that the three of them are now heroes who helped the night elves defeat the Insect Empire, they have to go through Feralas forest is not difficult.

The elves will definitely give them the green light all the way, and there will be no need for the sea transportation of the Naglfar.

But the ghost ship will also go to Desolace with them, so if they don't want to go overland, they can also return to the ghost ship docked on the coast of Silithus.

But you have to pay extra for the ticket.

"He ran! He even jettisoned his ghost ship and disappeared like a coward."

The old orc who read this evasive letter was furious, but he had no other choice but to look back at his younger brother and the innocent and angry old cow.

The three soldiers still had some "battle traces" from last night.

The summary of their mood at this time is that they regret, quite regret, they really shouldn't have drunk those drinks last night. However, those shield girls didn't care about what happened last night at all.

It was just a ritual to them, part of the tradition.

Woke up this morning, and the shield girl from last night greeted the three warriors cheerfully, inviting them to learn martial arts together, with that familiar gesture as if nothing happened last night.

People have expressed their attitude with practical actions:

I don't care about my old lady, so you men just calm down, what should we do in the future.

But the more casual it is, the more uncomfortable the three fighters will be.

They finally felt the pain of being "whored for nothing", like a secret shame imposed on their hearts but difficult to tell others.

"Yo, good morning, you three."

Just when the three soldiers were talking to each other, Fenna's yawning voice sounded at the door. The stupid soldier's hair was messed up, and it looked like he had just woken up after drinking all night.

She leaned against the broken door of Bo Laike, looked at the three angry warriors before her, and said:

"My stinky brother left me a letter, saying that he was busy with important affairs elsewhere, and asked me to take you to Desolace to beat the centaur first, and said that the first batch of materials from the Steamwheedle Consortium had passed through Un'Goro Crater , is about to arrive at the Twin Towers and wait for the tauren to receive it.

We need to hurry, or the shameful goblins will take the opportunity to charge late fees.

Hey, why do the three of you look so pale?

Did you not sleep well last night? "

"Set off!"

Bu Rocks said something to the two behind him with a gloomy face.

The three warriors exchanged glances. Since Bo Laike said that he will go to Desolace later, then the anger must be reserved until he goes there.

This is too bad.

Don't break a leg of Boo Laike, it's not over!

So where is the stinky pirate who fled in fear of the wrath of the three warriors?

He's still in Silithus.

Trekking in the morning light of the great desert, all the way to the mountains southeast of Silithus, he was alone, and even the dear first mate was sent away by him.

Clearly, what Laike is going to do next will have to be done alone.

"Don't you feel that there is something under this desert?"

In the increasingly hot desert, Bu Laike was riding on a camel with Xal'atath chattering in his ears, and the void essence said to Bu Laike in a tone of sharing secrets:

"The most valuable things in this great desert are far from the bugmen of the Qiraji Empire, or the Kaldorei in Cenarion Fortress, and the cultists hiding outside the dunes.

There are extreme mysteries hidden under this land.

That is a mystery that only creatures who have experienced the age of the Dark Empire know. I want to share it with you, my little master. "

"I think I already know."

Bu Laike said in a breathless tone:

"The Titan chamber that can connect to the soul of the world is just under the sand dunes about an hour away from me, not far from Cenarion Stronghold.

In fact, the city of the elf empire that was the main body of the fortress was on top of it.

Eresalas, Sandara, Vashj'ir, every city built in the Azshara era was not built casually, and they all had their own missions and functions.

I very much doubt that Azshara may have known about the Chamber of Heart.

Have even explored there.

But she couldn't get in touch with the soul of the world.

What Azshara can't do, I think I can't do it too. The main thing is that there is one thing missing, and now, that thing is still hard to find.

Another piece of evidence is C'Thun.

Its cage is so close to the Chamber of Secrets, but during the War of Quicksand, the Thousand-Eyed Demon did not choose to invade there, which shows that C'Thun also knows that the Chamber of Secrets cannot be opened now.

Why should I go to waste? "

"As expected of the little master."

Xalatas said sincerely and emotionally:

"This world really doesn't have any secrets in front of your eyes, but the sleeping world souls have been infested by the void for such a long time, and they want to fill that world heart.

Perhaps, you should persuade the warriors to deal with the remaining Old Gods more quickly. "

"What the hell are you planning?"

Bu Laike asked back:

"Didn't you already declare that you have escaped from the void, and you will only exist for me in the future?"

"That's what it says."

Xal'atath snorted and said:

"But seeing me suffer, Yogg Saron and N'Zoth are still at ease, and my heart is always a little unbalanced. The news of C'Thun's death will soon spread throughout the world, which means that the forces of the void Big failure.

But it is not completely bad news for the remaining two ancient gods, it means that they have one less competitor, and the gap left by C'Thun will soon be filled by them.

Their activity will become more frequent. "

"Isn't this better?"

Bu Laike, who was riding on a camel, stretched greatly, pulled down the expedition cap on his head, and said:

"The demons are coming soon, and this world is about to become lively. Evil energy wants to destroy this world, and the void wants to occupy it. They all have enough reasons to fight for their ideals.

The only problem is, there's only one Azeroth, and there can only be one victor.


The existence of the Old Gods is actually not a bad thing. Their mission is in conflict with the Burning Legion, and the king of the Burning Legion hates the void extremely.

A civil war between evil and evil is about to begin, and simple good people like me will profit from it.

Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth will be my 'temporary bad friends', and they will also be the forward generals of the Legionfall.

