Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1031 127. Stretch Out Both Heads To Show You A Big Baby

Chapter 1031 127. Stretch out both heads to show you a big baby

Koogall and Boo Laike have an old grudge.

On the night of the Broken Isles, in the first battle between Cho'gall and Garona, he was attacked by Bu Laike, who of course fought all by "cheating", and killed one of his heads.

If he hadn't been prepared, Koogall might have died that night before his success.

The vengeful ogre has always remembered it.

Today is finally the day to settle the hatred.

It's not that he doesn't know the series of big things that Bu Laike has done in the outside world, and it's not that he doesn't know the current strength of the pirates, he just doesn't care.

The vast desert under my feet is the territory of the fallen gods. I stand in the "God Kingdom" of the dark gods I am loyal to, and I can't lose!

Coincidentally, Boo Laike had the same idea.


At the start of the battle, Cho'gall unleashes a corrupted law of purple beams to destroy Laike's mind and bury him along with his body.

But this straight-forward attack can hit the stinky pirate who is as nimble as a ghost.

The empty beam hit the sand dune, making a crescent-shaped depression in the tumbling sand.

The eruption of the scattered void at the landing point engulfed all the bugs around it that couldn't dodge.

The blazing void fire seemed to be fueled, and began to spread and burn on the sand, quickly forming a wall of fire and encircling Bu Laike under Cho'gall's call.

Wherever the flames went, the concentration of the void rose rapidly, burning the sand and soil into a glass-like gray high-temperature solid, and any life that existed in this corrupted place would suffer mental attacks.

But this thing is meaningless to Bu Laike, who is also a void user.

The pirate's mind would not be affected by the void that Cho'gall spread. He not only caught Cho'gall's attack, but also punched him backhanded a few times. Shadow Fury slammed forward, failing to destroy Cho'gall's magic shield, but the covering of Night's Chill silenced the ogre.

Cho'gall, who couldn't cast spells, didn't panic.

He activated his natural brute strength as an ogre, and threw a power-stimulating bloodlust on himself.

Swinging the dark purple Twilight's Hammer in his hand, he slammed the tentacles of the void that shot out beside him, and smashed the stabbing black sword Eremeni away with a roaring blow.

At the same time, he raised his right hand and threw a ball of void impact, repelling the white sword Sharator who was attacking from behind.

This ogre is tyrannical and tyrannical, tall and twisted but not bloated. Seeing his fighting posture with weapons and magic with both hands, he can be called a model of "both magic and martial arts".

The black sword of Zhong Er was thrown out, and Eremeni the Predator was beaten very painfully. He turned around in the air and then screamed and stabbed the ogre. Her sister cooperated with her to attack from the flank.

The pirates in front of him were entangled by the faceless men summoned by Cho'gall, and Kagad, farther away, was surrounded by insects and elements, and fell into a bitter battle.

The situation of the battle is of great benefit to him!

I have the advantage!

Gugall laughed, crossing his hands across the cross.

The void light curtain that was like nightfall closed his whole body, and the black and white swords splashed light spots on the light wall, but they couldn't penetrate them.

The activated sharp blades have only just been born. They haven't captured much heart energy, and their power is not displayed. Without the master's manipulation, they are not enough to pose a fatal threat to a guy like Cho'gall.

"Get on your knees! (I order you!)"

Cho'gall survived the spell blockade of Shadowchill, his two heads screamed wildly, and he raised his hands and slammed down on Bu Laike, who was casting spells in front of him.

The flames and shadows intertwined and turned into heavy hammers, hitting the pirate's head.

Looking at the power, it feels like destroying the world, but the special effects are cool, but they are offset by the shield of Savarik's masterpiece.

The aftermath of its attack bounced like water waves, and a full-strength blow failed to break the pirate's magic shield, and it didn't even affect Bo Laike's ferocious movement of smashing the faceless man's head with the wolf's blade.

This made the ogre's three eyes round, and the Fallen Law's attack not only failed, but also activated the stinky pirate's various counterattack forces.

A mass of invisible divine power was squeezed into the Stone of Destiny and smashed on Gugall's forehead with a bang.

Ignoring the void defense made him dizzy. At the moment when ordinary people are knocked out, the stinky pirates can seize the opportunity to end the battle. The problem is that Cho'gall has two heads.

Knocked out one, and another.