It wasn't something I planned ahead of time, but it's always so heartwarming how things go. "

"It's not that easy."

Xalatas retorted:

"The ancient gods will only regard you as cannon fodder to stop the demons. After the civilization on the surface and the demons have lost both sides, they will personally fight against the evil energy.

In that direction, no matter who wins, it has nothing to do with you. "

"What a coincidence, I thought so too."

Bu Laike swayed as the camel moved forward. He put his hat on his face and leaned back, as if taking a nap. He said in a long voice:

"Then it's time to see who's skill is higher, and it's time for a fun battle of wits. I'll sleep for a while, and Odin's servants will wake me up when they arrive.

You have to be careful not to get too active in the furnace of origin.

In that sanctuary of the titans, the guardians have too many ways to pull you out of me and crush you to death. "


Xalatas replied with a melancholy tone:

"I will be the first void spirit in the history of Azeroth to set foot in the sanctuary of Titan. Unfortunately, I will not go as a conqueror or a destroyer.

Just a lowly minion and plaything of a smelly pirate.

It was like my dreams and nightmares coming true at the same time, exciting and disappointing at the same time. "

"Don't demean yourself so much, my Xal'atath."

Closing his eyes, Bu Laike said comfortingly:

"You are not my plaything. We are collaborators who help each other. I will not object to you calling yourself my evil little girlfriend. After all, we are really close."

"Hmph, this really makes me feel 'honored'."

The Void Essence complained, then disappeared into Braike's thoughts and sulked alone.

The pirate also seemed to be enjoying a rare leisure, so he just lay down between the camel's humps and fell asleep, letting the camel he brought from the Cenarion Fortress carry him wandering in the desert.

Among the rolling yellow sand, a group of down-and-out Twilight's Hammer cultists found him.

They planned to do some very bad things to this sad traveler who traveled alone across the desert in a time of chaos and chaos, but before they could discuss a countermeasure, they were pierced through the heart by swishing black and white swords.

There were a few more skeletons on the sand dunes.

Well, it is really reassuring to have this kind of automatic combat smart sword girl who can automatically cruise, search for enemies, strike and destroy in one.

So wandering around until noon.

At the hottest time of the day, Bo Laike finally got his long overdue guy.

A Valkyrie fell from the sky with flapping wings and landed in front of Bu Laike's desert camel. The poor camel panicked and kicked, throwing the sleepy stinky pirate from the saddle, leaving him Dive headlong into the hot quicksand.

The disheveled Bo Laike stood up shaking his head, glanced at the fleeing camel, and then at the Valkyrie in front of him.

He complained:

"Can't you be gentle when you come down? Look at you scared my camel away. It's my favorite camel. I bought it from evil goblins for a few thousand gold coins.

You will pay me! "

The Valkyrie remained silent.

She had already been told by her boss before she came that this pirate is very evil, every word he says is a terrible thing with venom, so don't have any verbal communication with him.

"Why didn't Eddie Hill come?"

The stinky pirate picked up his exploration hat from the sand and blew it, and said to the strange Valkyrie in front of him:

"Considering that you are going to drive me across the vast desert to the furnace of origin, this is a long journey, won't this young lady introduce herself?"

"I'm dumb."

The Valkyrie said something in a low voice, but Laike just rolled his eyes.

He stood up, summoned back the Salameni sisters who were wandering around the desert hunting for enemies, and made a gesture of "You can hug me now" to the Valkyrie in front of him.


"It must be that other people have said a lot of bad things about me to you, which makes you so wary of me, which really makes me sad, I am your commander after all.

You should give me more trust.

come on.

Let's go. "

The Valkyrie lifted Bo Laike from her chest under her arms, flapping her golden wings into the air, and flew towards the mountains northwest of Silithus in a stream of light.

It is shrouded in constant storms all year round, and no creature can pass through it.

But when the Valkyrie approached, those storms disappeared strangely, as if they had actively opened a path for her.

Soon, Laike crossed the "storm corridor" that hindered mortals, and a desert landscape that was very different from Silithus and Tanaris came into view.

From a high altitude, you can vaguely see some strange cities dotted in the desert. In the center of the desert extending south to the coast, there are also large desert oases and a giant dam.

This means that this mysterious desert of Uldum does not lack water sources, and there are many settlements on both sides of the river that runs through the upstream and downstream of the dam.

At the beginning and end of the river also stood two great cities, each no smaller than Stormwind.

There are residents here.

They are isolated from the world,

But there is no doubt that they also have their own peculiar civilization.

"Do these tol'vir also regard Odin as a god?"

Bu Laike said to the Valkyrie who was flying with him:

"They are the most orthodox 'sons of the gods'."

"Do not."

This question made Valkyrie seem very troubled, she took the initiative to say:

"The loyal tol'vir refuse to be associated with the Hall of Valor, they recognize the identity of the Lord of War, but they are unwilling to become our followers.

They insisted on their noble beliefs and refused to bow their heads. "

"People are right."

Bu Laike looked at the majestic buildings on the ground and said:

"People have been servants of the great guardian Lai for generations, and this place is not a holy place managed by Odin. On this land, you and I are just 'guests'.

In fact, they are willing to open up the Holy Land to us, which is already a great deal of face.

The secret of Uldum has not yet reached the moment when it can be revealed to the world. Let's leave here in a low-key way after 'charging up'. After all, even Odin has to abide by the etiquette of being a guest. "

(end of this chapter)

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