Seeing the pirate jumping over like a ghost, holding the black sword hanging in the air, about to make a fatal piercing, the one-eyed head immediately let out a strange cry, wrapped Cho'gall's body in the shadow flames and disappeared on the spot, and reappeared a dozen yards away. Appear.

"What evil magic is this! (Be careful, idiot, it's a counterattack that ignores defense!)"

The two heads of the ogre roared at the same time, and in the next moment they quarreled with each other:

"Damn Goo, who are you calling an idiot? (It's you! Gal, you're a pathetic bastard, it was all up to me to save you just now.)"

"You're blind, I was hit on purpose to lure him over so I could kill him with a hammer! (Don't pretend, you're just too stupid to get hit, our wills are connected, and your thoughts can't be hidden from me. )”

Seeing the two heads getting louder and fiercer, with the Twilight's Hammer in his left hand and a ball of Netherfire in his right hand, as if he wanted to fight himself, Bu Laike, who was holding the Black Sword of the Predator, suddenly twitched his eyes

Leaning on his sword, he said to the "happy" ogre in front of him who was arguing with himself:

"Hey, you two! It's a war, can you be more serious? Shall I give you some time to fight and decide the outcome, and then we can continue?"

"Shut up! (Quiet!)"

Bu Laike's interjection made Cho'gall's two heads reconcile in an instant, and they agreed to speak out.

They roared and swung their warhammers, threw the void fire, and began to use the magic of distorting the void, ignoring the enemy's stagnation field in a huge range, making everyone in the area feel as if they were mired in a quagmire, making it difficult to move.

The savage and cunning two-headed ogre is unaffected.

Roaring, he jumped to Bo Laike, swung the Twilight's Hammer in his hand, and smashed it violently. At the same time, the fallen eyes on his chest shot out impact rays in all directions.

They were sure that this full force blow would seriously injure Bo Laike, who hopped around like a flea.

But they obviously underestimated the current fighting power of the stinky pirate. He is no longer the rookie who needs multiple skill enhancements to hurt Cho'gall.

The moment the ogre rushed over, the figure of the pirate receded and disappeared in the wind and sand, and a strange black moon appeared in the gap between the flying and piercing impacting light.

Before Cho'gall could react, the black moonlight turned into a chain of divine power in the dark purple twisted void magic, locking Cho'gall's hands, waist and neck tightly, and connecting him to the tumbling magical ground. Into the confinement.

"Damn! It's the watcher! Why is there a man watcher? (It's the black moon binding! Ah, I've seen those stick elves use this power to kill the enemy, we're done!)"

Cho'gall, who was locked by the watchman's secret technique, immediately panicked.

He was struggling constantly, and his two heads were yelling.

They have obviously seen this watchman's signature skill that integrates control, imprisonment, and killing, but it's useless to react. The Black Moon Chain has been formed, which represents the completion of the Black Moon's binding and killing move.

Then there's the deadly Pounce, a one-shot finisher, and the Pirates don't disappoint.

The black blade emerged, erasing all the colors in front of the ogre's eyes. In the streamer of the black moon blooming, the predator black sword finally avenged the depression just now. The head rolled and flew out amidst the blood splattering.

"No! Gu hurts so much! Master, help us!"

The ogre's cry of pain sounded immediately, and the severe pain of one of the two heads being chopped off activated the bloodthirsty technique again.

The Twilight's Hammer, full of depraved aura, swung it, breaking the chains of the black moon with the blow of the divine hammer, and knocked out the pirate who was close again with a shot of a dread ball.

Choogall went completely berserk.

The loss of a head allowed his remaining will to take full control of his body, and no one quarreled with him, fought for control of his body, and no one interfered with him anymore.

The enraged Gall ignored the bloody broken neck next to his head, he spotted Boo Laike and slashed wildly.

The aid that was called to C'Thun before also "arrived" here, and the dark aura surging from under the great desert kept pouring into Cho'gall's body.

Not only did the wound on his severed head heal quickly, it even gave him a rapidly expanding sarcoid in the nauseating liquid convulsions.

The head that had just been severed grew back only a few seconds later.

But this is not a good thing.

Because C'Thun's assistance is not free.

"No! It's enough, it's enough, don't want it! (It wants to use us as the vehicle for it to come to the material world, and the thousand-eyed demon has abandoned us! I said I should go to Northrend!)"

The two heads of the ogre had been working together for five minutes before they started arguing with each other again.

And this time their lives were at stake, C'Thun gave too much dark power, and the almost out-of-control void power exploded around them.

In the destruction regardless of friend or foe, the ogre, who had a premonition of bad pain and was about to lose his mind, was led into the swarm position by the pirates, blowing up the place to pieces.

"It said, it promised, as long as it can kill you! (Yes, if you kill you, we can get more gifts, more power, and become the real spokesperson!)"

Cho'gall's eyes were bloodshot, and he was like a mad tiger.

The white sword Sharator kept piercing Cho'gall's body, but the furious ogre seemed to feel no pain at all, allowing the special effect of the tearer to activate, cutting off his fingers and not giving up chasing the pirates.

The void power in his body is getting out of control, and the flesh and blood are tumbling strangely, forming disgusting and weird sarcoid pustules, and the terrifying and corrosive liquid is continuously pouring down, forming void ooze monsters one after another in the sand.

Cho'gall could no longer control the power of the void, and he would soon develop a twisted aberration of flesh.

The gift of the Old God is not so easy to get, the "truth" imposed on him by the Fallen Void will really appear after his mind is broken.

And from the crazy words he yelled, it can be guessed that the unscrupulous boss Ke'suen set a KPI for the pathetic power chaser Cho'gall.

Either kill Bu Laike.

Or the fallen gods will seize their bodies as temporary vehicles for their own descent here.

"Pathetic bastard."

Bu Laike deftly flipped a few times on the spot, stretched the distance and pointed forward, and the black and white swords flew out whistling, attacking back and forth to restrain Cho'gall's violent smashing.

The stinky pirate himself stood on top of a worm corpse burned to death by Khadgar, and took out the delicate tombstone that Fenner had thrown to him before. Choogall waved.

He held an invisible ball of anima in his hand.

It was extracted from Cho'gall's body when he chopped off his head just now.

Not much, just a trace, but it is enough to activate the sin tablet in the hands of the stinky pirates. He integrated a strand of heart energy in his hand into the sin tablet, pulled out the carving knife amid Choogall's death roar, and carved on the pocket tombstone:

"Cho'gall of the Twilight's Hammer, Foolish, Greedy, Betrayal, Corrupted, Mad.

Born in a lonely empire, abandoning loyalty to pursue power, starting life with revenge, and ending life with depravity.

You have done nothing in life but cause pain to others.

Your existence serves no purpose other than to prove that evil is ugly.

Your soul is full of fantasies of losers, and you can only sell your soul to the rats in the mud pit. It is your sin to be so stupid that you can't understand the truth, and you are unwilling to be mediocre.

This is the incurable soul.

He died today. "

Every time Bu Laike's carving knife fell, the body of Cho'gall, who rushed over furiously, trembled. When the last sentence seemed to be pronounced, the Twilight's Hammer held high by the ogre had slammed down.

Seeing that Bo Laike was about to be buried under the ogre warhammer in the next second, Khadgar, who was fighting with the elite bugmen, gave up the enemy and came to the pirates with a flash technique.

He was about to cast a spell to stop the atrocities in front of him, but he was surprised to see the pirate raised the tombstone in his hand, and shouted loudly at Cho'gall:

"Get on your knees! Incorrigible soul! Behold your sin with my own eyes!"


The Twilight's Hammer with all the power of the two-headed ogre landed firmly on top of Bo Laike, and Cho'gall's huge body fell like a collapsing hill, kneeling before the pirates.

The gasping two heads wanted to get up, but as the sin tablet was read out, the power from the inner energy in his body was forcing him to obey.

Even the void that was originally the source of power was squeezed out of the body bit by bit.

"No, no! Don't! (What kind of evil trick is this?)"

He roared, trying to stop the flow of power.

But facing Bu Laike, who was holding the stele in his hand, and facing the crimes that had been accurately displayed, the defense line of the soul collapsed almost instantly, and he had no power to resist.

He had never been so weak.

But when he faced the exquisite sin tablet in the hands of the pirates, his memory began to flash back uncontrollably.

The mind blessed by the void also lost all its weapons in an instant, as if it had been stripped of all its strength, returning to the desolation it had when it was shamefully driven out of Highmaul.

This scene is like a flashback to a life of sin.

Especially those details mentioned by the sin inscription, like a criminal record at the time of sentencing.

He didn't regard what he did for Gul'dan and the Old Gods as sins, because his worldview, values ​​and outlook on life have always been distorted.

But it turns out that any sin will be punished at some point.

Not on the day he was destined to die.

Just today!

Judgment is coming!

(end of this chapter)

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